Step Sister Corruption Part 261 – Day 139 Free Use Vacay Pt 5 – Deprivation (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I think something just bit me.

I guess I should back up a bit.

Though not much time has passed, a lot has happened.

Oooook not **a lot** has happened……unless sex is considered a lot.

Not that long ago I had Nadia’s legs pressed against my head, which had created a unique headache, as I had made Nadia cum from my increased tongue game against her labia and clit making the petite girl orgasm more than once until she had glazed my face with her juices.

After what felt like a long time and multiple thigh slaps to my head as Nadia tried to pop my head with her legs each time I brought her to multiple orgasms I finally stopped and flipped the tables making Nadia eat me for once.

I had moved from under the table and damn near moved the plates as far away from us to where they almost pushed them off the surface to crash down to the ground not really caring.

I laid on the circular surface with my important bits facing the petite Russian girl simply laying there waiting for her to start *tasting* me after I had *tasted* her.

Granted I had shimmied up the skirt I was wearing though it wasn’t exactly tight but didn’t want to rip the material for what **I** wanted and lifted my shirt showing the world my absence of under garments.

I didn’t have to lay there very long before the tiny Russian kissed my lips and proceeded to bring me to multiple orgasms.

Our little scene lasted long enough to where our ship had embarked on the cruise as we felt the ship begin to move during our *fun*.

Eventually we stopped our unique lunch with a side order of *dessert* and left the eating area and I was *semi* embarrassed as more than one couple clapped at our little *scene* and more than one person smiled at us as we moved to our next location.

The next location is the *deprivation chambers* that Nadia talked us into trying when we were going to get food….mainly it was Kelly’s suggestion that we needed food.  While I could eat I will admit at the time it was a damn good idea as I hadn’t had anything to eat since yesterday and the flight wasn’t long enough to warrant actually serving a meal….or a snack.

So while we walked to get food we were able to make an appointment to sit in, what I imagine is a pool of water, a tank and sealing ourselves from the world.  Though I still lightly wondered how you could be *deprived* of your senses and come out hornier than when you went in.

Still I was willing to try anything.

Luckily during our walk and *trying* to schedule a time in this *chamber* that we were able to schedule it not only today but we were able to schedule it within a fair time frame.

We walked our happy asses after the majority of us had *enjoyed* each other’s company during our *dessert* to the location of these *chambers*.

We walked into a place where no shit there were two rows of what looked like big ass freezers, like the ones you see outside a gas station carrying ice, with people sitting around.

We checked in and were told to strip down and put our belongings in a locker to the side giving us a key on a flexible strap that wrapped around our wrists.  Naturally **all** of us put our belongings into one locker and Gabe had the key dangling around his wrist.

Then the attendant gave us each a piece of paper to fill out as we were told *to help prepare the chamber for our **wants***.

I looked at the paper and checked off what I wanted….I guessed.

Do I want to feel relaxed?  Sure who doesn’t.  And that was the reason I was here…..well that and to experience what Nadia told us about these chambers.

How long would you like to sit in the deprivation chamber?  Fuck I don’t know.  I looked over at Nadia asking the question and she smiled saying an hour is perfect.  I checked off the 1hr check box.

What areas would you like to be sensitive?

Ok that one made me blink as I wasn’t sure what I wanted to be *sensitive* as most of my body since my *enhancement* had become sensitive.  So would this make me more sensitive?

Once again I looked at Nadia asking the question and she simply replied *Whatever you want to be sensitive for the next 48hrs*.

I *semi* growled at the response and still unclear to what the chamber did, I checked off the body parts I wanted to be sensitive.  Looks like my already sensitive nipples were going to be more sensitive and my ultra sensitive clit was going to be even more sensitive.

I checked off the body parts lightly thinking if whatever in this chamber made my body sensitive more than they already were I might have to be carted off in a wheelchair as my pussy or more specifically my clit was already sensitive to where the simple act of walking gives me enough friction to where my clit will pop out and get me riled up……which also makes my pussy start juicing.  If this made it more sensitive then walking a few paces *might* make me orgasm.

That’s just my lower end.  My nipples were already sensitive thanks to the *enhancement* just simple friction from my bra, or shirt, will make them become hard as diamonds.  Not even talking about continued friction which transfers that down below making me wet.

Still I checked off everything on the paper hoping it doesn’t make my body useless to where a simple breeze will make me orgasm, though that idea does intrigue me, and handed the paper back and simply waited until it was my turn.

Then we waited for our turn in the deprivation chamber to begin.

Apparently the two rows were meant for a specific type of person.  The left side was for men only and the right side for women only.  Why I had no idea.

Still we waited until it was our turn.

The longer we waited the more I wanted to do something else as this seemed boring and stupid.

And I wasn’t the only one with that feeling as more than once either Kelly or Gabe asked the veteran Nadia if this deprivation was *worth* our time.  In which Nadia simply smiled and promised us it was worth it.

I mean we could have gone and done something else or you know maybe visit another location with these deprivation chambers but that’s when I learned that these chambers were the only ones on the ship.


Eventually some people came out of the chamber of darkness to where the attendant told us it’ll be a few while the chamber that was just used by the previous person filter’s out their unique additions and ours could be added for what we wanted and we could sit in the chamber which wasn’t very long.

Soon I was led to *my* chamber with *my* request handed a pair of ear plugs and asked if I wanted goggles as I would be nearly submerged in water left standing/floating in water for the next hour.  I denied the goggles but took the proffered ear plugs.

The last thing I heard from the attendant was that if I started to feel tingling, that was the *additions* that I wanted working and to simply enjoy myself.  I nodded in confirmation, put my ear plugs in and climbed into the chamber of darkness.

I don’t know how long I had been in this darkness for but it wasn’t long before I felt my body tingling like the attendant said.

And here I was simply floating in water up to my neck the floor just millimeters from my feet.

It was completely dark to where I couldn’t see shit.

The ear plugs in my ears I couldn’t hear anything beyond the blood pumping in my body.

The only thing I could smell was a light vanilla aroma which was refreshing but it was so light I had to sniff around to find the source.

I floated in the water *semi* surprised I hadn’t sunk nor was I floating on top of the near body temperature water as it wasn’t cold nor hot.

I felt like a human sized buoy as the only thing that bobbed above the water was my head while everything else was submerged in the water.

I bobbed around and I could have *sworn* something had just bit me…….on my nipples to be exact.

Ok I wasn’t *bitten*.  More like *nibbled* or lightly *brushed*.  But due to my body tingling I couldn’t be too sure.

Still it was enough to freak me out wishing there was light so I could see if there was anything in here with me…..say like someone or something.

My mind wandered as I considered *what* was in here with me.

Was it a body… a guy?  A girl?

Was it a fish?

Was it something else?

Still my mind wandered at the possibilities.

At first I thought it *maybe* just *maybe* my mind was playing tricks on me due to the lightness of the sensation.

I shrugged and resumed just bobbing in the water as my senses went into overdrive trying to latch onto something.

I tried to have my body report to my brain everything that was happening but due to whatever they added the only thing that was being reported was one two things.  That my body was in water and that it tingled.  The temperature wasn’t cold enough for my body to report anything painful like approaching frostbite nor was it scolding hot that my body wasn’t reporting that my skin was melting off.

Yet why was my boobs reporting that they felt hard and that my nipples felt like they could cut glass?

And my pussy felt like it was drooling?

It was almost as if they……

I smiled as realization dawned on me that the attendants must have put some Lilith’s Elixir into the chamber with me as all the signs I was describing suddenly made sense as I had been exposed to Lilith’s multiple times to know the *effects*.  And all the *effects* I was feeling was exactly the same ones I felt when my body was exposed to Lilith’s.

I smiled pleased with myself as I had *guessed* as to *why* my body was tingling going back to relaxing.

That is until I felt something lightly *lick* me again causing me to scream ‘*HELLO!!!!*’



I can’t believe I’m sitting in a tank of fluid like substance that closely resembled water but wasn’t water.

How do I know that?

Though it was dark and I can’t exactly see shit to save my life, when I lifted my arm out of this substance it feels like it didn’t drip off my arm like water normally does.

But I Couldn’t say it was anything but a water-like substance.

I had gotten in this tank not that long ago but I couldn’t tell how long.

I knew it felt like over thirty minutes had passed but knew I had *just* gotten into this substance not that long ago.

So *if* I were to guess how long I had been in here I would guess maybe ten minutes but it’s probably closer to two….I think.

It’s weird that when they said it was a sensory deprivation tank they weren’t kidding.

I can’t see worth a damn as it was pitch black. Hell I can’t even tell where the door was even though I could tell it was near the ladder that I hadn’t let go of.

I can’t hear anything whatsoever. I’m pretty sure if I whistled the sound would simply die out rather quickly.

I smelled something but it was so light I couldn’t exactly tell what I was smelling other than it being mildly pleasant.

I can’t feel anything other than feeling wet….and the ladder I hadn’t let go of too afraid I might sink though I knew the floor was just underneath me.

I wanted to be scared but couldn’t tell why I had the feeling as I wasn’t scared of the dark…..ok I am scared of the dark but for obvious reasons. But these reasons are simply imaginary. Like I was afraid I was swimming with an imaginary shark or alligator simply waiting for me to let go of the ladder to drag me down to the bottom of the shallow waters.

If there was a person in the water waiting for me to let go of the ladder I doubt I would hear them move until they were right on top of me to pounce.

All I knew is I had to keep my *imagination* under control and I won’t freak out, making me look like a scared little girl.

I wish Gabe was in this chamber with me holding me to help me feel better.

And if a certain body part was lodged in another body part that was on me would make this experience much *much* better.

I tried to listen to my surroundings but I didn’t hear anything due to the ear plugs in my ears. I mean I could take them out…. With my wet hands making the plugs wet which I wasn’t going to do. Last thing I wanted was something wet in my ears.

I looked around hoping I would see something but nothing.

The only thing I felt was a mild tingling in my skin as my body was submerged in the water-like substance.

The longer I was in the fluid the calmer I felt to where eventually my hold on the ladder finally let go as I moved more into the coffin hoping that I didn’t die but each step I took I still felt the bottom of the chamber as the water continued to touch my chin.

I moved a couple steps deeper until I felt I was in the middle of the small chamber though I was submerged in complete darkness. It felt like I was in this massive cave where there was no walls in sight and everything just stretched out forever.

The longer I stood in that place *semi* frozen in fear the more I felt my tense body just simply relax.

It was eerily quiet in the blackness that is my surroundings.

The more I let myself relax the more my body tingled and the more I focused away from my imaginary predator and focused on my vacation as I hoped that this vacation would be fun.

I felt my face blush as I had a list of things I wanted to try and this location felt like it would be the perfect opportunity to try out those *things*.

My last thought as I let myself drift into the emptiness letting my deprivation start was *I hope this brings me closer to Gabe*.



I think they need to add more water in this chamber as the water barely touched the bottom of my chest.

This *chamber* is definitely more suited for the more midget race of people who were 5’8″ or shorter. For us *normal* folk this chamber definitely felt lacking in the head room department as I barely fit in this damn thing. If I were a few inches taller say approaching 7 foot I’m sure I would have to tilt my neck just so I can fit in this damn thing.

How is someone supposed to relax in this thing?

If I were shorter say like an ‘average’ male I’m sure I would be comfortable in here.

I stood in the dark thinking that this couldn’t be relaxing though I was beginning to feel a mild tingling where the fluid touched me.

I looked around and thought I could see the walls and am fairly certain if I reached out I could touch the walls.

I tested my theory and lifted my arm but was surprised I didn’t touch a surface until I fully raised my arm and actually touched the ceiling.

Ok maybe this thing was tall enough for more inclined individuals like myself but why didn’t they add more water to this thing?

Maybe the door was too short and filling would make it spill?

I sighed as my questions had more questions and the purpose of this was to relax.

I decided maybe kneeling down would help submerge the rest of my body and kneeled down until I was almost sitting letting the waters touch my neck before I was simply floating in the darkness as if I were in space or something.

As I floated in the near blackness giving me the sensation of weightlessness and nothing else depriving me of every other sense I lightly wondered *How are the girls handling this?* and *How was this supposed to heighten my sex?*

