I [F] got drunk at a party and cheated on my boyfriend

OK so this is definitely the dumbest thing I’ve ever done so of course I’m going to share it here, right? This happened about a month ago.

I was at a party with a bunch of my friends and having a great time as you do at parties. We got there probably around 9 but I accidentally (lol) got too drunk so I left earlier than everyone else, probably around like 2:30 or 3:00. Not exactly sure honestly. Anyway, I always get super horny when I’m drunk so I wanted to go see my boyfriend. He had to work late so he wasn’t at the party, but he would have been off work by the time I was leaving. The party was at someone’s house just off campus so it wasn’t a far walk and I kind of stumbled my way there I guess. It’s kind of a blur.

The problem happened when I got to his dorm building but accidentally went to the wrong floor apparently. I go up to what I thought was his door, knocked once, and then just tried the door and it happened to be open so I just walked in. I’m sure you can see where this is going so cutting to the chase, I fucked this random guy who was certainly not my boyfriend while thinking it was.

I don’t remember a ton of it honestly. I remember walking in as he was waking up and him being like “What the hell?” but I just kinda laughed and fell down on him and mumbled something about him knowing how horny I get after drinking and saying he missed a great party and gave him a kiss.

It sounded like he was about to say something, but I think I cut him off when I started trying to get under the covers and also starting to take my clothes off. I remember there being some thought in the back of my mind about why he wasn’t helping me, so I was like “baby come onnnnn” or something and I think that got him going more I guess.

I haven’t been asking my boyfriend to wear condoms lately, so when he asked I just like giggle and was like “Uh no” and I think that really turned him on. I’m pretty sure we did missionary, doggy, and I rode him and he came inside me at least once. We also did oral on each other but I probably didn’t do a great job. I don’t really remember. Time was hard to keep track of but we had to have fucked like all night.

The revelation the next morning was not ideal and I kind of freaked out a little and he was obviously apologetic and probably was worried I would say he raped me or something. I felt horrible but I also couldn’t shake the feeling of how hot it was about how that went down. I have not told my boyfriend this happened and I haven’t seen this guy since (I don’t even know his name) and I’m not planning to. I’m not a girl who had ever thought about cheating or wanted to, but here we are…

So that’s it. Happy to answer anything about it. I would say right now I feel really bad about it, but I also find it hot too. Bad explanation I know, but I don’t really remember it I guess so maybe that’s why?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/uteveo/i_f_got_drunk_at_a_party_and_cheated_on_my


  1. Do you think that u will start to feel guilty and if or when you do will you tell him you cheated?

  2. You should probably stop drinking and tell your boyfriend. He deserves to know and if he finds out through other means it’s going to be so much worse..

  3. I say don’t tell him. Nothing good will come of it and it doesn’t seem like this was an intentional act on your part, just a drunken act where your judgment and awareness of your actions was very poor. But now that you know this can happen, I suggest you curtail your drinking.

  4. Holy fucking shit I am so pissed at this dude. Obviously you know what you did was wrong but consciously or not he took sexual advantage of you when you were in a vulnerable position. In fact, in my country this would legally be considered rape. He’s never seen you before, you’re showing clear signs you’re drunk, you call him “baby” which should be an obvious sign you’re too drunk to even know where you are or what you’re doing. Still he decides to have sex with you. He could have helped you phone a friend or your bf but no, instead he takes advantage of you.

    I sincerely hope you can have a mature, open conversation with your bf about this. In my opinion it’s not something to be hidden if you’re serious about this relationship.

  5. You should explain what happened to your bf. That is definitely a messed up situation and I’m sure he would understand

  6. I’m not sure this was entirely consensual. I’m not suggesting it was rape, but if this story is true, it points to something deeper. I think women are so often being viewed as sexual objects that we don’t believe in the decency and respect we deserve. You were CLEARLY intoxicated. He was a STRANGER. Why are we all just assuming couldn’t have turned you down or rather taken care of you like he was supposed to?

    Also, please tell your boyfriend. I’ve been in a similar situation where a partner didn’t tell me and it broke me in ways I can’t explain. It isn’t about you, it’s about him deserving to know the truth. And while I don’t know you and may entirely be wrong, you might want to re evaluate your relationship with alcohol, because people forget far too often it is a drug.

  7. This is a porn subreddit, why do commenters always turn into the moral police?

  8. That is some scandalous doo doo dog shit eatin ho ass bull shit.

    They live in the same building….this will get back to him.

  9. I don’t know your boyfriend, but I will answer as if I were in his place. If I found out some other way, that would be the end of the relationship. Since you and him were not using condoms, you are obviously trusting each other with your sexual health. Not only did you violate his trust, but you exposed yourself to a potential STD, or pregnancy.
    Since this guy lives in the same building as your boyfriend, just a floor under him, there is a good chance that this will be found out. If I were your boyfriend, and you were forthright with telling me, and showed serious remorse about the incident, I would be extremely pissed off, but I would most likely forgive you for being honest with me. If I found out some other way, that would be the end of it.
    Keep in mind also, that if you tell him and he forgives you, don’t be surprised if you need to earn back the trust that you violated. Especially when it relates to you being somewhere without him and drinking. I understand you didn’t actually mean to do it, but trust can be very difficult to gain back once violated.

  10. First, this is a story and all the OP didn’t ask nor deserves the ridiculous judgement.

    Second, telling your partner because you feel guilty is the most selfish thing you can do. Fuck that advice!
    You deserve to feel guilty. The other person doesn’t deserve to have their world ruined and their trust in relationships broken to relieve your guilt. Again, so selfish and fuck that advice.

  11. Good job. And don’t tell your BF. At worst it’s a one time mistake

  12. Imagine a story about a guy who gets drunk and goes into a strange woman’s apartment, gets in bed with her and coerces her to have sex. Can’t wait to see all the comments that say: “She raped you! You couldn’t consent! She took advantage of you!“ , but somehow I think the comments would be different.

  13. I picture all of you a knuckle deep or with a dick in your hand getting morally outraged as you type your response to this lovely erotic writer here

  14. Get tested for STD’s. Be ‘not in the mood’ or ‘feeling unwell’ until you get the results, before sleeping with your BF. Get counseling if you need to and forgive yourself, mistakes happen.

  15. Good for you do it again. This is a porn thread—do more fucked up shit that turns random ppl on

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