The Eagle, The Priestess, and the Epitaph Pt. 7 -FINAL PART [Fantasy] [MF] [Seduction]

Autumn slowly approached the attic, climbing to the last stair. She peered in, watching as the swarm devoured Anubis. There was nothing left he could do. His skin was being nipped at by each individual scarab. The mummy had rose from the sarcophagus and began to limp towards Anubis. Soon it reached out with its left hand and its wrappings sputtered off of the decayed flesh. It began to wrap around Anubis like chains. When he was fully wrapped, it squeezed until his body turned to ash and rocks. The scarabs floated down and begun to eat from the ash and stone.

Autumn then noticed the naked decayed corpse, free from the wrappings. It began to limp towards her. She froze. She had this gut feeling that, just maybe, that the mummy wasn’t a threat. The corpse limped until it stopped, looking down and bent over slowly picking up the golden Ankh. It lifted it up and held it out, as if it wanted Autumn to grasp it. She slowly walked towards the mummy, whom she noticed was a female. Her decayed body was littered with jewelry and the shriveled breasts gave it away.

Autumn gulped as she reached out slowly and grasped the Ankh. Immediately she felt pain in her head and neck. Like a severe migraine had hit her suddenly. She felt her body contort until she fell down, her eyes blurred. The only sense she had was her hearing. The sound of the swarm of scarabs buzzed around her.

Autumn soon gasped as the pain went away. She was standing in the middle of an oasis. Palm trees, cool refreshing water splashing about from a nearby waterfall. Sand littered around the small oasis with a vast desert. In the middle of the pool of water was a tall obelisk with glyphs. Standing at the base was a woman.

“H-hello?” she attempted to speak but her voice was mute. She produced no sound.

The woman turned her head and smiled. She was beautiful. Long black hair, slender body with long silky golden robes. Jewelry on every part of her beautiful body. She slowly walked through the oasis and stood Infront of Autumn. She smiled still and held a hand out and cradled Autumn’s left cheek in it. It was warm and soothing. Autumn closed her eyes and if she had been a cat, would have purred.

“You are safe Autumn” the woman spoke. Despite having a young-looking body, her voice sounded much older and wiser. Autumn opened her eyes, watching the woman. She tried to ask how she knew her name but her voice was still gone.

“Mortals aren’t allowed to speak here. Too many uncleansed words” she spoke. She turned and began to walk towards the obelisk before turning her head to face Autumn “Follow me young one.”

Autumn followed her until they were at the obelisk. She noticed several small birds huddling in the shade of the obelisk from the hot sun. The woman reached down and began to pet it, running her hand down its head.

“The Kite are birds of opportunity. They only strike when the time is right” she uttered, petting it before letting it fly up high until it roosted atop the obelisk. She turned to face Autumn. “I am Isis, mother of all gods of Egypt. Welcome to my realm mortal.”

Autumn’s eyes bulged finding herself in league with another god. She took a few steps back before the goddess raised her hand, an urge of calm in it.

“You are safe here young one. What the beast god Anubis did to you was wrong. Seducing you. Violating every law the Gods have about breeding with humans. Killing your parents.”

Autumns eyes grew even bigger, even teared up. She hadn’t known. She didn’t know. He did what? She had so many questions.

“I summoned you here to heal you. To forgive your body of his greed and lust.” She opened her hands above the pool of water. A lotus flower began to rise and grew until a pink and yellow fruit blossomed in the center of the flower petals. She plucked it and handed it to Autumn. “Take it. Eat the divine fruit”

Autumn was upset. Her parents were dead. Did any of that not matter to her? She wanted to run and hid in the dunes and cry. She reached out carefully, grasping the fruit and glanced to the goddess who gave a nudging nod of her head. She leaned in and bit the fruit. It was sweet and delicious.

“My scarabs are healing your body in the mortal realm as we speak here. Holding your body in stasis while your soul is here with me. They are tending to your womb. You will not bear the litter of the beast god. You will be spared that pain” She uttered, turning back to the obelisk. Running her hand down the glyphs before closing her eyes, humming for a while. Autumn finished eating the fruit before washing her hands in the water.

“One more god violates the laws I, Ra, and Osiris laid down. You must save your mortal kin from the clutches of the vile sorceress Hathor.” She uttered, turning to face Autumn she held out the Ankh. “Take my powers, become my avatar. Free Maximus from her vile ways”

Autumn reached out and touched the Ankh. She felt her body begin to sink into the water and soon down she went. She blacked out and soon gasped, opening her eyes to the attic. She laid on the floor, her heart racing. She leaned up to see the mummy had returned to the sarcophagus and the swarm was returning to be her guard. One single scarab had been inside her. It was currently struggling to pop out of her belly button. She shrieked in horror as she watched it exit her abdomen with a small bloody blob of flesh. Was that… a fetus? Had the scarab just performed an abortion on her? Was that the litter Anubis had placed inside her?

The scarab took flight with the flesh and returned to the sarcophagus and the lid closed, sealing the mummy and swarm for good. She stood up, breathing heavily as she found the Ankh in her hand. She gripped it tight. One last thing to do. She began walking towards the stone Epitaph and walked through. Somehow, she just…. knew to do that. It felt like walking through sand.

Once on the other side, she found the large pavilion. Small stone figures scatted about the floor. When she stepped on one, it let out a small scream and vanished into dust.

“the fuck….” she uttered. She quietly stepped around them to hide behind a column as she peered over. Her jaw dropped in horror at what she was watching. The large woman was riding the body of what looked like a victim of the holocaust. The boy’s body was reduced to skin and bones. He was laying there, staring up as she rode his shriveled dick.

“More Max” the god demanded. “Keep filling me!”

She watched in horror as the body twitched when he had orgasmed, she watched as cum spewed out of her vagina as she stayed put on his waist. She raised her arms up and her swollen belly shrank to a flat stomach. Through her hands came smoke. The smoke landed nearby and turned into one of the stone figures she had stepped on earlier.

“Yes Max” Hathor uttered. “Make more babies with me”

The fuck! These things were their offspring? This had to end. Autumn quietly snuck up behind the goddess and struck her back with the golden Ankh. She had been so distracted by wanted to breed with the boy that she had simply not even heard Autumn sneak up on her.

The goddess shrieked and burst into flames. Autumn stepped back and fell, tripping over the figures. She crushed like 10 of them when she landed, the shrieking filled the room. She soon noticed that the sand flew towards Max. The sand replenishing his body. That was it. The goddess was absorbing his energy and converting it into these… these stone figure offspring things. She soon began to stomp and kill each one. The more she did so, the more Max regained his body.

Soon the goddess burning corpse laid off to the side. Reducing to ash just like Anubis had. Autumn glanced towards the bed and pulled the arm of the weak boy.

“Who…” he whispered barley being able to make a sound.

Autumn hadn’t said anything. She simply walked with him straddled over her shoulder as she walked through the stone Epitaph, using the Ankh to lead the way. Once back in the attic, she placed Max down on the floor before turning to the stone and taking a bit whack at it with the Ankh. She made a chip. Soon, more and more whacks before she crumbled the epitaph into pebbles below her, destroying the gateway to that bitches realm.

Hours had passed before Max’s energy had come back. He had made three grilled cheeses while she had caught him up to speed with everything that had happened.

“So…its been like 8 years?” he uttered, chomping down on the last grilled cheese before staring at her “Fuck….sorry about your parents bro”

She glanced away, running her hands along her arm while glairing out the window. He realized he had said something wrong and placed a hand on her shoulder.

“We both lost our parents. I think its only fitting that we go and find them” he said, giving a small smile.

They both staired at each other for a while before quickly zooming into each other’s arms, kissing firmly. They both…seemed to have this attraction. Hours after the kiss they had fucked twice in her room. Or his room. It had been his room at one point. Their room. They settled on that it was their room.

Years later, decades later, they had destroyed every cursed object. Traveled the world as explorers. Even had children together. Decades later they had discovered that their sudden attraction was the result of their experiences. She had obtained Isis’s powers and Max had been seduced for eons in Hathor’s realm. He was addicted and she was pouring with love.

(Authors note: Thank you for sticking through 7 parts. This part was a mess to write as I wanted to wrap up all loose ends. If you have any questions about anything story related, please DM Me or Comment below. )


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