How Reddit led me [M] to a wild threesome with two [F] married women. (Part 2 reupload)

Required reading: [[PART 1]](

Welcome back folks, and thanks for tuning back in. After the warm reception from the horny attendants of r/gonewildstories, I’ve decided to continue telling my adventure. Two sex scenes in this one.

REUPLOAD NOTES: received a few comments and messages that this was taken down. Reuploading without gifs/vids/pics included to preserve.

Part 3 coming tomorrow ;)


Let’s recap a bit, shall we?

I had just finished roughly fucking, slapping, and cumming all over the make-up smudged face of a gorgeous redhead. She was cheating on her husband with me, a complete stranger she had met 5 hours earlier, while he was out of town. We had met on Reddit while I was looking for someone to be kinky with. When I looked at my phone again, I had another message from another woman on Reddit.


“That was amazing,” she said.

We were sitting at the bar again. In my moment of post-nut clarity, I did feel a little guilty about fucking a married woman. I had dozens of thoughts running through my head, as one does during PNC. What if her husband finds out? What if she gets pregnant? How long will this go on for? The thoughts were racing.

“So I had a lot of fun tonight but….” she coyly said. We were both still very drunk. “I think we should do this again, but in a bed.”

She leaned in again.

“Please, daddy.”

And just like that, my post-nut clarity went away, and I was ready to fuck her again. I could have gone into that bathroom again and gone for round two, but it was getting late and I did have a job to go to in the morning. Plus, I **had** to respond to the new message.

We agreed to go our separate ways. I walked her to the bus and kissed her good night. I could still slightly taste my dick on her lips.

“Message me tomorrow!” she said, as she drunkenly stumbled onto the bus.


As I settle into the cab home, I can finally take a look at the message properly.

It’s from another woman. She sent a pic of herself and a short biography.

Her name was Julia, and she was from two towns over. This was already 100% more than I knew about the other woman. We had agreed not to share anything personal about each other, including our names, where we worked, or what part of town we were from. This, I guess, was a safeguard for her privacy since she was cheating on her husband.

Anyway – Julia looked a lot different than Other Girl. Other Girl was redheaded, busty, and pale. Julia had olive skin, short and curly blonde hair and from what I could tell from her sfw pic, normal sized tits. She also was way too pretty to be responding to guys on Reddit, but I was not too handsome to respond back.

I was still a little skeptical. Was lightning going to strike twice? I kind of assumed she would be a scammer, or a Nigerian prince of some sort.

I message her back asking to get on a chat app and video verify.

And once again, to my unbelievable delight – she was exactly as pictured.

“You’re hot! Oh my god. I didn’t think hot guys were on Reddit,” she excitedly said. [I had to include this, sorry]

“You too! I can’t believe it!”

We laughed it away. I was in the same exact same situation again. A gorgeous woman whom I couldn’t believe existed on the Internet, actually existed, and was actually talking to me, and actually talking about fucking me.

After some light banter and teasing, we decide to meet up over the weekend, 1-1, just for drinks. We hang up our video chat, and I immediately go to message Other Girl.

“Hey, can I at least get your first name?”


She responded to me the next day. Her name was Dana. She was willing to put her guard down a little now that we had exchanged bodily fluids.

“Thanks, glad we got that out of the way,” I messaged back.

I was wondering if I needed to tell her about Julia. It’s not like we had had any kind of arrangement, nor did it matter. She was cheating on her husband, so if I was sleeping with someone else I met on Reddit, why would it matter? So I tell her.

“You’re not going to believe this…”

I tell her all about Julia and how I had received a message from her almost right after we finished fucking.

I saw her typing for a while, and then stop. She’d type for a while, and then stop. I had put a bit too much ego into that last message, I thought. She might feel like….Other Girl…


At the same time, things were getting hot and heavy with Julia. She worked as a nanny, so her hours were all over the place, but we spent all day sexting each other anyway. One thing I learned as the next few days passed by was that what she lacked for in tits, she **really** made up for in ass. I mean, seriously – she had the most perfectly heart-shaped, round yet firm and jiggly ass that I just wanted to stick my face in. And she seemed to be in love with my cock (which I sent consensually when she asked, of course). All in all, a recipe for success.

The weekend couldn’t come soon enough.


It was during work that my phone lit up with her name. Dana.

I was both filled with joy and nervous at the same time. In the last few days where she hadn’t messaged me, I assumed she was ghosting me. In the worst parts of my mind, I thought her husband had found out in some way.


“Hey! I’m so glad you messaged me back. Is everything alright?” I was genuinely concerned.

“Yeah…it’s just…”

She explained how she was feeling. She understood our situation, and of course realized that this wasn’t going to be a long-term thing.

“I just want to make sure you won’t forget about me. I want you to fuck me again in bed.”

She went on to explain how she didn’t want to just be used and then ignored, because that’s often how her husband makes her feel. It wasn’t my fault, but if that I could just not ghost her at least for a short time, that’d be very nice of me.

Not gonna lie – there were some red flags going off in my head. Was I a dick? Maybe. But she seemed to have gotten attached very quickly, and was really prying to make sure I didn’t ignore her. Fortunately, my smaller head prevailed.

“‘I totally understand, no worries.”

We talked about the situation with Julia – she of course had no problem. “As long as I get to fuck you in bed again that’s fine by me….”



  1. For some reason unable to put whole post in at once, so commenting here.


    Fast forward to the weekend. It’s the day of, and it’s about an hour before I’m ready to head out. I see a message from Julia on my phone.

    “Hey….I think I need to tell you something…”

    No fucking way. No. Fucking. Way.

    “I know we’re supposed to see each other today so I just wanted to be super upfront and true about everything.”

    Oh my fucking god.

    “I’m married.”


    I’m on the train an hour later. I don’t give a fuck. Obviously.

    Julia had wanted a change of plans. She wanted to meet up at a pet store before heading over to the bar.

    I get there first and see her walking down the block, talking on the phone. She’s a lot shorter than I thought she’d be, but the rest of her figure is stunning. Her curly blonde hair rippled in the sun as she walked towards me. She had on skin-tight black leggings that hugged her thick thighs and curves. On top she had a white tank top. It looked like she was heading to the gym.

    She got close to me and was still on her phone. She pointed to her phone and mouthed “follow me” as we walked into the pet store. I didn’t quite know what to do. I couldn’t tell who she was talking to. It seemed pretty casual, so I assumed it was a friend. I stood in the middle of the pet shop as she was on the phone looking at the fish tanks.

    When she would stand up tall to look at the tanks at the top, her ass would perk up and a small gap would appear right between her thighs. I couldn’t help myself.

    I walked behind her, getting borderline impatient. She was on her tippy toes looking at the tanks and I placed my hand on her lower back, just above her ass. She looked at me and raised her eyebrows.

    She turned a little bit and stuck her ass towards me. We were in the back of the store where the aisles were tight and the owner couldn’t see us. She pressed her ass against me wiggled it a little bit, smiling, still on the phone.

    That smile quickly faded.

    “I’m so sorry,” she whispered, as she covered one end, “It’s my husband.”


    Eventually we leave the pet store and wander around before heading to the bar. And what do you know – we end up on a park bench. This time, things weren’t sexual. She clearly wanted to tell me something.

    “Okay, so.” She put her hand on my thigh. “I told you I’m married. And my husband doesn’t know I’m doing this. But I also already have a dom.”

    My jaw dropped to the floor. I had to rewind and play it back.

    “I’m sorry, what?” I said.

    “Yeah. I’ve been seeing this other guy from Reddit. He doesn’t know I’m here though.”

    It was in that moment that the web had begun to weave itself.

    “But he’s been kind of distant lately. He’s been domming me for a few weeks now, but he’s kind of fallen off the map. Not ghosting really, but a lot less responsive and passionate than he used to be. I don’t even want to talk about my husband. Ugh.”

    The wires started crossing in my brain. I had to make sure I was getting this right. I stayed quiet for a few seconds to think it through.

    I’m potentially going to fuck a woman who is cheating on her husband with a dom, who I would be the one to be cheated on with, while also fucking another woman who is cheating on her husband, but wants to be sure I don’t ignore her while fucking the other woman. Okay.

    What the hell. You only live once.


    We get to the bar and start chugging drinks.

    “So, I know this might be sensitive but….you didn’t want to talk about your husband?”

    “Ugh.” She rolls her eyes. “He’s living with his mother right now. We’re not separated or divorced, but we’ve been on and off again the past couple of months. He said he needed some time away to get his head straight. So here I am.”

    I didn’t really want to learn more. Julia was a lot more open than Dana. Plus, I was drunk as hell and super horny.

    “Get in the bathroom and wait for me.”

    I shocked myself with that one. It worked on Dana, had to test if it would also work on Julia.


    “Get in the fucking bathroom and wait for me.”

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