[FM] Caught in the locker room

I had been going to a new gym for a couple of weeks before I spotted Gym Guy (G.G.) in the weight room. His basketball shorts left very little to the imagination, and I caught myself watching him on more than one occasion, neglecting House Hunters looping on my treadmill screen. I could tell he saw me staring and would glance in my direction with a smile after every set. In turn, I could feel my pussy getting wetter and wetter with each rep.

One night, a week or so later, I pulled up to the gym after work, figuring I would get in a quick workout before they closed. As I got out of my car, I glimpsed G.G. striding across the parking lot towards the entrance. We locked eyes and he smiled coyly, biting at his bottom lip. I looked him up and down, eyeing the faint outline of his cock through his grey sweatpants. After my 30-minute run, I headed to the locker room for a quick shower. The women’s and men’s locker rooms were separated by a small distance and I noticed G.G. walking in just ahead of me. Fresh out of the shower, I made my way towards the changing area. The room was empty, deserted. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a built figure bending over a pile of towels. I immediately recognized G.G., one hand holding a drenched towel draped over his thigh.

“Can I help you find something?”
He looked up suddenly.
“Apologies, I needed a dry towel … and an excuse.”
“An excuse?” I mused.
“An excuse to come find you. Is it ok that I’m in here?” he asked earnestly.
“I suppose so” I said as I turned to walk back towards the showers, dropping my towel. I looked over my shoulder, catching him salivating at my bare curves. I motioned with one finger for him to follow me and we made our way into the silent bathroom.
“Less of a chance of getting caught in here” I theorized.

He was hard as I rock, and I saw his impressive cock twitch under the wet towel he had held in front of his body. His v-lines were perfect, arching over his hips and down towards the base of his dick. He got closer and closer, finally making contact and using his toned body to press me up against the full length mirror. His breath on my neck sent a shiver down my body and I felt my pussy begin to moisten and pulse. With one trained movement, he reached under both of my legs and lifted me into the air. His towel dropped to the floor and I got my first glimpse of his fat cock, one gorgeous, pulsating vein running up his shaft. I felt totally supported up against the mirror, his hands holding up my ass and my legs wrapped around his waist. Expertly, he adjusted his hips, positioning me away from his body and slowly entering me. I could feel the length of him, every ridge and vein, pressing deep inside of me. Once he had filled me completely, he began to rock his hips back and forth. Faster and faster, he fucked me hard as I moaned loudly.
Suddenly, we heard something drop to the tile floor. The sound coming from a stall just over G.G’s right shoulder.

“Shit!” He yelped, stopping mid-thrust.
His rock-hard cock throbbed deep inside me, the pulsation quickened suddenly but his increased heart rate. A toilet flushed and we both remained perfectly frozen as we were, my ass pressed up against the foggy mirror. When the door opened, a slender middle aged woman stepped out and headed for the sink. She wore only a towel, just barely covering her perfect ass. She averted her gaze, eyeing our reflection in the clearing mirrors as she washed her hands. As she sashayed her way to the locker room door, she finally looked up, making direct eye contact with me.
“Thank you both for the pick me up” she whispered, winking and nibbling at her bottom lip.

Before the door had even had a chance to close, I dug my nails into G.G.’s back, pulling him into me as hard as I could. I pressed myself against his hard body and began to rock my hips. The sensation of his cock filling me, my clit pressed against his hard body and the thoughts of getting caught were too much for us both. I squeezed his cock tightly as we came together.
“Fuck that was hot” I choked out as he let me down, both panting.

Talk about a workout.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/uza21e/fm_caught_in_the_locker_room