[M]y adventures with a married girlfriend [MF] (PART 2)

Alright, I know what you’re thinking. That J dude is a dick. He wrote a long winded buildup last time, barely wrote anything about the naughty bits, and left us on a cliff hanger. Just relax and trust me, the fun has just begun.

So I had just gotten finished having the most aggressive and fulfilling sex with my coworker while my girlfriend was out of town when she dropped a massive bomb on me. She was married.

“Your fucking what?” I actually said that part.

“Yea, I’m married. I thought you knew! I’m friends with Jason’s wife. Figured he would have told you.” She was talking about the club owner.

“I don’t really bring you up in conversation with him unless it’s about work. He’s pretty busy as it is. Glad I know now though…”

The dull roar of blood rushing in my ears was now renewed as my emotions turned from post-coitus ecstasy to a mixture of fear, anger, and regret. After years of self reflection on that moment, I realized it was the shock of the news more than anything that made me feel like that. I’d come around but at the moment I wanted to be literally anywhere but there.

“J I’m sorry, don’t rush out of here please. Let me clean up and we can talk.” She was still absolutely soaked in the load I had produced. I was frantically trying to put my pants on and gather my things as she got up. The ropes were hanging off her gorgeous tits in big strings as she went for a towel. I took a deep breath after getting dressed and returned to the couch while she toweled herself off.

“Is he here? Pretty sure the next town over knows you got fucked, so I’m guessing not.”

She took her spot next to me before answering. “No he’s overseas and has been for a couple months. He won’t be back until this fall.”

“Is he in the military?”

“No, civilian contractor.”

I got some minor relief from that conversation, but was still a bit shocked. I loaded another pipe and smoked it in front of her while I gathered my thoughts.

“What’s up with you and Lisa? I know you live with her, I never see you guys together.” She had taken a caring tone with this question, remaining close to me but not making contact.

“Things are not good, I’d break up with her now but she’s on the lease and I don’t trust her not to loose her shit before it’s over.”

“That’s awful J, I’m really sorry.” She leaned and gestured towards the pipe. I repacked it and handed it to her.

“It is what it is. So what made you want to step out on your husband? You guys okay?”

“Yea, we’re good. I’m just a needy slut I guess. I did this last time he left for awhile with another guy. I have needs you know? It’s his last trip so I guess there’s that to look forward to.”

“Does he know?”

“Nope, and I’d prefer to keep it that way please.”

She handed me back the pipe, and put her hands on my shoulder, resting her chin on them so her head leaned on mine.

“Just let me make you feel good, I need good company.”

I melted right then and there. She and I had similar needs, she appeared to want to keep things discreet, and that sex was fucking sensational. I really didn’t care if she was using me anymore, it was a welcome break from my turmoil at home.

We finished smoking, I took my pants back off and laid on the couch with her on top of me for a while watching TV. She would sit up every now and then to smoke a pipe and massage my chest as I took my turn. It was the most affection anyone had shown me in months. I resolved myself to end things with Lisa as soon as possible having seen the grass IS actually greener on the other side.

Morning light broke and I gathered my things.

“Stay with me please, if you can?”

“I wish I could but I think Lisa is gonna be home soon. I better make it look like I stayed there.”

“I understand. Well get some sleep. I’ll see you next weekend handsome.”

She stood on her tiptoes and gave me one last passionate kiss as she held my face. I wanted so badly to stay and hold her in bed all Sunday. Her warm soft lips were tortuous to pull away from but I did and took my leave.

When I got home Sam and the unidentified blonde were still on the couch. She was passed out with blankets over her head, but he was still awake playing video games. I plopped myself down next to him and reloaded another pipe.

“Sup slut? Did you did it with Ali?”

“Sure did,” I passed him the pipe, “I feel 10lbs lighter. What did you guys do?”

“Fucked and smoked, I think she’s still naked.” He flipped the blanket off her ass cheeks to reveal a cute little southern smile peeking out the back. She looked super tan and a little familiar. “Hey Abby, you awake?” He grabbed a big handful of her cheek and gave it a shake.

She pulled the blanket down from her face, eyes half open with sleep. I knew I’d recognized her, she was Sam’s free use friend he’d been hooking up with since he got back. She was a short, curvy little Latina girl with big pouty lips and a round ass. She must have recently dyed her hair blonde.

“Congratulate this man, he just got laid for the first time in months.”

“Mmmm can I taste?”

“Go ahead!” Sam said, returning to his video game after giving her ass a little slap.

She crawled across the couch towards me, laying across Sam with her face in my lap. “Ah what the hell, why not?” I thought to myself. I pulled my cock out and let her wrap her lips around me.

“Mmm she tastes sweet, good for you.” Abby was licking me up and down like a popsicle.

We sat their taking turns getting blowjobs from Abby till we both finished. It was super relaxing, and she didn’t seem to mind at all. We finished our smoke session and I was getting sleepy.

“Alright, Lisa will be home in a couple hours. I’m gonna get some shut eye.”

“Night dude.”

“Night J.”

I honestly don’t remember anything past my head hitting the pillow. Lisa was home a few hours later in a typical sour mood. We didn’t speak much, and I was fine with that after all that’d happened in the last few hours.

Friday night rolled around and I headed into work alight with nerves. Was Ali going to act normal at work? Were we still going to have a good dynamic? Did anyone know what had happened? Will Vegeta get the last dragonball in time? My anxiety was soon calmed when I felt an arm sneak around my waist while I stood at the bar.

“Hey handsome, you have a good week?” Ali said as she greeted me. I took a look around to see if anyone was near but we were alone.”It was alright, how was yours?”

“Boring. I was missing you.” Right off the bat she was flirting away and batting her eyelashes. I laughed a little nervously. She was still staring at me with her chin proped on her hand.

“You going to come over tonight or am I going to have to hunt you down?” The sudden aggresion caught me way off gaurd.

“Woah, woah, woah. Where is this ‘tude coming from?”

“Guess I need an attitude adjustment. Might even need a spanking. Don’t come over if you’re not man enough.”

She gave me an up and down while trying to hide a smirk before she strutted off.

Holy fuck, this girl made my blood boil in the best kind of way. I wasn’t a very experienced brat tamer at this point, but I was more than confident after our last encounter that I could wipe that smug look off her face from the inside.

The night came and went, we cleaned up the bar and I headed out the back door. I jumped in my car and headed directly to her place as she requested. We pulled up about the same time, and walked into her apartment together.

I was ready to jump her the moment I clocked out and wasted no time pouncing on her as she stood in front of the kitchen counter. I closed the distance and pushed her against the cabinets, placing one hand gently on her throat and the other on her upper thigh, clawing at the fabric of her leggings. She responded to my advances by arching back and putting one hand behind her on my shoulder.

“I’ve been waiting all week for this.” She moaned as I kissed the side of her face and neck.

“Oh yea? How badly do you really want it?” I stuck my free hand down the front of her pants as she Spread her legs slightly and pushed her hips back. Her panties were already drenched and her tight warm pussy slick to the touch.

“I warmed myself up in the car, I couldn’t wait any longer.” She was grinding into me, my cock already hard and waiting at this point.

I released her throat, picked her up, and carried her to the side of the couch where we’d fucked before. This time I turned her away from me and bent her over the arm of it. I pulled her pants and underwear down in one yank and immediately started teasing her lips with my fingers.

“I’m gonna make you beg for it.” I growled

“Oh you think so?” WHACK. I spanked her a little harder than intended but she definitely seemed to like it. The print of my hand already pink on her firm cheek.”I know so.” I told her as I slid two fingers into her. They may as well have been sucked in with how turned on she was. “Are you going to be a good girl?”

“Maybe.” WHACK. Another print directly over the last.

“What was that?”

“I’ll be a good girl, spank me again please.” WHACK. She started rocking back and forth onto my hand, fucking herself on my fingers.

“Good. Are you gonna beg for it?”

“I might.” WHACK “Oh fuck, yes. Please fuck me. I need it baby.”

“That’s a good girl, keep going.”

She kept pushing back into my hand over and over as I ran the other up and down her spine. Her legs were starting to tremble, making her bright red cheeks jiggle and twitch with her pleasure. “Please fuck me now, please please please.”

“Okay baby girl, you asked for it.”

I dropped my pants, used the hand I’d just pulled out of her to wet myself, and immediately plunged as far as I could into her. She started to scream, but covered her own mouth to catch herself. “Holy fuck you’re deep J!”

I continued fucking her over the arm of the couch. Letting all my pent up anger and frustration out, pounding on her bouncing ass. She put her arms behind her back, gesturing for me to hold them. I grabbed her forearms as she held mine and we braced against the motion together. Her back was beautifully arched as her long dark hair fell back from her face.

“Oh fuck J, you’re gonna make me cum.” She managed to get out between her moans and squeals.

“Yea baby? You want to cum together?”

“Fuck, yes please, fill me up. Cum inside my pussy.”

I doubled my efforts, the sound of my balls slapping her clit only grew louder as we both neared the point of climax. My pace slowed a bit as my strokes got longer till finally I buried my self in her, my own ass clenching in spasms with hers as we both came. The mess ran down both of our legs as we paused for a second.

I stumbled back, taking a seat on the floor hunched over with my elbows on my knees, completely out of breath. Ali was also breathing heavy with her hair a mess, she spun around taking a seat on the arm. If looks could kill I’d have been dead in that moment. The way the living room light perfectly framed her head from my perspective only made the sinister look on her face that much more convincing in the shadows.

“You’re mine now, you know that right?”

*ding* My phone went off with a text from Lisa “Where are you? I need you home rn.”

Aw fuck. Here we go….

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/uv6afm/my_adventures_with_a_married_girlfriend_mf_part_2


  1. keep it up man, your writing is great

    the freeuse part was hilarious btw

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