How a Long Distance Relationship Turned me into a Cuck

My girlfriend (24) and I (25) had been dating about 2 years when I found out she would be moving to a different country for school. She is the nerdy type. Thick glasses and thick bushy hair, and a slightly chubby body but with good sized boobs and a fat ass. She was the stereotypical introverted nerdy girl, except for one outlying factor – her extremely high sex drive. She would often want to fuck multiple times a day and frankly, I couldn’t keep up. Our sex life had become very stale in the last few months before she left. She would often want to have sex, but i could hardly keep up, and i could tell she began to get disappointed. Despite all that, she remained a great, loyal girlfriend, even though our sex life was not great.

When September rolled around, she got on a plane and moved away for school. Shortly after being there, she then brought up the idea of us taking a “break” in our relationship. I agreed, as i realized I could now have the opportunity to hook up with other girls. I immediately hit up all of my old hookups and other girls, looking for sex. Unfortunately for me, all my old girls now had boyfriends, or were no longer interested (just great).

My GF and I still talked and stayed in touch, and would still chat pretty much everyday. My curiosity began to arise whether she had been hooking up with anyone else. She had snapped me a picture of one of her professors one day and i jokingly replied:

“Dam thats your new man huh?”

She replied coyly “hahaha no i dont show you him”

My heart sank. Did my girlfriend just tell me she has been fucking another guy?? I proceed carefully, trying to find out about this mystery man who apparently had been fucking my girlfriend.

“His name is Kevin, she replied.”

My heart raced as immediately went to her Instagram and searched his name in her followers, and sure enough, there he was. I open up his profile and i see him, a tall athletic black man, followed by my girlfriend. He seemed about 6’2 and black, while i am about 5’9 and white (my gf is about 5’4 for reference). I was flooded with a weird mix of emotions, realizing my girlfriend is fucking a guy who is likely much bigger than me, and there was nothing i could do about it.

As time went on we casually talked about it, and i had to try and hide my interest in their sex life, while still trying to find out about it. One day i finally asked:

“Be honest, is the sex better with me or him?”

“Well…” she replied “i can do more positions with him. And he tries harder to get me off…”

So without saying it, my girlfriend essentially confirmed this new guy fucks her better than i did. I would ask various questions thought the course of the next few weeks, trying to find any insight on their sex.

“Are you still using condoms for sex?” i asked. We always used condoms for sex. My GF is not on birth control so we wanted to be safe.

“Well the condoms down here suck” she replied. “And theyre tight on him so he has a hard time finishing with them on. But dont worry his pullout game is actually like really strong.”

And with that message my heart sank. I had never even fucked my girlfriend raw and this guy had been doing it all the time. Not only that, she essentially confirmed he has a bigger dick than me, because regular condoms dont even fit him.

I would continue to ask various questions about their sex life, not trying to seem like I was too interested in it. Until one night we were in the phone…

“I hope its not weird i keep asking about your sex”

“No no its fine… its not like a cuck fetish or whatever haha.”

“Would it be weird if i did?” I replied.

She paused for a moment. “Do you?” She replied.

“Well i mean i dont mind hearing about your sex i guess” i said, starting to get nervous.

“You dont mind… or you like it??” She stated bluntly.

I began to stumble over my words. My heart racing as i am barely able to put a sentence together, until i finally blurted out:

“I like it. I just like to hear about it.”

She began to giggle as her long term boyfriend finally admitted to her that he has a cuck fetish.

She replied confidently: “so you’d like to hear that i sucked his big dick and he came all over me?”

I was speechless. My innocent girlfriend had just told me about her being a slut for another guy. I could barely put a response together as i stammered back:

“Yeah thats really hot.”



Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed my story. I just want to confirm that this is a 100% TRUE STORY. Every conversation happened just like that, as I really have turned into a cuck for her. I am likely going to make a part 2 soon with a ton of juicy details. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading! Dont be shy to PM me if you have any questions!


1 comment

  1. Sure… Have her tell you all about it… Why not listen to them…or maybe she can send you a video.

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