[Scat, Femdom, M/F] Breaking Reality Ch. 2

I stayed at the hotel until the next day. I took several showers and brushed my teeth at least fifteen times, but the smell and taste of Bia’s shit wouldn’t leave my face for nothing in the world. I could only hope others wouldn’t notice it.

The next morning, I added Bia’s hard earned phone number on WhatsApp and sent her the first message.

‘Hi, Bia. This is Jarden. Just sending this message to add to contact list.’

I waited five minutes and she texted back.

‘Good morning, toilet. Had a good night sleep with my shit on your stomach? Was it good?’

‘It was heavenly. When are we going to do it again?’

I sent this and waited. A short ten minute break passed and she didn’t answer me back. ‘Must be busy’, I thought to myself. I grabbed my car keys and went to check out of the hotel.

On my way home, I still couldn’t believe what just happened. Was any of this real? Bia, from Noblehigh. The girl of my dreams. And I had her dump perfuming my breath. Unbelievable.

I really had the side expectation of seeing her naked during the process, maybe because of all the porn I saw. I didn’t see her actually shit, but that wasn’t important right now. One thing caught my attention, though: that ‘yet’ word on the middle of the sentence. ‘You don’t have the privilege to eat from or even see my ass yet’. Maybe she accidentally put me in a opmistic future. Or so I thought. Soon I would learn the hard way that there is no accidents with Bia.

Almost three hours later and she still didn’t text me back. Didn’t matter. I still had to go to work, to literally survive, because I didn’t have a single penny anymore. Worth it.

I went to work and stayed there until it was late. If there is always a person on the office with stinky breath, that was my turn, but no one complained. At least, not to me. Still no answer from Bia, and I was beginning to get a little anxious.


One week has passed. One fucking week. And she didn’t answer me back. I was climbing the walls with anxiety.

The truth is that Bia put me in a trap. If she just took a dump on my face, I would probably be happy as it can be, but not as destroyed with anxiety as I am right now. She knew exactly what she was doing when she left me out of the bathroom to shit.

She wanted me to imagine her ass dropping a log, her creamy shit exiting her asshole and piling up perfectly. She wanted me to imagine, to want it, but didn’t let me see it. A had feeling of incompletion, and was starting to get really scared that I never was going to see her again.

Another day had passed and when I was about to give up, the notification ring sounded like an angel’s piece of hope.

‘The next time, no discount. My heavenly shit is worth more than the tip you gave me last time.’

How the fuck was two thousand dollars a tip? I waited until she was finished.

‘If you want to eat my shit again, you have to pay $3500. No argument.’

I sighed at the number. I was fucked. I would work all month basically just to pay for her turds. It was impossible. Undoable. Unacceptable. It was time to end things up.

‘We have a deal, Bia, thank you so much for the opportunity.’

‘You’re welcome.’

I had an idea. I would ask her for some of her shit in advance, until I got the money. I couldn’t wait so long. I was like a cigarette smoker trying to have one more smoke.

‘Bia, I want to ask you for something…’

‘Say it.’

‘Can I eat your shit just once more until I get the money? I can’t wait that long, I truly need it, please…’

Silence. She started typing again.

‘Sure, J. Why don’t you stop by at this address in, I dunno, 45 minutes?’

‘Thank you kindly for this gift, Bia, I won’t forget it.’

‘I know you won’t.’

I grabbed my coat and left to her address.


I arrived at the location shortly after. It was a group of houses located in a place out of the city, like a condominium. Her house had two floors and reminded me of that suburb style of american TV shows, with a garage and a beautiful garden in front. Definitely a nice place to get shit on.

I knocked on the door and she opened. I tried to smile like I hadn’t eaten this person’s shit just a week ago, but she didn’t go with it. She had this serious and dominant look on her face. She always did this, even in high school, it was kind of a bully pose: she lifted her nose and head up, looking down to the person in front of her. As I was just a bit shorter than her, it made the perfect interaction to make me feel humiliated and lesser.

She stared at me for a few seconds without saying anything and got inside. I heard her voice shortly after. ‘Enter’.

I tried to break the ice making small conversation.

‘You have a really nice place…’

‘Shhhhh…’ she interrupted me with her index finger on my lip.

‘You know why you are today, toilet?’

‘Yes, Bia, I’m here to receive your gift.’

‘Not even close, Jarden. You’re here today to learn a lesson. You asked for my shit for free. Without giving nothing in exchange. Do you know how much that insults me?’

I freezed.

‘I-I’m sorry… I am going to pay you, you know? I just wanted a advance…’

‘I’m going to punish you. Get on your knees.’

I obediently fell down.

‘Keep your head up’.

I will never forget that moment. She got close to me and lowered herself and her pants for the first time in front of me. She was wearing cartoon panties, with some characters drawings. I finally got to see her perfect ass. It wasn’t enormous, but fat on the bottom and perky at the middle. It was even better than I imagined it. She could easily hide my entire face if she sat on it.

‘Get closer’, she said, harshly.

She pushed her left buttock with one hand to the side and her asshole expanded just a little bit between the panties. I could see only like 10% of her asshole, as her thong wasn’t so thin. I got closer and all I could hear and smell was a wet fart that came straight from her ass.

She grunted and didn’t stopped farting for at least eight seconds. She breathed, stopped and a for moment a farted again, this time using her free hand to push my head a little bit closer to her ass.

The moment I felt her gas filling up my nostrils I came in my pants. That would fuck me up on the next moments. She didn’t saw it, but this would be crucial to what happened next.

Her fart was very wet, like she would shart on any minute. I began to get really excited to eat her shit on any second now.

She turned around, grabbed my face with both hands, and said, in a sweet, angelic, voice.

‘Now, sweetie, for your punishment.’

I prepared for the worst. I thought she was going to kick me in the balls, whip me, hit me, taser me, I just closed my eyes for a few seconds.

Instead, I heard her walking away. Her footsteps were far away, and I opened my eyes only to see her walking into the bathroom and locking the door.

I couldn’t believe it.

She was denying me her shit. The possible worst punishment for me in that moment, after a whole week of looking forward to her dump. My stomach was cold and I was so horny, but so emotionally destroyed at the moment. Bia made fall in love with her shit.

As I was in a kind of post-nut clarity, I began to feel very intense, hurt and confused. I crawled to the bathroom door trying to hear her shit hit the water. I almost cried. I was jealous of the porcelain toilet. This is was so humiliating.

‘Please, Bia! Let me in! Let me eat your shit! I’m begging you!’

No response. I got tired and sad, so I laid down on the ground and waited. A few minutes later, she opened the door, and told me to get up and come closer. I entered and saw her monster logs piling on top of the toilet water. Would she let me have it? She stared at me cruelly and flushed along with my hopes, just to see my reaction.

‘Did that so you learn a lesson today! My dumps are the most valuable thing in your life right now, ok?’

‘They are, Bia, they are.’ I said, with sadness for the lost turds.

‘Very good. I kept something for you.’ She grabbed some of the shit stained toilet paper and put on my pocket. ‘To remember me by. Now, get the fuck out of my house.’

‘Thank you for this toilet paper, Bia.’

She laughed histerically.

‘Oh my god, you only get worse. You’re welcome.’

I grabbed my toilet paper with the remains of my goddess shit, and went back into the car. It was already dried out, and was the only thing I had until I got the 3500$.


The next days were psychological torture. Bia had really turned me into her slave. She farted on my face, made me desire ultimately her dump and denied me with cruelty and submission. That was really the worst punishment she could have done to me.

I returned to work, and each day felt like I was working for the privilege of eating her shit. I pushed myself to the limits on the meetings, reunions and group projects, in order to earn my bonuses and start piling up money to pile up shit on my throat.

Bia also discovered where I worked and occasionally sent me bottles of wine (traded with piss, of course), envelops with toilet papers and shit-stained panties. She was really trying to motivate me. She didn’t answer any of my texts, though, and I felt so lonely sometimes.

That thought of finally eating her shit moved me during the entire month, tortured me and created an abstinence of Bia’s shit on my mind, my anxiety was sky high, like that feeling when you order something through the Internet and it’s waiting it for to arrive, but like 50x worse.

When my bank account closed finally at 3572$, I texted Bia.

‘Bia, I have the money. May I please give it to you and very humbly ask you to shit in my mouth?’

She texted back in twenty two seconds.

‘Let’s make the arrangements. I wanna see you starving’

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/uz28tt/scat_femdom_mf_breaking_reality_ch_2


  1. I’m not into scat stuff but it’s pretty good femdom! Slight grammar mistakes but your core plot so far is good stuff👍

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