[m][f] 15 years later

When I was getting my graduate degree, I struck up a relationship with someone who worked at the university. She was neither a professor or administrator, but worked in the offices that dealt with the transcripts. She was Jamaican originally coming over in her teens, wore bright dresses that revealed beautiful breasts, not classically beautiful, but she was smart and fun. She still spoke with an accent, which I joked was an act because she had been in America over thirty years. She had pursued me.

I originally went to the office over some problem of needing my undergraduate transcript on file and during the end conversation she suggested that we get coffee sometime. Being in my mid-twenties that alone got my dick hard. She later said the intensity of the way I was looking at her encouraged her to ask me out.

She was separated from her husband, her two sons were acting out, and, to be honest, it felt like the first couple of times we met up that it was a therapy session. As excited as I was by the idea of meeting up, the reality was falling short. That changed when we had sex.

To this day she is the most sexually adventurous and confident women that I have been with. She gave me confidence sexually that I still have today. If I could please this women (and I did), I can please any woman. It started with her comfort being naked. As soon as we were alone, her clothes would come off. Dark-skinned and in great shape, I was shocked at the sexiness of her body when naked. Add in that her body under her clothes, she was covered in tattoos and she was unlike any woman who I had previously been with and this amused her. Lying next her one time, with a laugh, after fucking she said, “I am a freak” and rolled right on top of me daring me to finish in her. She was twenty years older than me. This went for a year while I completed my studies.

After finishing school, I moved away. There were unique professional opportunities in another city. She was upset, but, even though, we spent a lot of time together, we were not dating. We exchanged a couple of calls but that was it time moved on.

Fast forward to the pandemic it had been close to 15 years without talking, and for whatever reason, I was wondering what she was doing, so I looked her up and she was still working at the school. I gave her a call. She was surprised, but overall, happy to hear from me. We exchanged stories and at the end she told me I could call again, but that her life had moved, in a new relationship, had some health issues, so nothing sexual. It was great to hear her voice again and I was fine being platonic.

We continued to talk every two weeks mostly about current events and family. This went on over six months. Around that time, I mentioned that I would be back in the area visiting family, and she said I should visit the school.

She worked in the same office that she did 15 years ago. She looked older but hot. She did not dress up for the occasion. Some old lovers you are grateful you abandoned after seeing them, that was not my feeling after seeing her. She still had it. It was amazing seeing her. We got coffee, talked, and she suggested we take a tour because there had been a lot of construction since I had left campus. There had been no sexual talk or chemistry really.

As part of the tour we went to a new building and entered the elevator, she pushed the button to forth floor to show me a new auditorium. When she went to push the button, I noticed that while her dress was not flattering it could be easily lifted over head, that she still had a great figure and literally by the time she had returned to me that I was on fire with an unspoken sexual energy. It was like scratching a dormant skin irritation and suddenly your body itches all over. Respecting her wishes, I said nothing but the air was thick.

On the walk to the auditorium she pointed out all the cameras in the new building explaining how it really helped security. We arrived at the auditorium, not large, but nice. It probably sat 150 people. She suggested we go on stage, so she could show me some of the technology features. I helped her up the stairs and once we got to the top she grabbed my dick with one hand and guided us around the curtain with another. Her dumpy dress was removed in one motion becoming, just like 15 years before, immediately naked. I followed her lead. Like out of scene in 1984, out of sight of anybody or any camera, we were fucking. First against a wall and then when that became uncomfortable, I laid her on floor, sliding a foam mat that resembled a yoga mat, that I assumed protected the floor from heavy furniture brought on stage. Her body was immediately familiar and desirable. We fucked twice. In between we talked and I asked if she knew we would be fucking today and with a Jamaican accent over 40 years past the expiration date she responded, “Of course”.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/uycdgm/mf_15_years_later


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