[M24] [M] I had prosthetic boobs put on me and I was weirdly turned on

ok, now that title might be a lot to take in but, let me explain… (it’s a bit of a long story) also i’m not posting pics, unless i change my mind

so last week i ran into a friend which i made at a party last year and she is a really great person, i’ll call her Jess. she works with prosthetic makeup for movie,music video sets (super cool, right?) anyway, she told me that she was given a bunch of gear in a workplace raffle that Jess and a few other coworkers won and asked if i and my gf wanted to try some of the stuff. i of course said yes and we set up a day to meet at her house. i asked Nikki (my gf) and she agreed to do it too. honestly she was probably more excited than i was.

ffw to yesterday when we met up. Jess took us to a room at the back of her house that was well lit and had tarp hung up on the walls and covering the floor, i guess she likes to prepare for the worst case scenarios. she told me and Nikki to wait for a second and she came back with this huge box, and went back for another box of the same size. Nikki was super intrigued and asked immediately if she could look like a zombie (she’s obsessed with horror/halloween stuff) to which Jess replied with a big grin.

after around 2 or 3 hours Jess turned Nikki into a zombie, kind of. it wasn’t the best like you would see in a blockbuster film but more of like a good halloween costume. Either way Nikki was super happy with it and started doing her own little photo shoot. Jess then asked me what i wanted. I thought for a minute and asked if i could get elf ears. Jess said she could do that easily and got her stuff. It took around 20 minutes because my ears were oddly shaped according to her (gee thanks) i looked in the mirror and they looked really good on me, which might be a little biased. Nikki also really liked them and said she wanted to know if i could wear them in bed one time. Now i don’t think i can just take them off and put them back on again, but i think i already know what my halloween costume is going to be this year.

Jess asked the both of us if we wanted anything else done and i said, “could you give me a big scar on my chest?” She said she could and then also had this mischievous smirk on her face. She asked Nikki to help grab some extra materials and they came back giggling and looking at each other. i took my shirt off and laid down in the chair Jess had set up. I somehow fell asleep after sitting there for an hour, which was a big mistake, and the only way that their little scheme was going to work. They got extremely lucky.

when i woke up and felt this weight on my chest. i looked down and, BAM, huge set of tits. my first thought was, am i in a different body? (they were done that well) Nikki and Jess started hurting out laughing and i realized what was going on. Jess put a pair of fake tits on me. i walked over to the mirror and was shocked at how good they looked on me, my more feminine face and long hair helped make it look more believable too. i looked at Nikki and Jess and straight up told them, i didn’t mind this. Nikki was expecting it but Jess was surprised.

Jess then left the room to get me some clothes to try on and came back with a t-shirt, bikini top, sports bra, and hoodie. i struggled to put the hoodie on since, well, i’ve never had to deal with two melons on my chest. Nikki helped put it on and, i was confused as fuck when i looked in the mirror. i looked like a completely different person. i asked Jess to put some makeup on me and when she did and i looked in the mirror again, i was incredibly turned on. i didn’t know i needed to see myself like this. it gave me a lot of confidence, too. i took the hoodie off and put the shirt on. same as before, i really liked it. same with the sports bra. then with the bikini top, i felt really weird wearing it for some reason, but the good kind of weird.

Nikki then had the bright idea to see if i could go to a bar and try to pick up some guys. but, that’s a story for another time. should i post it?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/uv2dlu/m24_m_i_had_prosthetic_boobs_put_on_me_and_i_was


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