The trip—fire and ice [MF, MMF, Exhibitionism]

It was one date night that you asked—if we could go anywhere for an adult-only get away, where would it be? Rather than answer you right away, I told you I would just show you. So, when my next bonus arrived, I set everything in motion.


You know, I have noticed something about the airport metal detectors. They seem to be sensitive to moisture. Maybe the wavelength of radiation they use to detect metal has trouble penetrating moisture? And you know what a little shit I can be and how I like to watch you squirm. So, when we arrive at the airport, I make sure we park somewhat remotely in the parking deck. Then, before you can get out of the car, I lock the doors and slowly and teasingly begin to unbutton your pants.

“Ms. Carson…we need to make sure you are not smuggling any contraband…” I whisper into your ear.

As I slowly nibble on your ear and neck, my hand slips into the waistband of your panties and gently starts to tease your clit. This elicits moans of delight from you as you sink back into the seat and spread your legs just a little bit, enticing me to continue. My fingers…those fingers you love…gently and slowly tease circles, dipping lower from time to time, softly penetrating you as you get wetter. When you can barely take anymore and your panties (and my fingers) are thoroughly soaked, I abruptly stop.

“Can’t be late for our flight”.

After smacking me and loudly protesting, you begrudgingly re-fasten your jeans and skulk out of the car. I, with a shit eating grin on my face, follow of course, enjoying the delightful scent of you on my fingers.

On to security. I go first. Through without a hitch. But, for some reason you keep getting buzzed, despite carefully emptying your pockets.

“Ma’am, please step over here”.

Collecting my things at the end of security, I just watch as you get led to the pat down area. You know this routine. Arms out, legs spread. Mmm. I watch and think you look so delicious in that vulnerable pose in front of all of these passengers. I imagine you there naked—your delicious form exposed to all the onlookers. All of them getting to see what only I get to fondle and fuck.

You let out a little gasp and clear your throat as the TSA agent does her karate chop up your inner thigh to your labia.

“Hmm”, you think. “I am definitely more sensitive…That little shit”.

I, watching, wonder if she notices how warm you still are there.

“You’re all clear ma’am” says the agent and waves you on.

I am laughing and trying to get a head start down the hall away from you, knowing the scolding and smacking that is coming my way.

After taking my flogging—both physical and verbal—and reveling in every moment, we wind our way to the waiting area. Sitting down with plenty of time before our flight, I open my bag, looking at you with another sly grin on my face.

“Darling, I brought some things in my carry on for you.”

I reach into my bag and pull out your new, comfy skirt.

“Go put this on…and make sure you bring me back your panties.”

You start to protest, but I gesture to the blanket neatly folded in the bag.

“I brought this to ‘keep you warm’ on the flight.”

Your protests turn into a sly grin understanding now exactly what kind of naughtiness I had in store for the flight. I lean over and kiss you on the lips lovingly.

“Now go to the bathroom and change, please.”


You come back from the bathroom with a big grin on your face. As you carefully sit down in the seat next to me, making sure to pull your skirt taught as you sit, you flash me a sly smile—playful annoyance underscored by the naughtiness of feeling somewhat exposed. I love watching you squirm in your seat, trying to get comfortable without showing the increasingly busy terminal our sensual secret. I delight in the glances of all the male travelers who saunter by and can’t help but stare at your sexy legs and short skirt. I can practically hear them wondering where those gorgeous legs lead and what is under that skirt. I thoroughly enjoy knowing they have to wonder and I get to know.

“All first class passengers are now allowed to board at gate G7 for American flight 237.”

“That is us, Dear.” I say with a big grin on my face.

Surprise and a little disbelief wash over your face.“Damn, babe! You did this up right!”

“Only the best for my lover” I coyly reply as I help you up.

We proceed through the gate and onto the plane.

“This is us.” I gesture when we get to the last row in first class.

I slide in first next to the window, making sure you have the aisle seat so all the men on the flight have to parade by you in that short skirt with no panties. You flash me a quick smile as you slide into your seat. As we settle in I lean over and whisper,

“Open your legs just a little more. Give these travelers something to keep their minds busy and their cocks hard on the flight”.

You slowly part your legs just a little bit. Not enough to give anyone a clear view, but enough to lead their eye well up under the hem of your skirt—dangerously close to your pussy which, you notice, is again getting very wet. My cock grows increasingly hard as I watch the men file by, not able to help themselves do double takes as they catch a glimpse of your delicious thighs. One hapless soul was so distracted by the tempting treat that he ran square into the back of the passenger in front of him who had stopped in the aisle. We both laugh and watch his face flush.

The passengers board and the flight takes off without a hitch. Everyone gets settled in as we reach cruising altitude. Once we level out, I reach down into the carry on in front of me and pull out the lap blanket.

“Cold, hon?” I say with a grin.

“Mmm hmm” you nod.

I pull the blanket out and throw it over your lap, covering your knees and waist. The blanket was ample enough that there was plenty left over to cover my arm that had slid down next to your hips. Once the blanket is in place, my fingers find the smooth, soft skin of your leg. Slowly I let my light touch trace up your thigh until I find the hem of your skirt.

“I want you to spread your legs.” I lean over and whisper.

You settle back a little into your chair and slowly part your thighs.

“More” I demand quietly.

You throw a shocked look at me, already feeling a little uncomfortable with your legs parted and nothing but a blanket hiding a clear view up your skirt. I lock your gaze with a confident smile tinged with desire. You reluctantly comply, slowly. I can read your bluff, though, and I know you want it just as badly as I do.

My fingers continue lightly past the hem of your skirt. The skirt felt dangerously short before, but with my fingers trailing up your inner thigh, all you can think is that it feels like they are traveling for an eternity now. A chill runs up your lower back and you feel that familiar tingle and wetness between your legs.

“God”, you think, “those fingers feel so amazing.”

I let my fingers glide up the silken skin of your thigh until they are close enough to feel the heat of your aching pussy. I pause and linger just short…you can feel them there—so close—god you want them so badly…just a few millimeters more. Your hips slide forward trying to coax my fingers to give you the touch you desire, but I slowly pull them back down your inner thigh.

“Nggh. Not fair!” you softly protest.

”Shh” I quietly admonish into your ear. Your squirming and closed eyes are a dead giveaway to anyone nearby watching our fun.I pause down by your knee and slowly begin my caress again. More firmly this time, but still softly and slowly, my fingers trail up your sensitized skin. This time I don’t stop and you feel me lightly brush your swollen outer lips. You softly suck air into your lungs in a little gasp as you feel that brief moment of electricity run through your whole body.

You part your legs even more…willingly now…giving me the access we both desire. You can’t believe this is happening…in front of all these people…discreet yet not…only a blanket now covering your waist as your skirt has crept almost all the way up your legs from all of your squirming. If the blanket slipped off you would be fully exposed with your legs spread and your wetness on display. But you really don’t care. All you can think about now is how badly you want my fingers touching you. You already had those fingers once today and weren’t allowed to cum. You weren’t about to let that happen again.

“Don’t stop.” you whisper to me as you slowly close your eyes and slide your hips even more forward.

I have been cruel enough, so I let my fingers linger. I lightly run the tip of one finger from the lowermost part of your slit, slowly up to your clit, covering it in your wetness from below. You are soaking wet at this point. I lightly and slowly trace circles around your firm clit, letting the pad of my finger rub it from time to time. Your hips begin to unconsciously move with the rhythm of my fingers.

“Mmm” you let out a little moan.

“Shh” I breathe more loudly.

You squirm wanting to vocalize the pleasure you are feeling between your legs but knowing you can’t…only heightening the tension and feeling.

“God this is so naughty” you think, hardly believing you are getting fingered at 30,000 feet.

You gasp again as you feel my fingers that have teased you dangerously close to cumming finally penetrate your wetness. A lone finger slowly slides inside of you—taking you—making you mine. I slide my finger slowly out, pressing against your g-spot as it withdraws, sending waves of pleasure through your core. You make soft, quiet, moans as my finger draws you closer and closer to orgasm—trying your hardest to contain the tension that is building between your legs. My wet finger again traces up your pussy to your swollen clit, more urgently and firmer this time, teasing it with alternating pressure.

Your body starts to tense and your hips push more urgently into my hand as you feel a mind blowing orgasm moments away. My fingers take one last dive into the depths of your soaking, hot, wetness—filling and stretching you with two fingers this time. God it feels so amazing to be filled and ever so slightly stretched.Your thoughts are primal as you feel those two fingers press up into your g-spot and you feel the first waves of orgasm rise and start to crash over you. As I feel you tensing around my fingers, I slide them up and rub your clit, finally giving you the pleasure and relief you have been wanting and you fully surrender yourself to your orgasm. The pleasure crashes over you again and again—wave after wave. Your hips quiver, rest, and quiver again.

The grin on my face is ear to ear as you ride my fingers to a deep, relaxing culmination. I slowly, but lightly, trail my fingers away from your steamy, soaking, finger fucked pussy…down your thigh and out from under the blanket. You open your eyes and lock my gaze—your eyes glazed over with wide-eyed pleasure and disbelief.

“Mmm hmm…” you clear your throat and straighten yourself in the seat.

“Oh my god I can’t believe you just did that!” you whisper to me—the thrill and reality of the fact that you were just fingered to a public orgasm slowly sinking in.


I decide to give you a break from all the naughtiness of the morning after your finger fucking at 30,000 feet. Relaxed from your orgasm, you settle into the crook of my arm and drift off.

After an uneventful landing and deplaning, we hop in our rental car and begin taking in the first stunning glimpses of Iceland. It is raw. It is real. It is beauty. It is our lust and desire for each other given wondrous form in this wild landscape. We ooh and ah, hardly peeling our eyes off the landscape as we wind our way to the small village and hotel spa on the outskirts of Reykyavik.

“Wait here.” I say as I leave you with a smile of pure relaxation and happiness.

As I check us in for our stay at this amazing venue with views of bubbling hot springs and snowy vistas, you relax into the seat of the car and take a deep, relaxing breath.

“I have never been so in love” you think to yourself feeling warmth and contentment wash over you.

You catch a glimpse of me walking out of the hotel and light up. I hop quickly in the car—“It’s all set! I really think you are going to love it here.”

We park the car and I start to carry our bags into the hotel. The lobby is luxurious. Water from one of the hot springs circulates through a fountain in the center. Immediately a sense of relaxation and calm come over you.

“You do not disappoint, Dear.” you say to me as we stroll to the elevators.

“Only the best for my lover.” I reply with a broad smile.

Our room is on the top floor. We ride up in the elevator alone, too distracted by the newness of everything to engage in much naughtiness. This elevator would be witness to several episodes of our lust and desire before the week was up, though.

We proceed quickly to our room to find it is as spectacular as the rest of the spa hotel—a big open floor plan, wide windows looking down onto the courtyard of open air hot tubs fed by the volcanic springs, a large king bed, and an open soaking tub tucked away near the frosted glass bathroom dividers. Several pieces of nice furniture accompany the main features. Little did you know as you surveyed the room that each one of those chairs and couches would know either my bare ass or yours by the end of the week.

We drop our things off, somewhat tired from the trip.

“Let’s head down to the bar for some drinks before we call it a night” I say.

You agree—a few drinks would be nice. This is vacation, no obligations, nothing but time to sleep and relax…and fuck. We find a few open seats at the bar and saddle up. We chat our way through a couple of drinks, and you notice you are definitely feeling a good buzz. You realize you still haven’t changed from the morning assignment. You have been enjoying the rush of the short skirt and lack of underwear—especially here at the bar as the drinks have started working their magic.

Half way through your second grey goose dirty martini a handsome guy sits next to you at the bar and we all begin to chat. You notice he is not bad looking—a middle aged man with a slight dad bod. He is friendly, but not too much. Open, but not creepy or pushy. As we chat I notice him glancing down from time to time at your bare legs. I couldn’t help getting the vibe that this guy really enjoyed the beauty I too enjoyed.

The evening wound on and the conversation and drinks flowed freely. By this point you were really feeling the alcohol warming every part of you—it was a delightful sensation you hadn’t felt in a while. Finally Mr. Dad Bod excused himself for a bathroom break. I am, of course, still madly horny from the day. While you got to have your O—I was still without mine.

Fueled by the liquor I decide to propose checking one of the things off our shared kink list.

“Hon, this is going to sound crazy, but just listen. I have noticed this guy glancing at your legs all night long. Remember how on the kink list one of the things we shared was fucking in front of other people? Since this is our ‘adult’ get-away, what if I ask him to come up to our room as an audience while I pleasure and fuck you? He can touch himself all he wants—but no touching you and no pictures.”

Your heart froze in your chest. Maybe it was the liquor, maybe it was seeing that shit eating grin on my face again and you wanting to give me my desires, but you look at me and ask,

“Are you sure?”

“Let’s do it now when we’re somewhere we are sure we’ll never meet this person again…and while we’re both drunk enough to say yes!”

“Ok. Let’s do it. You ask him when he gets back. I’m going up to take a shower so I’ll be ready, whatever happens.”

I give you one last lustful kiss, making sure my hand slides well under the hem of your skirt, and you slide carefully off the bar seat and head up to the room.

When Mr. Dad Bod returns he sits down and says to me,

“She decide to call it a night, huh?”

I chuckle a little…”Sort of…she headed up to take a shower…she likes to be clean before we fuck.”

We both laugh at my ice breaker.

“God I bet she is an amazing fuck.” he says, confirming that his mind is exactly where I thought it was.

“You have no idea.” I reply with an ear to ear grin.

Sensing my opening I say, “You could find out…well, sort of…if you were interested. I asked her before she left if she wanted an audience tonight and she eagerly agreed.”

“Wow! Really!” was his quick reply. ”I’ve never done anything like that but always dreamed of it.”

“Us too!” I reply and we enjoy a quick laugh, releasing some of the tension and nervousness.

“Here are the rules” I explain, “absolutely no touching and no pictures. You can touch yourself all you want.”

“Deal!” he quickly replies.

“Meet us in room 418 in 15 minutes.” I say.

We both close out our tabs and head our separate ways. When I get upstairs you are just finishing up your relaxing shower. I saunter into the bathroom divide and admire the gorgeous, wet, nude form sensually bathing behind the shower glass.

“Well did you ask?” you eagerly inquire.

“I did. He’ll be here in 15.”

“Oh my god I can’t believe we’re doing this!”

You quickly finish your shower and step out slowly drying off. I quickly disrobe, turn off all but a few ambient lights, and lead you by the hand over to the edge of the bed. I begin to kiss you teasingly on your lips as my hands trail down the bare skin of your back. With my arm behind you I pull you close, pressing you into my naked body. You feel the warmth and growing hardness of my cock press against your belly.

“God” you think “I love how his body feels against my skin.”

We continue to caress and kiss, our tongues dancing, until we are interrupted by a somewhat timid knock on the door. I step back and look at you—both of our eyes wide.

“You still ok?” I quickly check.

Your ear to ear grin gives me the answer even before you say the words.

“Very much so.”

As I turn to go to the door, you take a seat on the edge of the bed. You can’t believe you are actually doing this. Another man—a complete stranger—is going to come into your room—with your man still there, and he is not only going to see you fully naked, but he is going to watch you get fucked.

I return quickly with Mr. Dad Bod following.

“Have a seat over here.” I say and motion him to the armchair opposite the bed.

This vantage point gives him a full view of the bed and our bodies. He quietly sits down. Standing over you, I pick up where we left off and kiss you. This time there is more passion and urgency. Your heart is racing. You can feel the wetness and tingle start to rise between your legs. You seem hyper aware of every touch and sensation under the gaze of another man.

As I slowly depart your amazing mouth and tongue for the opportunity to tease my way down your neck to your breasts, you catch a glimpse of Mr. Dad Bod. His eyes are glued to your body and he has started to rub himself slowly through the fabric of his jeans. I press you back onto the bed as my kisses reach your shoulders. I move to the side of your body and begin to softly kiss the porcelain skin under your breast. You realize this gives Mr. Dad Bod an unhindered view of your legs, draped over the edge of the bed. As you begin to lose yourself in the feeling of my lips sucking on and playing with your nipples, you slowly open your legs, exposing yourself to this complete stranger, wanting him to see your pussy. This elicits an almost immediate response from Mr. Dad Bod. We hear him squirm around in his seat, the sound of a belt unfastening, a zipper, and his pants hitting the floor. I pause for a moment and look up to see him now fully nude, his hard cock in his hand.

“Amazing view, isn’t it?”

He just nods and slowly strokes his dick never taking his eyes off my wife’s naked body.

I can’t take anymore at this point and quickly trail my kisses down your soft tummy to the top of your mound. I slide myself onto the floor and position myself between your legs. I don’t care that I am blocking Mr. Dad Bod’s view. I spread your legs wider apart and begin to caress and tease the sensitive skin of your inner thighs. Slowly, my tongue finds its way to the top of your slit and you let loose a soft moan. My eager tongue begins to tease slow circles around your clit—my finger teasing your dripping wet hole.

“God you’re so wet!” I exclaim between licks.

Knowing how much you are loving putting on this show makes my swollen cock even harder. I begin to lick the length of you—from your clit to your wetness. My tongue licks up and down slowly, teasingly, pausing at the bottom to penetrate you ever so slightly, only to return to the top to tease your sensitive clit. My fingers slowly slip inside of you for the third time today as my tongue swirls around, with increasing pressure,….slowly, slowly, harder, slowly. I feel your back begin to arch as you start to moan and pull my head into your aching pussy.

“Oh god” “Yes! Yes!! Yes!!” you whimper with increasing volume.

Finally you feel that tingle, chill, tension, all at once, as a toe curling orgasm consumes your body. Your hips buck and your ample breasts sway with wave after wave. Finally your hips relax and crash down into the bed.

I let you lie there for a brief time while I clean up your delicious wetness.

“My turn now, darling” I say as I get up.

I coax you on to your hands and knees, still facing the headboard. As I position myself in front of you, you realize you’re on your hands and knees, ass in the air, legs spread and giving Mr. Dad Bod full view of your dripping wet and freshly licked and fingered pussy. You have barely given your lovers this kind of unencumbered view of your pussy and ass, let alone a complete stranger.

“Nngghh” you hear him breathlessly mutter.

Now you have confirmation of how exposed you are to this man and his hard cock. You imagine how much harder it is making him to see you like this…how much closer he is to cumming with this view of the most intimate parts of your bodyopenly on display. You revel in the power your pussy has over him—without him even feeling it.

I slowly lift my dick up to your hot mouth and soft lips.

“Suck my cock.” I demand as my fingers interlace themselves into your hair.

You eagerly take my cock into your mouth. While you slowly work your magic on my cock, you reach back with one hand to begin fingering your clit. You can feel how wet I have made you—your fingers glide over your hard clit and feel amazing. As you continue to suck me, I reach back and pull your ass cheeks open. You can feel this spreading your hot pussy wide and exposing your asshole completely to Mr. Dad Bod’s eager gaze. While you keep sucking my cock and fingering yourself you can’t help but to again take inventory of how crazy, filthy, and wonderful this all is. Here you are, completely naked and exposed, your ass and pussy fully on display and being spread open for a complete stranger. One cock in your mouth and another cock being stroked a few feet away.

After your mouth and the utter slutiness of thinking about you on display in front of this man have made my cock rock hard, I spin you around in the bed. You are finally able to look up and see Mr. Dad Bod sitting there across from you—his eyes locked onto you, taking in every inch of your nakedness and sex. As you trail your own gaze down his not bad form and admire the hard cock he has in his hands…realizing you have done this to him…you feel me slowly penetrate you from behind.

“Mmmm” you moan as you lock eyes with Mr. Dad Bod as my cock slides inside of you.

My god is this really happening? Your man is fucking you with his ample, rock hard dick, and you are staring at the hard cock of a total stranger…watching him stroke himself while he watches you get fucked. God it feels so good! …and so, so very naughty, you think to yourself. Your inner slut is reveling in the desire and pleasure of it all.

I continue to slide my hard cock slowly in and out of your wetness. I spread your ass cheeks while I fuck you and admire the view of myself penetrating you, just below the tight ass I will claim later in the week. You keep watching Mr. Dad Bod stroking his hard cock. Eventually my thrusting grows faster, harder, and deeper. You push your hips hard back against my advancing dick, your eyes locked on Mr. Dad Bod stroking his hard cock. You notice his stroking has gotten more urgent too. Finally you see his hips begin to buck and hear him begin to loudly moan. You watch as hot cum shoots from his cock.

Before you even have time to process, you feel my cock grow harder than you thought it ever could and feel me pound your pussy hard from behind. My loud groans and hard thrusts tell you that I too am cumming hard. Finally spent, I collapse onto you. We both laugh and caress each other, softly panting.

“That was great.” we hear from the end of the bed and look up to see Mr. Dad Bod cleaning up.

“Thank you both. You were right—she does look to be an amazing fuck” he says.

He quickly pulls up his pants, buckles his belt and slips out of the room.

“Oh my god” I say and we both laugh while we lie in each other’s arms.

“And this is just day one”….


After Mr. Dad Bod leaves, you lie there, naked in my arms, my cum filling you, your pussy throbbing and hot from the pounding it just got, your heart still racing. Did you really just make two handsome men cum—one a complete stranger?

We sleep a deep, restful sleep that night, waking up still horny from the rush of checking something off our kink list. My soft touch and ridiculously hard cock pressed against you help to dispel the last vestiges of sleepiness. We wake slowly, with kisses and caresses. I finally coax your nightgown up over your hips and slide my hardness inside of you.

You press your ass and hips back onto me, pushing my dick deeper inside of you while you also reach down between your legs and find your clit. I slowly begin to slide in and out of your wetness…achingly slowly to match the sleepy pace of the morning. Your fingers lightly begin to play with your clit….god it all feels so good. You briefly think back to the view of Mr. Dad Bod’s hard cock erupting in his hand as I fuck you.

My thrusting slowly picks up pace as I listen to your moans and meet the thrusts of your hips. Your fingers and the feeling of being filled up with a hard cock are coaxing you closer and closer to climax. You hear me start to moan again and feel the strength of my body more urgently fucking you and you know I am close. That is enough to push you over the edge and you start to cum—slow, deep waves of orgasm this time….. the kind that ripple deep through your whole body. You hear me cumming at the same time and feel my cock tense and quiver inside of you. We both ride the waves of a morning after fuck.

“God damn honey!” I say as I pull out of you and roll over onto my back.

“And we have five more days…” you reply with a content and happy smile.

The rest of the week is filled with pleasure of all forms. Delicious food. Amazing views as we explore the cities and rural towns of the amazing island of fire and ice. We stop to photograph beautiful volcanic formations and sweeping ocean expanses. We indulge in drinks of all kinds in the evenings, laugh, and fall even more deeply in love than we thought was possible.

We love and we fuck our way through the week. The rest and relaxation combined with the sensual beauty of the place have us both in a seemingly continual state of arousal. I pin you in the elevator and finger you more than once. We take the stairs to the room and you stop me, peel down my pants and give me an amazing blow job until I cum hard in your mouth. We fuck on the bed, on the furniture, and in front of the open window looking down on the other travelers soaking in the hot springs below. If only they knew and looked up a few floors they would see your bare chest pinned against the glass, arms bound behind you, being fucked hard from behind. We fuck almost every day, sometimes more than once. We fuck in missionary, doggy, on your side, cowgirl…every position we know and love. You ride my cock and cum all over it and I penetrate your tight ass and fill it with cum while you finger yourself to orgasm. You can’t remember when your body has felt this used…or wonderful.

All of this is amazing and delicious, but only one other moment of the trip bears detailing. It is near the end of the trip, on the next-to-the last day. The traffic at the spa hotel had really dropped off during the week. The weekend visitors had not yet arrived. We finish another amazing meal and drinks and have a nice buzz working as we head back up to the room. When we get there I go to close the curtains for the night, taking in one last view of the glowing sunset lighting the spring fed hot tubs in the courtyard below. The evening chill that settles in on this northern island has begun and the steam is rising tantalizingly from the tubs.

“Put on your suit” I turn to you and say.

“What!?… Ohhhhh….” you respond, initially surprised by this spontaneous request but starting to sense where this could be going when you see the look on my face.

“Put on your suit” I repeat. “We have the hot tubs all to ourselves.”

I quickly peel off my pants and shorts and you glimpse my semi-hard dick. You are very familiar with that sight and the naughtiness that barometer usually indicates. You begin to undress and grab your suit. We both watch each other, enjoying the sight of our lover’s body undressing and dressing again.

We grab the room key and head down to the courtyard below. As you step out of the doors, you are immediately hit with the chill evening air. The temperature once the sun goes down quickly drops and that cold air hardens your nipples almost instantly. You enjoy the rush and the feeling of your nipples reacting to mother nature’s tease.

“Brrrr….isn’t it wonderful!” I say to you as you notice me stealing a glance at your amazing tits and the hardness of your nipples that your suit can no longer hide.

We quickly find a spot for our things and slip into the gorgeous tile tub in the back corner of the courtyard. The spa courtyard is a wonder itself. Beautiful tile throughout. Lush seating, and in-floor hot tubs that are fed with a continual flow of fresh, hot mineral water from the volcanic springs. The tubs are dimly lit with ample in-tub bench seating around the rounded square perimeter of each one. The steam from the water of the hot tub creates an other-worldly feeling. We had enjoyed soaking in them more than once throughout the week.

As we settle into the tub feeling the minerals and the fresh heated water from the earth nourish us, we relax onto the bench seating and into each other’s arms. The cold of the evening air and the heat from the tub are a nourishing contrast. As you sink down and soak in the water, you feel my hand slowly start to caress the skin of your leg under the water. It never ceases to amaze you how much power that touch has over you. My fingers tease your legs ever so slightly apart as I lean over and begin slowly kissing your soft lips. The week has been so wonderful and full of such incredible fucking and pleasure that you simply sink into my kisses and touch, allowing me to lead you without a hint of resistance or hesitation on one more mind blowing sensual experience. You willingly spread your legs more as my hand begins to rub you through the fabric of your suit. My fingers tease and rub, my tongue darts and withdraws. You feel one finger slide under the hem of your suit between your legs.

My hand withdraws after a few moments of teasing the soft, bare skin of your pussy and moves up to pull you into a deep, sensual kiss. My tongue penetrates you, foreshadowing the intrusion of my cock into your body that is coming. My hands slowly move down to the strap of your suit. You move to free your arm and breast from the strap when you suddenly remember we’re in a public courtyard…one that the entire back half of the spa hotel rooms looks down on!

You pull back with wide eyes staring at me. I just smile that knowing grin and lean back in. I whisper quietly in half sentences breathily into your ear.

“No one will know…we’re alone and… the steam…”

Maybe it was still the buzz from the dinner drinks. Maybe it was the deep trust that built up from an entire week of some of the raunchiest and most exciting carnal pleasures you had indulged in, maybe it was just your desire to be a little bit on display and the thrill that has accompanied all the times this week you have been shown off or could have been caught….but you lean back in to kiss me deeply and let me continue.

You pull the first strap the rest of the way off. I coax your suit down off your breast, exposing it even more to the chill of the night and the steam from the tub. This contrast of extremes makes your skin and nipples even more sensitive. As I lick slow circles around your hard nipple, my hand traces its way up to your other shoulder and begins to lower the strap down your other arm. This time you pull your arm free without hesitation and pull the suit down to your waist, fully exposing your gorgeous tits to anyone watching from above or strolling in for a night soak. Your only solace and hope is that the hotel is not busy tonight. As I kiss and play with your breasts, you glance up surveying the hotel and notice several rooms with lights on.

“Well”, you think, “maybe they will get a show tonight after all.”

You think back to earlier in the week when you were on display in one of those very same windows, pressed against the glass…naked….my hard cock fucking your well used pussy.

“Mmm…ngghhh” you softly purr again as my gentle licks turn to slightly harder sucking on one of your nipples. My hand begins to trail down between your legs once more while the other one plays wingman to my mouth on your tits.

I slowly grab the fabric of your suit and pull it hard to one side, exposing your pussy. My fingers begin to trace up and down your glorious lips gently parting them at the top to find your firm little clit. As I suck and fondle your breasts with my mouth and hand, my other hand spreads and fingers your pussy and traces firm yet gentle circles around your clit. Your hips again begin to move with my rhythm, coaxing my fingers up and down your slit—pushing your hips forward as the tip of my finger lingers at the opening to your lust, gently coaxing it, feeling it spread you and slide ever so slightly into your wetness.

I continue to devour your tits and finger you…even letting my fingers drop down and tease your ass from time to time. As I sense you getting fully aroused and ready to fuck, I withdraw my attention just long enough to slip my trunks off revealing my fully erect cock.

“Mmmm” you think, “I do love that man’s dick!”

You imagine how good it is going to feel filling you; fucking you; making you mine again. Inspired by the sight of my readiness you pull your own suit the rest of the way off. I was planning on just pulling your suit to the side and fucking you with it on…but I do not protest in the least to seeing you embrace this moment to its fullest and strip yourself bare, giving your whole body to me.

As you slowly swing your leg over my lap, positioning your more than ready pussy over my cock, you think back to the start of the week. You felt so exposed and vulnerable with just that short skirt on and no panties and now, here you are, four days later, buck naked in a public hot tub at night, about to fuck your man and not giving a shit who caught a glimpse of your gorgeous nakedness.

“God damn this man has definitely brought out my inner slut” you think as you slowly descend onto my hardness.

As you feel the tip of my cock slowly start to spread you open and fill you, you smile broadly, contentedly in this safe relationship of trust and lust that gives you the freedom to be as slutty or coy as you want. You have never felt as free or complete.

You lower yourself entirely down onto my cock, pushing it as deep as you can, and rest there for just a moment. You lock my gaze, fully filled up with my cock. Two bodies now one.

“I love you” you whisper to me with a sly smile.

I hold your gaze and smile back with my crooked grin.

“I love you.”…and we begin to fuck like it was our first time.

You slowly rock your hips on my cock, grinding your clit into my pubic bone. You slide up and down my hardness, arching your back, displaying yourself, your lust, your abandonment in our safe love, to anyone who wants to see. Your tits slowly bounce and sway and you feel my hips rising and fucking you back. My hands alternate between grabbing your tits and spreading and playing with your ass. It doesn’t take long. The combination of the night; the culmination of the week; the renewed commitment of our bond; you quickly loose yourself and loudly cum hard on my dick followed almost immediately by my own loud groans and ripples of pleasure as I fill your once more fucked pussy with cum.

As the waves of pleasure diminish, you relax back away from me supported by my arms and your hands on my knees—me still inside of you.

“Thank you for this week, lover” you say to me with the most relaxed look on your face.

“Mmm…” I hum as I slowly close my eyes for a minute, soaking in the last feelings of pleasure and of the feeling of your soft wet pussy on my cock.

“Its me that owes you the thanks. A lover is an empty vessel without a partner to pour himself into—and you are the perfect partner. I love you.”

“I love you” you slowly whisper back to me, waiting for one moment more before sliding off my cock.


After we pull our suits back on, we head upstairs to giggles and musing of “I can’t believe we….”. We never knew if anyone saw us or not. We were still alone when we left the hot tub area that night, but I have no doubt we had an audience in the rooms above that stole glimpses of two naked bodies lost in desire and love between the curtains of steam. The rest of the evening is spent quietly in the soft sheets of the bed. We caress and kiss, read, and check reddit. It is a trip to remember—a one of a kind week that will very likely never be repeated in its entirety or scope. We leave the next day, deeply in love, bonds of trust and desire even more solid and reaffirmed than they ever have been.
