Making Chloe Mine (Part 1) [M/F, breeding, friends to lovers, semi-noncon, impregnation, milking, caretaking, gentledom, slow burn, softcore]

**Note from the author:**

Hey folks, my name is Aiden. This is my first time writing an erotic story (so keep that in mind.) The male protagonist’s personality is meant to be dichotomous, in that he is the most caring/loving man possible, while also having a darker, more possessive side. The story alternates POV between Oliver and Chloe per chapter. If you notice any spelling or grammar mistakes, notify me and I will fix them.


In this chapter, Oliver rushes Chloe to the emergency room after she’s badly injured her ankle on a hike. As he cares for her, forbidden desires consume him.

**Story: (Oliver’s Perspective)**

She sat before me, shivering uncontrollably, with the scenic Olympic national forest framing her curvy figure. A depressing drizzle revealed her full nipples poking through the tight fabric of her sports bra.

*Poor girl.*

“Take my jacket, dumbass,” I begrudgingly commanded.

If we didn’t wrap up this hike soon, the incoming storm would demolish us. Plus, the sun was already dipping below the horizon. Being stuck up here in the cold could be the difference between life or death; god knows I couldn’t go full survivor man up here with the minimal gear we had. Two granola bars, a jug of water, and a jacket wouldn’t cut it for an overnight stay in the forest. I knew she was too weak to complete this trail and cursed myself for putting her in danger.

I sighed and realized I’d have to carry her out. I knew she wouldn’t like it, but at this point, we had no choice. Chloe continued to protest until I eventually just strolled up and wrapped it around her shoulders. I caught her waist with my forearm and slipped my left hand under her round butt. The thin purple spandex covering her ass made me choke a bit as I lifted her against my chest. Someone’s heartbeat enveloped my ears; was it hers or mine?

“Wait! Ah! Oliver stop – I said I need a second! My ankle is still throbbing…you…you’re hurting me!” Chloe wailed.

*She’s your best friend, you perverted fuck. Your childhood friend; basically, your sister. Stop thinking about her plump ass and warm chubby body pressed against you. Stop. Stop. Stop.*

Chloe pressed her face into my chest, and I felt her back shake slightly. She snuck a teary glance up at me, obviously not expecting my gaze.

“I’m sorry Oliver, I- I don’t want to be a burden. I know I’m heavy. Please, if you give me 10 more minutes I’ll regain my strength,” she whimpered.

Looking down into her gorgeous brown eyes, lined with thick lashes, I was overwhelmed with a strange concoction of lust, pity, protectiveness, and intrusively familiar feeling. Something about her begging me caused a warm flush that spread up through my neck into my ears and cheeks.

“You’re not a burden and you’re not heavy. You are a clutz though,” I chuckled. “Look, we don’t have a choice at this point, you’ll have to just hang in there until we get to the car.” Chloe’s always been extremely stubborn with her independence. In her eyes, relying on others was not on the table.

She groaned in disapproval and then slumped in my arms, clearly in pain. The walk down the mountain gave me plenty of time to ruminate over my degenerative thoughts that have plagued me for years. The thing is, I really cared about her. We did everything together: yoga, cooking, gardening, watching Bollywood/anime, hiking, psychedelics, listening to music, and even cuddling sometimes. It certainly wasn’t a normal friendship. We probably looked like a couple to most people.

Looking at her boobs jiggle underneath me as I marched down the path was making it hard to keep my cock in check. It all happened one day at the supermarket. A sweet woman was pushing her cart through the produce section. Her toddler sat strapped up in the basket, saw some clementine oranges and then proceeded to grab a bottom one until the entire pyramid rolled to the ground. Chloe, being Chloe, ran in and immediately started helping. She’s always been ignorant of her obnoxiously helpful and kind nature. On her way up from the ground, her eyes met the little boy’s, and a smile stretched his pudgy cheeks. As we walked to the car, I could tell she was bubbling with joy.

“I think I want kids someday. They’re so cute and full of happiness!” she squealed, her eyes glittery with excitement.

Ever since that moment, I’ve had horrible desires. I try so hard to suppress them but…

Fuck, I wish she would be mine. I wish I could own her little body. I wish I could make her my wife and fill her with my cum over and over again until we have a whole houseful of kids. I want to fulfill her every wish and keep our children safe. Chloe…you gorgeous woman…please…

I clenched my fists and tried desperately to think of something else. Anything else. If I could be in her presence, that was enough. Right?

*Snap out of it Oliver! She doesn’t see you that way. You’re a big oaf to her. Stupid.*

“We’re almost there, about a half mile left.”

When I look down at my love, I notice something’s wrong. Her eyes are closed, and her arms are slack now. I hadn’t even notice she’d passed out because I was so busy in my fantasy world.

Yikes, this is not good. I started running to the car and made it in what felt like an eternity. As we wound down the mountain pass, tears ran down my cheeks. A pity party was useless at this point though.

We made it to the ER, and I finally got a chance to look at her ankle. Purple tainted her skin and veins created a morose pattern over my poor girl’s injured foot. The next 3 hours were spent waiting, holding her hand, waiting for X-rays, waiting for her cast to be set, waiting, waiting, waiting. By the time she was discharged, I made the decision to bring her to my place because there was no way she could get by on her own right now.

The golden light from the cabin seemed like a warm hug as I helped carry her anesthetized drowsy self to the bed. Her knees were scuffed from the fall and tears streamed down her cheeks.

“Hey sweet girl, no need to cry. I’ve got you. You know that. Can I help you take your clothes off? I’ll give you one of my T-shirts. I won’t look. You’re safe now,” I purr. Her cheeks flush in response and she sheepishly nods at me.

I try to close my eyes but can’t help but leave one open. I know it’s a violation of privacy. There’s no excuse.

As I pull the tight sports bra over her arms, her boobs bounce down in all their glory. Her areolas are relaxed and full now, and her breasts look like they were made for my hands.

*Nope, stop that you freak. Help this poor girl.*

I tell her to lift her butt up and then carefully pull her shorts and underwear down her thighs.

“You’re not looking, right? Oliver please don’t look, I’m so ugly. I’m so ugly, I’m sorry,” she cries. It pains me to see her this way. I’m hoping it’s just the painkillers that are causing these heavy emotions to well up from inside her. Usually Chloe is like a warm summer’s day.

My eyes follow her ample thighs up to her gorgeous hips and vulva. I can’t help but crack up at her insecurity.

She peers up at me, her eyes wide in horror. “I told you not to look! I know I’m hideous, that’s why I said not to! Why are you laughing at me?” Chloe slurred, a big pouty frown distorting her face.

I stroke her hair and exhale. “Chloe, I’m laughing because you will never be hideous to me. You’re my best friend and you have nothing to be ashamed of. Your body is perfect and healthy, so stop with that bullshit.”

Perfect is an understatement. I probably should have put my oversized shirt on her at this point, but I don’t. I don’t because I’m a pervert and I know I’ll never get this chance again.

She lay on the bed in a haze, her legs slightly spread, revealing her pink labia. Her chubby little stomach looks so lovely to squeeze and rub. She’s always been self-conscious about it, but it’s one of my favorite things about her body. Whenever she talks about losing weight it makes my heart ache because I love the roundness of her. She’s not unhealthily over-weight. In fact, she’s not even over-weight at all. She just isn’t anorexic.

*What a cute motherly figure!*

My eyes fixate on her wide hips and my mind drifts back to thoughts of breeding her. It’s become an obsession at this point and shame wells up within me.

“Come on love. Let’s get you in this T-shirt,” I mumble.

When we finally are ready for bed, with her leg propped up on a pillow, I take one last look at her before turning off the lights. Her long brown hair was tucked behind her ear, revealing a small silver loop earring. Her full peachy lips seemed irresistible. My white t-shirt curved around her boobs and my cock hardens when I look down to see the fabric end just below her pussy. The knowledge that she’s not wearing any underwear is excruciating.

“Oliver come here and cuddle please. I want to be held. It really aches,” she sniffles.

I squeeze in next to her and put the stack of pillows between my legs so she can prop her ankle up. She places her head on my shoulder and snuffles my chest.

“I love you…,” she trails off in a sleepy sigh.

*Did she just say that? Did she just…Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit.*

My heart thumps wildly and I pray it doesn’t wake her up. I realize now that her bare pussy is pressed against my leg and the thin fabric of the t-shirt does little to create a barrier between us. The smell of her jasmine vanilla soap wraps around me.

*She’s so soft and warm…*

I involuntarily moan and my cock jumps to attention. To make matters worse, she shifts and accidentally places her hand directly on it. Of course, I would never do anything without her consent but it’s so hard to control myself.

*Would it be so bad to cum right here? I’ve done it before. Cum without my hands, I mean.*

I look at her in the dim lighting and let my imagination run wild.

*If I could just show her how I felt. If I could just hold her down and squeeze those little nipples, preparing her for future milking. I’d wrap my lips around them every day and suck until eventually, after she’s given birth, they give me what I want so desperately. Of course, I’d make sure the children have their fill, but my greed is insatiable.*

*Creating a trail of kisses down to her pussy, I’d tease until she begged me to lick her. I’d lap at her cute little pussy, licking up the juices from the source and bringing them to her clit. Then, with precise circles, I would make her cum on my tongue, sucking on her quivering clit with my fingers deep inside her. I wouldn’t stop until she’s squirted out everything her body could offer me and pleading for it to end.*

At this point, my cock is rock hard and arching upwards. Chloe’s hand still rests on it, keeping it in place. I feel those forbidden desires rise up again.

*Chloe, love, I want to claim and serve you for the rest of my life. I don’t care if you want it or not. I know it’s right for you. I know I can make you happy and give you what you want. Please, god, please let me fuck this sweet woman next to me…Please let me push my cock deep inside her until she begs for me.*

My breathing quickens as I feel the cum rush up from my balls.

*That’s right sweetheart. I’m going to cum inside you. I’m going to breed you. You’re mine now. You’re going to give me children and I promise to give them the best life I can. I’m going to make you addicted to my cock. You’ll beg for it. You’ll beg for your daily milkings. You’ll beg for my cum to splash right into your womb. Good girl, Chloe. Good girl, take Daddy’s cock…*

I fail to stifle my moan and my back lifts off the bed as I cum. Chloe’s hot tiny hand slips down to my balls as I shoot load after load in ecstasy.

*God, I’m truly a horrible person. This injured girl is next to me, and all my animalistic brain can think about is fucking her into oblivion.*

“I’m so sorry Chloe,” I whisper as I attempt to sneak to the bathroom.

She stirs next to me and begs in a sleepy daze, “please don’t go.”

I freeze in horror as I realize she must have felt the cum against the blankets.

“Thanks for taking care of me Olly. Don’t feel bad. Just go wash up.”

I gulp and run to the restroom in panic like a fool. When I see myself in the mirror, my cheeks are beet red. Somehow, the shame washes away in the shower and a resolution to make her mine takes its place.

I will love her best and she’ll realize that once I show her.

To be continued…



  1. Also, feel free to ask any questions or add any suggestions/comments (including what’s coming next!) I appreciate the help

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