Taming the office Bully Pt.3 [31M/35F/33F]

Sunday flew by: I went for a jog early in the morning to assess my new work “situationship” with M. The previous night, after she left, I received a message from her.

M: “Let’s keep things professional at work; I don’t want anyone to know about us.”

I was expecting this reaction, but I knew I wanted her to be more than just a good FWB. This small, unassuming woman had just reshaped my life. I wanted, not I craved her…

R: “That’s fine, but I hope you know that won’t keep me away from you at work.”

She didn’t respond until that evening as I cleaned up the previous day’s proceedings splattered all over my sheets and pillows.

M: “I have been giving it a lot of thought, and I don’t think you and me being together is such a good idea. You just got promoted and I have worked hard to reach where I am at.

I didn’t respond immediately, needing time to gather my thoughts. I knew I wanted her in my life, and I had a feeling she would try to pull away. I started making dinner trying to figure out how I could convince her that she should give us a shot.
My phone rang then. It was M again.

M: “This is going to be somewhat long, so I apologize, but due to my situation I also can’t call you. I like you… A LOT. I never thought I’d be attracted to someone so different from me. If my family found out I had a relationship with you, I don’t think they’d take it well. Also, I don’t want my career to be curtailed by a workplace romance gone awry. I hope you can understand.”

I put down my phone and went to bed without eating dinner.

The next morning, I woke up earlier than usual; I headed to the gym and took out my frustration on a rack of weights. I knew this wasn’t the end, but I also wanted to respect M’s wishes.

As I made my way to my new office I was congratulated by my coworkers for my promotion; instead of enjoying the moment, I was entirely focused on finding M. It didn’t take long to find her. She was chastising some analyst for some errors made the previous Friday.

It was our tradition to catch up on Mondays over coffee in the break room; instead, she started walking away as soon as she saw me. She actively avoided me for the remainder of the day, so I got the hint. This continued throughout the week, she didn’t even respond to my “good morning” on the one time we ran into each other. By Friday, I was behind on my work having wasted so much of my week being distracted by M’s indifference.

She, on the other hand, spent her week immersed in work and abusing many of her subordinates. She was never popular around the office, but I had not seen her this bad since before her and I became friends. After leaving for lunch on Friday, she didn’t return to the office, so I finally started to focus. Regardless, it would be a late night.

By 7PM, I had ordered pizza knowing I would be working until at least midnight to ensure everything is ready for Monday’s presentation. The building had a security guard that checked out at 7PM, so I’d have to go downstairs and collect the pizza once it arrived.

Around 8PM, I got a message from the delivery guy saying he had left the pizza with my colleague. I quickly started making my way downstairs fuming at the thought of this moron giving away my pizza to some random person; however, I stopped abruptly after seeing the elevator signal that someone was making their way to this level. The elevator required a card key to function, so I decided to wait and see.

My heart began to race at this moment thinking it was M; I was a deer in headlights waiting on the elevator doors to open. It wasn’t M. It was one H, one of the firm’s counselors – a bubbly, 33 yo, curvy blonde who started around the same time I did. In fact, we had gone through orientation together and hung out together during a few work functions. Even though she was a lawyer, she was super chill and always preferred to hang out with us “underlings” 

H: “Here is your pizza, sir! That will be $45 please.” 

R: “Sadly I don’t carry cash; do you take office supplies by chance.”

H: “You’re cute, so you’ll just owe me one.”

As we laughed together, she handed me my pizza and I offered to share it with her.

H: “If you insist, I won’t say no to Meat Lover’s”

We sat down and started ripping into the pie.

R: “So what are you doing here anyways?”

H: “What are you doing here? Trying to get extra brownie points? I’m sure you’ll get promoted again soon; C has massive crush on you.”

C was the director I reported to (a very motherly looking 54yo brunette with a Boston accent)

R: “Oh yeah? Good to know I guess” 

H: “Are you interested? Because she would totally be all about this” *as she gestured to my person*

R: “Ha! Sadly, she is not my type. I’m working late actually because I fell behind on some stuff.” 

H: “B is a lucky girl… And I’m here because I just got out of the worse date of my life, and I don’t want to go home to listen to my stupidly hot roommate get railed again by her stupidly hot boyfriend. Plus I have some stuff I’ve been putting off, and I like to work late at night while eating ice cream”

R: “What happened on your date?”

H: “Tell you what, you finish your work and I’ll finish my mine, and I will tell you all about it over drinks?”
R: “I still have a couple hours…”

H: “I don’t care, but please don’t let me go home to that torture yet.” 

R: “Alright. I could use a drink anyways.” 

H: “Good man!”

I ended up finishing up my work in less than 2 hours to H’s joy. 

H: “Yes! Let’s get out of here.”

We drove to the local dive bar, both of us preferring cheap strong booze to overpriced cocktails. When we got there, we ordered a pitcher of beer and a couple of shots each. Before long, as we both went from buzzed to tipsy, H went into this whole spiel about how this guy she had been talking to for over a month had slowly pulled away. Apparently, they had met earlier tonight after she got him to agree to meet up to try to figure things out. H had been dumped on the spot, so I understood her pain.

I knew I tend to overshare when I drink but was aware enough that if I wanted a future with M, I’d have to keep it to myself. Instead, I told H about my breaking up with B. I told her we ended things amicably and she moved on with Mauricio.

H: “Love is a bitch isn’t it?”

R: “Yeah, I’ll drink to that.” 

By this point we were properly drunk. Not enough to black out but enough to make extremely bad decisions; so of course, I ended up telling her about M. I had to talk about it, else risk losing myself. 

She was flabbergasted, my tale had almost sobered her up completely.

H: “You and M! I can’t believe it! I knew you two were buddies, but I always thought you were simply talking to her to get ahead or out of pity.”

R: “I know. The thing is I just can’t get enough of her.”

H: “She is an ogre! A small, pretty, little ogre. Though she is hot in a Lucy Liu kinda way”

R: “Yeah, but she has me by the balls, H.”

H: “Fuck… and here I thought I’d get lucky tonight.” 

Over the last hour, H had been all over me and it was getting extremely difficult to pry her off when I could feel soft, large breast pressed against me. I would be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about it too.

H: “You know, we should go back to your place…” 

R: “Didn’t you just hear me talk about M?” 

H: “I heard you say she had dropped you unceremoniously; anyways, I’m not asking you to be my bf, just asking you to fuck me…” 

I wanted to, so bad…I knew if I did this though, M and I were over. 

R: “I’d love to H, but the thing is I want to make things work with M as crazy as it sounds.”

H: “Fuck, man… Fine, but let it be known, I am ready when you are.” 

R: “Noted. Do me a favor and keep M and I to yourself.”

H: “None of my business sadly.” 

We hailed an Uber being unable to drive; after dropping her off, I decided to play a game on my phone to stay awake. This is when I noticed I had a message from M.

M: “Can I see you?”

Before I could formulate a response, we had arrived at my place. As I got out of the car, I saw someone was sitting on the stair leading up to my place. I was still tipsy, but I mustered enough balance to walk in a straight line.
There, before me, was M. 

M: “Where have you been?” 

R: “What do you care?”

M: “Alright, I deserved that. Now where have you been? You’ve clearly been out drinking.”

R: “I was out with H.”

M: “H? So what? You’re screwing your way through the office then?” 

R: “What if I am?”

M stood up and furiously started walking away. I grabbed her hand. 

R: “Nothing happened; we were simply commiserating after being rejected I guess.”

She turned around and snatched her hand.

M: “Why didn’t you fuck her then?”

R: “Maybe you had something to do with that.”

Her features softened 

R: “I want you. But you don’t want me.”

She stepped forward and kissed me
M: “I want to be with you. There is so much I want to experience, and I keep finding reasons to excuse myself. 

R: “What about your family and your career?” 

M: “My family is a bunch of racists and just do your job and I’ll do mine.”

R: “So we just ignore each other at work?” 

M: “No, but we can’t exactly mess around either.”

R: “Okay, maybe the butt plug idea was a little too fast.” 

M: “Maybe… but you know. I’m not wearing any panties right now and I may or may not have one inside me right now.”

I was immediately aroused. I wasn’t sure if she was being serious or not. 

M: “Look, R. I don’t want to lose my job, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to try new things. You have pushed my boundaries beyond anything I ever thought I’d be comfortable with. I want to be the freak you want me to be. I am falling in love with you.” 

R: “I love you too.”

We looked at each other for a long minute before she finally came over and kissed me.
M: “I have fallen in love with you.”

We spent the next few minutes kissing out in the open, both smiling like idiots. 

M: “So H wants to fuck you too huh? She is hot I’m surprised you didn’t go through with it.” 

Unsure of where she was going, I tried to pivot the conversation: 

R: “So what else do you want to try?” 

M: “Everything. In fact, what do you think H is doing right now?”
R: “H?! Probably at home masturbating furiously to her roommate and her bf.”

M: “I always liked her curves.” 

I felt I was dreaming at this point.

M: “After last weekend, I tried to ignore my desires, yet every night I’d end up cumming to the thought of you. I want to please you in every imaginable way. I also always wanted to fuck a woman. 

At this point, she grabs my hand, and we go inside.

She sits me down on the couch and instructs me to call H. Tell her to come over if she wants while she prepares. I sat there trembling with both excitement and hesitation. 

Eventually, I got my nerves under control:

R: “Hey H – so you still free tonight?”

Within seconds. 

H: “I’m on my way.” 

R: “Before you come, you should know that M is here, and this is her idea.” 

H: “Holy fuck! Are you telling me I’m being invited to a MFF by a tiny Asian woman and your racially ambiguous self?”

R: “Yeah, if you’re down.”

H: “And miss this?! I always knew M was a freak. I’ll be there in 20.”

I was in complete shock at this point. This entire time, I thought I was exposing M to a whole new world of pleasure, and here she was a bout to blow me away. After 15 mins or so, unable to contain my excitement, I yell out to M.

R: “H is coming. I hope you’re serious about this.”

At this point, M comes out of my room wearing nothing but a lace lingerie see-through slip.   She turns around and I can see a silver ball when she bends over.

M: “I’m very serious.” 

We hear a knock at the door, and M tells me to sit tight. 

When she comes back, H is already mostly naked having made out with M on their way up the stairs. 

She only has her panties on; I can see her milky large tits fully exposed.

M instructs H to lose the panties, so she takes them off.

The contrast between these two women was stark. H was curvy and a tad bit taller than M but pale with much larger hips and tits. However, M was in charge here.
At this point M takes out a second butt plug and licks it up and down before instructing H to bend over. As M plays with H’s drenched pussy, she makes direct eye contact with me. I’m frozen in place as she tells me to stay in place, enjoy the show.
As H starts to moan louder, M begins to slowly rub her asshole with her free thumb using H’s own juices. After a few seconds, M slowly inserts the silver butt plug into H’s asshole… 

[End of Part 3]

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/utfu8w/taming_the_office_bully_pt3_31m35f33f


  1. Please continue its a really hot story and i wouldlove to read more

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