All I Ever Wanted Pt. 1 [Oral] [Orgasm] [Submission]

(Authors note: I do not condone acts of kidnapping, rape, torture or blackmail. All events in this story are pure acts of fiction and should be regarded as such. )

“Alexander Thomas!” Natalie bellowed, calling out for her brother. She panted, peddling faster on her mountain bike as her brother and his friends had gotten too far ahead, far faster than she was. The nature trails this far out into the metro park was dangerous, curvy, hilly, and quite frankly, horrific. One wrong turn, one wrong bump, and you could end up dead.

She brushed her blonde hair out of her face and used her emerald green eyes to scan about, loosing him around a bend. She noticed they had gotten off the main path down a lesser traveled path. How did she know that? The trees, bushes, plants, moss were overgrowing the pathway itself. She felt branches of bushes hit her arms and legs as she peddled.

“Alexander!” she called out. She may have only been 19 years old, but she was like a mother to her brother who was only 10. Her mother was a meth filled drunk who abused the governments payouts and watched Judge Judy and Maury during the day and getting indoctrinated by certain news shows at night. Their father had long left shortly after her mother became pregnant with Alexander.

Natalie had one job. Keep her brother alive. Safe. Fed. Housed. Clothed. Educated. Until he was 18. That was her goal. She was working at Target, Starbucks, and occasionally a arcade/mini golf place on weekends just to support her and her brother. She couldn’t afford a place of her own and she had sacrificed friendships with many others just to provide for him.

She sped down the pathway, getting far more dangerous now as she had completely lost sight of her brother and his friends, nor could she hear them any longer. She began to look through the trees, wondering if they had stopped and gone off the path. She didn’t have much time to notice, but the moment she placed her eyes back on the path. BAM! Head first into a tree branch.

It felt like time had stopped. She hit the ground, staring up at the treetops, the blue cloudless sky just barely peeking through. She felt something trickle down her temple as she lost consciousness. Her eyes peeked open briefly, her vision in a slur as she noticed she was being dragged through the forest floor. Her eyes closed again, fading out. She blinked again, watching some dark figure in a camo cloak unlocking a wooden shed. She faded out. She blinked again, observing herself, having been thrown over the shoulder of this figure, going down wooden stairs. She faded out. She blinked again, observing a wooden ceiling, with a fan spinning on the slowest setting. The sound of cloth being torn. She faded out. She blinked again, noticing her wrists had been cuffed to a headboard. Her body cold in this place, feeling the cloths of her body gone. She faded out. She blinked again, noticing her legs being propped up on some type of elevation rests that a gynecologist would use. She faded out. She blinked again, noticing a man, mid 40s or 50s sniffing her blue underwear. His black and silver goatee trimmed nicely. She faded completely.

She woke fully, groaning as her head pounded, feeling bandages around her head. She blinked, unable to fully speak as a ball gag was inserted between her lips. She breathed heavy. Tugging at her confines.

She glanced around. It was a small musky place. Looked like a wine cellar or storm cellar. Wooden ceiling, cement walls and floor, a room no larger than 15’ by 15’. One single exit, through a staircase. There was a wooden table off to her left, and a small door to her right. She breathed heavy, tugging her legs and arms but the bindings held her there. She screamed and screamed, before noticing a ceiling camera, with a red light. She was being recorded. She tugged harder, trying to flail around. But no use. She gasped, her head pounding from some migraine or headache.

Soon she heard footsteps above on the wooden floorboards. Then the sounds of keys and a lock. Then she heard a wooden gate open and heavy footsteps walking down the stairs. She watched as the man with the goatee entered the cellar. He smiled. He wasn’t bad looking. He wore nothing but jogging pants and sneakers. His top half sweaty from his work out. He was jacked. Like gym rat jacked. He moved to the table and placed a towel down and opened the door. It was a small bathroom. He closed the door.

She screamed, tugged and screamed louder. No avail, no one was listening. Not he nor anyone above. She heard him pee. She could hear his heavy stream of urine. It lasted for a while before the slow flush of a really old toilet. She heard him wash his hands before he walked out, staring at her nude body.

She was petite, only 110 for 19 years old. Her breasts small yet rounded with perking nipples and her crotch hidden by a thick bush of pubic hair. He nodded and opened a cabinet in the bathroom. Taking out a razor, shaving cream, and a bowl. He filled it with steaming water and moved the table towards the bed. He sat on a small wooden stool, hidden from her view and placed the objects onto the table. He then glanced up her, from between her propped up legs and smiled.

“Hello.” He said calmy. He moved a hand up to her left leg, running the back of his hand along her inner thigh. She jerked her leg, breathing heavily as he chuckled softly. “Your legs are recently shaven, are they not? will save me some work today.”

He took the can of shaving cream and sprayed some on his hand before patting it down onto her bush. She screamed, like she had never done before. She tugged and flailed. He simply as there staring at her until she had finished her bout. When she had finished, laying there, staring up at the ceiling, he continued rubbing the cream into her crotch. He was shaving her now. How dare he she thought. She wasn’t a virgin. She had sex with several boys in high school and one a bit older in college recently. But to be violated? Taken advantage of like this? It was disgusting.

Minutes rolled by before he was using his sweaty gym towel to wipe her crotch clear of cream. She blushed hard, embarrassed and angry. He smiled and placed the items back to their place in the bathroom. He returned to his stool between her legs and moved both his hands down her legs, his mouth kissing at her ankles before moving up to her toes. Licking them. Sucking on them. What a disgusting freak!

“Its okay Natalie. Ill be gentle.” He uttered, speaking as he popped off one of her toes to move to the other foot.

How did he know her name? How!?!? She fumed, jerking again to only stop, squinting her eyes shut and begging with either God or the universe or to herself to make this last quickly so she could just leave.

“You’re probably wondering why you’re here. Tied up to a bed. Being shaven by a stranger. Getting your toes nurtured.” He smiled, glancing back towards her, his dark brown eyes enchanting. His short black hair like silk. Despite looking older, he was quite a catch.

“You see. I…” he chuckled, moving his hands off her legs before simply sitting there, staring at her. “I have tried so hard to find a girl like you. Perfect body. Perfect Eyes. Perfect breasts. It took a long time. Went through so many girls. But you. Just dropped outta nowhere. Rolling down the hill. Landing in my garden. It was like a miracle.”

She breathed heavily, feeling drool begin to accumulate and drip down her lower lips, sliding down her cheeks. Even a tear formed. He had noticed this. He stood up and moved around the bed, even slid the back of one of his fingers to catch the tear, wiping it off her cheek. He licked his finger before staring down at her.

“You don’t have to scream. To fight. Accept your role here. No one will you anyway” he stated before removing the ball gag from her mouth. She remained silent. Despite wanting to scream loudly for help, he was right. Who would be listening in the middle of a forest? She stayed silent. Keeping her mouth shut. He loomed over her, moving one of his thumbs to her chin, rubbing his hand along her cheek, cupping her head into his palm as his thumb moved over her lower lip, pressing against her upper lip. Clearly, it wanted inside. She opened her mouth. It slid it, pushing against her lower set of teeth before pressing down on her tongue. Her warm wet tongue soaked his thumb as he held it here.

You’re probably wondering why she didn’t fight back. Bite his thumb off. Get revenge. Well, she wanted to. So fucking much. But her life could have been ended instantly.

He played with her tongue while she staired up at him before he pulled his finger out of her mouth and moved back to the stool.

“Here is the deal sweetheart. You can either be a prisoner here. Bound to this bed for the remainder of your life, begging me to stop touching you. To stop fucking you. To stop…breeding you” he had paused shortly. He wanted emphasis on that particular word. “Or… you can submit. Accept your role here as a slave. Obeying my every command. Doing what I say. An easy life. No worries about a job or rent or a car payment. No taxes. No family issues. Just you and me. And I take care of you. Feed you. Bathe you. Etcetera.”

She had to admit, it was very interesting offer. But she couldn’t. She needed to take care of her brother. He needed her. Didn’t he?

“But… before you answer that offer. I want to sell you my pitch. Convince you.” He stated, sliding the wooden stool forward, he moved both his hands to her outer thighs, running his coarse hands down her smooth skin. He could feel every inch of her goose bumped skin. He leaned forward, and blew warm air onto her pussy. She yanked on the bindings as she felt the warmth of the air. It was like he was trying to fog up a window in the wintertime. She closed her eyes and panted. Feeling her heart race faster as her body heated up from stress.

“Let me show you what I can offer you before you decide” he uttered, leaning in and kissing her inner thigh slowly, going down and down, kissing, making sweet little smooches before arriving at her freshly shaven cunt. He leaned in and kissed each side of her pussy lips, he even moved down and kissed her asshole. He moved up, sliding his tongue along her pink folds. He gripped her right thigh with his left hand while his right hand moved to her lips, spreading them apart as he leaned in and kissed her pink flesh, adding his tongue to it, lapping away at her entrance. Tasting her fluids.

She squirmed. Her body was enjoying it. Her legs shivered in the pleasure, her spine shivered, her skin goose bumped. It was enthriving. No guy had made her feel like this. He gently lapped away, licking at her folds like a dog lapping water on a hot summer day. His fingers pushed against her lips, even rocking against her clit, rubbing it.

Soon, his mouth opened winder, encompassing the entirety of her pink folds, sucking on her until her lips were in his warm mouth, soaking in his spit. He shoved his fat wet tongue into her folds, feeling her tightness as her juices ravined into his mouth. She gasped, tugging on the bindings as she felt him lap away at her inner walls. She could feel his teeth begin to nibble on her clit and labia. Chomping away the flesh softly while he tongue fucked her, sliding in and out, left and right. She groaned, tugging harder on the bindings. Her toes stretching out and clamping down. She panted, feeling her body sweat.

This went on for minutes. Minutes became even more minutes. What must have felt like ten or fifteen minutes, he popped off her flesh, drool strands hanging from his lower lip. He gasped for air, breathing a bit while whipping his chin. He patted her pussy with one hand, slapping it gently before getting rougher and rougher. Soon he was slapping it hard down on her slowly. After getting it red, he leaned in again and clasped his mouth around her again, lapping away.

“Fuck!” she yelled, groaning as she arched her back. It was an experience. Despite being kidnapped, she found the experience enlivening. She panted heavily as her eyes rolled back, her eye lids flickering as she felt her legs shiver wildly. She heard the metal elevated leg rests jiggle with her, the chains making jingling noises as she gasped, she orgasmed. She squirted even. Spraying his face with her heavy liquids. She panted, feeling exhausted. Feeling her legs tremble for a while. She glanced down, observing his chuckling smiling face as he wiped his face of her juices. He staired up at her and patted her legs.

“Have you ever cum like that before Natalie?” He uttered.

“N-no.” she moaned, gulping as she leaned her head back, feeling completely drained.

“Good. That was only a warm up. Imagine what else I could do to you. To your body. To your baby maker.”

He stood up, walking around the bed to grab a water bottle out from underneath it. He unscrewed the cap, hearing the pop confirmed to her that it was new and fresh. He leaned the tip of the bottle to her lips. She drank from it. Gulping and gulping.

When she had finished drinking, he sat the water down on the table and glanced at her. “The offer. I will repeat it. Stay here, be a loyal slave. See what else I have to offer. Enjoy life, free of the capital societal expenses. Stay here and be used like that, every day. Twice a day.” He smiled, moving a hand along her leg again, moving his mouth to her ankle, kissing it “Or I can let you go. Back to the wilderness from whence you came. Back to your rent. Your car payment. To whatever measly retail job you have. Ill let you go. Unharmed. What say you Natalie?”

She panted, glancing away from him, staring up at the ceiling. She ran all of her life choices, all her stresses, all her worries and desires. It was an easy choice really. She turned her head back to him and smiled. “Id like to stay, Sir.” Here, she could be her. Free of stress of the human world. Free of her horrid mother, free of taking care of her brother. Free of her jobs and banks, and the government. All she ever wanted was for someone to take care of her for a change, rather than to take care of someone else.

He smiled heavily as he licked at her toe, sucking on it for a while before popping off it. “Good. Very good choice my dear. I’ll go make dinner”

As he approached the stairs she uttered “How….how did you know my name sir?”

He turned his head and smiled, laughing slightly “It was in your wallet my dear. Or was…your identity is gone. Burned. You no longer have any connections to your past. You are no longer Natalie. You are simply, my pet.”
