I can’t believe I’m doing this, but I can’t resist her feet!

I walk into the dining room with the sound of harps and violins soothing the room. White and gold drapes flow from the windows, opening up to the bay. Boats and fisherman enjoying the cool autumn night as the moon illumining the water. Flashes of the moon light dance across the small ripples and waves. I look up to see a crystal chandelier hanging from the tall ceiling, “at least 16th century” I think to myself.

“Welcome in sir, do you have a reservation?” The host asks, professionally. I snap back from my admiration and look to her
“Yes, sorry, it should be under smith?” I ask nervously, as this is the first time I’ve ever been to such a fine establishment.
“Yes, right here, 30 minutes early sir? You must be very punctual” she jokes, helping calm my nerves.
“Yes, I’m a but nervous to be frank, how do I look?” I ask, sheepishly. I look down and flatten my tuxedo, I think it looks good but it was the only one I can afford. It’s definitely not one to meet the queen in but hopefully it will do for tonight.
“You look splendid sir, though I would recommend a tailor for those sleeves. They look a tad bit long” she jokes, I think she can tell how nervous I am.
“Right this way sir” she starts guiding me to my table.

I sit down at a square table with white cloth and a gold ring stitched around the middle. The waiter brings a bottle of wine and two glasses and lights the center piece.
“Is there anything I can grab you for right now, sir?” He asks.
“No, everything’s perfect, thank you” i say through a nervous smile”
I stay quiete and observe the people around me, trying to mimick what other people do. My legs begins to shake and my palms get sweaty.
“Breath” I think to myself. “ your okay, it’s just a date” I look to the bay and try to compose myself.

I must have been in a trance, because before I knew it, I see her in the corner of my eye. Her red dress flows down her body, guiding my eyes down to her feet. She’s in heals with open toes, the red polish complementing her dress. She walks with the confidence of a lion, looking as though nothing can scare her. I look back down to her feet and then dart my eyes back to her eyes. I stand up rather quickly, probably too quickly, and pull her seat out for her.

“Hello Amanda, you look amazing as always” I say with a less than confident tone.
“Thank you, I love the suit, is this the first one you’ve ever warn one?” She then leans close and straightens my bow tie “perfect” she says whispering. She sits down and puts her hands in her lap as she observes the table. I follow suit and sit down as well. I clear my throat and search for anything to talk about as the silence gets thicker and more noticeable. Finally I begin to speak the same time as she does. We laugh and begin conversing, talking about current events, our jobs, how beautiful the night is. My nerves begin to leave my body and I sink into the conversations.

As the main dish comes out, both of our eyes pear into our meals. She got the fish, I the steak. She must have been distracted because she drops her fork onto the ground.
“Oops, Can you please grab that for me” she says. I bend down and begin to grab the fork, but her beautiful feet distract me. I begin to inspect them, and before I knew it, the appropriate time had passed. I stand up and ask the waiter for a new fork, hoping that I wasn’t too noticeable.

I sit back down and she drops another piece of cutlery
“ I’m so clumsy, can you please pick that one up as well”
“ of course” I say
I go back down and this time she kicks off one of her heals, I lose focus and stare, completely forgetting my original goal. She then leads one of her feat towards my face and presses it on my lips. I freeze, unable to think or move, all I can do is inhale her amazingly smelling feet.
“Kiss them” she says dominantly. I do I was told and begin kissing her toes. I can taste the shoe and the soap that she used before she got there. The flavors melting on my tongue as I lick my lips. I forgot that was in public, nothing mattered, no social rules, no manners, no nothing. I completely submit to her feet.

“Now kiss the other one, also, people are beginning to notice, just so you know” she says laughing. I look around and see the table next to me and see their horrified faces. I gaze over to another table and see them hiding their laughter behind their hands. Another table begins to take pictures.
“Let them all know what kind of man you are, kiss the other one” she demands. I give in, I begin to passionately kiss her foot, not caring what anyone thought.
“Good boy, now thank your mistress”
“T-thank you, mistress” I say defeated. I continue to kiss her feet, finding my place under the table.

The waiter walks over with and begins to yell at us, telling us that we need to leave the restaurant.
“Of course” she says, putting down a hundred dollar bill. She begins to stand up and take away her feet. I cowardly stand up as well, and she pushes me back down.
“What do you think your doing, pet, you belong on the ground below me.” She says matter of factly. She tips the waiter another hundred and begins to walk away. I stay frozen, looking around at the entire restaurant, everyone’s eyes beating down onto me.
“Come boy, crawl over to me” she demands. I oblige and begin to crawl over to her.

The crawl to the door felt like an enternity, I knew that I would be plastered all over the internet with all the phones blocking peoples faces. I look down and continue crawling, then looking up to Amanda. She looks to be enjoying every second of this.
“Welcome to your new life, pet, your will now and forever be mine” she stops in front of me blocking my way.
“Say it, say that you are my property” she demands.
“I-I am your property” I say.
“Good boy” she says smiling. We move out the door and Onto the dock. She sits be down like a dog and we watch the bay, as she scratches my head. I feel comfortable, almost zen in this position. I think that I have found my calling, and it’s to be Amanda’s pet.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/uudd45/i_cant_believe_im_doing_this_but_i_cant_resist