Randal the Nice Guy

Preface: This part of the story does not contain sex. (Please don’t send me hate mail about it.) This is my first post on here. I’m currently working on a longer story and this is the opening. I just wanted to drop this and see what people think. All constructive feedback is welcome. Thanks for reading.

Lorelei and her best friend, Chloe, went out drinking late one night. They arrived home after drinking a bit more than usual. They were both so drunk that they barely made it through the front door on their feet. Randal, Lorelei’s husband of 15 years, was sitting on the couch in the living room just down the entryway from the front door. He paused his show and turned his head as he took in quite a show. Brand’s spaghetti strap evening gown was barely being held up by a single strap giving him a wonderful view of the valley between his wife’s large breasts. Chloe had a tube top and a mini skirt that was riding up so far he was sure he was going to know what color her panties were any minute now. They were both stumbling their way through the entryway using the walls to hold them up.

Lorelei stopped halfway through the entry way at the entrance to the hall, leading back to the bedrooms and asked Randal if he would give Chloe a ride home. Randal stood up and grabbed Chloe to guide her to the couch as Lorelei stumbled down the hall to the bedroom. Randal placed Chloe on the couch then went to tuck Lorelei into bed. While tucking Lorelei into bed Randal was getting very turned on by his wife who was very loose at this point. He knew with her being this drunk she would let him do whatever he wanted. He guided the remaining strap off her shoulder and amazingly her dress still remained up, held up only by her large and hard nipples. He gently released the dress from the clutches of her breasts and the dress fell to the floor leaving a wondrous sight. They had been married 15 years but the sight of his wife’s body never failed to arouse him. Lorelei stood before him in only a crimson red laced thong. As he placed her into the bed he let his hands wonder and slide down between her legs. Unfortunately for him, she was less receptive than he expected as she quickly shut her legs before his hand could find its intended target.

“You have to take Chloe home before it gets too late.” Lorelei whined.
Randal replied “ Why can’t she just stay here on the couch?”
“Because she has to work tomorrow.” Lorelei retorted.

It was no use. Randal was resigned to the fact his wife’s night out drinking was now wasted. He knew by the time he got Chloe dropped off and got back home she would be out for good. He finished tucking Lorelei in and took a few deep breaths trying to retreat the blood flow that was rushing to his member. He walked into the bathroom to wash his face off and take a few extra minutes. He couldn’t very well walk out there and help Chloe to the car with his pants tented out. Though even thinking about that just sent more blood rushing to his cock. After a few more minutes and some sidetracked thinking he was able to compose himself and walk back out to Chloe in the living room. She was sprawled out half on the couch and half off. Clearly wasted from the evening. He poked her on the shoulder to wake her and then helped her to her feet.

“Where’s Lorelei? Is she not coming with us?” she asked.

“Nope. She took the easy road and went straight to bed. Looks like I’m cleaning up y’all’s mess tonight.” Joked Randal.

“Hey! I haven’t gotten sick yet, mister!” She shot back.
“Don’t scare me by using the word ‘yet’. You had better save it all for your house.” he said.

“I’m not even really that drunk. Just more tired. I had a long day at work and just needed to blow off some steam. Thanks for taking me home. Lorelei is so right about you. You are too nice sometimes.”

He stopped just as they were arriving at the passenger door. “What do you mean ‘Too nice?’”

“I don’t know. We were just talking and she was saying how you were too nice sometimes and how sometimes she maybe misses her old asshole boyfriends, even though they would mistreat her. She said having to put up with assholes usually pays off in the bedroom. I mean I can kind of relate because I haven’t been with a man in almost a year now and at this point I would probably let any man off the street take me and have his way with me. What do I care about how they treat me? Who am I to be picky? I mean, she was kind of turning me on talking about her old boyfriends that would slap her around and fuck her brains out. My panties are even still a littl…….Shit!!! I didn’t just say that, did I?!” She yelled to herself as she came back to coherence. Her voice then dropped to a whisper as she leaned against the car. “Shit I guess I am more drunk than I thought. Please don’t tell her I said anything. She will never trust me again. What am I even talking about? You are too nice to worry about anyway. You just keep being good. She likes that too.” Chloe finished as she winked at him.

Randal opened the passenger door and assisted Chloe down into the seat. As she sat down she started drifting off so he leaned over to help buckle her seat belt. As he leaned over he paused, taking a moment to drink in a fragrance he was unfamiliar with. He leaned further down and found the smell was imitating from between Chloe’s legs. Her legs had landed separated when she plopped down into the car and her skirt had pulled up just enough to offer that peak he had been expecting. “Chloe wasn’t kidding. Her panties are soaked.” He thought to himself before snapping out of it. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” he continued in his head. He buckled Chloe into the seat and walked around the car. When he made it to the driver side door he stopped for a moment and leaned over the top of the car thinking to himself. “What the fuck is that suppsed to mean, ‘Too nice’? Fuck those guys. I won, I have her now. Shit is she going to cheat on me with some asshole?” All these thoughts came rushing into his head. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and jumped into the car, started it up and was on his way to drop Chloe off at home.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/v02u7g/randal_the_nice_guy

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