Sold to the Cyborg Part 1 (M/F) [tied up] [dub con]

Author’s Note: This is my first time writing erotica so I would love to get your feedback on the story and my writing. Part 1 is fairly tame but Part 2 and 3 are not. Thank you in advance for your help, I appreciate it!

All characters in this story are above 18 years of age and the author does not condone or encourage any activities which might be classified as illegal in the real world.

**Part 1:**

“What is this specimen?”

I heard the words hazily, as if through water. There was also a telltale, subtle lag as my shitty translator relayed the meaning just a bit slower than it should.

“It’s a human sir. It was caught trespassing in the Grey Streets.”

The Grey Streets? I thought groggily. That’s the quarter of the city where the cyborgs and other synthetics, or synths, lurk. Organics weren’t allowed in there unless they had official business reasons or a permit. Even through the pounding in my head, I felt a small flash of pity for whichever human was foolish enough to trespass there.

“Hmmm, intriguing. I rarely interact with humans, what a strange…creature. You mentioned the enforcers would be willing to part with her for a fee?” The first speaker responded. This time I noticed that his voice was deep. The way he spoke was smooth and cool like a sheet of metal.

I heard footsteps moving towards me and a draft of air washed over my fevered skin.

“Oh yes, yes, and feel free to inspect her. We checked her face against the government records. She’s healthy, fully up to date on her vaccinations too.” The second voice said eagerly in a high, squeaky tone. What a funny voice. I would have laughed if my body didn’t feel so tired and heavy, as if gravity was working overtime.

“She’s quite beautiful.”

“Well yes, I suppose she might be uncommonly lovely to a somewhat humanoid lifeform like yourself. And she did improve considerably once we washed all that grime off her.” This was said with a distasteful sniff.

What a judgemental voice. I felt myself drifting back into a sleepy darkness when a finger grazed over my lower lip. My mouth fell open just a bit. I couldn’t remember the last time someone had touched me so gently. My full, pink lips were my favourite part about myself. Perhaps because they were the only feature I didn’t have to hide on a regular basis. My long, straight black hair was always shoved into a bun and my oversized work uniform didn’t exactly show off my curvy figure.

For a moment, I allowed myself to soak in the warm pleasure the touch brought.

Although…who was touching me? And was I—was I naked? The wrongness of the situation hit me like a spacetram.

I opened my eyes with a gasp, halfway to sitting up only to land back down awkwardly. My wrists and ankles were bound with lightweight magnetic cuffs to an angled, padded platform. I was in a grey-walled room that was a cross between a prison cell and a doctor’s clinic. There was medical equipment and syringes in one corner of the room, but the window set into the door had bars in it.

“So responsive.” The cool voice sounded. It came from a man. No, not a normal man, it was a synth. There was nothing human in those inky black eyes. Some sort of cyborg, or perhaps a completely artificial intelligence. He had an impossibly tall frame corded with sleek muscles and was clothed in simple, militaristic black clothing. Pale, almost luminescent skin and thick, snow-white hair. A patrician nose matched a strong jawline. He was all hard edges and strength, cold masculinity with nothing to soften it. I felt an entirely inappropriate flash of interest in him that I quickly shoved aside in favour of crippling fear.

“W-where am I!?” I asked. “What do you want from me?” Oh god, I’d been kidnapped. Probably by a trafficker that wanted to get their hands on a human woman. There was no other explanation for this.

“Do you not remember?” The other creature in the room sneered. This one was short, with a naked, boney green body. A large head and huge, round eyes. It was a grenine. They’re common enough in this solar system.

The grenine continued. “Foolish human. We caught you trespassing in the Grey Streets. Your life would normally have been forfeit but my friend here was passing by the holding cells where you were kept and took a special interest in you. If you’re lucky he’ll find a use for you that doesn’t involve you dead.”

Was I the human they had been talking about? The one that snuck into the Grey Streets? That doesn’t make—oh fuck!

My memory came back to me in flashes.

It had been raining last night, and I had been trying to find my way back home after a long shift at the Overnight Café. The path I normally took was closed due to flooding and overflow in the storm drains. This wasn’t uncommon considering that it was monsoon season in the city of Calliste. I had been stumbling my way through gritty, unfamiliar alleys when I realised that I had lost all sense of direction. Although I was still surrounded on all sides by the dark shapes of towering skyscrapers and apartment buildings, there were barely any street lights or signs. By the time I noticed the unsettling lack of organics, it was too late. A sentry droid had spotted me and the last thing I remembered was a paralysing pain as it shot me with a stun wave.

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.

“It was a mistake, I was lost! You can’t mean to punish me for a crime I didn’t even know I was committing.” This was bad. Really bad. The weight of the laws in this city—which were trivial at the best of times—were practically decorative in this district. Law enforcement held no sway here. And if I took into account that I had no one who would bother looking for me—no friends, no family, no lovers—the situation went from bad to godawful.

The Grey Streets had originally started out as a safe haven for synths. But now, it’s more notorious for being the headquarters of several mafia organisations with a reach that extends across the planet and beyond. They’re headed by all manner of alien creatures, mostly ones that are bionically enhanced but the most powerful of the lot are rumoured to be the cyborgs. The rule of law in this district is fueled by complex systems of honour and unofficial codes to prevent the different factions from breaking out into full-scale war. The decrees about trespassing in particular are overseen with an iron fist.

“I’ll take her.” Said the synth abruptly, interrupting my frantic train of thought.

“Wonderful! That requires far less paperwork than an execution.” The grenine said cheerfully.

The synth looked over me with a proprietary glance.

“Indeed, I’m not sure why I didn’t procure someone like her sooner.” He said, and for the first time I saw something human in his gaze. Hunger. My stomach flipped at the perverse intention in his eyes.

“Please, you can’t do this. I’m not suited to be your mistress.” I implored. The grenine looked at me in surprise before chortling.

“Mistress? Oh no, silly thing! You now officially belong to Ian Emannuel DeRose. As his pet.” The grenine said.

“DeRose?” I gasped.

“Yet again my reputation precedes me. Yes, DeRose.” The synth replied. “I can see her panicking now, it would be best if we sedate the little human. My people will find it easier to move her to my apartment if she’s not struggling.”

The grenine immediately scurried over to me with a wicked looking needle in his hand. He administered the shot into my upper arm. Black spots started to swim in my vision. I didn’t struggle. I was too busy hyperventilating at the thought of who owned me now.

Ian Emannuel DeRose. The Red Prince. Leader of the most infamous mafia group on the planet.
