Up at the lake with Mae – part. 2 [MF]

([part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/uts68q/up_at_the_lake_with_mae_part_1_mf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3))

When we arrived at her place the sun was still up.

To be precise, that huge villa was not Mae’s – it was her parents’. But they were gone for a few weeks, and it’d become the best place for our group to party, to rest, to escape the city and spend the best part of the summer relatively close to the lake.

So, basically, the great barbecue get-together was a fairly common evening / night event in that time.

We had a couple of hours now before anyone showed up.


*Oh god, yes please.*

*Take the open one in the patio, I’ll use the bathroom.*

So – just to make things more weird – I was now naked in Mae’s back garden. It wouln’t have been a big deal, considering no neighbours and the tall hedge surrounding the vast garden, but I was obviously still stunned by what had happened just an hour ago.

Funnily enough, while showering, my only thought was *are my balls really that big?* And: *how come Mae never met anyone with my same shaving habits down there?* As far as I knew, in those very days a certain number of boys hanged around the villa. Mae was not shy in admitting that, but she always kept them away from our social circle.

Lost in my shower thoughts, I let the fresh water run down my body and relieve the afternoon heat.

When I opened my eyes Mae was standing in front of me.

She was naked, hair in a bun, a lit cigarette dangling from her lips. Her arms were crossed, pushing her small chest forward. She was also wet – like she’d actually started to shower but then, all things considered, she’d thought… *that we could shower together?* What the actual fuck was happening?

My mind was racing in an endless number of different directions. Then I started to focus on the wrong thing (maybe), on something I hadn’t noticed yet: *no tan lines*.

*Is this what you wanted to see?*

*Hmmm… playing cat and mouse here or what, Mae?*

*Shut up and scooch over.*

*For fuck’s sake Mae, you’re a tease.*

*Am I? Am I teasing you?*


*Nah.* – she brushed it off playfully. *See that tall hedge? Before you ask, that’s why I have no tan lines on me. I’m ALWAYS naked in my garden.*

At least now I had *one* answer.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/uu0xz5/up_at_the_lake_with_mae_part_2_mf

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