An unknowing visit to a gangbang massage parlor [MMMMMF] (dubcon) Part 1

Sky stood in front of the door of GB massages. Her jean short shorts showed off her young 22 year old just graduated ass. Her v-neck white shirt showed off a bit of cleavage even though she didn’t have the most to show off with a little bit of belly showing. Not perfectly fit, just a little padding there. She brushes her red hair away from her freckled face as her green eyes look at the lobby from the outside, taking a deep breath before walking in.

The lobby had 9 ft floor windows that lit up the lobby. Walking in, the ceilings were high. On the right was a receptionist desk with a woman maybe a couple years older in a very well fitting pencil dress looking at Sky as she walked in. On the left was seating for a lobby and the back was just a wall with only a red curtain separating the lobby from the rest of the place.

Sky heard about this place from an older coworker as they had drinks last Friday. How the massages here were free as the men massaging the women were there for the experience. She chuckled that night when she looked at Sky and gave her the business card. “Here baby girl, you should try this place out and let go.” Being naive and thinking why not, brought Sky to where she is right now.

“Hello, how may I help you? Are you a walk in or did you have an appointment?” asked the receptionist. Her tone almost a sensual melody that both calmed and caused goosebumps.

“Yes, I’m Sky and I’m walking in. This is where I can get a free massage, right?”

“If you don’t add anything on. Otherwise the men that will be working with you are the ones paying for the experience.” Something in her tone was different, like there was a double meaning in the receptionist words. Something she was hiding away from Sky, but maybe it was just her personality.

“Add ons like what?”

“Oh if you want more larges than we provide and if you’re doing this with a party.”


“Well, not all men are going to have the biggest tools for the job so we upcharge for women that want more.”

“Okay…” again, Sky could tell there was something hidden in her words. But again she brushed it off. A free massage doesn’t happen all the time. “You make it sound like there are going to be multiple men.”

“There will be, we do require at least 3 with no real limit on how many you want above that. With three there will be one large, with 5 men there will be 2.” The receptionist is definity seems like she’s skipping some steps, but just part of the job.

“Well, if other people like the larges, maybe I should at least have two, so I’ll go with 5.”

A smile comes across the receptionist’s face. “Of course, let me see if we have the men ready in the back… seems like we do so if you would just follow me.”

The receptionist walks around the table, her pencil skirt showing off her body well as Sky notices her ass as she takes the lead. Leading her through the red curtain. The daylight dims as a dimmer orange hue is what luminates the back. They pass by two doors, one on the left and right where on Sky’s right she hears a moan coming from a woman. Then on the next pair of doors, they enter the room on the left.

The room is spacious. The ceilings still high with some hooks around normal ceiling height. “Probably just aesthetics” thought Sky. On the far end of the room in the left corner was a little shower and on the rest of the back row, a wall of cabinets and drawers. In the center of the room was a padded massage table and seats on the sides of the room.

“Now if the men ever make you feel uncomfortable, just say red and they will stop. You can always say green to make them resume. They’re going to spend 20 minutes on your back and 20 on your front. So just strip down naked and lay stomach down on the table. The men will be here shortly.” The receptionist says as she walks away from Sky as she takes a seat at the table. Her ass walking towards the door. “I hope you enjoy your time here at GB massage.” With that, the receptionist leaves Sky alone.

Sky looked around the room. Soaking it all in when she remembers the instructions. Nude, the receptionist didn’t tell her to strip to what she felt comfortable with, just to go fully nude. She tried to process if she heard her right, but she definitely did. Sky took a deep breath as she undid her shorts and let the panties drop with them as well. Then quickly taking off her shirt and bra. Then placing them along with her sandals on one of the chairs. Instinctively she put an arm around her breast as she walked to the table. But as the seconds went by, it didn’t feel too strange. Taking another deep breath she placed herself on the table stomach down.

Listening to the place, she could hear a door in the back open, and the sound of men walking in a group. Then hearing the door handle to her room slowly turn.



  1. Great story! Part 2 please! Side note: What a great business idea!

  2. I’d like some company to read others. Anyone interested? M19 here

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