Step Sister Corruption Part 260 – Day 139 Free Use Vacay Pt 4 – Deal (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


We made our way to one of the lounge’s where food would be served as I was ***starving!!!***

I had already missed out on, what Gabe calls, a *sissy lala* coffee but I call it a woman’s life blood as it would only be in season another month or so before I have to wait another 8 or 9 months before I can get my *fix*.

My *fix* was a caramel pumpkin spice frap with two shots of espresso.

I had to go without my *fix* as we had to get to the airport and get here.

But now that we were here for our vacay I had realized I hadn’t had shit to eat since yesterday and that was simply unacceptable.

Lucky the floor we choose to eat at was a buffet.

All we had to do was scan our bracelet’s or phone to see what package we had to determine if we had to pay or not.

Seeing how Summer added the *All Inclusive* package we obviously didn’t have to pay.

Though I wasn’t too sure about Nadia who had been following us since we exited our rooms.

It was like she was a lost puppy or something.

But for whatever reason her and Summer seemed to have clicked as they had made out at the bracelet booth while Gabe and I watched.

Not that I didn’t mind the little show but for some reason Nadia’s body didn’t turn me on.


Nadia not so much. I was still stuck on *jealousy* wishing I had her body but also appreciated the looks all of us got when I looked around.

As we walked to get food in my growling belly Nadia mentioned something about a…..sexual deprivation chamber.

Which of course gained all of our attentions. I’ll admit the terminology sounded weird but my stomach growled too much for me to pay the idea more than a simple question which was *Why would anyone want to be deprived of sex?*

As we walked Nadia talked more about it.

The way she made it sound like that yes it was deprivation chamber sealing you away from all your senses while you’re submerged in water…..waters laced in all sorts of things that heightened your sexual desire’s constantly ramping up your need until you are released and for 48hrs any sexual activity is, as she says, *absolutely mind blowing*.

I looked over to see that instantly perked up Summer….and Gabe seemed interested too.

As for me I was still stuck on *Why would anyone want to be deprived of sex?*

Eventually we got into the buffet hall and we decided on a round table with a clear top.

Gabe immediately sat down and spoke, “You girl’s go ahead and get food while I save this table.”

Both Nadia and Summer walked off while I stayed for a minute, “Want me to get you a plate?”

He smiled at me, “Sure Kel. Just get me whatever I’m not too picky.”

I nodded and walked off towards the spread of food and immediately grabbed two plates as I had lost Nadia and Summer somewhere.

I’m sure Summer would be fine with her yellow bracelet while Nadia and her green bracelet might be some trouble.

That or Summer had snuck off with Nadia to take part in eating a pink taco as she explores her new found sapphic side.

I didn’t pay much attention to *where* either girl had disappeared as my own stomach was growling something fierce and needed food in my system before I took part in any *dick time*.

I started loading up my plate with just about everything I could on it.

I put down a big scoop of mashed potatoes. Some gravy on top of it.

Went over to the meat section and was happy to see they were cutting up prime rib so I got myself a couple of pieces for myself and a couple for Gabe.

Then I went over to the veggies and loaded both plates with veggies.

I walked back to the table Gabe had saved to see Summer and Nadia were back with their food and all of them were conversing.

I smiled, “Did I miss anything?”

Gabe looked at me with a smile, “Not really.”

Summer looked at me, “Just got back from getting food.”

Gabe smiled, “Is that food for me?”

I looked down at the dual plates and looked at what Summer and our new *friend* had realizing I had over loaded what I constituted as *lunch*.

Nadia had a small salad with what looked like light oil.

While Summer equally had a salad with a small fruit bowl.

And I went for something heavy.

Fuck it.

I was hungry and muscles needed protein not rabbit food.

I shrugged and set down the bigger plate in front of Gabe though my stomach was growling something fierce.

I sat down and began eating simply listening to the *casual* conversation as both Gabe and Summer picked Nadia’s brain seeing how she was the veteran.

Summer, “So Nadia is it always like this?”

Nadia looked around while she casually ate before shrugging, “Not really.”

Gabe cut into his prime rib and dragged the cut into the mash potatoes and gravy before eating it, “I don’t know this is all a shock.”

Nadia smiled, “Trust me as soon as the ship sets off it will get ***ccrrraaaazzzzzzzyyyyyyyy***.”

Gabe continued, “Like?”

Nadia looked at him and held up her wrist, “This will become a formality when the game’s start.”

Summer spoke, “Games?”

I looked at Gabe to see he more than likely had the same look as me……confusion.




I almost had the question *What games* but realized where exactly I was…..I was on a cruise dedicated to sex.  Of course there would be something like games.

Most cruises I had heard of had all sorts of *attractions* to keep the crowd entertained.

Hell there was a cruise a few years back ***I*** wanted to be on as one of my favorite artists was having a concert on and it would be the closest I would ever get to my favorite artist as they usually toured in Europe where they were from, hardly coming to the US.  

Of course I was too young to get a concert ticket and my parents didn’t have any money.

I think that was the main reason why I got a job in case situations like that one wouldn’t slip past me again.

I looked at Nadia, “What kind of games?”

Nadia looked at me giving me a smile causing me to sigh and add, “Besides the obvious.”

Nadia lightly chuckled, “Just the usual games.  Blowjob games where you can get money.  But the one I’m looking forward to is the Aphrodite Games.”

I looked at Gabe who was equally confused but Nadia spoke, “It’s sort of like those Spartan Marathons….but for sex.”

I looked at Nadia, “What does it entail?”

Nadia thought about it before speaking, “Well there’s endurance, dedication, and charisma.”

Before I could ask the stupid question Nadia continued, “Charisma is letting a panel of judges rate your body contortioning skills as you match symbols put up.”

Nadia smiled, “If you’re into Yoga most of those poses are pretty simple to do.”  She lightly thought of it, “Or if you’re really flexible.”

She continued, “Dedication is when you’re given either a line or a couple of guys to suck off in a certain time limit.”

She smiled, “And endurance, well it’s just how it sounds, how long you can endure.  Sometimes it’s bondage.  Sometimes it’s a guy or guys having their way until you say the safe word.”

Nadia smiled widely, “It’s fun as hell.”

Gabe spoke, “Why would anyone do that?”

Nadia smiled at Gabe, “Other than for the fun of it?”

Both Gabe and I nodded.

Nadia smiled, “Well there’s the money and possible prestige.”

Gabe spoke, “How much money?” and I said, “What prestige?”

Nadia looked from us before she answered the questions individually.  She looked at Gabe, “Depends on if they break it into places or not.  Usually the first place prize is $5,000 if not more.”  She looked at me, “And the prestige is usually you’re submitted into the AVN’s for amateur awards.”

I wanted to continue asking more questions but just then we heard over the loudspeaker.

*Welcome everyone to this year’s Free Use Cruise put on by Muschi and their partner Smeige where we hope you enjoy yourselves over the next five days.  I am your Captain honored to be transporting everyone today.  I have been told that currently we have a 9 to 1 ratio of women to men on this cruise so please enjoy yourselves and pace your enjoyment.*

*We are still waiting to disembark on our cruise but should expect it within the next thirty minutes or so.*

*In the meantime, please enjoy the festivities.  Thank you*

I heard a small cheer and even looked at Nadia who was looking around at the possible suitors that she would be bedded by.

Just then a hand wrapped around my neck causing me to look over at Gabe as he pulled me in and whispered, “Do what you have to keep her attached to us.”

I whispered back, “How?”

He looked at me and wiggled his eyebrows at me, “I command you to eat her out.”

I looked at him and scowled for half a moment before he pulled me in by the collar around my neck as he smiled, “Or do you want to be number 2?”

I looked at him wide eyed, not believing what I was hearing.

He couldn’t do that.

**I** had named myself **his** number 1 pussy.

**ME**!!!!  Not him.

I growled at him, “You wouldn’t!”

He smiled and spoke, “Remember I’m the master during this vacay.”

I hissed *GOD DAMN IT!*

Earlier, before we started this vacay, Gabe sat me and Kel down to go over rules for this vacay.  The only rule was, during this vacay, that *we* meaning Kel and I were **HIS** pussy and **HE** was *our* master.  We couldn’t deny him anything and everything was free reign.  We couldn’t get mad.  

I looked at Nadia trying to make my move but Gabe helped me as he put his hand on my head pushing me down to slip under the table.

I followed his guidance as Nadia looked at us weird before I was fully under the clear table and all fours.

I moved forward towards my prey.

I looked up at Nadia as I moved towards her knees as she spoke huskily, “*Oy!*”



I can’t believe she’s actually going down on her!

I only did it because Summer and Nadia were getting along so well.

Plus it would be a good idea to have someone around who has been to one of these things who could show us the ropes.

I mean I know **we** are new to the free use game but I didn’t want to stick out like sore thumbs even though I knew we did.

So color me surprised when I told Summer to go down on Nadia and she actually started eating out Nadia to where Nadia was beginning to moan.

I looked around to see we weren’t the only ones who were enjoying themselves.

Hell there was a couple, like us, where the guy was eating while one girl was sucking his dick under the table while another girl was cuddling up next to him obviously whispering something into his ear.

Then there was another couple in almost the same situation where a girl was below.  The guy was sitting on the table and on the table was another girl as she was his *meal*.

That was just in the *buffet* area we were sitting at.

Actually if I looked around the room itself it looked like out in the room alone out here maybe one in three there was something naughty going on.

So us doing what we were doing looked more normal than those actually eating food at the moment.

I decided that I had enough *food* as I grabbed Kel and pulled her into me and ultimately pulled her down so that she could join Summer under the table.  Kel, of course, simply allowed me to coax her under the table as she got what I wanted as she faced me under the table, pulled down my pants, and quickly went to work.

I smiled at Nadia, “So you enjoying your food?”

Nadia who was moaning at what was happening in between her lap just looked at me and nodded.

I spoke, “How about I make you a deal?”

She spoke in between moans, “What *moan* kind *yaaasss* of *oh fuck!* deal?”

I smiled, “You show us around and I’ll let my number one service you as many times as you want.”

Nadia looked down at the lapping girl who was pleasuring her before looking at me trying to restrain her outright enjoyment but was failing considerably, “And if I refuse?”

I spoke, “Summer, stop what you’re doing.”

That’s all it took and I watched Summer move away from Nadia’s lap to sit quietly causing Nadia to lightly whimper as she looked down at Summer.

She looked up at me, “For how long?”

I shrugged, “Depends on how badly you want her?”

Nadia raised her eyebrow, “And if I want more?”

I smiled, “Maybe I’ll throw you both my girl’s for your pleasure.”

Nadia looked at the table seeing Summer still sitting there doing nothing while Kel was obviously moving her head.

She looked up at me, “How about you?  You in the offer?”

I shrugged, “Depends?”

She looked at me hesitantly, “On?”

I smiled as I pointed down at Summer, “How much you please her.”

Nadia looked down at Summer before she looked at me as she smiled, “Deal.”

I smiled, “Alright Summer, go back.”

Summer looked at me from under the table but didn’t falter as she leaned forward and resumed my *command*.



I would really prefer the genital object that was in front of me was a dick and not a pussy. But beggars can’t be choosers.

And I’m beginning to **like** the taste of pussy now that I have had a few grace my pallet to start noticing a difference beyond being a strict cock-ivore. I was slowly beginning to enjoy both sides of the sexual spectrum.

Though at the moment whatever Nadia ate recently is making her taste kind of acid-y to the touch of my tongue. Kind of wish I had a pussy strip handy right now so it changed Nadia’s flavor profile from acidic to something more….fruity.

Not saying she tasted bad just…

Maybe it was her diet or something as I could tell a difference between her and well…..someone like Kelly.

Kelly tasted very unique that made you want to explore more just to get to her exact flavor. And with a pussy strip just made you want to continue eating until her legs were shaking and she was ultimately a quivering pile of goo in your hands.

I lightly wondered if Kelly’s taste was her natural profile or due to the *change* we all underwent.

If that was true did it change *my* profile.

Certainly explains why Gabe usually lasts so long with his head between my legs. Not that I’m complaining or anything.

I had followed Gabe’s instructions, though I vowed to make him pay later….after this vacay for daring to command *me* though at the moment it was turning me **on**, to eat out Nadia. And I continued to follow his instructions when he told me to stop just so he could broker a deal with Nadia to be our little toy for the day.

I may have blinked that he bartered both Kelly and myself for Nadia’s pleasure but *semi* understood his reasoning.

It was the same reasoning I had when I kissed Nadia and showed her Gabe’s cock just so I could pull in a possible friend to help us with being on this cruise.

Ok I may have liked her and thought she was cute.

**OK** I *may* be a *little* attracted to her.

Still I listened to how the *deal* was bartered until Nadia agreed to be our chaperone for this cruise for the day before I was *commanded* to resume pleasing Nadia.

I lapped at the petite girl causing her to moan and wiggle her body into me so I could use my tongue to explore her insides the way *she* wanted to and could tell she was close to cumming as my own pussy ached for the same attention.

And all while I heard a loud *slurping* sound coming from behind me as I only assumed what was happening behind me.

Actually I could tell what was more than likely happening as I could see Kelly’s backside in my periphery.

So hearing those sounds didn’t exactly help with my *need* as I wanted a cock in me and at this moment I don’t care which orifice I get said cock as long as it’s Gabe’s dick.

But I had to remain focused on my task at hand that I was *commanded* into doing as the petite girl’s legs shook noticeably.

If I didn’t know any better I would say…..

And that was where my thought took me as a pair of thighs slammed against my head and pinned me in place confirming my *suspicion*.



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