Playing “Spin the Bottle” on MDMA with an [F]Anal Whore and her Friends!

What do you get when you take an anal whore, two of her friends, three guys, some MDMA, and an empty bottle? A good fucking night filled with insane debauchery, that’s what!

If you haven’t read my other stories then allow me to prime you by sharing only the most pertinent info. I am an anal whore, like, an obsessive one, to the extent where I actually clean out my asshole with a shower nozzle every single day, just in case I need to be ready for it to be used. BTW, highly recommend this if you have any reservations about cleanliness during anal. But yeah, most of my favorite stories involve something ending up in my hungry little butthole, and this one is no different!

This story begins at a house party, a particularly boring house party filled with the kind of people who can’t help but behave as if it’s perpetually their first time drinking. I was there with two of my friends, Claire and Jenna, both 19, and one of Jenna’s guy friends (Jordan) who was a sort of on and off fuck buddy of Jenna’s. Instead of describing both of them, I figured I’d just find the closest dopplegangers I could. [Claire]( [Jenna](

Anyway, both of my friends are keenly aware of how much of a whore I am, and I think they could tell I was bored out of my mind at this party considering the obvious lack of prospects. Unless I wanted some whisky dick bro-down, my chances of getting any tonight were starting to look grim, and it had been at least a week since one or more of my holes was filled. It’s nights like these that have me wondering if my body actually subsists on cum on some level. I should be studied.

“Katie, you got the dick munchies again?” I heard Jenna say to me as I was trying my best to dissociate from the reality of this party in some random corner of the house. This was pretty much just her special way of asking me if everything’s okay when I look bored, frustrated, disinterested, etc., which happens a lot lol. As soon as I heard her and came back to reality, I was just so over the whole thing and said, “I seriously can’t take it anymore, I’d rather go another week without dick then stay here for one more fucking second”. I was definitely being dramatic, as another week without dick would probably have me convulsing like an epileptic at a light show, but I didn’t care, I’d had enough.

She rolled her eyes before saying, “I mean, I’m kinda over it too, to be honest. We could always find Claire and Jordan and just head back to my place. I still have that molly if you’re desperate to try and salvage the night”. OMG I had forgotten about the molly! I had only taken it once before at this point, but it was a helluva night (might have to write about it sometime). Maybe I was just remembering the wild sex I had the last time I took it, but her mention of it got my heart racing and my brain working. I was going to find a way to make this a fun night for at least one of my holes.

“Oh FUCK yes I wanna take some molly!” I said just a little too loud. “Okay, I’m gonna go find Claire and Jordan, and I’m gonna need you to secure at least one mostly-sober, non-douchebag with a dick to come join us”.

“Uhhh”, she started to say as I bailed out in a frantic hunt for Claire and Jordan. Luckily it didn’t take me long, as I heard Claire’s unmistakable, goofy-ass laughter coming from the room with the beer pong table in it. “Claire, get your shit and let’s go”.

A moment of annoyance flashed over her face briefly before turning to a look of hopefulness and she said, “We get Taco Bell on the way home and cuddle?”. Claire loves Tbell and cuddles, and knows she can get them from me when I need something from her. The bro’s around the table started snickering. “Look out, Katie is on a dick hunt, boys”, Jordan said from Claire’s side at the beer pong table. I noticed a few of the guys in the room look me up and down real quick with hungry expressions peeking through their otherwise plastered faces, but I wasn’t the least bit interested in any of them.

I gave Claire a look that she knows well – a look that said, “Claire, there is dick in my near future and I need your cooperation right now”. She sighed and said, “let me beat these bitches real quick first, meet us at the car if you don’t feel like watching.” Fuck me, of course I don’t feel like watching lol, I’ve got whore things to do! I headed back to the front of the house where Jenna was and found her talking to some guy I had never seen before. He did not at all look like he belonged at this party, which was exactly what I was looking for. He was dressed like he wasn’t sure what you’re supposed to wear when you go out with friends on a weekend, and couldn’t be bothered to make too much of an effort – a Tool band t-shirt with basketball shorts and grass-stained sneakers. He wasn’t bad looking, definitely on the chubbier side, with a face and neck full of stubble and unkempt hair, but he had kind eyes and a genuine smile with nice teeth. I considered it for a moment and supposed I would let him fuck me if it came down to it lol.

Apparently, he had overheard me mention the molly, as I heard them talking about it as I approached. “Hey, I’m Katie”, I said, interrupting them. “Wanna come hang out with us?”. His eyes quickly darted between Jenna and I, probably wondering what he should say, but intent on not letting this opportunity go to waste. “Jared, and hell yeah, sounds fun! Do you guys live around here?”. “Sick, let’s go. Did you drive here?”, I asked him, ignoring his question. “Walked, I live over…”. “Perfect, ride with us”, I responded before moving towards the door and motioning for them to hurry the fuck up and follow. “Claire and Jordan are finishing up their game and they’ll meet us at the car”, I said as I practically dragged them from the house of wasted bros.

Of course, Claire and Jordan ended up making us wait a good 10 minutes before finally meeting up with us, but I managed to reign in my frustration when I saw that Jordan had another guy in tow – a guy who looked at me like a piece of meat as he approached, which I very much enjoyed. Must have been one of the guys who overheard Jordan tell everyone I was on a dick hunt. He was good looking, tall, and seemingly just drunk enough to still be able to carry a conversation and walk in a straight line. How had I missed him before? Whatever, my chances of getting fucked just got even better, so I wasn’t about to complain.

“What’s up, Katie?”, said the new guy as he stopped a few feet in front of me.

“Do I know you?”

Everyone laughed for a second before Claire chimed in, “Sean, pull out your dick so she can remember who you are, she’s better with dicks than with faces”. Oh goddamnit lol, I DID know him! I mean… not really well or anything, but I definitely sucked his dick once. If I remembered correctly, he was not at all prepared for my dick sucking skills, he came quickly, and I was annoyed that he couldn’t get it up fast enough to fuck me afterwards.

“Ohh hey Sean, you look good, did you lose some weight?”

Jared visibly shifted after I said this, was he sensitive about his weight? Poor guy, I’ll give him some confidence tonight.

“Yeah, got a job as a repo guy, got me in good shape”

I smiled at him before deciding it was time to wrap this up and head to Jenna’s place.

“Nice, you drive here?”

“Yeah, we’re headed to Jenna’s right?”

“Yes da.. Yes sir!” Fuck me, I almost blurted out, “Yes, Daddy” to him in an automated response. I couldn’t help it, I was imagining getting fucked now and I was eager to go and get the real party started. Luckily no one seemed to catch it, although I suppose it wouldn’t have been a shock to anyone if they did lol.

Fast forward 20 minutes or so and the six of us are finally settled around the open living room of Jenna’s place listening to music and breaking out some weed. I had gotten to know Jared a little at this point and, if I didn’t know any better, I’d guess he was either a virgin, or VERY sexually inexperienced. He seemed nervous, like he had an idea that something crazy might go down lol, and he seemed kind of eager to pop the molly and get into a more comfortable state of mind. He was a nice guy, just a bit socially awkward and definitely lacking some confidence, but nothing too bad. I had seen MUCH worse before lol.

“Okay so, I only have enough for 4 of us” Jenna said as she grabbed the pills from a drawer in her kitchen.

The guys kinda looked around at each other, no doubt thinking, “okay we all agree we want these girls to be rolling on molly, so which one of us is the only guy to get some too?”. I think Jordan and Sean knew that Jared came along in the first place because he was expecting to trip with us, and he was clearly in need of some relaxation.

“That’s all you, bro” Jordan said as he gestured at Jared to come get his share. Sean was clearly already enjoying the mix of the alcohol and weed, so I don’t think he minded too much either. The four of us popped the molly and just sort of resumed what we were doing.

About 30 minutes went by with the six of us just settling into a good vibe preparing for the molly to kick in. Nothing too rowdy or anything, I think we were all feeling just a little nervous as the molly started its painfully slow come up. Claire and Jenna started dancing to the music together while Jordan and Sean were talking quietly in such a way that I could only imagine they were trying to figure out some kind of plan for when the drugs kicked in lol. I was doing my best to engage with Jared and keep myself preoccupied, as the come up was making me feel very antsy and sweaty, just like it did the first time I took it. He was seriously such a nice guy that, at some point (maybe 45 minutes in?) I actually found myself moving toward him on the couch and asking him if I could lay my head down in his lap.

I was starting to feel it and felt just a little bit nauseous, again, similar to my first time, and he just had this teddy bear quality about him that made him seem comfortable to me in this moment. I considered that putting my face near his dick might get him a little worked up, but I was really just focused on having a lap to lay in for a moment while the MDMA passed the nausea hump of the come up.

“You’re like, really beautiful” Jared said as I noticed he was stroking my hair. This guy was so precious, bless his heart lol.

“Thank you, Daddy” I said without caring in the slightest. I was really starting to feel it and settle into the moment. As soon as the words left my mouth though, I felt a brief pulse on the side of my face that was pressed into his lap, and he momentarily stopped brushing my hair. He quickly went back to what he was doing though, no doubt trying to cover up what just happened, but the tactile sensation of his now slightly-shaky fingers gliding through my hair was really getting me going all of a sudden, and I couldn’t help but let out a small moan for him. It was short lived though, as I could feel myself about to break my rule of not jumping a guy before he made the first move, and just take out his dick right there and start fucking my own face on it.

I needed to reign it in a bit and come back to the group. The nausea had passed now, and so I almost bolted up out of his lap to glance around the room and get a feel for what was going on. Jordan and Sean were fixated on Claire, who was now dancing solo in a kind of writhing trance, apparently totally oblivious to the fact that anyone else was even in the room, as her hands were moving across her body in a way that almost made it seem like she was trying to figure out if she could cum just by groping herself.

I can’t recall if I’ve mentioned it before, but I’m SUPER straight, and so my interest in what she was doing was limited only to the vibe she was putting out, as I wanted to use it to encourage all of us to start getting a bit crazier lol. “Where’s Jenna?” I asked Jordan and Sean. “Pretty sure she’s puking”. Ugh, why did my friends think it would a good idea to eat Taco Bell before dropping molly? Lol. It didn’t matter, because even puking on MDMA feels good, and I knew she’d be back as soon as she was done, and likely ready to get freaky 😊.

“You bitches wanna play spin the bottle?” Speak of the devil, she was back already with an empty Smirnoff Ice in her hand and a glow about her face. The puking must have pushed her right into the peak of the MDMA, as she looked as sexually hungry as I felt.

“Woah, Jenna” Jordan said mockingly. “I don’t know if I’m ready to have my first kiss just yet, especially not one that tastes like puke”.

“We’re not gonna kiss, you asshole”.

“You want to kiss my asshole? I’m good for now, but I think Claire would take you up on that”.

Unlike me, Jenna is definitely not super straight lol, and can occasionally get very aggressive with other women. She was clearly annoyed with Jordan and intent on proving her game suggestion was going to be quite a bit more fun than your average game of spin the bottle. She casually walked up to Claire, knelt down behind her, pulled her leggings down, spread her butt, and buried her face in it to plant a very wet tongue kiss directly on her asshole. Claire jolted and bit her lip as she squeezed one of her tits in an outward motion toward her nipple before letting out a cute little giggle. She pulled her leggings back up as Jenna released her and stood up as if she had simply given her a quick peck on the cheek or something. Claire was definitely rolling the hardest so far lol, and I was officially jealous that someone was getting attention on their asshole and I wasn’t, even if it only lasted for a couple seconds.

The energy in the room immediately changed though, and it was clear that everyone was processing it in their own way. Sean and Jordan, being the only two who weren’t rolling at this point, were very enthusiastic about the whole thing (pun intended), and Jordan said, “Well fuck… Okay so what are the rules, we’re all kissing buttholes instead of lips?”.

“Not everyone is obsessed with butt stuff as much as Katie” Jenna laughed. To which I noticed Jared’s now very dilated eyes go wide for just a moment. “How about the person who spun last gets to decide what the person spinning will do to the person it lands on for like 10 or 15 seconds?” she suggested (she must have thought of this earlier or played it before lol), to which the whole room seemed to immediately agree was a very fun idea, as they simultaneously positioned themselves closer to the bottle as Jenna put it on the floor between all of us.

“Katie, you’re first”, she said, to the protest of no one. She’s a good friend, and an even better whore wingman for me, as I could tell she was eager to get me involved. “You spin, and I’ll tell you what you have to do once it lands on someone, then you’ll get to tell the next person, and we’ll go from there”.

What a clever girl, she knew that I was not the kind of whore to make the first move, but that I would never be the only party pooper in a game like this, so it really was the perfect way to bend what is typically my only rule lol, and the MDMA was the perfect lubricant to help facilitate the whole thing. God I love her.

I took the bottle and briefly wished for it to land on Jared, as I really wanted to thank him for allowing me to use his lap as I was coming up. I spun it and hoped for the best, but you can’t always get what you wish for. It landed on Claire, who had seemingly already retreated back into her own world, gyrating to the music filling the room with her eyes closed.

“Claire!”, Jenna snapped.

“Oh me?” Claire responded as she, for some unknown reason, simply turned around and bent over in a doggy style position.

The whole room laughed in a sort of, “what is she doing?” kind of way. Apparently she had forgotten the rules and was just assuming she was supposed to get into some kind of, “okay come fuck me” position. She started to turn back around before Jenna said, “no it’s fine you whore, stay like that. Katie, you’re going to stick your finger in her ass. It’s already lubed up, so just go for it”. I was kinda bummed (god I’m punny), especially since I’m the anal whore here and Claire’s ass is getting all the attention.

“I have a pussy too” Claire nonchalantly said as I moved toward her, wishing someone was forced to stick a finger in my ass instead.

“Okay fine, give her a shocker” Jenna said.

Claire pulled her leggings down again, revealing the holes that were still glistening from Jenna’s brief tonguing a moment ago. Again, the energy in the room changed, and I could sense that everyone was slowly being captured by their instincts to encourage, observe, and engage in the overtly sexual atmosphere that was now permeating the small room. Like I said, I’m super straight, but I could tell that what I was about to do would undoubtedly take our little party to the next level, and I was imagining a full-fledged orgy breaking out at any time lol.

I moved up behind her and pulled some saliva out of my mouth with two fingers just to ensure they’d slide in nice and easy. I gripped and gently spread her butt cheek with one hand as I slowly forced my fingers into her tight holes, attempting to sit off to the side so everyone could have a good view. She must have been genuinely excited, as I managed to burry them all the way inside her with very little resistance.

“Oh my fucking god” She half moaned, half laughed as my fingers paused inside her holes and I felt them tense with her mild laughter. I had never had my fingers inside another girl before, and didn’t really care to, but in this moment, with the molly coursing through my body, I was fixated on the sensation of the tightness and movement of her holes around my fingers, despite the fact that I wasn’t moving them at all. I could feel her holes squeeze and release, almost like she was working herself up toward cumming. The feeling reminded me of fingering my own holes, and made me want to yank my fingers out and put them in myself instead, but I wasn’t about to break the rules of the game. I kept them there for another moment, just watching along with everyone else, before attempting to slowly remove them from her. They gripped me exceptionally hard as I began to pull them out and, from the visual I was getting, I wondered for a moment if I wouldn’t accidentally pull her holes right out along with my fingers lol. I realized the spit I used for lube had apparently dried up a little bit as I was pulling out of her asshole in particular, so I spit on it and kind of slowly fucked my way out of it. I know my way around an asshole lol. Claire let out another short, stifled moan as I worked my fingers out, and her holes snapped shut behind them.

She seemed genuinely disappointed and, instead of pulling her pants back up, she immediately stood up and just took off all her clothes saying, “okay it’s fucking hot in here”. Yes babe, I think we can all agree on that at this point. She was right though, and I could feel it myself – with the combination of the sexual energy in the room and the molly making my heart race, I was sweating through my clothes and I was suddenly envious of her naked freedom. Fuck it, I thought, as I stood up and removed my own clothes. I was beginning to think this game wouldn’t last much longer anyway, and far be it from me to allow Claire to out whore me lol.

Jordan and Sean seemed like they were just doing their best to make sure things kept proceeding along as they had been so far, and I guess their way of doing that was to just shut up, pretend this was a totally normal thing for us to be doing, and just watch. Jared was definitely rolling now, as his look of nervousness was completely gone from his face, and he was just casually and confidently looking me up and down with a knowing grin, moving his hands and enjoying the feeling of the fabric of the couch to his sides.

“Claire, you’re up, you whore. Katie, you’re telling her what to do” Jenna said. Claire was tripping so hard I started to wonder if she’d even be capable of playing at this point.

“I want Katie to suck his dick” Claire said, pointing at Jared. She clearly had no ability to comprehend the rules of the game, and I’m not sure she understood them from the start. Even so, I was happy to have her on my team, as that was exactly what I wanted as well.

“Spin the fucking bottle, Claire. Katie will tell you what to do.”

“Take your clothes off first, slut” Claire slurred back at her. Claire was working overtime to get things going and I made a note to myself to thank her later. Jenna seemed to just now realize that she was the only one of the girls to not be naked at this point, and had this look on her face that said, “oh shit, why AM I wearing clothes anyway?”. So she quickly removed them and knelt back down on the floor, eyeballing Claire in an obvious expression of “okay, happy? Now spin”.

Claire fumbled with the bottle and gave it a sloppy spin and, wouldn’t you know it, it landed right on Jared, likely with some effort on Claire’s part, but the spin was passable enough that none of us were about to complain and try to reason with this bitch tripping her balls off. Ugh, I was immediately jealous, but at least Jared was finally in the game. What should I have her do though? I needed it to be something that would get him worked up enough to let lose and get in on the fun, but not so much that Claire would just end up hogging all his attention before I had a chance to get involved. I committed myself to escalating this party and said,
“Jenna get some coconut oil from the kitchen. Claire, get his dick out and…” before I could even finish, Claire leapt up from the floor and immediately started aggressively taking Jared’s pants off and fumbling to pull his dick out of his boxers. It wasn’t hard, but it was clearly filling with blood and coming to attention. Normally I would have expected it to be fully hard already, considering the excitement in the room, but I’ve heard that most guys get a little “stim dick” when they take molly, which makes it more difficult to stay hard and cum, I guess. It was a seriously beautiful dick though and, between the effects of the molly and my carnal desire to get it in my mouth as soon as possible, I felt my jaw clenching, teeth grinding, and mouth watering.

“Oh shit”, Jenna said, likely in some combination of surprise at how things were escalating and how nice his dick was. She quickly stood up and grabbed the Costco-sized jar of coconut oil from her kitchen counter like I had asked her, then set it on the floor next to Claire, kneeling next to her to watch. Sean and Jordan started taking off their own clothes, no doubt realizing this was their moment to get involved in some way, and they were soon both in just their boxers, stroking their dicks at the sight of Claire as she knelt in front of Jared with her back arched, ass up and holes on display, taking his cock into her mouth.

I was fixated on her work, totally ignoring the fact that I was supposed to be telling her what to do as part of the game, but increasingly jealous that I wasn’t involved with Jared yet. I think it was safe to say that the game might just be over now lol. Jared was definitely enjoying himself, but his eyes found mine and we were suddenly the only two people not watching what Claire was doing to his dick.

“You want to taste it too, Kaity? Come here” Jared said in a calm and even tone that commanded obedience in me. That was the signal I was hoping for. My heart leapt and joy filled my body as I crawled over to him to take Claire’s place, hungrier for cock than I can ever remember being in my life. The combination of the build up, the molly, and watching someone else suck his dick was just too much for me and, as soon as I was knelt in front of him, I felt a primal urge to claim his cock for myself with as much passion and sluttiness as I could muster.

I put my hands on his thighs and just impaled my throat on his now almost fully hard, and already wet cock. “Holy fucking shit” he said, as I managed to get almost the entire thing down my throat in one motion. I just held it there in my throat for as long as I could, writhing my tongue on the underside of his shaft.

“Damn, I wanna see if I can do that” Claire said as she crawled toward Jordan, seemingly just searching for the next nearest dick to test herself on. She must have been eager to get a cock back in her mouth after I took her place with Jared’s.

“Sean, get your dick out for her” Jenna said, no doubt wanting to secure Jordan for herself considering their FWB status. Suddenly all three of us are just sucking dick together on the living room floor, rolling our assess off, and apparently trying to outclass each other through sound alone. I had begun bobbing my head up and down on Jared’s cock when I heard Claire gag and start violently coughing behind me.

“Fuck, Katie, how do you do that so easily?”, she said as I felt her come back over to watch me.

“She’s just a world class whore, obviously” Jenna chimed in between the sounds of her working Jordan’s dick.

I was getting really into it now, stroking his sizable cock in porn star fashion with both hands and my mouth while looking him directly in the eyes. The feeling of his cock stretching my throat on MDMA was absolute bliss, as if I were made to do this, and every cell in my body was confirming to me that this was my purpose. What little gag reflex I have while sober just goes completely out the window on MDMA, and I become this superhuman, cock-sucking slut with no boundaries.

I was starting to crave something in my asshole though, and to a degree that I have only ever experienced on MDMA. When it peaks, I get this sensation of fullness in my ass, almost like my nervous system has just given up on keeping it closed, and it’s just fully relaxed and ready for anything. The first time I took it was the only time I’ve successfully managed to fist my own ass, and it was practically effortless at the time. As if reading my mind, Claire said to Jared, “you should see her butthole, it’s seriously so cute, you’ll love it”.

“It really is” Jenna briefly paused her cock sucking to add her two cents.

“Let me see if I can do something” I said as I pulled back from his cock and turned around to dig out a glob of coconut oil from the jar on the floor next to me. I crawled to the middle of the room so everyone could see, and pointed my holes at Jared as I bent over, spread my ass with one hand, and began slathering it with coconut oil and working my fingers into it with the other.

At this point, everyone had stopped what they were doing to watch me work my fist into my starving asshole, no doubt putting on a pretty damn good show of it. Just like the first time I had tried this on MDMA, my fist was quickly fully inside my ass, and it felt un-fucking-believable. I could feel the ring of my butthole stretching around my wrist and gripping it for dear life as I rapidly pumped it in and out of me in short, piston-like movements. Oh fuck, I was definitely going to cum, and I could feel the familiar feeling of liquid building up inside of me ready to squirt out as soon as I let up on the pressure. The orgasm that hit me was so intense I found myself groaning like a dying animal as I finally pulled my fist from my gaping asshole and kept it pried open with my fingers for everyone to see. I felt it convulse and attempt to close itself in rhythm with the liquid now gushing from my pussy onto the floor with each wave of pure ecstasy.

It must have been a great show, and I wanted to turn around to see Jared’s reaction, but I just collapsed onto the floor with my ass still in the air, no doubt quivering and struggling to close itself back up. Right as I started to regain a semblance of my composure and considered attempting to turn around again, I felt someone come up behind me and spread my ass back open. I didn’t know who it was and I didn’t care, I was just happy to be used at this point. I felt what was undoubtedly a dick sink itself into my butthole and, judging by how deep it went, I could only imagine it must have been Jared’s. My suspicions were confirmed as I heard Jenna say something like, “Yeah Jared! Fuck the shit out her! I want to watch!”. Everyone was now crowded around me as Jared slammed his cock in and out of my insatiable little asshole, undoubtedly giving yet another once in a lifetime show.

Unfortunately, the stim dick factor seemed to come into play, as well as the fact that Jared probably wasn’t in good enough shape to keep hammering away in this position without overheating from the molly. He pulled out of me and took a few steps back, just stroking his dick and catching his breath as he watched my asshole try to close back up again. I looked around the room and got an extra slutty, very MDMA-inspired idea…

“What if everyone came in my asshole while I hold it open for them?”. Jordan and Sean, being the only two not on MDMA, were definitely ready to bust at this point from having their dicks sucked and watching this show, and probably wouldn’t take much more to get there. I figured Jenna might not want Jordan to fuck me after she already worked so hard on him and they were kind of a thing, but that maybe her molly’d out brain wouldn’t mind finishing him off into my asshole. I just wanted to keep stretching myself and sustaining this unbelievable feeling I was experiencing, so I figured this compromise might work.

“You want me to jerk you into her asshole, babe?” Jenna asked Jordan.

“Fuck yeah” was all he could manage in response. Can you blame him?

I stuck 5 or 6 fingers in my ass to pry myself open for him and give him an easy target (fuck it feels so good to stretch myself on this drug), bending back over and assuming the position. Apparently, he wasn’t quite ready yet though, and I was just bent over and waiting for someone to unload into me. Luckily, Sean, staying true to how I remembered him, seemed like he was mere seconds away. He came up behind me and knelt down, furiously jerking his dick in an effort to cross the peak he was clearly very near.

“Oh fuck” I heard him say as he buried his cock in my ass and started fucking the shit out of me. I wasn’t expecting him to do that, but I wasn’t gonna complain, can’t blame the guy for wanting to feel my asshole around his cock before cumming.

“No! We want to see it!” Claire said, reminding Sean of the plan.

He pulled out after just a few seconds and I felt rope after rope of hot cum flood my asshole and drain all the way into my guts. I could literally feel the heat of it just sink deeper and deeper into me as if I were an actual, living cum drain. Damn sex feels good on MDMA. Apparently that was enough to get Jordan close to the edge too, as he quickly came up behind me and held his dick right at the entrance to my pried open asshole while Jenna did her best to milk him directly into it. This was seriously the best night ever.

Just as the warmth of Sean’s cum began to fade, I felt the renewed heat flood my asshole again as Jenna emptied Jordan’s balls inside of it. She wasn’t as good at aiming though, and a bunch ended up splattering my pussy and back instead. No worries, I scooped it up and pushed it inside my ass where it belonged, looking back at Jared, still stroking his dick, as I did so. Jared was definitely having some trouble cumming, as he started to look just a little bit frustrated. I looked at Jenna and Claire and said, “why don’t both of you help him? No guy could resist nutting from that”. Normally I would have wanted to get his cum out myself, but I could tell he wanted to take part in the experience, and this seemed like a surefire way to get him to cum lol. Their eyes lit up in obvious approval of my idea, and they both made their way over to him as he stepped back toward me to line himself up with my asshole.

It took a second, but they quickly figured out a way to both work his dick in simultaneous harmony. Jenna grabbed his shaft at the base and squeezed hard with one hand, while fondling his balls with the other, and Claire started what looked like an actual milking motion with his dick by starting at the base, squeezing, moving her hand towards the tip, releasing a little, then repeating. It was insanely hot to watch, but my neck was starting to hurt while trying to get a decent view from my doggy position and I was hoping he could cum before I couldn’t tolerate the angle anymore lol.

“Holy fucking shit” He managed to say again, this guy has a way with words huh. Their efforts must have been working though, cause he started to groan like he hadn’t cum in weeks, right before a jet of cum shot out of his dick and blasted my asshole with so much force that it surprised me and I momentarily lost my grip holding my hole open for him. I quickly regained myself and spread it back open as this poor guy unloaded what must have been a painful amount of cum to hold onto until this point. Despite the fact I was holding my ass open for him, I felt it begin to drip down into my pussy and onto the floor. There was just too much cum in there now lol.

He must have been overheating a bit, cause he collapsed back onto the couch and started panting like he was hyperventilating. Uh oh, maybe the poor guy wasn’t quite ready for an experience like this lol. I’m a whore, but I’m also a caretaker, and my instincts to make sure he was okay kicked in immediately. I got up and moved over to him as I felt the cum leak out of me and run down my legs.

“Damn you okay dude?” I heard Jordan say in a half laughing, half genuinely concerned voice.

I think we were all suddenly pulled out of the moment, as most of us had cum and released some of our sexual energy at this point, and Jared’s collapse had reminded us all that we might want to take a moment to break and cool off. Of course, he was fine, he just needed a few minutes to settle down. Claire and Jenna were still kind of worked up and no doubt eager to cum themselves, but the group show was over, and they seemed to think it would be a better idea to take their respective guys somewhere more private and attempt to get them hard again, or to at least get them to eat some pussy and help them cum lol.

Jared and I just hung out in the living room for the rest of the night and continued to play around a few times between resting and just talking about how insane that whole experience was. I’d probably write about what we did more if this wasn’t so long already, but it wasn’t anything crazy, and he didn’t manage to cum again. Either way, it was an unbelievable night that I will no doubt remember fondly for the rest of my life!



  1. In case anyone is wondering why this story is so long, it was such an incredible experience of mine that, despite the absurd length, I just had to find a way to share it. I still consider it to be one of my all time favorite experiences even to this day!

    My next story will definitely be shorter though, as this one took forever to write, and I have too many stories to tell lol

  2. Wow, yeah, that sounds amazing. Mollie is my favorite, this one hit the spot for me. Thanks again.

  3. I love such long detailed stories about using assholes, really get you in the mood 🥰

  4. Incredibly hot story. What I wouldn’t give to have had an experience like that. Keep writing please, you’re very good at it!

  5. Wow this was so crazy. I wish i have done something like this also

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