How I [F] did everything but lose my virginity with the neighbours son of my parents church friends [M] …

This happened about two weeks ago. I come from a relatively conservative Christian family where they told me the usual repressive bullshit, I will go to hell if I have sex before marriage, if I am gay or bi, if I masturbate. Luckily I grew up around a lot of people who didn’t believe that, and the internet, so I was pretty open with myself about sexual attraction and desire but I was still quite a bit reserved. I am nineteen and I’d never even given someone a handjob. My parents had a family friend from church who went on a vacation and my parents volunteered me to house sit, without talking to me first, but I was happy to do it. They had a pool, it was really hot, I am saving and they offered $200 to look after the dog and plants for two weeks.

I had been staying there for around a week and they had bedroom windows that looked exactly into their neighbours, I think you can tell where this is going but I’ll continue despite, but they always kept the blinds closed. As I said, I am very inexperienced and, as implied being an inexperienced nineteen year old, very horny and because of this I *always* changed with the curtains open half hoping someone would be watching.

I was walking the dog, a labradoodle if anyone cares (he is very cute), and as I go back inside I see someone taking out the trash from next door. He is a couple years older, taller than me, he’s like 5”10-5”11, black hair, greenish blue eyes not conventionally attractive but charming, I’m around 5”4 brown hair blue eyes. He looks at me and kind of smiles and suddenly I’m insanely insecure. I’m in shorts and a tank top with a hoodie but now I feel as naked as I am while getting changed.

We say hello and he asks why, I’m here, I tell him and he asks how long I’ll be staying, small talk was exchanged for 15 minuets, I let the dog back inside, and he is pretty funny. He looks at me, looking like he is going to say something, but his cheeks go red and he looks like he’s going to say goodbye but I interrupt him, “which room is yours?”

I feel my cheeks heat this time and he half chuckles. “I’m on the left, I think their guest bedroom faces mine because no one was really in their before you-” He stops himself and goes red again “not that I was looking, I recognised your voice” Usually, I would have got really insecure and nervous here but something about how shy he was turned me on and horny me means brave, or stupid depending on how you look at it. I look at him and bite my lip, a habit when I get anxious, but I watch his eyes dart towards them then back to my eyes. That was pretty much it for me, I’m kind of embarrassed to say that made me wet but I was a virgin. I took my hoodie off, and my nipples poked through my sports bra and tank top. “Are you sure there isn’t something else you recognise”

I barely remember him walking towards me but suddenly his lips are on mine and his teeth biting where I had been a minute earlier. We make our way inside and once he closes the door he pushes me against it forcefully, hand protecting the back of my head. I feel his other hand move slowly from my hips, to my waist then up to my tits. He looks down at me “is this okay” I reply yes and he starts kissing me again, his hand falling back down to the hem of my top before making its way back up under my shirt this time all the way up to push over my head. He guides me backwards towards the couch, sits down and pushes my legs so I am straddling him. I feel him hard between my legs and underneath his jeans and I move myself up and down against him. He undoes his pants and I help him, we stand back up and he pulls off his shirt and takes of his jeans the rest of the way and I take off my shorts and I ask him “Do you mind if we go upstairs, I used to do bible study on this couch” He laughs, kisses me again.

I take him upstairs into the room where I’m staying. He sits down on the bed and I go to him but he stops me. “I want to watch you” At this point my brain is completely fried as all my blood rushes to wherever he touches me. “watch me what” he pulls me down and kisses me before whispering in my ear, “I want to watch you strip for me like you do when I am in my room” Although i’m already half naked, I step back from him and slowly pull of my light blue sports bra, he looks down my body but then back to my eyes, I feel myself get even more wet and I take off my damp panties. By this point he’s already taken his underwear off and is stroking his cock as he walks towards me then walks me backwards onto the bed.

His hands trail down my stomach and he brushes past a point that makes me moan into his mouth. “Can I-” I cut him off before he can continue “please” His hand reaches my pussy and brushes lightly around it a few times, I push my hips towards him and he finally presses on my clit. I moan again, more breathy and he makes eye contact with me as he continues to make circles. I reach down and try to concentrate on touching him but the longer he makes eye contact, the closer I come to having an orgasm. He slows down and says “Focus” and I let go of his cock and look directly into his eyes for a few moments until I cum. Don’t get me wrong, I’d had orgasms before but something about having someone else do it to me made me lose complete control.

About thirty seconds later, I open my eyes again and he looks at me and says “wow” I feel a bit embarrassed again but I notice the hand he used to make me cum he is now using to stroke himself. “I don’t have any condoms” I blurt out, carefully not mentioning that I am a virgin. “That’s fine, we don’t have to have sex” A part of me was relieved but also kind of disappointed, if he said he wanted sex, I definitely would have done it. “I could blow you” I was internally freaking out, I knew the basics of a blowjob but I assumed it would be *very* different in practice.

He kissed me and flipped us around so that I was on top. We kissed for a bit longer but I could tell that he really needed to cum, so I kissed my way down his torso until I met his cock. I could feel him breathing hard and when I held his cock he breathed in sharply. “I haven’t done this before” I admitted, I wanted him to feel good and I knew I would need help for that. “That’s okay” he replied and then started telling me what to do. I opened my mouth as far as I could and started with the tip holding his eye contact. As I took more of him into my mouth I tried my best to swirl the tip with my tongue. I moved up and down before I felt him start to pulsate in my mouth, “I’m going to come” apparently ‘going to’ meant ‘is’ because before I knew it his cum was in my mouth. I wish I could say I swallowed it but I have a weak stomach, luckily there is a bathroom next to my bed so, I got up and rinsed out my mouth in the sink. When I came back in he apologised but I just kissed him again.

This came out twice as long as I meant it to but once I started it was hard to stop from including every detail. It has been two weeks but I keep going over it in my head. I’m back home now but I got his number before he left. I was only there two more days after this happened so the most we did after this was kiss because he was busy with college but I hope we can see each other again soon. Hope you enjoyed


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