SSC Question (Series)

Ok **BEFORE** I drop the beginning portion of the Free Use cruise that my trio is about to under take.

How many of you can’t wait for this portion of the series to drop?

What do you expect to happen? Spoiler I made it really really fun. And with a little bit of drama.

Will my trio accept what is happening or do you think they will have their trials and tribulations as their cruise continues?

Write what you think will happen **before** I drop the first chapter. I’ll be dropping the first chapter at 1700 PST.

Can’t wait to see what you all think both before the series drops and as the series drops as I have put in a lot of work into this particular segment.

Hope you all enjoy it and as always thank you for being avid readers and hope you enjoy this arc in my trio’s lives.



  1. I feel like there’s going to be drama when the girls get fucked and gabe gets really jealous.

  2. I suspect that there may be some challenge over the girls being “Gabe only” and that Gabe isn’t necessarily Summer and Kelly only. Everyone will not be on his/her best behavior 100% of the time. Hope all ends very well though.

  3. Hopefully Ginger gets involved again somewhere along the way. Also maybe Dr Braxter and Brynn might be on board as sponsers for a free use party giving out products to try… 🤷🏻‍♂️

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