Mermaid hair and swing chair: an IG love story [FM]

I’ve had plenty of opportunities to gain a moment of clear mindedness after an orgasm the past 17 or so months. But I thought I’d take a different approach an instead focus on a moment of post-nut clarity for my counterpart in the story. This particular event happened just over a year ago, on 5.10.21.

I was coming off a ridiculously successful week, one that was actually my most “productive” week of the year. It started with Kate, the 25 year-old, married Australian art teacher at my kids’ school on Monday; Gina, a divorced 31 year-old mom of another kid on my son’s baseball team on Tuesday; Janet, a 30 year-old barista on Wednesday; Stephanie a 31 year-old physical therapist FWB, who I also hooked up with on Wednesday; Dana and Kelli (44 and 46, respectively), two divorcees who I met after a happy hour (you can read more about that event [here]( on Thursday; Jaime, another 44 year-old divorced mom, on Friday, and who I actually met at the *same* happy hour the night before; Stephanie again on Saturday; and Megan, a 33 year-old sales rep I met at my new gym a couple weeks prior on Sunday. Eight different girls (one of them twice) in seven days, leading to 19 total orgasms on my part. A hell of a week I would say.

So then to Monday, where I decided to start the week off right and headed early to Lifetime Fitness. While there, I ran into a woman I recognized, but couldn’t immediately place. After a few minutes, I made the connection that where I had seen her was at my country club. She was the wife of a guy I casually knew, so we hadn’t really spent much time together. I walked up to her and asked, ‘Not working out at the club?’ The flash of recognition that we knew each other socially appeared in her eyes. I re-introduced myself, and she did the same, reminding me her name was Kendra.

‘No, we got divorced, and when he went to add his new girlfriend to the membership, I got unceremoniously removed, so my membership ended in April.’

‘Ah, that’s too bad, both the divorce and the membership.’

‘It is what it is. We’re young, no kids, not the worst thing. It was coming for a while. What about you, why aren’t you working out there?’

‘I still have that membership, just wanted to try something different, so doing a trial membership here for a few months.’ Which was true. I started the year with two country clubs, a racquet club, and a Planet Fitness membership. Dropped the Planet membership in February and started a trial membership at LA Fitness. I’d also tried Orange Theory for a bit, and now was on my trial membership at Lifetime. And truth be told, the biggest factor in switching so many times was running into past hookups. But I digress.

Kendra was about 5’7” but quite thin, probably under 100 pounds. Not anorexic, per se, but skinny. Mid-to-late 20s (found out later she was 26), with dark brunette hair. Average attractiveness, probably a 6.5 in my scale, partly owing to her au naturelle appearance at the gym. Her most striking features were green eyes and fake breasts that appeared to be at least a C cup.

We got to talking about divorce, and the fact her ex was already publicly flaunting his girlfriend around social circles. I asked about her own dating life, which she said was non-existent. Friends were encouraging her to try dating apps, but she didn’t know where to start. I told her I’d had decent experience with them and would be happy to help her navigate the various apps if she wanted. She sort of lit up at the suggestion, and we made plans to meet up at a nearby bar after she logged off from work. We went on with our respective workouts, and she headed out about a half hour before me.

After heading home, getting some administrative things done, and then straightening my place up in case the afternoon went well, I headed out to a lunch date. Alyssa was a 28-year-old, ridiculously hot waitress at a cocktail bar I had gone to a week ago. This was our second date, so even though it was a lunch date, I was optimistic, since dinner dates were a little harder to schedule around her job.

Lunch went great, but at the end of the date, she played coy on the ask to continue things at one of our places. Apparently this one would take more investment. Things worked out, though, as my ex-wife texted asking if I could pick up our kids at school and bring them to her house, as she was stuck on a Zoom call that wouldn’t allow her to make the drive. After a quick stop at my place to change cars, I headed to get them and dropped them off with Vanessa.

So then, back to my planned meet up with Kendra. We met at a bar in our neighborhood, and she showed up just a little past 5. She had done some light makeup, bringing her appearance more in line with what I was used to from her in social settings at our country club. Made up she was a maybe a 7.5, attractive, don’t get me wrong, but not compared to Alyssa from a few hours before.

I suggested she go through her phone and pick a handful of pics that she liked while I went to order us drinks. When I got back, she had selected a few and I gave her my candid feedback on them, making some suggestions as to what message they sent, etc. We then talked through the pros and cons of each app. I started off with the relatively relationship-focused ones like eHarmony, up through the ones that have the hookup culture stigma like Tinder. When we got to the more hookup focused, I saw a glint in her eye, and said, ‘not that there’s anything wrong with wanting to get a rebound in right after divorce.’

We talked a little more about each of them, and then I offered to show her how they actually worked, since she hadn’t ever done that, having met her ex-husband in high school. I pulled out my own phone, and we went through my profiles on Bumble, Tinder, OkCupid, and Match, as well as several of the women’s profiles. It was an altogether eye-opening experience for her. While I’m always prepared to take a chance on a potential hookup, I was actually thinking this was just a friend-to-friend conversation, albeit casual acquaintance in this case.

Kendra was interested in how the initial contact worked, so I went into my messages and pulled up a couple before realizing that in some circumstances, things get sexual pretty quick. I could see her get flustered pretty quick and I apologized for the lack of discretion. She said not to worry about it, but I could see she was taken aback. Kendra then excused herself to go to the bathroom, returning a few minutes later and saying that she was sorry, but her sister just texted, and she realized they were supposed to have dinner and she needed to run.

I settled up my bill and looking at the clock and seeing it was just past 6, decided to figure out something to do. I sent texts to a few girls I had either already hooked up with, or was currently talking to, including Stephanie, my FWB who was usually good for a last-minute hookup, and Britney, a Bumble connection I had gone out with once a couple weeks prior and who was one of the ones where messaging had gotten sexual (our first date ended with a kiss but that was it).

As I was going through text messages, I went back to a message a friend of mine had sent me the day before. He had seen an IG post of a girl that he thought was posing with my car. He asked me who it was, and I said I had no idea, but wish I did. I could tell that it was taken at the restaurant/bar Thursday night, when my car was at the valet (the night I hooked up with the two MILFs in the post linked above). I decided to swing back by that bar to talk to the valet and see what the hell they were thinking letting someone pose for photos with (and in fact IN) my car!

That bar was only about 15 minutes away from the bar I was at, so a relatively quick drive. I pulled into valet and gave them the keys. I had the IG profile already pulled up and went up to the lead valet. ‘Hey man, was just curious, do you always let girls sit in customers’ cars to take photos?’ He immediately started stammering, and apologized. I laughed and told him not to worry about it as it relates to me, but probably not a good idea in general. He again apologized. I then asked him, ‘So, who is this girl, anyway?’

‘She’s in here all the time, at least recently. I think she works upstairs in one of the offices.’ One of the other valets was walking back and putting a key in the stand and saw my phone and said, ‘Ryan? Yeah, she’s here a lot. She’s actually inside right now.’

And with that, I decided to go inside to see if I could find her, which didn’t take long at all. As soon as I walked in, it was hard to miss her standing at the bar. She was tall, probably 5’10” if she was barefoot, which she wasn’t, instead wearing at least 4-inch bright red heels, putting her almost on a relatively even height to me. Her back was to me when I walked in, and the combination of the shortness of her dress, the heels, and her height gave the impression of a runway model’s legs. She was talking to the bartender and absentmindedly stirring what was left of her drink, now mostly ice. I made my way to the bar and making eye contact said, ‘You look so familiar.’

‘Oh do I? From where?’

‘I can’t quite place it’ I said, and then after a beat said, ‘Wait, I think I saw you on IG, posing with an Aventador. Amazing car.’

‘Oh yeah, it’s a friend’s.’

‘That’s a crazy coincidence, I have one literally exactly like it.’

Her face gave it away, and her jaw sort of dropped.

‘So, are you going to buy me a drink for using my car?’

‘I don’t buy boys drinks, but I’ll let you buy me one.’

‘Fair enough. What’re you drinking?’

‘Tito’s and soda with a lime?’

I got the bartender’s attention, ‘Two Tito’s and sodas with lime, doubles.’

I introduced myself properly, and she confirmed the name the valet had told me, Ryan. We were basically eye-to-eye, as neither of us had taken a seat. She was gorgeous. Alyssa from lunch had maybe a slight edge on her purely in facial feature attractiveness, but Ryan’s height and athletic body gave her an overall win. She had long, grey hair, not in the aging sense, but in the mermaid hair sense, which contrasted with the navy wrap dress she was wearing (roughly one that looked like [this]( Large, bright blue eyes, and full lips that appeared to have had some filler added, she was probably 30-32 if I had to guess. I also noted a large ring on her left hand. At least 3 carats, halo setting, and with a channel ring band to accompany. Someone spent quite a bit on Ryan’s jewelry. She also had a bright red Gucci clutch that perfectly accompanied the red heels.

We made small talk about the car, her IG account, etc. for a while. Ryan worked as an HR manager for a tech company that had a couple floors in the building above us. Her husband had a job that had him on Zoom calls all day, and with a single home office, after working from their kitchen for almost a year, she got permission from their CEO to work from the office instead. There were a handful of other employees who did the same, several of which were at a nearby table. I asked why she wasn’t dressed like most work from home professionals in workout clothes, etc. ‘After a year of yoga pants every day, I just wanted to dress up. I spend enough on clothes and shoes, so why not wear them?’

Ryan thanked me for the drink, apologized for taking advantage of the car situation, and then returned to her table. I decided to stick around at the bar, since on Thursday, I had had so much success (the two MILFs that night, and then exchanging numbers with Jaime, another MILF, who I met up with on Friday). I talked to a few others for a while, and ordered another drink, switching to soda water and lime, when the table Ryan was at cleared out. She came back up to the bar on her way out and said, ‘Starting your week strong, huh?’ I replied, ‘Any day can be happy hour when you don’t have a day job to go to. Care for another?’ She paused in thought and said ‘Ok, sure’ and I ordered her another Double Tito’s and Soda with a lime.

As she made her way through that drink, our conversation became more flirtatious, witty comments turned more to laughter, and our bodies moved just that much closer at the bar. There were a couple times where Ryan would lean forward, and the front criss/cross part of her dress would show off just a little more side-boob cleavage than what was shown normally. Perky and petite, I would guess a B cup if you had a gun to my head.

Ryan was talking about how great the offices are, and what a shame it was that most employees weren’t coming in, given how much they had spent on the office space, décor, etc. Their company was routinely in one of those “Best Places to Work” articles for our city, and the office space was always prominently featured. ‘I’ve always wanted to see those offices, care to give me a tour?’ I asked. Ryan threw back what was left of her drink and enthusiastically agreed, and said she needed to grab her laptop anyway.

I settled up with the bartender, and we made our way through a side entrance of the restaurant into the lobby of the building. She scanned her badge and selected the next to top floor. The elevator arrived and we stepped on, each of us standing on opposite sides of the car. Ryan was leaning back against the wall, with a look on her face that I’d definitely seen before, a sultry “I know this is bad, but it’s fun” sort of look.

When we arrived at the floor, she led the way, and scanned her badge once again to lead us through glass doors before moving over to turn on a light switch that had the effect of turning on lights throughout the floor we were on. Right past reception was an open-air stairwell leading to the floor above. It was a dramatic entrance, impressive to a first-time visitor. Ryan led me first through the lower floor, showing me all the tech-centric accoutrements, game room, couches, collaboration tables, etc. There weren’t cubes or any of the spaces I would typically have expected. The whole space was very open air, and shared spaces.

After we circled through that floor, we were back to reception, and Ryan led the way up the stairs. Walking two to three steps above me, the effect of her legs, heels, and the hemline of her dress, and I could almost see to the promised land. As if she knew my eyes were on her ass, her walk up the stairs had taken an exaggerated swing with each step.

This floor had fewer collaboration workspaces, and with a good portion of the floor open to the floor below, it was laid out slightly different. There were actually some offices as well, and Ryan took me over to show me the C-suite offices. Still very modern, they gave the impression of a fishbowl, all glass and minimalistic desks. We then swung by what she called the reading room. A couple modern couches, coffee table, bookshelves, a nap pod, some egg chairs, and, comically, a swing hanging from the ceiling that looked out to a window overlooking some other office buildings in the business park.

Ryan then led me to a conference room that looked west to the city. With the sun setting, it was a picturesque setting. Ryan was standing at the window about 10 feet in front of me, looking out and down to the park below, slightly leaning forward, her dress pulling up in the back just enough to make the tops of her thighs visible. ‘Quite a view’ I said.

‘Oh I know, right, I love just looking out here.’

‘I wasn’t referring to the conference room.”

She turned her head to look over her shoulder, the orange hue of the sunset reflecting off the silver-green-grey of her hair, turning it a more traditional blonde. She didn’t adjust her position though, and looking me in the eye said, ‘You’re bad…’

‘Says the IG influencer who knows her angles.’
With that, she stood up, walking straight towards me. I wasn’t sure what to expect. When she was right next to me she stopped and said, ‘And that’s the office.’ I could smell the scent of her shampoo, and with our lips not 6 inches from one another, could also detect the faint scent of the vodka and lime on her breath. ‘I need to get my laptop.’

She led the way down a bank of smaller glass-fronted offices, eventually turning into one. I followed, standing at the door as she moved around the desk, putting one knee on the office chair before bending down to grab her leather laptop bag. Again the skirt rose, this time dangerously close to revealing what I could only assume was an athletic and toned ass. ‘There’s that view again.’ I said, as I took another couple steps into the office.

Instead of raising up, Ryan froze there for a second before setting the bag back down and then knocking it over so it was now flat on the ground, and then bending over further. And there it was, perhaps even better than I had expected. Muscular, with just the faintest tan lines reflecting a Brazilian cut suit, a tiny navy blue g-string separating the cheeks.

I followed the line of the g-string down, seeing it barely covered her asshole itself, the crinkled texture coming into view, before following it down to, and between, the lips of her pussy. Again, the thinness of the underwear barely covered what it needed to, although the plumpness of her labia majora didn’t help the situation.

She paused again in that position, clearly in no hurry to straighten up. I took that as a sign (and a flashing neon one at that), and closed the gap between us, reaching down with my right hand. I slid my hand up her thigh to her ass, first grabbing a cheek, and feeling her push slightly back to me, moved my hand between those glorious cheeks. The heat emanating from beneath the g-string was unmistakable, and it was damp as well, with traces of her wetness extending beyond the sides of the fabric. I pressed a fingertip, depressing the fabric a touch into the cleft between her lips and heard a soft sigh escape her other lips.

With my other hand I reached down and grabbed a handful of the long, wavy mermaid hair, and lightly pulled her up towards me. She straightened up, and with her knee still on the chair, was now standing on one foot, partly kneeling, legs parted. With my hand still in her hair, I pulled her head slightly towards me, bringing her lips to my own and we kissed. I could taste the alcohol and lime on her tongue as it danced across mine and into my mouth.

The plumpness of her lips pressed against my own, we made out while hands began to wander. Her back was still to me, with my right hand still grasping her ass and pussy from behind. With my left hand, I let go of her hair and brought my hand around her body, cutting below the crossed fabric of the dress. Braless, the tiny nipples of her small breasts signaling arousal as much as the increasing wetness I could feel with my right hand. I could feel an implant below the muscle, but she stayed relatively small, as they were probably still a B-cup. For her part, she reached with her left hand back behind my head, pulling me into the kiss even deeper, while her right hand reached back, groping me through my pants.

I spun Ryan around and lifted her up onto the desk, spreading her legs as I moved between them. We continued kissing while I brought my hand back down between her legs. With her legs spread wide like this, the tiny fabric of the g-string seemed to cover even less of her vulva. I pushed the fabric to the side, and could feel just how wet she was underneath. Absolutely soaked.

As we continued to make out, my finger sliding in and out of her slit, I started to unbuckle my belt and unbutton my pants. Feeling the movement, Ryan pulled back. ‘Stop, we can’t do this.’ I paused, taking in what she said. ‘Not here at least, someone could easily see us’ she continued. She wasn’t wrong, the glass front and walls of this bank of rooms provided little to no privacy. She took my hand and pulled me out of the office and down the hall. ‘We have a Lactation room for new moms, let’s go in there.’

We walked down the hall, back towards the reading room. As we turned a corner, and entered, she was leading me to a door just past the bookshelves. ‘Wait, I have a better idea.’ We seemed to have privacy, no one was on the floor, and there were walls blocking the line of sight of other parts of the office to the reading room. I now led the way, bringing her to the swing that was looking out to the other buildings, all of them dark, even here just after sunset.

The swing had a modern rustic look, a couple slabs of reclaimed wood, wide enough that you could probably fit two, similar wood panels on the back, and arms on each side, two thick hemp ropes extending from each side, attaching it to the ceiling. We resumed our kissing, my hand returning between her legs.

Whatever reservations Ryan had disappeared once my fingers returned to her clit. She pulled back from me for a moment, and I watched her reach down and pull the tie of the wrap dress, undoing the cinch before opening it. Ryan’s body was absolutely phenomenal – muscle tone throughout, very little fat, and flawless skin. While her breasts were smaller, the implants gave them just enough perk on her toned body, which she accented with a sternum tattoo that extended below both, shadowing and augmenting the shape. Her nipples were tiny and pink, surrounded by similarly small areolae.

Now clad in the blue g-string, the red heels, and jewelry, Ryan moved forward and began to unbutton my shirt. I helped out and she moved down to the belt and pants. I slipped off the loafers I was wearing, and was quickly down to just a pair of boxer briefs. Ryan moved back and pulled the g-string down, a string of wetness stretching from the lips of her pussy to the underwear, gleaming in the light. Now totally nude, barring the heels and jewelry, I took in Ryan’s body in its entirety. Moderate tan lines, and a two-finger or so thick landing strip about an inch above her pussy. The pussy itself had the puffy outer labia I suspected, smoothly shaved other than the strip above which was tightly trimmed. There was a gap between her thighs, and another string of wetness extended from the top of the gap the side of her thigh a couple inches below.

Ryan went to take off the heels and I interjected, ‘those are hot, you should leave them on.’ She looked up at me, biting her lip as I moved forward, and lightly pushed her back to the swing. She sat back onto it, looking up at me. I moved to kneel down in front of her when she said, ‘I don’t think I can do that, just fuck me.’ I was looking forward to tasting her, as wet as she appeared, but nevertheless, her body, her rules.

I went to my pants to grab a condom, finding my pockets empty. “Well shit” I thought. I turned to her and said, ‘So, thought I had a condom, no idea where it went.’ She paused for a moment, and said, ‘You’re a doctor, I trust you, just pull out.’ I moved again in front of her, dropped the SAXX I was wearing, and saw Ryan make a face that every time I see it, absolutely makes me harder than diamonds.

Making my way to her, I grabbed both of her knees, pulling them up and spreading them, pinning the front of her knees behind the ropes that extended from the front of the armrests on the swing, with her feet positioned down in front of her thighs. As the outer lips began to part, I saw the slick inner lips make their first appearance, thin, and absolutely dripping. There was a patch of slick wetness on the inner side of her left thigh, signaling just how turned on she was in the moment.

Ryan had both hands holding the ropes, just above where her knees were pinned. I positioned the head of my cock against the slick inner lips and slid it up and down a few times, eliciting a light moan before I started to push in. As I did, Ryan light moans turned a little louder. ‘Oh god… fuck!’ she said softly, as the head spread her inner lips, and started to slide into her, spreading the puffy outer lips as well.

The head had just pushed in past her pubic bone when she grunted another ‘ungh god’ and placed her left hand against my abdomen, to keep me from pushing in further. ‘Just stay there for a second’ she said. After probably 20 seconds, with my cock twitching with each beat of my heart, and Ryan breathing loudly through pursed lips, she moved her hand from my abdomen, dropping it down to her pussy and making a V between her middle and ring fingers, sliding them down. ‘Jesus’ she muttered, as her fingers slid down, fingertips grazing the sides of my cock, her rings shining right next to where my cock was penetrating her.

‘Is everything okay?’ I asked her.

‘Yeah, it’s just… bigger. Not like longer, just bigger.’

I started to push in again, and she inhaled quickly through her teeth, her feet involuntarily pushing out, sort of kicking me. ‘Umm, can you pull out for a second?’ I did, the rock hard swollen head now gleaming with the slick wetness from her pussy. Ryan reached down, dipping a couple fingers into her pussy before bringing that hand back up to my cock and stroking it. She gripped it tightly, her engagement and wedding rings shining in the light as rubbed her juices over the glossy shaft and head of my cock, her fingers catching on the pronounced ridge on the upper side of my cock as she moved her hand back towards her.

Gripping my cock, she placed it against her abdomen, right on her landing strip. ‘He’s just a little longer, like an inch.’ I didn’t really have a reaction to that, I mean, what do you say to a woman talking about what I could only assume was her husband’s dick while she’s stroking yours. ‘But yours is wider. He’s the same size as my landing strip.’ I looked down, rocking my hips back and forth a bit, noticing there was around a finger’s width on either side of the landing strip to reach an equivalent diameter.

‘So, you want to keep going?’ I asked, not sure whether my night was going to end with 30 seconds of light penetration and a conversation about her husband’s endowment.

‘Yeah, I want you in me, let me just get in a better position.’ I thought the position was pretty good, but she moved back, brought her legs up and now hooked her knees *around* the ropes before moving her ass back to the front of the swing. It had the effect of tilting her up a little and spreading her legs much wider than they were before. Ryan was now in a rope-assisted spread-eagle position. The little tilt brought her tight, crinkled asshole into view as well, right below the now-spread lips of her pussy.

Ryan brought her left hand back down, sliding the ring and middle fingers deep into her pussy, pulling them out absolutely soaking before grasping my cock and stroking it again, transferring the slippery liquid from her fingers to my cock. Perhaps thinking she needed even more lubrication, she brought her hand up to her mouth and spit into her palm, again rubbing it on my cock before using her hand to position my cock at her pussy again. With the backs of her knees around the ropes and legs spread wide, her thighs were as close to a 180-degree angle as they could be, and those thin, slick inner lips were tantalizingly open.

As my cock re-entered Ryan’s pussy, she again sucked air through her teeth. I paused after the head of my cock was fully enveloped in her pussy. I was absolutely rock hard, and her wet lips were taut around the shaft right below the head of my cock. I could feel the head rubbing against the front wall of Ryan’s pussy, and began to rock back and forth, just a half inch or so, the movement transferring to her and the swing. Ryan bit her lower lip, looking up at me as I gradually went deeper, a quarter inch at a time.

The slow, tortuous effort was well worth it, but once we got to the final inch or so of my shaft, I couldn’t hold back any longer. I quickly pushed that final inch in, eliciting a moan from Ryan as I did. ‘Oh fuuuuuck, yes’ she said, as I started to pull back before pushing back in. For the most part, however, for the next 15 to 20 minutes, Ryan’s vocalizations were limited to frequent ‘ungh’ sounds when I would push in, sporadically interrupted by ‘fuck’, ‘oh yeah’, ‘oh that’s so good’ and the like.

While there had been a decent amount of lead up and starting and stopping, I was not on a hair trigger whatsoever, having had a rather full night the night before, coming three times. That said, her 5’10’ frame, perfectly toned, and model-level face was keeping my arousal level quite high. Not to mention, the look and feel of her pussy stretched around me, which if it were not for the copious wetness that seemed to be on a constant tap, would have been too much friction to hold out for too much longer.

Our pace had gotten pretty quick comparatively, made all the more fun by Ryan lightly swinging back and forth on the swing. I could even stand still and rock her onto and off of my cock. I was doing that exact thing, basically just rocking her back and forth with the head of my cock positioned and inch or two inside her, pointed at the front wall of her pussy against her g-spot when she moaned ‘Oh fuck I’m getting so close’, moving her right hand to pinch one of her tiny nipples, while her left hand moved down to her clit.

That friction on the head of my cock was getting me close to the edge. So it was temporary relief when Ryan said, ‘oh fuck me deep’, while increasing the speed of her fingers on her clit. The relief from the friction of my head on her g-spot was short-lived though, as the walls of her pussy tightened on each stroke. Even with her as wet as she was, it was becoming increasingly difficult to hold off. ‘Ryan, I’ve gotta pull out’, I said.

‘Just a little more, I’m so close’

‘I’m close too, not sure I can hold out.’

‘Oh keep going…ungh… your dick feels so good…ungh…Please don’t stop.’

I continued fucking her while she made those sexy noises, telling me not to stop. It was taking every last ounce of self control until I finally reached a point where I said, ‘I’m gonna cum if we don’t stop.’

‘Don’t stop fucking me…. Ungh…. just cum in me’. I probably only pumped five more times before I felt myself passing through the precipice of orgasm. I had myself buried to the hilt and didn’t dare pull back at that point. The swelling and twitching of my cock was matched by the squeezing and twitching of her pussy. I felt at least five good spurts of cum shooting, while Ryan moaned through her own orgasm. We stayed there, with me fully embedded within her while we both came down from our respective orgasms.

Once I felt the pulsing of Ryan’s vaginal walls stop, I began to pull out. I was still pretty hard, maybe 90% of normal, and that extra give created just the slightest bit of additional tension/friction on the way out. I got one last ‘oh fuuuck’ from Ryan as her slick inner lips held on to me for one last moment. When I pulled out, my cock was soaking wet, and I realized my balls, pubic bone area, and even my inner thighs and a bit of the front of my thighs were similarly soaked with Ryan’s juices.

I stepped back, taking in Ryan’s extraordinary body, still spreadeagle on the swing. Her pussy and inner thighs were similarly soaked. Her pussy lips still spread and engorged, slightly gaping from the last 20 minutes of penetration, with the first remnants of my cumshot now leaking out and down her asshole on the wooden seating surface of the swing. ‘You’re sexy’ I said to her.

‘And I’m totally exposed right now, can you help me get out of this?’

Still totally naked, I moved up to the swing, and help her fold her legs up and get them back through the swing the “right” way, my soaking wet cock brushing up against her breast as we did.

She looked down at my cock, right in front of her face. ‘Jesus, that’s not something I could do regularly.’

‘Well if you ever want to again, just DM me. You can do another photoshoot with the car.’ She just shook her head.

I slipped my boxers back up and put my pants and shirt back on. Ryan bent over to grab her G-string. I said, ‘Seriously, that ass is a work of art.’ She stepped into the g-string and began to pull it up, ‘Thank you’ she replied, before grabbing the wrap dress, putting it on, and tying it. I pointed out the glob of cum that had pooled on the seat. ‘Fuck, I can’t leave that evidence there’ she said, before using a finger to wipe it up. ‘Don’t judge me for this’ she then said, before licking the finger clean. I certainly wasn’t going to judge, given how hot I found it.

We walked back towards the office she was hot desking in, and Ryan said, ‘wait, what time is it?’ ‘A little past 8’ I replied. ‘Oh fuck, I didn’t realize it had gotten that late.’

When we got to her office, I grabbed my phone and she grabbed hers and her purse and laptop bag. When she looked at her phone, her face dropped. ‘Oh my god, I have 5 missed calls and 4 texts from Zach. Oh fuck, what did I do.’ I asked if there was anything I could do, including give her a ride, since clearly she was not in a place to drive herself after that happy hour performance.

‘No, I just need a minute. I need to clean up. I, uh, fuck.’ I could see her eyes welling up a little. ‘Why don’t you get going. You can get back to the lobby without a badge.’ ‘Are you sure?’ ‘Yeah, I’ll be fine, I just need to clean up a little. I sort of feel like a mess right now.’ It was an awkward way to leave her. I wasn’t sure what to say, and certainly wasn’t going to give a hug or kiss goodbye. So, I did exactly what she said and went down to the lobby then through to the restaurant’s valet. He had the car positioned right up front. When I handed him the ticket he said, ‘So, did you find her?’

‘Yep, right where you said she’d be.’

‘Cool, sorry again about the pics with the car.’

‘Not a problem. Next time, just point them my way first.’

I got in and headed out. Looking at my phone, I had messages from Stephanie and Britney. Stephanie had been up for an evening hookup, but when I didn’t reply back made other plans. Britney was tied up that evening, but after some increasingly suggestive texting throughout the night, we ended up making plans for the next night.

Remembering something I had seen in Ryan’s IG account, I pulled it up again. Scrolling back to a couple months earlier in her feed, there was a pic of her on the swing in her office with a caption that said something to the effect of, “Love having an office that embraces fun!”. She looked great in the pic, and I decided to give it a like.

A few days later, as a corollary to this story, I was scrolling through IG, and decided to check to see if Ryan had posted anything new. Unfortunately, that was not possible, as I had been blocked. I asked my friend who had found the pic to see if he could see anything new on her. She had posted a couple things, just normal stuff. He also said the pic of her with my car had been deleted from her feed. So, clearly the post-nut clarity came hard for Ryan.
