At Sophie’s Mercy – Ch. 03 [FM][Fdom][mc][humil]

Once we landed in Miami, John got me settled in my room at the five-star hotel where he was footing the bill. I told him I planned on staying indefinitely and I didn’t care if it bled his bank account dry. In fact, I preferred it that way. At the first opportunity, he scurried away to go spend the night in his own room. He had booked a dirty, cheap motel room across town. He didn’t want to stay there, but he didn’t have a choice. I told him to and John’s pathetic mind folded under the force of my will. He was just as weak as every other man, unable to disobey a single word I said.

I was fairly new to my power of total domination over men. Until John tried my patience, I had only ever used it in very small ways. Just light pushes here and there to test the boundaries of my abilities. John was this high-powered executive who grabbed me inappropriately when I was his server, so I decided to make him suffer. I was currently in the process of spending every dollar he had, while looking for other ways to ruin his life and make him miserable. I was planning on spending weeks in the nicest hotel in Miami, eating at exorbitantly expensive restaurants, and piling as many shopping bags in John’s arms as he could carry without collapsing. I was going to have a great time. I expected John to be reduced to tears and broke by the time we went back home.

Finally alone in my room, I let out a long exhale. It was such a relief to be able to let my guard down. For the first time in days I wasn’t constantly focused on keeping John in line. At every opportunity, he would try to undermine my control or escape. It was exhausting. I walked over to the massive floor-to-ceiling windows which showcased an incredible panorama of Miami at night. It glowed and hummed with life. I felt a thrill go through me at the thought of what awaited me down there. I could make the city jump with a snap of my fingers. I would have everything I wanted, but it could wait until tomorrow.

I looked around the luxurious hotel room. What I needed right then was a little rest and relaxation. I checked the bathroom. There was a massive jacuzzi tub, which would be perfect. I turned on the water and dumped a complimentary bubble bath bottle into the tub. It smelled incredible. I could already feel my shoulders start to relax. While the tub filled up, I stripped off my clothes, enjoying the sensation of being naked. I felt powerful, like a goddess among mortals. It was intoxicating.

It occurred to me that the only thing I was missing was some food and a bottle of wine. I almost brushed that desire away and then remembered that I had no reason not to indulge. Room service would be going on John’s credit card and the whole point of this trip was to make his wallet lighter. I marched over to the phone by the bed to order some food and a bottle of champagne. I wanted the best of everything. I figured that I deserved it.

After I placed the order, I climbed into the jacuzzi and relaxed into the hot water. I was feeling like a completely different person, free from tension, when a hotel employee knocked on the door to my room.

“Come in!” I called out. I heard the door open. A young man wheeled a cart into the room. When he saw me through the open bathroom door, naked in the tub, his gaze dropped down to his feet.

“Oh, I apologize, Ma’am. I’ll get out of your hair.” He seemed flustered and embarrassed, tripping over his words. It was adorable. I thought it was funny that he felt so intimidated that he called me “Ma’am” even though we had to have been about the same age. Seeing the effect that I had on him just from a quick glance at my wet and bare shoulders, I thought maybe I should have some fun with him. He seemed sweet though, so I wouldn’t push him too hard, just a little light teasing.

“Can you come in here for a moment? I have something for you to do.” I asked him. It wasn’t a command, but a man under my spell would find it hard to refuse.

It seemed like his was struggling to retain his sense of propriety. “Oh, Ma’am, I don’t think that…” He stuttered, nervous and starting to sweat.

I put the tiniest note of a firmness into my voice, “Don’t make me ask again.” I was right. It was too much for him to resist. His feet carried him over to me. He didn’t know it but he was already helpless, a fly caught in my web. God, he was so cute as he tried and failed to resist coming closer to the goddess bathing in front of him. He was so weak. I could probably have him eating out of my hand by the end of the night without even a whisper of a command.

Though he stood over me, I was in complete control of the conversation. I think he knew it just as well as I did. “What’s your name?”

“Matt,” he answered right away.

“Matt,” I continued, “Do I look like a “ma’am” to you?”

“No, not at all,” he stammered, “I’m so sorry…”

I sat up so my tits rose out of the water. His apology petered off into silence as he started down at me. Having sufficiently derailed his train of thought, I asked him, “What do you think I look like? Please be honest.”

All his thoughts poured out of his mouth in an instant, “You look amazing. You’re extremely hot, like a model, or a supermodel or something. You look like a porn star. Holy shit. You have the most amazing body I’ve ever seen naked, I think.”

I smiled up at him. “Thank you, that’s more like it.”

Matt looked like he felt he was dreaming. Of course, he had no idea that I was able to loosen his tongue with a word. “I’m so sorry,” he breathed, “I don’t know why I just said all that.” He seemed to try to gather himself, to reassert some professionalism over this conversation that he must have felt was going off the rails.

“Don’t be sorry. You’re very sweet. Please call me Sophie.”

Matt looked back down at me. His eyes met mine and he melted once more. It was so cute watching him turn into a puddle in my presence. I wanted to spend more time with him. And why shouldn’t I? I thought.

“Matt, I’m a little lonely tonight. Would you like to keep me company? Please be completely honest.”

Once again, he was effusive in his honesty. “Oh god, yes. I want to spend as much time around you as possible. That sounds amazing. Only I have to get back to work. If my boss knew I were here having this conversation with you while you’re, uh, naked, I would be fired. I have to go, probably, I think.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that, Matt. Call up your boss. You can use the phone in my room. I’m sure he won’t have a problem with you providing some very hands-on customer service for me tonight.”

Matt didn’t look so sure, but he still walked over to the phone like I told him to. As he dialed his boss’s office, I climbed out of the tub and draped a towel over my shoulders. I walked into the room as Matt was asking his boss if he could hang out in my room tonight. He blatantly looked me up and down, drinking in the sight of my body. Yeah, I was going to have a lot of fun with this one.

From a few paces away, I could hear Matt’s boss chewing him out. I motioned for Matt to hand me the phone and he did without hesitation.

“Hello? Yes, who am I speaking to?” I said in a sweet voice.

Matt’s boss stopped mid-rant, “Uh, Mike Reid, Hotel Management, who is this?”

“Hello, Mike Reid, Hotel Management, this is Sophie from Room 838. You don’t mind if Matt keeps me company tonight, do you?”

Mike stuttered, searching for words that had abandoned him. Just the sound of my voice was overwhelming his will.

“Of course, you don’t,” I answered for him. “Matt is going to spend the night with me in my room and since he’s such a good employee for you, why don’t you triple his pay? He deserves it.”

I gave Matt a conspiratorial wink. Matt looked stunned at the turn this conversation had taken.

Mike wasn’t saying anything on the other end of the line. I could just hear his heavy breathing. “Do you understand me, Mike Reid, Hotel Management?”

“I do,” Mike croaked out.

“Good boy,” I said and hung up on him with a smile.

“How did you get him to agree to that?” Matt said.

“Easy,” I said, dropping my towel and putting on one of the silky hotel robes, “He couldn’t say no.”

Matt’s eyes followed my every move. I was really enjoying the way that the sight of my body caused him to lose track of his thoughts.

Matt shook his head, “But why though? Mike loves saying no. He does it all the time.”

“Not to me,” I smiled at him. “It’s impossible to say no to me.”

Matt still looked extremely skeptical.

“Want me to prove it?” I asked him.

“Prove what?”

“Just watch,” I sat down on the edge of the bed and crossed my legs. I thought for a moment about how I could show him that he was powerless to say no to me.

“Do jumping jacks.”

His body instantly leapt at the task. Matt’s expression told me he was shocked to find himself doing it.

“Now, Matt, why are you doing that?” I asked him, the picture of innocence.

“Because…you told…me to…” Matt huffed in between jumps.

I cocked my head, “That’s a silly reason. Why don’t you stop?”

“I don’t think I can!”

“That’s so weird,” I said, appearing to think it over. “I told you to do something and you can’t help but obey me. Huh.”

Matt was starting to flush with embarrassment. He was making this so much fun for me.

“Tell me your social security number, Matt.”

As he jumped, he dutifully recited the string of numbers for me, looking more and more horrified with every digit. I got off the bed and stood in front of him, while his body jumped for me. I couldn’t help but smirk up at him. It was so much fun to rub it in. I let him keep jumping and jumping as sweat started to run down his face.

“You look tired. I bet you want to stop.”

“Yes, please, I do,” he panted.

“Yet you can’t until I give you permission.” It wasn’t a question. It was just a truth that needed to sink in.

I glanced down. Matt was sporting a painfully obvious erection. Apparently, he enjoyed a bratty girl bossing him around and teasing him. I made a mental note of that for the future.

“You can stop jumping, Matt.”

All at once, his body was his to control. He bent over, panting.

I gave his back a reassuring pat. “Don’t feel bad, Matt. No one else can say no to me either. Which is why your boss gave you the rest of the night off and a raise, just because I told him to.”

As Matt finally caught his breath, he looked up at me with a mixture of fear and desperation. He was unsettled that I had total control over him, but he also couldn’t wait for me to use it again.

“What do you say? Do you still want to hang out with me?’

Matt nodded. Quietly, he answered, “Yes, definitely.”

“Perfect,” I beamed, “then let’s have some fun.”

“What kind of fun?”

“That’s the best part,” I told him, “we’ll do whatever I want.”

It took a bit, but I got Matt to let loose a little. We shared the wine and food I had ordered and called in for more. He was still timid, afraid to ask for too much. After a few glasses of wine, he finally started to relax. He asked me what I did for work that I could afford such a lavish vacation. I told him all about how I was making John pay for everything as revenge for grabbing my ass. He seemed to see me in a whole new light.

“God, remind me never to get on your bad side,” he laughed. “What kind of stuff do you do to him?”

“Wanna see?” I said, a wicked grin spreading on my lips.

Matt threw his head back and laughed, “Why the hell not?”

I dialed John’s number and put it on speaker so that Matt could listen in.

“Sophie, its 2 AM,” John grumbled when he picked up the phone.

“Hello, John. Are you sure that’s the tone you want to take with me?”

There was silence on the other end of the line.

“John, hurry over here. I have someone I’d like you to meet,” I smiled at Matt and hung up the phone.

Half an hour later John was at the door to my room, panting and sweaty.

I smiled at him and gestured for him to come in. He walked in, hanging his head.

“John, this is my new friend, Matt. He was curious about what I’m capable of, so I wanted to give him a little demonstration.”

John looked from me to Matt and back again. “Sophie, you can’t just do this whenever you want.”

I sat down on the couch next to Matt. “That’s the thing, John. I actually can do this whenever I want.”

John took a step towards the door.

“John, your body feels like it weighs a lot.”

Suddenly he couldn’t move his feet. He was struggling to stand under an invisible weight.

“Your body feels like it weighs a couple thousand pounds, actually.”

John collapsed on the ground, completely flat and motionless.

“Holy shit,” Matt said. He sounded a little freaked out.

I put my hand on his leg and leaned in to whisper in his ear, “See? I own him.”

Matt seemed to shiver. I kissed his neck. He melted at my touch. “Matty, what would you like to see me do to him?”

Matt’s eyes were closed. He was lost in the pleasure of my voice and my touch. My hand travelled up his leg and towards the tent he was pitching in his pants. “I’m not sure. What does he deserve?”

“Wanna see me punish him?” I whispered in Matt’s ear. I was delighted that his mind had gone there first. It obviously turned him on when I dominated him and John. Maybe he wanted to see just how much I could do.

“He probably deserves it, right?” Matt breathed.

“Oh, definitely. He was very rude to me,” I said, loud enough for John to hear. From his spot on the floor, John groaned. “And what does John deserve for being rude to me?” I rubbed Matt’s cock over his pants. His breath caught.

“Uh, I’m not sure,” Matt said.

“Maybe a smack will teach him to stay in line?” I suggested. Matt nodded.

“OK, watch this,” I said.

I called over to John, “Ok, your body feels normal. Come kneel at my feet, John.” John lifted himself and dragged himself over to kneel at my feet. He already looked exhausted, like he had been through hell.

I looked down my nose at him, “Slap yourself. Really hard.”

He hit his own face without any hesitation. His hand cracked across his cheek. He doubled over with a grunt. Matt looked stunned.

“John, this is going to be a long night for you,” I told him.

I turned back to Matt, “Well? What do you think?”

Matt looked in my eyes. He was definitely seeing me in a new light. “I am very intimidated and very turned on.”

“Oh, am I intimidating?” I said, feigning innocence.

He laughed. “A little, yeah. Could you do that to me?”

“I could, but why would I want to when you’re being such a sweet boy?”

“I guess I’ll be on my best behavior.”

I nodded, “I have no doubt you will. You know, I can do a lot more than just break a man’s will. I could also give a man the best night of his life. If he’s very, very good, of course.”

“Yeah?” Matt asked.

“Give me a second and I’ll show you,” I said.

I crouched down over John. He shrunk away from me as I got close, obviously nervous about what I would do to him next. I whispered so that Matt couldn’t hear me. “John, look at me.” His head turned up towards me even though it looked like he just wanted to run away.

“You’re going to be a good boy for me. Just a dumb little doggy only capable of dumb doggy thoughts.” I watched as his intelligence melted away. His tongue hung out and he was wagging a non-existent tail. “Good boy,” I praised him. “I like you much better this way. Now go be a good boy while I take Matt to the bedroom to show him what I can do.”

“That’s crazy,” Matt said as John bounced off, sniffing everything just like a dog would.

I stood up and trained my gaze on Matt. “Eyes on me, Baby.” His attention snapped to me. He already looked like he was in awe of my power. He hadn’t even seen how good I could make him feel. “Let’s go to my bed.” Matt eagerly followed me, thrilled to have my full attention turned on him. I pointed at the bed and he dutifully climbed onto it.

I crossed my arms. I looked down at Matt and tried to figure out how I wanted to play with my new toy. I needed to start off by making it hard for him to focus. I wanted to see him flustered.

“Do you feel that, Matt?”

“Feel what?”

“On your cock. You feel a mouth, right?”

His eyes widened and he shifted on the bed. “I do. How are you doing that?”

“It’s sucking up and down your whole length, isn’t it?” I spoke to him in a low, teasing voice. It was delicious watching him squirm. Matt’s jaw was hanging down as he tried to figure out how I was pleasuring him without touching him.

I got an idea. “Stay right here,” I told him. He nodded, distracted by the magic, invisible mouth on his cock. I went out into the main room of the suite. John ran up to me, wagging his tail. I gave his head a pat as I marched by him. “Good boy,” I said. I grabbed the empty champagne bottle off the table and went back to the bedroom. Matt was where I left him. His cock was rock hard in his pants and he really seemed to be enjoying himself.

“Matt?” He looked up at me, but it looked like he was having trouble focusing. “In addition to that mouth you’ll feel everything I do to this bottle.” I gripped the neck of the bottle and ran my thumb around the mouth. Matt gasped as he felt this new pleasure. No doubt it was nearly overwhelming to feel everything at once. I smiled at the state I had already put him in.

“Fuck, ok. Shit,” he stammered. The poor boy was already having trouble forming words and I was just getting started with him.

“Matt, I have to tell you a secret.”

He nodded.

“My secret is that I’m a goddess and you’re the mortal I’ve decided to play with tonight.”

“OK, thank you,” he gasped, as I rubbed the end of the bottle to punctuate my sentence.

“How would you like to worship a goddess tonight?” I asked and as he opened his mouth to answer I licked the neck of the bottle. All that came out of Matt’s mouth was a moan. I grinned. “Welcome to Heaven, Baby.”
