[MF] I’d totally fuck a baby into you

She and I had known one another for years but only recently bonded over a shared Spotify playlist and a love for music. She was married, so I didn’t think much of her text messages. Just friendly banter, nothing over the line. I didn’t find out she was getting divorced until she told me over drinks at a bar one night while she was back in town for a long weekend.

When she was done venting she shifted the conversation to a more philosophical, approaching the age of 30 type of conversation.

“Do you ever want children?” She asked.

I said sure, with the right kind of woman. We carried on the line of conversation about how incredibly important it is to choose carefully when bringing life into the world. We each discussed horror stories and things we’ve heard about ugly custody battles or terrible parents.

“I’m not sure if I want kids. I mean, I do…but this world is so insane now. I don’t know if it’s fair to bring a kid into this mess.”

“Of course it is. Because people like you aren’t having children.” I told her. “I mean think about it. Every asshole in the world are getting together with other assholes and bringing little assholes into the world. People like you…the intelligent, empathetic, beautiful people are hesitant because you actually care. The world is being deprived of beautiful little genius babies because you are a genuinely good person who is..I don’t know if I’m explaining myself clearly. Am I making sense?”

“Beautiful little genius babies?” She smiled at me. I was accidentally flirting when I had intended to merely be honest.

“Fuck yes. Beautiful little genius babies. I’m not saying you’re obligated to bring beautiful little genius babies into the world. You have a career and an exciting life. Hopefully I’m not making it sound like a woman’s role is to have children. It’s not coming off like that, is it?”

“No. I actually think you’re being incredibly sweet.” She replied.

“Okay good. Im just saying you’re extremely intelligent and super hot. I’d totally fuck a baby into you.”

I have never seen a woman’s mood and demeanor shift so quickly. I thought I had offended her with the comment. It happens fairly often – I don’t know when to stop talking.

“Say it again.” I was no longer looking across the table at a woman, I was looking at a hunter. She was leaning in, slightly hunched over, like a fucking puma. What do pumas hunt? I have no idea, but I definitely felt like the prey.

“My point is…” i tried to shift the conversation, still thinking I was in trouble.

“Shut up. What did you say?” She asked.

Being told to shut up is definitely not a way to get me into a polite mood so I repeated myself, word for word.

This is how she ended up in my bed that night, face down and in prone position, burying her face into my pillow while I buried myself so deep inside her that she could probably feel me in her throat.

She admitted to me that she was on birth control, and I responded by letting her know that I didn’t ask, I didn’t care, and I had no intention of pulling out – this time or any time.

To emphasize my point I pinned her forearms to the mattress and held her in place while I filled her full of cum.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/uppsjs/mf_id_totally_fuck_a_baby_into_you