My husband is cheating on me and I wanted revenge

I had known Margaret since our primary school days in Cardiff, Wales. We were fast friends. I was the quiet one, she was outgoing. She was the life of the party and it was no surprise when we lived together as roommates on campus, that she always had a boyfriend in her room.  It was also no surprise when she fell pregnant in our final year with Gary, one of her few boyfriends that I did not like. They married a week after graduation and their child was born four months later.

I had lost contact with Margaret over the years and was surprised to receive a message on Instagram from her saying that she had divorced Gary and was in London, could we meet?

She was free on Saturday night and we agreed to meet for drinks at the American Bar in the Savoy Hotel and then have dinner at The Grill.

My husband had agreed to take care of the kids somewhat reluctantly, as I had dumped the kids on him in the morning for four hours while I was at the beauty parlour.  The session had fortuitously been booked in preparation for the interview on Monday and besides a haircut, a mani and a Pedi, it painfully involved the removal of a great deal of body hair from everywhere.

The black cab dropped me off in front of the hotel just at 7 pm and when I got to the bar, she was waiting for me, beautifully turned out as ever.  We kissed hello and ordered kir royales.

A bottle of champagne ensured that the conversation flowed non-stop and the delicious dishes we ordered seemed a second thought.

Crazily, we decided to continue chatting and drinking back at the bar where we were interrupted by a couple of retired Australian footy players. They were very flirty and we were very drunk.  It took what seemed like moments for Margaret to disappear with the taller of the two and I found myself lulled into an hypnotic trance by his friend’s melodic accent.

What I remember is the whole bar disappearing in sound and dimmed light and his pulling me over to him while he sat on the high-backed stool. I stood in front of him and we began kissing.  I mean full tongue kissing.  It felt like an out of body experience.  All my issues, worries and problems disappeared. Every nerve ending in my body contrived against the dulled sensation from the alcohol and I didn’t resist when he put his large hands on my buttocks and pulled me between his splayed, muscular legs, firmly holding each buttock in each hand.  The kissing intensified and I hardly noticed when he deftly shifted his right hand onto the inside of my left thigh, high up under my short skirt.

Somewhere in my dulled brain, a voice said, “You know where his hand is going next, girl!”  And then another voice said, “Let’s see what he does.”  And then he went there.  All I could think was, “Thank God I’m freshly lasered and waxed!”  When he slipped his finger under my panties into my vagina, I stopped kissing him and looked straight into his eyes. He slowly rolled his finger, now wet, toward my clit and I stepped back, my drunken brain worried that someone might see what was happening. He pulled my head toward him and whispered into my ear, “Can I get us a room?”  Another voice, which seemed to be mine, whispered back, ” Yes.”

It took only moments. When I returned from the bathroom, he was already waiting, proudly waving a key card in his hand.

We began kissing again and I don’t remember how we got there, but he carried me facing him with my legs around his waist and arms around his neck down a long corridor to the room.

Somehow he opened the door and carried me to the freshly made up massive king-sized bed.

I explored his muscular body and he mine.  He was a very experienced lover and took his time pleasuring me in ways I’d forgotten.  His fingers, mouth and tongue brought me to a rolling orgasm and I was on another plane when he entered me. My eyes were closed, my head tilted back and I just focussed on the rhythm of his thrusting. It went on and on and I felt like I was a train hurtling down a tunnel, going faster and faster. I could even hear the clack of the track as the train seemed to speed up and I was captivated by the sound and the vibration. And then I saw a tiny light appear and it got bigger and bigger as we hurtled faster and faster toward it. As we burst into the light, my body began convulsing in a way it’s seldom done before. My vagina was out of control. It was pulsing, contracting and releasing in spasms. It felt like I was losing bladder control. Everything was wet.

It was also 1 am. When I returned from the bathroom, the boy was asleep.  I got dressed and sneaked out of the room. I got a cab and went home.  I don’t know who he is and he didn’t ask for any detail from me.

If my vagina was not so bruised and worn this morning, I would think I had had a dream.  It’s now just 9 am and the kids need attention. Margaret has not replied to my texts.

TL:DR My husband is cheating on me and I wanted revenge so my girlfriend and I went out for dinner and drinks and picked up two guys to have sex with.
