Step Sister Corruption Part 266 – Day 139 Free Use Vacay Pt 10 – Broken (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I looked down at Nadia thinking *Ummmmm I think I broke her* as I sipped on my electrolyte fluid.

I looked over at Summer who looked down at Nadia with what looked like a satisfactory smile and looked at Kel who looked down at Nadia with her own equal smug smile.

Was it just me or were both my girl’s hoping I would *break* Nadia?

I guess I should rewind a little bit.

I had asked Summer to get me some electrolyte liquid of some type as I hadn’t had any since our brunch before we had endured the deprivation chamber then edging Nadia, then using Kel as a demonstration, and finally my little quick romp with Summer had made me a little woozy.

She gave me a look and realized that my life now evolved around keeping my electrolytes up as I can easily lose a lot during any *fun* activity even when I’m not doing anything.

Apparently you need electrolytes for your body to *function* and my new appendage needed **a lot** of electrolytes to ***RISE***… least that’s my humble opinion as to why I needed electrolytes at every turn lately.

If I don’t get the required electrolytes to function then I *can* pass out rather easily and my body is completely useless.

And **both** Kel and Summer learned that one the *hard* way during one of our ‘*romps*’ resulting in me *easily* passing out during mid *act* as I passed out on top of Kel no less.  Needless to say Kel was able to push me off of her….with the help of Summer of course.  Once separated my member deflated and remained deflated until I had some required sleep in which my *member* was at attention some time later.

Since then when I say I *need* ‘electrolytes’ it means I **need** ‘electrolytes’.

Though since that incident we have been regularly keeping a nice supply of electrolyte fluids easily within reach.

I think Kel did request our fridge be stocked but when we looked there was nothing in the fridge aside from some *p balls* and other *like* supplements that need to be refrigerated.

Kel **and** Summer immediately called the front desk requesting a case of electrolyte fluids be brought up ***pronto***.

Summer may have added in her demand for the fluids, ‘*Or I will **CHEW** you out every ten minutes it is late*’.

It was painfully obvious they didn’t want me out of commission over something silly like *I blacked out because I didn’t get enough electrolytes in my system*.  It was like **they** wanted me to teach Nadia a lesson that she *might* have learned earlier during my willingness to *edge* and *deny* her.

Nadia for her part looked around, obviously confused as to why Kel and Summer were so frantic to get me some electrolytes.  I smiled and said, “Trust me you want me hydrated.”

Nadia looked from my frantic girl’s to me and slowly accepted that fact as we were literally sitting around waiting for one of the ship’s workers to bring up a case of electrolyte fluids.

Summer quickly grabbed the case and tore through the packing and retrieved a can of the magical *Keep Gabe Functioning* fluid before rushing over to me handing me the can while Kel politely thanked the worker and shut the door.

I took the proffered can, opened it, and literally chugged the fluid happy to get some electrolytes into my body.

Summer watched me intently until I finished the can, “Well?”

I smiled at her, “Still light headed but it’ll pass.”

That seemed to calm her down as she slipped back into her cool calm collected self as she smiled, “Good.  You had me worried there for a minute.”

I lightly chuckled, “Come on babe you know as well as I do once I get some electrolytes in me I’m bright as rain.”

She squinted at me, “Uh huh until you sweat it all out mid act.”

I sheepishly chuckled, “Ok yeah.”

Still she smiled as she sat down next to me, “You ok to go on?”

I looked at her and nodded, “Sure babe.”

She nodded and looked towards Nadia, “Looks like you’re up.”

Nadia, who had watched everything, looked a little tense as we made what happened look *serious* and it showed on her face.  

Like if I didn’t get these essential fluids my life would end or something the way she looked at us.

Kel spoke as if knowing what was going on, “If Gabe doesn’t get those fluids then he just passes out until he gets enough sleep to recuperate from all our extra curricular activities.”

Nadia looked at Kel, “Oh.  So it’s not serious?”

I chuckled, “Only if it happens during sex.”

Kel huffed, “Which you’ve done more than once Gabe.”

I smiled, “It’s not **MY** fault you’re ***THAT*** fun to play with.”

That made Kel blush….*hard* as it also shut her up before her usual *bitchiness* can rear its ugly head.

Maybe it’s why I play with her *so* often because it keeps her quiet….and blushing.

I looked at Nadia, “So are you ready?”

Nadia looked from each girl to me before she nodded and started walking towards me relaxed.

As she started walking towards me I felt Summer lean into me and whisper, “Remember to not hold back.”

I looked at Summer and nodded.

Nadia stood in front of me as I smiled at her without having to look up or down due to her *usual* midget height and my *normal* stature made us at eye level.

Nadia just stood there waiting for me to make the first move as she eventually broke eye contact to look down at my *semi* resting monster.

I reached out grabbing Nadia’s hand and pulled her into me, “Let me *taste* you.”

I simultaneously pulled her towards me as I laid back, making Nadia follow me as she climbed onto the bed making sure her knees didn’t hit any of my body parts.

I pulled her further as she walked on her knees the distance from the foot of the bed until her body was hovering over my head.

Before we could start Summer spoke, “Are you flexible?”

I heard Nadia answer, “Sort of.”

Summer spoke, “Then turn around.”

Nadia followed Summer’s instructions as she walked on her knees passing my head before turning around and walking back on her knees until she was back in her position…..just facing towards the foot of the bed instead of the head of the bed.

With Nadia finally in position she got the hint as I grabbed her hips and helped her lower pussy so it could meet my mouth.

The moment Nadia’s pussy was in range I stuck out my tongue letting it slip passed her lips as she finished her movement to sit on my face and suffocate me.

She instantly started moaning as my tongue and mouth started to explore her velvety goodness and easily finding her *horny button* otherwise known as her clit as my tongue dragged across it multiple times until it became erect.

Once her *button* had shown itself and I wrapped my mouth around it I heard Nadia really start to moan and grind her pussy into my face as she tried to get more attention but I kept my mouth firmly wrapped around the bundle of nerves.

I poked my tongue against the sensitive sponge of nerves before sucking on it causing Nadia to start shuddering on my face as she obviously was undergoing an orgasm.

I kept my mouth on the sponge and starting humming causing my mouth the vibrate around the sensitive flesh making Nadia’s movements erratic and groaning.

This lasted long enough until Nadia bent over putting her hands on my stomach as she gasped and panted after having her sensitive clit stuck in my mouth long enough to where she achieved more than one orgasm but I wasn’t done sucking on her clit as I sucked, hummed, and rolled my tongue around and on the spongy flesh making her whine as her body started to shook uncontrollably and dug her nails in my stomach as she underwent another orgasm.

Eventually I opened my mouth releasing Nadia’s now overly sensitive clit causing her to collapse on top of me panting as her body lightly quivered.

I spoke, “Electrolytes.”

A hand showed above me with a fresh can of electrolyte fluid.

I grabbed Nadia helping her roll off of me as I reached out and grabbed the can as I opened it and consumed half of it before handing it back to Summer as I looked down at Nadia.

I smiled, “Let’s get to the main event shall we?”

Nadia obviously didn’t hear me after making her achieve so many orgasms as I looked at Summer who only gave me a wink as she helped me flip the petite form over while she panted.

I grabbed her ankles and folded the girl in half as I grabbed my vein enriched rod and smacked it on Nadia’s plump lips causing her to groan.

I guided my tip to her opening which coaxed her out of her stupor as she exclaimed, “Ты не можешь быть серьезным!!!”

*Translated to ‘You can’t be serious’*

The moment my tip slipped in Nadia immediately started whimpering before her eyes got wide as she felt that tip slide further and further into her insides.

The more I pushed my dick into the petite girl the more her eyes widened.

Now you’d think that after our first time that Nadia might be more *inclined* to *try* to accept more of my length into her?


Between our size difference and the fact that I had her bent in half so instead of only being able to accept 3/4 of me before she pushed on me saying it was too much. This time she was only able to accept 2/3 of my length before she pushed against my chest saying it was too much.

I thought about my *opinions* but ultimately made my decision as I began fucking her letting my 2/3 length hit its depths inside Nadia as she used her talent tongue to utter curse words in different language’s as her eyes remained wide.

Guess my length was too much for the little girl to handle.

That or my stamina was too much.

Which ever it was the petite girl was moaning so much it was beginning to sound like shrills with each repeated thrust into her small frame until her true background came out as she groaned something guttural as I felt her body tense and her small pussy *tried* to clamp down on my dick but couldn’t.

I looked down as my hands easily kept the girl’s legs in place against her body as it shook like she was having a mild epileptic seizure.

Granted it’s not like I’m not *used* to either of my girl’s twitching….especially Kel.

Now I could have waited for her orgasm to subside but then I remembered I’m *supposed* ‘teach her a lesson’ and ‘not hold back’.

I bent down and climbed on top of Nadia keeping her bent in half and thrusted **ALL** of me into Nadia causing her to shrill like the beginning stages of a banshee.

Then I started pounding so hard to where Nadia’s body did a double slap, I thrusted hard into Nadia getting all of me in her then the thrust caused her to go into the mattress only to bounce back up and get thrusted again.

When I first felt that I *knew* I had an evil smile as I did it again….and again….and again.

Each thrust I got my double slap.

Which only made Nadia howl….. and groan……and moan……and plead.

Soon I got Nadia pleading with me to pound her harder and I obliged hoping I could get a triple slap or quadruple slap.

I *tried* to achieve more than a double slap but each thrust felt like I was trying too hard just for my *own* pleasure so I backed off to where there was only one slap instead of the double.

Throughout this entire scene I *knew* Nadia had achieved multiple orgasms as she grunted and moaned as her body tensed but I just fucking through the orgasm.

I decided to stop to actually check on Nadia and noticed her eyes had completely rolled back and her guttural cussing had stopped sometime back hence me stopping to check.

It was then I realized that her brain had checked out possibly during that second or third orgasm during the double slap and was on autopilot since.

I looked at Summer and spoke, “I think she’s done.”

Summer leaned in to see the same thing I was looking at as she smiled wickedly, “*Good*.”

I stood up letting my dick leave Nadia’s canal causing her body to shudder as her pussy reported it’s obstruction was leaving it and started to re-arrange itself back to normal all while her brain still seamed gone.

I looked at Summer sweat pouring off my body without having to say a word she handed me a can of fluids which I proceeded to down like it was my life blood.

I gasped as I got enough of the miracle liquid inside me before I started to lightly sip the remaining liquid.

I looked down at Nadia’s hallow body devoid of a skeletal structure as she laid there limply thinking *Ummm I think I broke her*.

I looked at Summer noting her satisfied look, “Good enough?”



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