Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch.14[Apocalypse, romance, cheating, amateur F/F, face riding]

Last time on, Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Rachel, Tom, and Kelsey took advantage of some quiet times during lockdown and played together for the first time. Rachel continues to keep her affair with Cameron to herself.

How could this possibly blow up in their faces? Find out now!

Chapter 14: Coming Together

The next couple days passed like a dream. Tom, Rachel, and Kelsey continued to play and grow together. Their sex got more adventurous with Kelsey loosening up and testing her limits. Although, Rachel was still made to stay hands off during actual sex, Kelsey has allowed her to grow more affectionate with her clean up duties. She loved to watch the woman as she lovingly licked her own husband’s cum up. It felt like an affirmation to who was winning between the two of them. Kelsey was starting to get a taste for dominating the small woman.

When the sun finally set on this day, Kelsey found herself laying in bed and bored out of her mind. She was not able to find a window to visit the couple today and her body felt too wound up. Even though she was getting the best sex of her young life nearly every day, the hormones kept her wanting more. Tom and his wife were like lotus flowers; the more she ate, the more she wanted. So thorough was their invasion of her sexuality, she could not find satisfaction in masterbation anymore.

That was why she was headed for the married couple’s cabin tonight. Kelsey was dressed in her stealth clothing–a dark hoodie and short shorts. Her knotted dreadlocks were tucked away inside the hood and she used the shadows to avoid wandering eyes. They had to be careful because with little to do throughout the day, the survivors liked to talk. A rumor could burn this place down quicker than a fire.

Tom was on wall watch tonight and with the new partner system, there was no way she could sneak a quickie with him. Plus, her father was on the wall tonight. Kelsey would not dare fuck around with Cameron close by. She may be an adult, but she did not want to be caught in the middle of this strange triangle. Especially not by him. Kelsey had a hard enough time accepting it herself, she knew it would be impossible to clarify it to anyone else.

Kelsey relaxed slightly when she made it to the back of the camp. Tom and Rachel’s cabin was conveniently placed away from any other occupied home; she did not have to worry about someone peeking out of a window here. She approached their door, seeing the orange glow of a lantern seeping out of the cracks. A nervous squirming began in her stomach and Kelsey quickly knocked before the confidence could leave her.

It only took Rachel a few seconds to open the door. The woman’s confused look shifted into a surprised smile when she recognized who had come to visit. Rachel was dressed in a tank top with no bra and some loose cloth pants. Her curly brown hair was hanging down in damp ringlets, still drying from her evening shower. The book she was reading was in her right hand, a finger holding her place in the pages. The women regarded each other for a few seconds, unsure of what to do without Tom around.

“Good evening, Kelsey,” Rachel said, smiling warmly at the young woman.

“Hey,” Kelsey responded. “Whatcha up to?”

“Not a lot, just reading and winding down.”

“Cool, cool,” Kelsey said and rubbed her arm in a nervous gesture.

Even though Rachel had, on several occasions now, eaten her pussy and licked cum off her body, Kelsey was unsure how to act without Tom around. He was a dominant presence in their triangle; it was easy to just fall in with what he wanted. Luckily, Rachel was as attentive as ever and could sense why she was being visited tonight.

“Do you want to come in?” she asked, opening the door wide.

“Yeah, sure.”

Rachel started to mess with the wood stove. Her initial instinct was to make tea or coffee for her visitor. However, the evening was already stuffy, lighting a fire now would only make the cabin more miserable. Instead, she remembered something that she had gotten from Rosa earlier in the day. Rachel made a little show of looking sneaky– she glanced around as if worried they would be overheard.

“Wanna see what I managed to get today?”

“Um, sure?” Kelsey responded.


Rachel brandished a bottle of red wine as if it was a trophy.

“Oh, snap! Is that wine?”

“Sure is! Have you ever had any?”

“No, not that I know of.”

“Well, it’s good shit,” Rachel said. “You know how depressing it was, carrying this thing around and not being able to use it?” Rachel asked while she dug through a dirty looking backpack.

She finally pulled out a metallic multi-tool that looked well used. She smiled wildly while pulling up the corkscrew attachment.

Kelsey tried alcohol before. Gregg gave her some whiskey once and that had been too strong for her to enjoy. Before the end of the world, she and a friend snook a beer from a cooler and shared it in private. She did not like it then and doubted she would like it now. The warm, foamy beer had been gross. Kelsey was curious about the wine though. It seemed like it was one of those things that women were supposed to like. There had to be a good reason for that stereotype to exist.

Rachel used the corkscrew and carefully opened the bottle. The label was too faded to read but she could tell this was not a top shelf wine. It opened with a deep pop, and Rachel sniffed the liquid. It had a sweet smell, perhaps a port or merlot. The scent took her back to her college years, when she would show up to a gathering with a convenient store bottle. It was the kind of wine that was made to get you drunk.

“Sorry, I don’t have a decanter.”

“What’s a decant-? Oh. Okay.”

Kelsey watched with a cocked brow as Rachel lifted the bottle to her lips and began chugging the wine. After a couple seconds, she lowered the bottle, making a sucking sound to keep it from spilling over her lips.

“It’s a fancy vase that lets wine breathe,” Rachel answered and passed Kelsey the bottle.

“It has to breathe? What the fuck?” Kelsey asked and sniffed the bottle like Rachel had.

“Probably not this bottle,” she shrugged. “But the fancier stuff needs to be treated differently.”

Kelsey took a careful sip and smacked her lips. She liked it. A lot. She pulled the bottle up and took a much bigger swallow. The liquid made her feel warmer and more relaxed. It did not burn like the whisky, nor did it foam up like the beer. The sweet flavor was welcome in this life of bland food.

“You like it?” Rachel asked, taking the bottle back as Kelsey handed it over.

“Yeah, that’s good stuff,” Kelsey replied with her cheeks slightly flushed.

The women drank the wine and chatted for a bit. They grew more comfortable and relaxed in the cabin, passing the ever lightening bottle back and forth. Rachel was lounging back in her bed while Kelsey sat at the table with her feet up. The alcohol was working to put them on equal ground for the first time. Kelsey did not seem as sharp with her words and Rachel was not acting like a child with a hand in a cookie jar.

“I must confess to being surprised to see you,” Rachel said. “With Tom on watch tonight, you know?”

“Yeah, I don’t know. It was a pretty boring day. I needed to get out of the house.”

Kelsey felt wonderful. Her thoughts were swimming in a cloud of bliss. Her lips were stuck in a half smile and her eyes floated when she moved. Most of the bottle was gone at this point and both of them were buzzing.

“I understand,” Rachel agreed. “We’ve had a wild couple of days. It’s hard to have a normal one after all that.”

Kelsey giggled and covered her mouth like she just cursed in church. It took her a minute to regain her composure. Her long, dark legs looked exotic in the orange glow of firelight. She was having trouble keeping a normal conversation because she was starting to feel exceptionally horny. The wine was shaping her floating thoughts into sexual suggestions. Her almond eyes kept landing on the hard points of Rachel’s nipples that were poking up from her tank top. She wondered what it would be like to suck on them.

Rachel noticed Kelsey’s lingering eyes and did nothing to discourage her. In fact, she leaned back a little more to make her small breasts stick out farther.

“You want the last swallow?” Rachel asked, holding the bottle aloft.

“Sure,” Kelsey said.

She stood up, wobbled a little, and took two steps closer to the bed. She was standing over Rachel as she reached down and took the almost empty bottle. She did not step away, instead, Kelsey just turned the bottle up and let the last of the wine drain into her mouth. She lowered the bottle and wiped the back of her hand. She looked down at Rachel who was perched on her elbows and looking up with that trademark submission in her eyes. They held eye contact for a few seconds before Kelsey made the first move.

There was something about the way Rachel was looking at her that made Kelsey feel powerful. She knew that this woman would give her whatever she wanted. Kelsey decided that she wanted something. Feeling bold from the wine, she let her instincts take over. Kelsey crawled onto the bed, pushing her body between Rachel’s legs in her descent.

Rachel spread her thighs to welcome the young woman and smiled in delight. Kelsey settled her own, maddeningly bothered mound against Rachel’s, and pushed her hips forward. She leaned in and pressed her lips to Rachel’s. They shared a slow, wine flavored kiss for a few seconds. Kelsey’s apprehension was catching up just enough to make her question why she was kissing a woman.

The wine colored her thoughts in shades of red–turning them all into lude suggestions. Rachel was soft, submissive, and eager. Having such a creature under her control felt too good to be true. Kelsey could see how this was good for a man because it was pretty amazing, even for her.

Kelsey pushed harder with her hips, trying to force some stimulation on her throbbing sex. She pushed her tongue into Rachel’s mouth, no longer even concerned with how “gay” it was. The woman’s hands grabbed Kelsey’s ass and tugged, as if she was trying to help get more pressure. Their alcohol fueled kiss grew sloppy, saliva was on their mouths and chins. Kelsey felt momentarily like a man and wished she had a strap on to fuck this little woman with. It was a strange desire that flashed in her head and was gone.

The lack of satisfaction coming from the dry humping was starting to frustrate Kelsey. She was too horny and did not want to be teased. Her mind was full of images of Rachel doing things to her after Tom was finished fucking her. Kelsey was normally more patient with Rachel because Tom normally knocked the edge off first. Now, Rachel was alone with Kelsey and the edge was far too sharp to be ignored. Without breaking the kiss, Kelsey repositioned her legs. Within seconds, she was straddling Rachel’s thighs.

Kelsey ground her hips, hoping that this position would give her more direct contact. It did, but still was not quite enough. When her hips moved, Rachel’s hands tightened on Kelsey’s ass, still trying to help the young woman get what she needed. The kiss was growing too hard to follow as Kelsey’s frustrations rose. She grabbed Rachel’s neck and scowled down at her, like it was the woman’s fault. Rachel’s eyes rolled back in pleasure at the feeling of the strong grip on her throat. Kelsey was being unexpectedly rough, the wine was making her desperate.

The young woman continued to writhe her body against Rachel’s, watching her face turn red, and finally feeling some gratification. Kelsey was almost unaware of what she was doing until she had to let go of Rachel’s neck. She was acting on instinct and taking what she needed. She wiggled her body right up to where she could only see Rachel’s face. The woman was looking up with a hungry expression.

With her right hand, Kelsey grabbed a handful of curly brown hair. She used her other hand to pull the crotch of her shorts to the side. Her smoothly shaved pussy looked glossy in the fire light. Rachel only got a second to admire it before her face was sat on.

Kelsey hissed out in pleasure! Her pussy felt alive with electric pulses that traced up her slender stomach. Rachel had eaten her pussy before, but not like this! The wine seemed to be making her more bold and experimental with her tongue. The alcohol was having an effect on Kelsey as well. She was surprised by the sexual pleasure that was sharp enough to pierce through the drunken numbness. It felt vastly more intense than usual, and made the impending climax evasive in an exciting way.

“Oh, fuck yes!” Kelsey hissed.

Her strong thighs were positioned on either side of Rachel’s face. Kelsey pulled up on the hair in her fist and ground her pussy down. Rachel huffed out as the effort stained her but she did not stop her mouth. Throughout the last couple of days, Kelsey and Tom had sex in front of Rachel several times. The dirty talk between them was getting more confident, but Kelsey had not quite been as enthusiastic about verbally degrading Rachel. It felt awkward– the strain of having to come up with something to say made her fumble. She did not feel that same hesitation tonight.

“How’s your husband’s favorite pussy taste?”

Rachel’s eyes flashed with an unreadable emotion. Her body shivered and her tongue dug in deep. Since she was unable to speak, Kelsey had to assume that been a look of pleasure. She continued to talk down at Rachel while rubbing her pussy against the woman’s face.

“He got a taste and can’t get enough of it. Now here you are: my pussy all over your face, my clit in your fucking mouth…I own your shit, bitch.”

Rachel moaned and pushed through the cramping feeling in her tongue. Her own, untouched pussy was on fire! She was squirming underneath Kelsey, and giving the young woman everything she could. She plunged two fingers of her right hand into Kelsey’s dripping hole and hooked them back. She found the right spot, almost immediately, and Kelsey’s words trailed off into a wail of pleasure.

“Ohhhhhh! Oh God!” Kelsey cried.

It was finally happening! The dodgy orgasm was dive bombing into her system. Kelsey felt the unstoppable rush and bared down harder against Rachel’s face.

“Oh shit! You, fucking bitch! You’re gonna make me cum!”

A white lightning bolt cut Kelsey off like a puppet. She tumbled forward, her face plowed into the soft mattress. Rachel, nearly out of breath and pushing through some serious mouth cramps, did not let up. She dutifully saw the entire world shaking orgasm through for, ‘her husband’s favorite pussy.’

Kelsey shook and trembled for several seconds, her breathing coming in sharp gasps that left no room for language. When the overwhelming pleasure finally ebbed away, a gentle, warm spreading sensation flowed down her body and left her feeling numb. She could not stop the smile that stretched her face. Kelsey found it hard to open her eyes fully when she rolled off Rachel and sat up.

Rachel was laying on her back and gasping for air. Her hair was a tangled mess and her face was slick with pussy juice. She was smiling just as wide as Kelsey was. They both sat in silence for a while, trying to catch their breath. Finally Kelsey spoke up.

“That was the best orgasm of my life.”

“Happy,” Rachel breathed out, “to be the one to give it to ya.”

“What about you? Did it do anything for you?”

“Fuck yeah, it did. I’m soaked!”

“Nice,” Kelsey said, not knowing what else to say.

After a beat, Rachel asked, “Do you want to see?”

Kelsey hesitated for a second and then nodded. Rachel sat up and wiped her face with her tank top. She very smoothly peeled the pajama bottoms off and tossed them to the floor. With her bottom half now totally nude, Rachel spread her legs and showed Kelsey her dewy pussy. The curly pubic hair was matted together from the wetness and the scent of her arousal filled the cabin. Rachel reached down and spread the outer lips, exposing her inner self for Kelsey’s inspection.

Rachel’s pointer finger slowly played with her clit. She was buzzing with the energy of being examined. Kelsey was just looking down at her pussy, not saying anything. Rachel shivered as the self indulgence sent a thrill up her spine.

“You wanna touch it?” Rachel whispered.

Again, Kelsey did not speak; she just nodded. Neither of her hands moved, she looked frozen.

Rachel slowly reached forward and took one of Kelsey’s hands. When she pulled it closer, there was no resistance. The hand came willingly and Rachel slowly guided it to her wet treasure.

Kelsey’s fingers were slow, she was nervous like a virgin. She moved them through the folds of flesh and even made a half-hearted attempt to stimulate Rachel’s clit. The older woman moaned; she was looking down and watching Kelsey’s fingers like she was hypnotized. This unsure fumbling was something she had not felt in a long time. The fingers finally made it to her pussy and hesitantly pushed in.

Kelsey watched as her pointer and middle finger slid easily into Rachel. The woman was drenched, literally. There was so much wetness down here, Kelsey wondered if the woman had maybe pissed herself. It did not smell like it. Still, it seemed unnatural for someone to be this wet. It was strangely gratifying to be inside Rachel’s pussy, it was almost like possessing her. She could see the appeal. Kelsey’s fingers were growing slick and Rachel’s breaths were coming in hitches.

“Do- does that feel good?” Kelsey asked.

“Yes!” Rachel gasped.

“You’re really wet.”

“I know!” Rachel giggled. “It’s always like that.”

“Jesus. That would drive me crazy,” Kelsey said, her fingers were moving in and out of Rachel at a steady pace.

“You don’t think I’m crazy?”

“Well…maybe a little,” Kelsey said with a laugh.

Rachel leaned forward and kissed Kelsey’s lips. They made out for a few seconds before Rachel finally pulled back slightly.

“Do you wanna taste it?” she whispered.

Kelsey was quiet for a couple seconds and her fingers slowed down

“No. I mean, not right now.”

Kelsey leaned back and looked at Rachel. Her face was a little worried and shy.

“I’m sorry. I just don’t think I’m ready for that,” Kelsey said, pulling her hand away.

“Hey, that’s okay!” Rachel said and reached for Kelsey’s hand. “No worries at all, I promise.”

“Okay. But, I’m not saying it’s a forever no though. I might want to, one day.”

“Great!” Rachel beamed. “I’ll take what I can get, you know that.”

They shared a good, real laugh. The mood had been shifted and Kelsey did not seem to be in a hurry to return to Rachel’s pussy. The buzz from the wine was also starting to wear off and the women began to look for something to eat. According to Rachel, this would be the best way to avoid that awful hangover in the morning. Something passed between them tonight and it seemed that they might finally be on the road to friendship. Rachel hoped that it would not change their arrangement, but was glad to be growing closer to Kelsey.

Tom could not figure out what this man’s deal was. Cameron seemed like a nice guy, he was generally polite and smiled often. His bright eyes were surrounded by laugh lines but every time they were on Tom, those eyes looked more challenging. He did not think that Cameron knew what was happening with Kelsey. It would probably be far worse than short words and narrowed glances.

“So, what did you drive? You know, before all this.” Tom asked, trying to make small talk.

“Nothing flashy,” Cameron replied. “Just an A to B ride. Why?”

“Just curious. I had a 1971 Mustang. My dad and I built it together. That car was like my chi-… well, it was important to me.”

“Ah, old school. Nice,” Cameron replied like he was on autopilot.

“Yeah, it was nice. I think about it a lot. I mostly wonder if it’s still at my house. If the house is still there, that is.”

“You ever gonna check?”

Tom looked at Cameron. That felt like a dig but it was hard to tell. The man was being cagey in a way that was not directly obvious.

“In North Carolina? I very seriously doubt it.”

“Well, it doesn’t seem worth obsessing over. I mean, it was just a car. We got bigger shit to worry about.”

“Sure, man.”

That was the last attempt at small talk. The men performed the rest of their watch in relative silence. Ironically, they were both thinking about the same thing. Rachel was in their heads, keeping their imaginations awake. Cameron was constantly thinking about the small woman and how it felt to hold her in his arms. He knew how much fun it would be to have unrestricted sex with her. Hell, she was all but throwing it at him the last time they were together. He wondered if he would be able to control himself if they were ever alone again. He was starting to doubt it.

Tom was thinking about Rachel too but in a much different context. He had mental images of her licking white cum off of smooth, dark skin. He owned memories of watching Rachel pleasure herself while he was balls deep in a much younger woman. His imagination was busy repeating the illicit words and sounds that were shared in his home by two women. Tom’s real life was comparably better than most people’s fantasies. It was little wonder why he was not as wound up like Cameron.

Tom was starting to look forward to the end of their shift. He knew Rachel would be in bed, possibly in the nude. It had been a pretty balmy night, the chances were good. He could just walk through the door and push his cock deep into his wife.

‘But,’ Tom thought, ‘not too deep. She can’t take it.’

His imagination shifted the image in his daydream. The thoughts were still on what he could find walking into his home. The only difference was, Kelsey was laying there too. Her tall and slim body could take all of his cock. It felt great having someone who could not only receive every inch, but she also could handle the deep thrusting too. Kelsey was built for long cocks. Tom felt insanely lucky to have landed in such a predicament. He would have to see about inviting Kelsey to stay the night at some point. Waking her up with his cock would be a little more fun than it would be with Rachel.

The morning sun was just starting to peek up over the trees. The brightness of it was returning color to the land. Inside the walls, signs of life were popping up. Breakfast fires were being lit and sending smoke signals to the chirping songbirds. From one of the cabins, the sound of a crying baby could be heard, even up here on the wall. Dew blanketed the camp and made everything look and feel damp. On a regular day, it would still be a couple hours before the whole camp was moving. However, this was not going to be a normal day.

Tom’s fantasizing abruptly ended when his hunter’s instinct took over. His eyes were inexorably drawn to a section of the wood line. There was nothing instantly obvious, but he felt it. His ears strained to perceive what his eyes were failing to detect. Something was in the trees, hiding in the shadows, and possibly watching him. He was sure of it. Tom reached for his bow.


Tom’s flat, no nonsense tone made Cameron instantly alert. He turned to look at the same place Tom was scrutinizing.

“I don’t see anything,” Cameron whispered after staring for a few seconds.

“I don’t either,” Tom responded. “But someone’s there. Has to be living. An infected one would’ve just walked out.”

Cameron swallowed the lump in his throat and said, “shit. It might be the same person that we nearly ran into on the road.”

“That’s what I’m worried about.”

After a couple of quiet minutes, Tom was about to suggest going to take a look. Before he could, both men were surprised to see that Tom had been right. There was indeed someone down there. A few someones.

“Fuck!” Tom swore and fumbled for an arrow.

“Red!” Cameron quickly said into his radio. “At the entrance, we got live ones with guns. I repeat, red!”

Three rugged looking men in body armor approached the wall. They were holding assault rifles at the ready but were not aiming them at anything. They walked slowly, as if they were being cautious while trying to look non-threatening. When they were close enough for shouting distance, Cameron stopped their progress.

“That’s close enough!” he shouted. “How can we help you, gentlemen?”

One of them, a guy with short dark hair, reached to his waist and pulled up a two-way radio. He shouted, “channel 7” at the wall and waited.

Cameron tuned his own radio to channel 7.

“Same question,” Cameron said evenly into the mic.

“We’re looking for someone, possibly a couple of them. We were attacked recently and managed to track them in this direction. I’m really hoping it was not your people.”

“None of ours would do that. We’re not the type to attack the living. Unprovoked, that is,” Cameron responded smoothly.

“Well, I’m glad to hear that. You guys look pretty tough. I’d hate to think we were enemies.”

“We aren’t looking for enemies.”

“Yeah, we weren’t either. But some rat led a horde to our home and tried to take us down with it. We managed to pick up a trail and followed it this way.”

Cameron and Tom exchanged a quick glance. Tom could see on their side of the gate, a small force was gathering. Gregg was sternly positioning people and making sure their guns were ready to fight. The three men on the ground would be quickly over matched if it came to a fight.

“They attacked you with the infected ones? When?”

“Oh, say, two weeks ago at the latest. I kind of lost track of the days.”

“We were attacked, then this group was hit,” Tom whispered. “Then, they followed the attacker this way. It sounds like that person is bouncing between us. Maybe trying to start a fight?”

Into the radio, Cameron said, “we were attacked the same way you described. A little while before you, it seems.”

“You know, I was worried about that,” the unknown man said. “I was hoping it was an opportunistic thing, but it seems like someone out here figured out how to weaponize the infected ones.”

After a few moments of quiet, the stranger spoke again.

“So, uhh, yeah. Not feeling great about standing out in the open like this. Do you guys want to talk? Maybe compare notes. You probably know the area pretty good, we might be able to find the bastard.”

“Yeah, we’ll come to you though. I hope you understand. We can’t just let anyone come inside.”

“No, I totally understand that. We’ll be right here.”

The three strangers all turned to face the woods, keeping watch on their own backs.

Cameron and Tom joined Gregg and the three of them went out to meet the strangers. The rest of the Deterrent Team took defensive posts around the wall. A couple of runners had already flown through the camp, waking up the residents and getting them ready for an emergency. Everyone who was able to fight was armed and waiting for the order to defend their home. The camp was eerily silent.

“I’m Cameron,” he offered, shaking the hand of the man he had been speaking with.

“I’m Kenneth,” the man with clean-cut hair said. “This is Bruce and Stephen.”

“I’m Tom,” he said, offering his own introduction before Cameron had the audacity to do it for him.

This Kenneth guy was giving Tom dictator vibes. He looked entirely too clean to be in the company of the other two men. They had a hard look about them, especially the bearded biker fellow. Still, they might have good info on a real threat. It would be worth the conversation.

“Gregg,” was all their third said. He would have probably been happy in a goon position like Kenneth’s boys.

“Nice to meet you guys,” Kenneth said. “This is a nice place you got here. We’ve been holding up in a hotel.”

“That’s probably easier to maintain. We had to build most of our stuff,” Cameron replied.

“Oh, yeah! Super easy. Plus everyone gets their own space. That means a lot these days.”

“I bet. So, you want to talk about what you know and we’ll share what happened to us?” Cameron asked.

“Sounds good to me.”

Kenneth and Cameron talked for a bit. They discussed the attack that happened here and everything they learned, which was not a lot. Tom was keeping an eye on the other two men while feigning nonchalance. When Cameron mentioned finding the kidnapping gear, Tom thought he saw the biker guy twitch. He dismissed the suspension when Bruce smacked a mosquito. Maybe he was being too paranoid.

Bruce looked at Tom and nodded in a friendly gesture. Tom nodded back and finally relaxed a little bit. He had to believe there were still good people in the world. Or at least, ones who would not just ambush you in an open field. An open field that stank like something died nearby.

“Yeah, I think we’ll keep heading east for a bit. That’s the direction they seemed to be headed,” Kenneth said, wrapping up the conversation. “It’s cool to know you’re out here though. Maybe our people can meet up one day? Officially, I mean.”

“That would be great,” Cameron smiled and shook Kenneth’s hand. “I know we could stand to see some fresh faces.”

Tom felt an internal pinging that made him feel antsy. Something was off. His instincts were screaming for him to act, but he saw no action to take. His fingers tightened on the bow string, he barely resisted drawing the arrow.

“Whoa, buddy. Why so tense all of a sudden?” Bruce asked, noticing Tom’s sudden alertness.

Everyone stopped talking immediately and faced Tom. Hands moved toward weapons and fingers tested the weight of triggers. The jovial air evaporated immediately. Gregg’s rifle was the first one that was up and pointed at a target.

“Tom?” Cameron asked, his eyes locked on the strangers.

“Can’t you smell it?” Tom hissed, his eyes wide in fear. “The infected are here!”

Nearby, hidden in the thick growth of the forest, someone fired a gun.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/utxvtk/lovin_in_the_apocalypse_ch14apocalypse_romance