I [F] cheated on my boyfriend with two of his friends

Hi, so yeah I feel bad about this but here it is. It happened about 3 weeks ago, right before the end of school. Just to get some things out of the way: Tyler and Matt had been friends with my (Maddie) boyfriend (Nick) since freshman year when they were roommates. Matt and I went to the same high school so we had been dating since junior year. We’re all 21 now. I had hung out with the three of them a ton of times and everything was cool so I don’t know why this time was different but it obviously was.

The three of them were going to a few bars around campus and Nick asked me earlier in the week if I wanted to go. I wasn’t doing anything with my friends that day so I said sure. Unfortunately, when it started getting closer to Friday (the day we were going out), Nick started getting kind of sick (not COVID) and said he didn’t think he should go but that I should if I still wanted to. Like I said before, I knew these two pretty well so I didn’t really have a problem hanging out with them, even though this would be the first time I had hung out with them outside of like doing homework or something without my boyfriend being there.

I got to their apartment around 9:30 (they live together) and we kind of hung out until around 10:00 just shooting the shit or whatever. They were teasing me about Nick being sick and that kind of thing and Nick was joking that I was more fun than Nick was. Like I said though, we ordered an Uber and left around 10:00.

It didn’t start right away, but after we had been drinking for a while, both of them were just like acing super into me. I know that’s not a great description but it’s kind of hard to describe, as their entire demeanor changed from friendly to more like almost hitting on me or being flirty? I don’t know specifically what changed with me, either, it was probably the alcohol, but by the end of the night I was pretty into it too.

We got an Uber back to their place around 3:00 and even though the conversation was pretty light on the way back, I could definitely feel there was tension. Matt kind of casually asked if I wanted to come up or if I was just going to head out, and I said I would come up.

Basically as soon as the door to their apartment closed they were all over me. Matt kind of put his hand around my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. We broke away and kind of looked at each other, and then kissed again but he had way more tongue that time.

I kind of just stood there in between them, kissing each of them back and forth if that makes sense. They had their hands all over me and I was trying to reciprocate but there was a lot happening. Tyler had his hands up under my top and eventually just took it off so I was standing there with jeans and a bra on. Tyler suggested we go to his room, which we did, and when we got in there we kissed a little more and then Matt pushed me on my shoulders and I went down on my knees.

They were both extremely hard when I got their dicks out, and Matt was more than eager to kind of pull me towards him so I could start. They stood next to each other while I alternated blowing them for probably 5-7 minutes or. They were both very complimentary and said I was doing an incredible job.

Eventually, Matt kind of motioned for me to get up and kind of lightly shoved me onto Tyler’s bed. They were both naked by this point and I just had on my jeans and underwear, which quickly came off. Matt got down on his knees and put his head between my legs while Tyler alternated between kissing me and my nipples. Matt was very good at oral and had me cumming in no time.

After I came back down, Matt stood up, pulled me to the edge of the bed, and put his dick on the outside of me. Meanwhile, Tyler moved to the side and kind of motioned that I should start blowing him again, which I did. Matt kind of rubbed the tip of his dick around the outside of me for a second and then pushed in.

We fucked like that for the rest of the night, with them alternating positions on me periodically. Basically, all of the stimulation from two guys at once made me cum more than I ever had before. By the time they were both finished with me, I think I just passed out from exhaustion.

The next morning, we kind of all freaked the fuck out because of what we had just done. I had some missed texts from Nick asking where I was. We both decided to be somewhat honest and tell him that I ended up spending the night at their place because we all got too drunk. There would have been no reason for him to suspect cheating, and he didn’t, because he just replied that it was all cool and that he wanted to go do something later and asked if I would be back by then. The three of us decided that we were not going to tell Nick because it would be the end of all of our friendships, and that it was a one time mistake that was never going to happen again, but I still feel guilty as hell and I’m basically positive they do too.

So fast forward to now, we have all hung out together multiple times since then and everything has been cool. I don’t think Nick expects anything happened and that night has not been brought up since. I feel horrible for what I did and it was definitely a moment of weakness that will not happen again. So that’s it. Sorry it was long. Just wanted to tell someone I guess.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/uy8hwb/i_f_cheated_on_my_boyfriend_with_two_of_his


  1. Great story. Feels good just to get it off your chest sometimes!

  2. Omg — great story. You are super sexy. Love how much you orgasmed. Wish you told us what you look like.

  3. This is totally not gonna blow up in your face for sure for sure

  4. Fuck I love this story i wish I could fall into this scenario with my bf’s friends.

  5. Could you envision a scenario in which your boyfriend joins in?

  6. I hope your boyfriend finds out, I hope he dumps you like you deserve and I hope your next partner cheats on you and destroys your heart, again, like you deserve.

  7. Whore activities lmao. Tell your bf he deserves to know those guys aren’t actually his friends

  8. I feel bad for Nick, because why would his friends do that to him? Lol

  9. Your boyfriend deserves to know what kind of friends he has. I hope you eventually get the courage to tell him. Cheating is shitty and ruins peoples lives. Don’t ever let it happen again. Your stronger than this and always have the power to say no to anyone when comes to your body. Please do better in the future handling situations that can lead to cheating and pull yourself away from them. You should have already distance yourself from his friends. Hope your doing well and doing your best to be better.

  10. Kids having fun. Don’t judge. And don’t confess. Let your BF believe he has a loyal lover and freinds…and then be that loyal lover and those friends.

  11. ew cheater. ur bf doesnt deserve u and those friends. you’re all equally shitty

  12. You really are a piece of shit. Tell him, he deserves to know how weak of a person you really are and how shitty his supposed friends are.

  13. Obviously most of the comments are in the bfs side, but I really appreciated this story and thought it was hot as hell, I have been where you are and felt the regret but also felt the rush as well, we both hid it and 4 years later it still hasn’t been told… Happy to chat if you need

  14. This is a reminder that there is no moral policing. Banning people in the comments now.

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