Chapter 2: First Encounters, Continued [MM]

Chapter 1 of this story can be found [here]( It’s a long intro, but sets up a lot of stuff that may give insight into why my reactions to certain situations in this story are the way they are.

This second part of the story begins as all good stories should; me lying naked on a sofabed in a strangers living room, covered in my own cum.

Odd time to be reflective, but I wasn’t really doing much else as Rick nipped off to fetch some tissues and possibly a mop. The lights were still off and the only illumination in the room was the TV. I think it was the Big Brother live feed. I looked down at myself and noticed the way that my jizz reflected the bluish light. I may have been in slight shock (or more likely still a bit drunk), because I was mesmerized by it. There was SO MUCH of it. Also my cock (which is circumcised, don’t think I mentioned that previously) was still covered in lube, and was also shining like the most inappropriate lightsaber ever to exist. I was also still quite hard. It’s always been the case with me (and still is to this day) that I don’t ‘deflate’ very quickly after orgasm.

I’d just started drawing little doodles in my love custard when Rick returned with an entire roll of kitchen towel. Clearly he shared my opinions about my copious output and had come prepared. He stood over me in the flat light of the TV, naked and unashamed. He looked godlike to me then, this man who I’d met literally hours earlier and had shown me more intimate affection in that time than my ‘ex’ ever had in 5 years. He knelt down with a matter-of-fact utterance of “Right, then,” and proceeded to mop me up, batting my hands away when I went to take some tissue myself. “I made this mess, it’s my job to clean you up.” I can’t say I enjoyed it, I felt very vulnerable, but I could tell his heart was in the right place. He removed the spent towels but left the roll. Someone clearly had plans that might require it later on.

Freshly de-jizzed, I slid under the duvet. I considered putting my boxers back on, but Rick was still wandering around with it all on display, so I had a small internal struggle in which I decided that he would assume I wanted to leave if I put any clothes back on and might offer to drive me home and I might be too polite to say no and end up leaving when I didn’t want to and all because I couldn’t actually articulate what I wanted so best to just leave them off, yes? OK. Jesus, brain. Can you fuck off for bit, please?

The clock on the wall said it was close to 1AM. It felt later. Rick returned and slid under the duvet with me, his skin having cooled somewhat after walking around the house naked. It wasn’t entirely unpleasant. He slid an arm under my shoulders and pulled me close to him, rolling me his way a little as his other arm looped in just above my butt. “Mmmmm you’re so warm,” he breathed into my ear. I once again copied his movements; arm going under his, other arm over his waist. He entangled his legs with mine, the movement bringing our hips close together. My still most erect cock stuck up between us, pressing a little against his belly. He pressed against me a bit harder. “Wow, ready to go again already?” There was a grin in his voice, a cheeky mischief that promised he’d be ready to go again as soon as I was. Despite my firmness though, I was still very sensitive. “Maybe in a few minutes,” I replied, voice muffled by my face being buried in his neck. The smell of him, ugh. He smelled like sex and body spray and hair gel and warmth. I breathed him in deep, but subtly. I just wanted to lick him all over. I never knew that sex could be like this, so warm, so intimate. If I dwelled on it too long there’s a very good chance I might have cried a little. That would be incredibly embarrassing, best not let that happen. Luckily, I was saved from my thoughts by some gentle probing. Not the physical kind, though.

“OK, be honest with me; was that actually your first time? I don’t mind if it was, it would be incredibly hot if it was, to be honest. It’s just you don’t seem very… experienced.”

I pulled my head out of that warm, sweet smelling cave and looked up at him. The immediately averted my eyes again. “No, it wasn’t my first time. I’ve had sex before, loads of times, but only with one person, and it wasn’t anything like this.”

I gave him a brief, abridged version of my life over the last 5 years. How me and my ‘ex’ had started experimenting at a young age and just gradually built up to a full sexual relationship, but that it was completely secret and he refused to acknowledge it outside of our regular trysts. I did admit to Rick though that he had been my first kiss, which I think shocked him more than anything else.

“You were having sex for 5 years but you never kissed!? How?? That sounds so, I dunno, cold? I can’t imagine sex without kissing. It sounds like the kind of experience you’d have with a prostitute. Just the physical act, no passion. Urgh.”

His words hit me quite hard. I’d never thought about it like that before. Never really thought about it AT ALL before, to be honest. When you’re a male teenager your hormones are just telling you to fuck all the time, and I had been. The physical need was constantly being sated, I’d given no thought to any emotional needs I might have, and what kind of warped relationship I might have with sex if I only ever engaged with my body but not my mind. This really a night of revelations.

I must have been quiet for too long, because Rick sounded concerned when he said “Oh, I didn’t mean to imply you were a prostitute or anything like that. It was just the first thing that popped into my head when you described your past experiences. Sorry.”

I rushed to ease his worry, burying my face back into his neck as I spoke. “Don’t worry, I wasn’t offended. I was just thinking about what you said. You’re right, it was very cold, now that I’ve got you to compare it to. Being here with you is very warm. It’s nice.”

“I think all this is the most words you’ve said to me in complete sentences all evening,” he laughed as he pulled me closer still, wrapping a leg over my hip and butt to press our lower areas together more firmly. My sensitivity had lessened a fair bit, and I could now feel him growing harder against me as well. Some gentle grinding ensued. Nothing too heavy just yet, but business was certainly about to pick up.

He stroked a hand down my back, my side and hip. “Well I’m very happy to have been your first kiss, at least. And you’re pretty good at it, I have to say. Maybe a little too much tongue, but you’ll get better with practice.” The grin was back in his voice. My heart swelled a little, my insides feeling floaty. That’s the only explanation I can give my sudden burst of boldness when I leaned my head back, looked him in the eye and said, with my own grin, “Well then, maybe you should give me a few more lessons.”

Does present-day me want to cringe myself inside-out at the memory of that cheese-laden line? Yes. But it had the desired effect, as Rick immediately pressed his lips to mine, beginning a long and passionate make-out session. Our hands roamed across warming skin, fingers raking through hair, our bodies pressing against each other with increasing desperation. Eventually he rolled on top of me again, and I spread my legs to accommodate him, his thrusting against me picking up speed and intensity. I felt completely dominated, and I loved it. His weight, his heat, his smell all around me, the taste of his tongue as it entangled with my own. This was everything I didn’t know I was missing in my life up to this point. I never wanted it to end.

Rick broke the kiss, but didn’t stop thrusting against me as he raised himself up on his arms and said “We did your position before, can we do mine this time?”

I just nodded eagerly, breathing heavily, drinking in the sight of him like this, arm muscles firm with the strain of keeping him up, lower body gyrating on mine, our cocks crushed together deliciously. He smiled and leaned back, getting to his knees and reaching for the box of condoms and lube again. I took some initiative and reached between us, taking his cock in my hand and feeling the firmness of it, running my fingers down to his balls and feeling their weight.

He rolled the condom down his length and applied a liberal amount of lube as I awaited instruction. My knowledge of positions for anal has been exhausted already, so I was eager to learn what we would be doing. As it turned out, I wouldn’t have to do much.

Still on his knees, Rick shuffled forwards, bringing my legs up with him. He pressed the tops of this thighs against the backs of mine, pushing my knees up towards me, my butt-cheeks now spread wide and my hole now feeling exposed. His sheathed cock pressed against mine while he reached down between us to lube me up again. I was excited and nervous again. Would this feel any different to just bending over and receiving it? I hoped it wouldn’t be uncomfortable.

His work complete, Rick said “Is this OK? Doing it like this?” I just nodded again and took a deep breath as he took his cock and aimed it downward, adjusting my position with his legs as his tip found my hole again. Leaning forward he gently pushed himself into me, once again gliding in as smooth as silk. I let out a little moan as he filled me again, the sensation at once familiar and oddly different in a way I couldn’t grasp. He let out a shaky breath as he pushed himself in to the hilt, holding himself there as he lowered himself onto me again. His lips found mine and he kissed me deeply, not yet moving anything other his tongue over mine. He snaked one arm under my neck and shoulders, leaning on the elbow of the other. We stayed like this for long moments, just kissing and enjoying the feeling if him deep inside me. And it did feel deeper this way, I guess due to the angle. Also, I felt an odd pressure inside my taint area. Not unpleasant, just odd.

I remembered I had hands, and used them to explore his back, his neck, his hairline. I reached down to try and grab his butt, but his body was longer than my arms so just ran them down his thighs instead. He stopped kissing me and almost whispered “Are you OK? Does that feel alright?”

I nodded and, realising I’d done that twice already without saying anything, said “This feels great. You feel so good inside me.” Porn-level dialogue for sure, but it was true. He smiled and pressed forehead to mine as he began gently thrusting, withdrawing almost all the way before slowly pushing back in. The sensation was immense. The odd feeling in my taint grew every time his cock pushed past it, and I began moving my body to match his thrusts, pushing down to get that little bit extra out of him. My breathing was just small moans at this point, and Rick’s was becoming steady and heavy. His arm around my shoulders was now being used to pull me to him as he thrust, anchoring me to him. I had closed my eyes at some point, losing myself to the sensations. The feeling of fullness, the feeling of him on top of me, the rhythm of our bodies and the smell of our sex. Overall, the knowledge that I was making him make those noises, knowing it was my body giving him pleasure as he gave pleasure to me. I was getting overwhelmed, emotions and feelings rising up in me that I had no hope of controlling. My hands were gripping his shoulders from behind now, more leverage for me to move with him. I was lost in this when he said, again in that half-whisper, “Look at me.”

I opened my eyes, his face so close, his breath coming in short gasps. “You don’t have to be quiet anymore. It’s just us here. Let it out if you want to.”

I hadn’t even realised I was doing it, it was so ingrained in me. My little moans were the only sounds I allowed myself to make. His thrusts were beginning to speed up now, and I let out a louder “Uh!” with each one. He smiled down at me, and began to go harder, faster, obviously goading me on to make more noise for him. I gave in and, while not exactly screaming the house down, I was far above my usual vocal level. His mouth was on mine again as he began to pound me, my gasps going directly into his mouth, mingling with his own heavy breathing as he began to put more and more into me. My cock and balls were crushed between us now, but even that just added to the overall sensation of everything that was happening.

I must have closed my eyes at some point, because he said “Look at me,” again. I opened them and looked directly into his eyes, and immediately felt so overwhelmed I thought I might burst into tears. This intimacy was too much, I couldn’t handle it. I can’t describe the look in his eyes, the expression on his face as he thrust into me harder and harder. There was a connection there to be sure, and I watched as his eyes went slightly unfocussed as his lust took over and his breathing started to get ragged. Going by the previous session this probably meant he was getting close, and I was at once elated and dreading the moment when it would be over.

I was surprised when he rose up from me, still thrusting with increasing urgency into me. My cock sprang free from between us, and he grabbed a little lube and started wanking me quickly. I was immediately at the edge, the odd feeling now becoming a tight knot of pleasure and his hand worked me and his cock pounded me. I began to squirm under him, giving shaky moans interspersed with the occasional “oh fuck oh fuck”.

He began to speak again in that half-whisper, “Cum for me, that’s it cum for me,” over and over. Within seconds I was close, my body writhing with him now. I let out my loudest groans yet as I began to cum, this time with him buried in me. Cumming with a cock inside you is simply amazing, feeling your whole core clenching down on that stiff rod inside you. Jets of cum began to spray over me once again, but I barely noticed because my twitching hole had apparently pushed Rick over the edge as well, be he was now grunting heavily and his thrusts became erratic and he pushing into me hard one last time, letting out a groan that I felt through his body. His cock spasmed inside me along with the rest of his body as he released his orgasm. My own load was spent, but I was still twitching as if I was still cumming, clamping down on his cock that was still inside me.

Eventually our bodies stilled, aside from our heaving chests. Sweat had formed on Rick’s forehead, and I felt a fine sheen of it all over him as I ran my hands all over him. He pushed sweaty hair out of my face and smiled down at me, before collapsing on me and kissing me gently. A slow sensual kiss, perfect for the comedown of the heavy fucking of moments before. Eventually he began to soften in me and withdrew, leaving me empty again but satisfied. He looked down at me and himself and laughed. “Well, looks like we’re both a mess this time.” He grabbed the kitchen towel again and began the cleanup.

It occurred to me that I’d been pretty much prone for quite a while now, but as Rick rejoined me in bed I wasn’t inclined to move. We snuggled into each other, him whispering sweet nothings, me just grunting happily in reply. I rolled on my side, butt facing towards him. He spooned with me, pressing himself firmly against me, arms around me. I never slept, like literally slept, with anyone before. I didn’t know if I’d be able to, until I closed my eyes and almost immediately drifted off, fuckstruck and idly thinking that it had been a hell of a night.

So, it looks like I’m going to be doing a part 3 for this particular encounter, as there’s the morning to write about and I don’t want to end up with another mega long post like last time. So with that, I’ll bid you farewell for the moment. I hope you enjoyed this story, comments and critique are always welcome!
