The Eagle, The Priestess, and the Epitaph Pt. 6 [Fantasy] [MF] [Seduction] [Blowjob]

(Authors Note: Hi Everyone! So this will be the penultimate chapter. Only one more to go. Hope you have enjoyed this. Already working on my next story after the final chapter. )

The morning sun had begun to stir her as she awoke from a deep, uninterrupted slumber. Autumn blinked her eyes open to see the curtains to her bedroom window frayed and tattered, the rod hanging by one side. She blushed and gave a soft smile as she observed a small finch on the ledge chirping as the morning sun blasted into the room. The storm had long past.

She felt his strong arm around her as she laid on her side, blankets thrown over them. She could hear his loud snoring and she blushed harder. She felt his body tightly snuggled with her own as they lie in bed. The dry cum over her face, legs, chest, and so forth still smelt fresh.

She still felt sore too, as her and Anubis had fucked all night long. They basically destroyed her bedroom. The bed was on the ground, the frame, legs, and headboard destroyed. The curtains torn and picture frames and clothing scattered about. Ooops. She wasn’t sure how she was going to explain it to her parents….oh god her parents!

She shot straight up in bed, her hair falling over her face, sticking to the dry cum in spots. She threw the covers off and ran to the window, glancing towards the drive way. Her nude, petite body shone in the sunlight as she darted her eyes about. No car. She felt her heart slow down after the panic. Her parents’ car hadn’t returned. That was very….very odd. Usually, they were home before midnight on date nights.

“Fuck baby” she heard his voice as she shifted her head to face the bed. He was laying on his back, biting his lower lip as the covers only covered his waist and crotch. His muscled, tatted body smiling back at her. “Your body is radiating in the sunlight. Cant wait to see it do that when your belly is full of my litter”

She smiled softly moving towards the bed, leaning down and kissed him on the lips as she moved a hand to his warm chest “Soon enough Anubis. I gotta check on my parents. They didn’t come home last night”

“Don’t worry about them babe” he said, pulling her down onto the bed as he wrapped his arms around her body “Stay here. Let’s mate some more”

She pushed him off her as he wasn’t using that much force. “No, we gotta chill. We can’t keep fucking like we did last night.”

“Why not?” He asked, moving his arms up, resting his hands behind his head as he smiled back to her, flexing his muscles at her.

“You will literal destroy my pussy until its unfuckable” she smiled kissing him one more time before leaving the bed, leaning down to grab her panties, knowing full well she gave him a full glance at her cum covered pussy. “And your dick will get all kinds of floppy.”

“Never” he huffed, closing his eyes again to sleep.

She made her way downstairs, putting on a pair of short shorts and a tight tee as she discovered in fact, her parents were not home. She found her cellphone in the kitchen where she had left it and turned it on. Seemed like the power was working again. She discovered no new texts, calls, or notifications. She attempted to call her parents number but got a busy signal. Which was weird as cells didn’t do that.

She made her way back upstairs, to find him still in bed, sleeping. She sighed and slid under the covers, moving her way back into his arms. He gripped her tightly as she kissed his neck.

“I’m worried about my parents” she whispered, allowing her hands to wrap around his neck and back as she tangled her legs between his own. “They didn’t come home last night and they’re not answering their cell”

“I wouldn’t worry about it babe. They prob just went missing. Everyone who has lived in this house has gone missing at some point. Except for you. Your gonna be just fine as long as I’m around.”

She pushed off him slightly to stare into his eyes “What do you mean people have disappeared from this house?”

“It’s the curse of the objects up in the attic” he mentioned, leaning in to kiss her neck until she pushed him off. “The Archeologist got eaten by the scarab chest, a widow got burned to ashes on the Ankh key, and the boy gets trapped in the epitaph with the sex goddess. If you stay in this bed with me, breeding my litter, your gonna be fine” He winked

“That’s not….very comforting Anubis” she pushed him off again, sitting up in the bed, staring down at him with a concerned look. “Shouldn’t we like….help the kid out of the stone wall?”

“Nah…he’s having the time of his life. Sex for all eternity” he smiled, moving his hand up her back, tracing her spine under her shirt “Take your shirt off babe. Let’s mate again. My dick is throbbing”

She groaned and pushed his hand away, standing up and grabbing a fresh pair of cloths from her dresser “I’m taking a shower. Do what you want”

She left him with that. She entered the bathroom nearest to her bedroom and turned on the ceiling fan. She turned on the hot water and undressed. Once inside, she stood under the roaring steamy water and let the water flush the dry cum off her. She stood there for 10 minutes, letting herself get soaked and clean by just the water. While allowing the water to hit her face, she reached over to grab the soap when her hand felt a nipple. She jumped to see Anubis standing in the shower with her.

“Babe…need some help?” he smiled, pouring some soap into his hand.

“Not really but…” she smiled and blushed turning her back to him “If you want to, I’m not gonna complain” She giggled.

He soon began to lather her back in soap and soon his wandering, flirty hands met her breasts. He pulled her back into his chest, lathering his own body with her soapy back as his hands kneaded into her breasts, his palms massaging her nipples. She felt his dick through her thigh gap, rubbing along her tender flesh. She leaned back into his shoulder, feeling him massage her body as she moved her hands behind them, gripping his ass cheeks, digging her nails into his flesh.

“Anubis….” She softly moaned. She staired up to the celling of the shower before closing her eyes. “Breed me again. Put your litter in me”

“Already did babe” he smiled, kissing her tender neck “ I can smell when a bitch is in heat, and when a bitch has been bred. And you baby girl, have been bred. I can smell my little ones made it to your egg.”

She found his way of saying “Congrats, your pregnant” to be quite hot. She bit her lip, feeling his hands wander down from her breasts, coating her belly and waist and hips in soap as one hand dug into her abdomen and the other moved down, massaging her puffy pink lips of her vagina in soap.

“My litter will grow strong in you Baby girl. Our wolf pack will be large and strong with us leading them” He growled, his voice getting more dominant. His fingers danced along her flesh like ballerinas on a Broadway stage. She bit her lip, moaning loud as she turned around as kissed him, feeling him react by pushing her up against the shower wall. The water pouring down them, cleansing them of the soap as her left leg lifted up in reaction to feeling his cock on her abdomen. He guided his cock to her entrance and with one swoop of his hips upwards, he was deep inside her, claiming her womb as his own once more. Her body reacted like the previous night. In shivers and in passion. She wrapped herself around him, as he began to pound his way at her womb once more.

“Tell Alpha you love him” he uttered harshly as he gripped her neck in one hand, nearly death gripping her waist with the other.

“I….love you” she whimpered, blushing as she glanced into his eyes, feeling her breasts bounce as he fucked her hard, the lewd clapping if their body’s coming into contact with each other echoed.

Soon he grunted and took his dick out of her, pushing her down. He shoved his dick into her moaning throat, gagging her quiet as she gripped his waist. She was being gagged and drowned. His dick punctured through the back of her mouth into her throat as the water flushed along his body, down her face. She squinted her eyes shut, feeling her tongue slither about on the base of his shaft, feeling his muscles squirm in her warm throat.

“Bitches deserve nothing less. To be bred and used” he uttered, groaning as he blasted his cum deep into her throat. His warm spewing seed hit the back of her throat and she gagged harder, gulping as much down as she could. It was a large load, like he hadn’t came all night.

Once he unloaded himself into her mouth he held his cock there for a bit before sliding it out, letting the semi erect cock slap her face several times in the water stream before allowing her to stand up. When she rose, they kissed, making out in the shower until the water turned ice cold.

Once out of the shower, dried and dressed, Anubis had found his way to the kitchen like any man to find food. But one thing hadn’t left Autumn’s mind. The boy trapped upstairs. She quietly made her way up the secret staircase and into the museum of an attic. She pulled some of the dusty cloths off the items and found a sarcophagus that was locked. She found a small cabinet with the golden Ankh Anubis had described earlier. She had held it. It felt light and warm until she remembered a woman had burnt to ashes and put it back quickly. She soon found the base of the statue which Anubis had come from, noticing a small spear. Like the other statue nearby, Anubis must have been holding this. She lifted it up and glanced at it. It was covered in glyphs from ancient Egypt. Like the ankh, it was warm to the touch and felt….odd. Like it was alive.

She hard the floorboards creak behind her. She jumped in fright before swinging the spear around her. Time acted as if it slowed down. She watched as Anubis came into her view. He smiled until the spear struck him in his face, scaring his right side of his face, his skin beginning to boil and burn.

His loud groan and scream made the whole room shake. She felt like a bomb went off. She was blasted backwards, into the glass cabinet. The Golden ankh and several other items falling to the ground with her, all covered in glass.

“you whore!” he bellowed, his right side of his face burning like it was on fire. A skull showing behind the burning skin and behind that, the looks of a wolf. She felt pain in her right leg, as a large pane of glass was through her inner thigh. She winced in pain as she soon felt his hands on her throat, choking her. He wasn’t playing this time. There was evil in his eyes as she glanced up to him. He was crushing her throat.

She gasped, feeling his hands crush her throat as she glanced to her right, spotting the Ankh. She tried to reach for it, as it was mere inches away from her fingers.

“I wanted to breed you. Make you the mother of my wolf pack.” He growled, his godly voice coming through. Each word he spoke, shuddered the room int aftershocks “violating the body of a god results in death!”

She felt her life force draining. She couldn’t breathe, her face was turning blue and her body going limp. She had just managed to grab the Ankh when it glowed. She gripped it tightly and shoved it deep into his chest. He let go of her neck and screamed loudly. Fire encasing his body as it began to crack like pottery. He glared down at her as she slowly crawled herself backwards, blood trailing from her legs. He pulled the golden ankh out and tossed it into the junk pile before it landed on the sarcophagus.

She crawled back, tears streaming down her cheeks as he grew taller, his feet booming as he approached her. She soon felt his hand grip on her neck and lift her up and began to walk towards the staircase.

“Maybe you’ll end up like that cop. Down a flight of stairs” his booming demanding voice echoed. She coughed, feeling him approach the door, opening it and tossed her with all his might down the staircase. She closed her eyes. If this was how she was going to die. She was not going to let herself know. She felt her body stop suddenly. She opened her eyes. She was at the bottom of the staircase. Floating. She soon heard some fluttering of wings. She turned her head to see one single scarab beetle had been holding her up. Soon, she heard more fluttering of wings.

“What? How..” He uttered, turning himself to face the sarcophagus. It had opened, revealing a mummy staring back at him with a large swarm of scarab beetles flying out of the sarcophagus. The swarm swarmed around Anubis, biting and nibbling on his god flesh. The single scarab had let her down gently and approached her leg. It was like magic. The glass turned to sand at its touch and it soon began to gag up spit which healed her injury. She soon stood up, watching the scarab float back up into the attic. She climbed the staircase, unsure what she would find.
