A Father’s Struggle 50 – Hangover (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

I awoke instantly regretting what I did as I felt like I had the entire iron man competitors using my head as a chopping block with the entire line dance team with spiked shoes dancing on my temples making my head throb something fierce.

My only saving grace there wasn’t much light surrounding me as I could barely make out that I was hanging off a bed with a large plastic bowl under me to catch whatever from me.

I groaned and felt entirely weak.

I heard a feminine voice behind me speak, “Finally you’re awake.”

I hissed out, nearly begging, “Please stop yelling.”

I heard the same feminine voice speak, “I wasn’t yelling.”

I groaned louder, “Yes you were.”

I heard the person lightly chuckle before she spoke, “There’s a small pile of aspirin to your right along with two glasses one is filled with water the other is electrolytes.”

I turned my head to look for the aspirin and instantly regretted moving my head as I went back to looking down at the plastic bowl realizing my neck was stiffer than hell.

I reached out and barely tapped the table, making me curse my luck. I tried to move over so I could reach and wished I hadn’t moved.

The girl spoke as I began to recognize the person speaking, “Here let me help you daddy.”

I felt someone lean over the bed causing me to naturally shift with the weight distribution and making me instantly hate life. i felt someone touch my hand and put something in it as I felt what felt like pills resting in my hand. Four of them to be exact.

I heard the girl speak, “Here daddy, drink.”

I saw a glass in front of me.

I groaned as I moved my hand and popped the pills into my mouth before my daughter helped me drink the water.

After a few gulps of amazing refreshing water I gasped out, “Thanks Savanna. I appreciate it.”

I heard Savanna chuckle while I remained in my prone position that I woke up to as she spoke, “Don’t mention it. Glad I could nurse you to health.”

I groaned, “Well I appreciate it.”

Savanna clicked her tongue, “Just be glad it’s me nursing you and **not** Nicole…..or Heather.”

I groaned and tried to nod my sentiment as she was right.

If Nicole was the one nursing me I would be getting an **ear** full as she would probably be *yelling* at me making my hangover worse. Then when she was done she would probably be nice and feed me something. Something greasy.


I groaned, “Any way I can talk you into some food? I’m starving.”

Savanna spoke, “I’m not sure if there’s anything nuke-able.”

Then she uttered the words that should make any man afraid, “I can cook you something if you like?”


Savanna doesn’t cook and the last time she did…..let’s just say I had to replace a microwave and leave it at that.

I groaned, afraid to shake my head instead I spoke hoarsely, “Just food dash something to our door. I don’t care where as long it’s a burger and it’s greasy.”

Savanna lightly chuckled, “K.”

As I felt her bounce off the bed where I wanted to curse at her for jostling me when I’m not feeling good.

Then I remained laying on, what I assume, my bed while my head hung over the bed staring at the big plastic bowl thankful there wasn’t any sick in it.

I don’t know how long I laid there on my bed before I heard a different feminine voice speak, “How’s it going daddy?”

I groaned but answered, “Not enjoying life at the moment.”

I heard her chuckle, “I’ll say. You kind of scared me yesterday.”

I blinked and spoke, “Abby?”

She answered, “Yeah.”

I groaned, “What happened?”

I heard her sound amused as she spoke, “Well we **were** playing our little game.”


*What game?*

I tried to rack my noggin as to what she was talking about but eventually I *vaguely* remember looking at photos of girls vagina’s.

I grunted, “Oh.”

She continued, “Then you proceeded to murmur something about needing to ‘*Drain the main vein*’ before getting up and falling to the floor. Then saying ‘*fuck it*’ as you then pulled out your dick and proceeded to pee all over the floor.”

I felt my face redden before I spoke, “*Oh!*”

I heard Abby laugh, “After you relieved yourself I had Savanna help me get you to your room. Strip your piss soaked clothes off of you. Then we put a bowl under you while you hung in the position you are in now so you could puke and well here you are now.”

I spoke, “*Oh!*”

I groaned as I *tried* to get up so I could actually face my daughter and cursed at every movement until I finally sat up in my own bed to find that I wasn’t exactly clothed….or covered.

*She did say she had to strip you you idiot. She said nothing about covering you back up.*

I looked down at my predicament and did the only thing I could think of….I grabbed the top cover of the bed and immediately pulled it until I was covered.

Abby chuckled at me as I spoke, “What?”

Abby simply smiled, “It’s alright dad. I’ve seen your dick,” she looked at my crotch for a moment before looking at me, “more than once so I’m used to you in your birthday suit now.”

I blushed hard but spoke, “Yeah but that’s not *normal* honey. While I appreciate *you* and *Savanna* getting me out of my ruined clothes you should have at least covered me up.”

Abby smiled, “We did.”


I looked around as Abby answered my quarry, “You peed through that…..and the bed. So once you’re a little bit more sober you *might* want to get up so **we** can wash everything.”


I felt my face become very hot as I sighed, “I’m sorry honey. I should have **never** drank that much yesterday. **ESPECIALLY** on a near empty stomach.”

Abby chuckled, “It’s fine dad. It was nice for once actually taking care of you.”

I grunted and remembered the liquids. I reached over and grabbed the colored glass where I imagined the electrolyte fluid that Savanna mentioned was and proceeded to steadily drink the glass until empty.

After I emptied the glass and gasped before lightly belching making Abby lightly giggle. I looked at her, “So what did I do?”

Abby thought about it, “Well….like I said we were playing our game.” She stopped and looked at me, “Out of curiosity how much of that do you remember?”

I looked at her and tried to remember yesterday but all the alcohol I drank and wanting to black out had worked. Unfortunately I don’t remember much of it….thank god as I don’t remember seeing a photo of any of my daughters lower lips which is what I wanted.

I shrugged as I sighed, “I think the first few photos after that is where it becomes hazy.”

I tried to remember, “I think I remember an out of focus one but that’s about as far as I remember.”

Abby snapped her fingers, “Which *reminds* me I talked to the girl and convinced her to send another photo if she’s still interested in what you think?”

I held up my hand and shook my head and instantly regretting the movement, “Sorry yesterday was a one time deal. I will **not** be doing that again.”

I looked up to see Abby shrug, “Ok.”

I spoke, “What happened after I blacked out.”

Abby thought about it and looked at me, “You said the **fourth** photo?”

I shrugged, “Maybe the third is clear and after that it gets fuzzy.”

Abby nodded, “Gotcha. Well we went through some more photos. I think we were approaching number 16 before you muttered your statement of needing to pee. You got up, fell, pulled out your dick, pissed. I freaked out at seeing it. Called Savanna out of her room. Briefly explained what happened. We took you to your room. Stripped you. Then we had to clean up everything. Then after all the cleaning Savanna took the first shift making sure you were ok while I laid down after drinking so much myself.”

I sighed as Abby continued, “After I put some food and aspirin in my stomach and drank quite a bit of water I fell asleep. Woke up about 4am. Relieved Savanna semi hung over but no longer tired. Found you nude without your blanket which Savanna told me you peed through. Then she went to bed while I watched you. I watched some TV while you remained unconscious. Then about 11am Savanna relieved me so I can nap or something, which I simply had a small lunch. And here we are.”

I blinked at the highlights as I tried to put everything together before I finally spoke, “Then what time is it?”

Abby pulled out her phone before speaking, “About 3:48pm. Let’s say 3:50pm.”

I blinked, “And when did I crash?”

Abby shrugged, “Before dark. Maybe 5pm. We had been drinking for quite a while dad.”

I blinked, “So I’ve been out for almost 24 hours?”

Abby thought about it and nodded.

Well at least that explains why I’m SO THIRSTY. I’m fucking dehydrated….and still starving.

Though me being out for nearly 24 hours was a first. Granted it *has* been a while since I’ve drank that much alcohol in one sitting….and on a nearly empty stomach at that.

I think the last time I got black out drunk was……*Fuck*. College was the last time I got THIS drunk. Granted I wasn’t drinking $6,000 scotch, I was drinking…..

I chuckled at the memory…..schnapps….and playing battle shots.

Fun game bad choice of alcohol to get fucked up on. The schnapps, at least what happened to me, felt like it was continuously dripping into my system making my hangover, at that time, last longer than it should have.

After my hangover, at that time, lasting nearly an entire day I kind of swore off schnapps. And I sure as hell wasn’t doing hair of the dog as a hangover remedy if my hangover was still going strong after I did ALL the normal remedies. I ate greasy food. Drank a shit ton of water. Eating aspirin. Nothing was touching the hangover and the only thing left was hair of the dog, meaning I had to drink some schnapps just to stop the hangover meaning I would get drunk again…..no thanks.

After that experience I never drank schnapps again, and I think that was the last time I got **THAT** drunk.

And over the years I have drank but never in access as I did yesterday. Usually it’s a glass here, glass with dinner, glass during Friday game night or two depending on the game.

Sometimes it’s wine I drink. Sometimes its whiskey. Or scotch. Or Bourbon.

But I hear that the older you get the LONGER a hangover will last and seeing how this is my first hangover since my 20’s I was afraid to find out HOW LONG it will last.

I held up the empty glass, “Any way I can talk you into some more electrolyte whatever this was AND a big ass mug of ice water?”

Abby smiled, “Of course daddy.”

She walked up grabbed the glass and turned to leave me to my thoughts.

I looked down and tried to go over what happened yesterday but everything was too hazy. I vaguely remember the game and thinking I had an idea but for the life of me I can’t remember *what* that thought was.

I know it was important.

*Maybe if I check my phone I might have left myself a note*

I looked around the bed and couldn’t find my phone and hissed out ‘*SHIT!*’



I know it was important. I sat there trying to remember until Abby came back carrying a bigger glass and a huge mug with ice water.

She walked up to the bed, “Here you go daddy. One electrolyte fluid, I went with pineapple hope you don’t mind. And one mug of ice water.”

I grunted and grabbed the fluid first as I proceeded to drink the fluid as fast as I could without pounding it.

I drank and drank ever slowly tilting the glass higher and higher until I finished the pineapple substance that was packed with electrolytes.

I breathed out a sigh and a smile, “Thanks sweetie,” I watched as Abby blushed, “Say would you happen to know where my cell phone is?”

Abby blinked before she spoke, “Oh I think you left it on the island as you crashed. Let me go check.”

She handed the huge mug and grabbed the glass from me before rushing out.

I smiled as I thought *Glad to see she’s being chipper*.

I looked at the door and thought *And so was Savanna*. Not saying Savanna wasn’t *ALWAYS* chipper as she was *usually* flirty **BUT** Savanna wasn’t being flirty with me AND being nice.

I shrugged and associated the *attitudes* to me being ok after being black out drunk. Probably scared both my girls.

I looked at the door just in time to see Abby walk in holding my phone up, “Yep right where you left it,” she smiled at me, “before you decided to lay on the floor and piss all over the place.”

I looked at her and wanted to make a comment or at least some type of smartass reply but I couldn’t think of one aside from reaching out and accepting my phone as I spoke, “Thanks honey.”

Abby nodded and was about to turn around before I spoke, “Can you make sure Savanna doesn’t order the wrong burger honey?”

Abby looked at me, “Sure.”

Then she left.

I looked at my phone and instantly cursed as it was dead. I clicked the power button and got nothing.

Guess my dumb ass left my phone unlocked and open to something draining the battery.


Probably one of the photos that Abby sent me is what killed my phone’s battery.

I sighed and simply tossed the phone on my table where it’s wireless charger sat and let it start charging. Guess I won’t be searching my phone for a clue to what was so important about yesterday.

I decided to give up on what was so important as it’ll come back to me when I’m not thinking about it as I decided to turn on the TV while I waited for my greasy burger.

I sat and watched enough TV to get half an episode in when Savanna AND Abby came into my room as Savanna proclaimed loudly, “DINNER IS HERE!!!”

I instantly hissed and covered ears as the volume instantly penetrated my hungover brain and restarted the dancers to dance.

Savanna looked at me as I watched her mouth ‘*OOPS! SORRY!!*’

I sighed as I pulled my hands away from my ears and checked my hands to make sure there wasn’t any blood.

I scowled up at her as both girls approached my bed.

Savanna extended a bag from *Victor’s Awesome Burgers* instantly making me smile as I thought *At least she sprung for the good shit*.

I smiled, “What did you get me?”

Savanna smiled, “A 1/3lb Bacon Cheese Burger, extra bacon, extra cheese, light mayo, no mushrooms, with easy lettuce,” Savanna set the bag in my lap, “and an EXTRA LARGE order of onion strings.”

I felt my eyes water up as I spoke, “Bless you child.”

I opened the bag and deeply inhaled the aroma that came from the bag declaring it heavenly. Then I reached in and snatched the burger before taking a huge bite out of the glorious greasy heart stopping sandwich.

I chewed and swallowed my first greasy bite happy I was getting something in my stomach finally as I sighed, “Thank you honey. What do I owe you?”

Savanna waved at me, “It’s alright I got my payment….”

I watched Abby elbow Savanna as Savanna flinch and started rubbing her side, “I mean seeing you up and alive is all the payment I need.”

*That was weird*

I squinted, “You sure?”

Savanna nodded, “Yes daddy. I don’t need anything.”

I held my bag over to Savanna, “Then how about I share my onion strings?”

Savanna shook her head, “No thanks daddy I’m still stuffed,” as she padded her body…..in the wrong spot as Abby elbowed her causing Savanna to yell, “Bitch stop fucking elbowing me.”

Savanna blinked and realized her mistake and moved her hand higher and padded her actual stomach before saying, “I’m still stuffed from earlier.”

I squinted as I took another bite of my food and thought *That was **weird***.

I looked from Savanna to Abby as she had a smile plastered on her.

I moved the bag to Abby, “How about you?”

Abby shook her head, “I’m good. Still digesting what I had from earlier.”

Which made Savanna cough as she chuckled.

*Ok something’s going on.”

I chewed through my bite before I spoke, “What’s going on?”

Abby quickly spoke, “Nothing daddy.”

Savanna nodded, “Yeah nothing.”

I looked at my two and thought *Something is going on but what I have no idea*.

I looked at my two and something caught my eye that up until this moment I didn’t notice.

*What? It’s dark!*

*And all the minimal light my eyes finally adjusted.*

One, Savanna was wearing a white boy shorts bottoms and a tank top while Abby was wearing Jean shorts and a frilly top.

Two, on my bed top right where I was laying was a noticeable *wet spot*…..and if I’m not mistaken a *sex spot* not a *pee spot*.

And three, both my girls had large wet spots in their crotches.

As soon as I saw those three things the color drained from my face and I stopped chewing.

As if on queue both my girls noticed my apprehension as both spoke in near unison, “Well daddy we’ll let you deal with your hangover. Call if you need anything from us.”

And both bolted out the door.

And confirmed my suspicion as my mouth hung open.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/uve9k6/a_fathers_struggle_50_hangover_fiction_family


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