[Group] Vacation Swap with my Girlfriend, our Best Friend and her Boyfriend

(Made a new account to post this as my other one has too much personal info.)

My girlfriend (Lucy) and I (Paul) just returned from a Euro-trip with our best friend (Shan) and her boyfriend (Mark). On the trip, the four of us had some fun. I never would have expected this to happen, and the contrasting notions of how natural it felt with the intensity of the acts themselves, turns me on immensely. I hope you, the reader, are turned on as well! Enjoy!


Lucy and I have been together for a little over 7 years since we met in college. Her and Shan were roommates in their sorority and were best friends. Naturally, as I was over there a lot, the three of us became close. Shan and I had (have) a lot in common separate from my relationship with Lucy, which makes our trio pretty easy going and tight knit. Shan has gone through a number of relationships that Lucy and I have not felt were right for her, but as of two years ago, she started dating Mark and he fit into our group perfectly. Aside from that, he is genuinely good for her and treats her the way she should be treated. The four of us recently took a trip to Europe (Portugal – Spain – France), in part because we’ve always wanted to, but also to celebrate a recent career accomplishment for me.


The Suggestion: Portugal:

When we landed, we were greeted by a driver who took us to our hotel. We were exhausted from our trip, but the excitement of being in a new country was enough to keep our moods high. We decided to at least go out for dinner and drinks that night, and agreed that we could call it an early night if we got too tired.

As Lucy and I were getting ready in our room, we realized how delirious we were from the travel. We were laughing at everything but trying our hardest to stay focused on the task at hand. At one point, Lucy was putting conditioner in her hair which, for women with curly hair, is a tedious task. To avoid getting any on her top, she had it pulled down to her waist where it would be safe from any delirium related conditioner stains. Lucy has small perky tits so she exclusively wears bras when in a professional or conservative situation. For this vacation, she likely packed one or two to be prepared, but I don’t think they ever left the suitcase.

While laughing about a painting on the wall for some reason. I went into the bathroom to see Lucy with her hands stretched above her head, putting conditioner in a layer of hair she had segregated from the rest. Her bare chest was lit well by the hotel’s bathroom bulbs, and as I walked over to her, I reached around from behind and placed my hands firmly on her tits. She continued to laugh at the scene, but her laughter became softer as I massaged her chest and lightly ran my fingers across her nipples. She wiggled her ass into me and told me to wait until later.

Lucy may have a small chest, but she makes up for it in spades with her butt. Lucy is a professional personal trainer and was blessed with good genetics as well as a desire to exercise that I will never truly understand. These two facts add up to an unbelievably small waist, and an ass that I would gather an army to invade Troy over. When she wiggles this thing into my groin, she knows exactly what she’s doing to me.

I gave her ass a smack to which she turned around and placed her hand on my crotch. She giggled and said, “Just making sure.” referencing the immediate hard on she was always able to give me.

Dinner and drinks were a blast as it always was (is) with this group, but overall uneventful. Mark and Shan were equally delirious, and from what they said, had a similarly laughter plagued time getting ready. We stayed at the restaurant for a while, and had a few drinks there, but decided to head back so we could rest up and start the trip on a good foot.

Once back in our room, Lucy and I wasted no time picking up where we left off. He little ass wiggle was stuck in my mind like a song you cant get out of your head, and it was finally time for her to make good on its effects.

Lucy and I have been together long enough that we have explored a number of kinks and found things that work, and don’t work, for both of us sexually. We pride ourselves on communication and tonight Lucy was communicating very clearly, that she wanted to be wanted. This was not necessarily a new expression for either of us, but it was one of our more enjoyable scenarios. She pushed me away and fell back onto the couch in the den of our hotel room. She was still wearing a tight white top, that you could ever so slightly make out the shape of her nipples in, and a long flowy skirt. She lifted a leg to expose the maxi slit in her outfit and revealed a bright red, strappy, open-toed heel.

I moved towards her with a step to which she smiled and shook her head no. We both knew the level of teasing that was about to happen, and I knew my role as the man with uncontrollable lust, repeatedly being foiled in my advances until she decides I’ve had enough. I took my phone out and pointed the camera at her.

“Thank you so much for helping me with my onlyfans.” She said softly. “It’s so hard to get good angles of my perky little tits on my own. I’m so lucky to have such an understanding roommate.” As she finished her sentence, she ran the tip of her shoe down my chest, continuing to push me away from where she was seated.

She struck a number of poses before bending over and placing her hands on the waist of her skirt. She slowly pulled it down, revealing her ass and a swollen, dripping wet pussy. “If these pictures are good, maybe I can pay rent this month, but just in case, maybe I can pay for it another way.” As she was posing, and I was snapping pictures, I had my cock in my other hand, stroking to her teasing. After snapping the last one, I gasped, causing Lucy to break character and ask me what was wrong.

“Babe, I almost fucking sent that last video to our group chat with Mark and Shan. I hit the share button by accident but then closed it.”

“Oh my god! Be more careful! That would have been so embarrassing.”

We both laughed, but then stopped laughing. She looked at me, I looked at her, and we embraced in a passionate yet aggressive manner. She was soaked, and I fucked her deep and hard before pulling out and cumming on her perfect ass.

We laid back together and laughed again.

“Wow, I really cant believe you almost sent that to them.” She said, in a curious tone.


The Risk: Spain

Our trip was an amazing blend of sightseeing, relaxation, and delicious food. The four of us were enjoying ourselves to the maximum, and were finally settling into a vacation rhythm after the initial spark wore off.

Lucy and I were having sex at our normal pace, however the first night in Portugal certainly set the tone for its flavor. Every chance she’d get, Lucy would flash me a tit, or rub her hand against my dick, enjoying the risk of being caught, but never flirting too closely with that line to make it a reality. She would send me dirty texts about how Id feel if a stranger saw he bare chest, or how she was rubbing her clit under the table where no one could see.

During a particularly rowdy lunch in a dimly lit Spanish restaurant, Lucy began to really rub me through my pants. While this was going on, Shan raised her glass of Sangria and suggested a toast to my accomplishment and to an amazing trip. I was probably blushing as Mark reassured me that I should be proud and enjoy the praise for once. We raised our glasses and after taking a sip, Lucy joked that if we kept drinking all this Sangria, she’d start losing pieces of clothing. Mark and Shan giggled.

“I’m not so sure you need the Sangria for that to happen Lu Lu.” Shan said with a devious smirk.

Lucy’s eyes went wide and she immediately removed her hand from my pants. She looked like her mouth had been sewn shut and her ability to breath removed entirely.

“Oh relax girl, I’m just joking with you.”

Lucy laughed nervously, but seemed noticeably calmer after the statement.

Shan then added, “Although, Mark and I agreed you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.” Finishing her sentence off with a wink.

Doing my best to avoid any additional tension, I raised my glass again to divert the subject with a toast. Before I could even get a word in, Lucy raised her glass and chimed in.

“Well, as I clearly haven’t been as careful as I thought… to my tits!”

We all laughed and clinked glasses. Lucy’s admission and ownership of the situation opened the conversation up to more adult matters. Mark and Shan told us that they weren’t being prudes either, and were having their share of fun too. Shan generally isn’t so forthright about her sexual life, and we always knew the basic information, but she started to go into more detail at that lunch. She told us that her and Mark had actually bought a remote vibrator for this trip.

After a momentary pause, and apparently too much Sangria, I asked what Lucy and I were both thinking.

“Is it, you know, in or uh on, right now?”

“Paul!” Lucy said as she hit my arm.

Shan laughed and shrugged her shoulders with another smirk and a suggestive side eye.

Our conversation drifted back towards our trip and other general topics, eventually landing on a Church we saw in Portugal on our second day. While discussing the church Lucy got up to use the restroom. after a few minutes I felt my phone buzz. I opened it up and saw a text from Lucy.

[ I am so fucking wet right now Paul holy fuck ]

[ Oh fuck, that’s hot. Im kinda turned on too ]

[ I wish I could cum all over your cock right there at the table ]

[ I think we need to buy a vibrator like shan has ]

[ Act normal, but just put your phone on the table. Leave it on our messages ]

My heart was pounding so loud I could no longer hear the band playing at the far end of the restaurant. Lucy didn’t respond with a text. She didn’t respond with a text, multiple times in a row. I tried to look nonchalant, as if I didn’t realize I had put my phone down like that, but I don’t think I was selling it. Mark and Shan continued the conversation but their eyes were drifting towards my phone every time it buzzed on the table.

Shan and I locked eyes for a minute. She knew me well, and knew Lucy even better, but was realizing that maybe she didn’t know her as well as she thought. My eyes told the whole story and Shan noticed Lucy come back from the bathroom first. I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket before she sat back down, unsure of what else to do. Lucy had a wild look in her eyes that Id never seen before. I loved this woman with my entire heart, and in this moment, I felt a carnal lust for her I had never experienced.

Shan excused herself and got up to use the restroom immediately after Lucy sat down. The line must have been long so we continued to drink as Mark shot off the occasional text to her. After a few moments, Mark laid his phone down on the table. My heart began pounding again. I saw him look away, all of a sudden very interested in the ceiling.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. Lucy’s hand was gripping my hard cock over my pants again, but stroking it to the rhythm of the vibrations Mark’s phone was making on the table, clearly set out for our enjoyment.


The Swap: France

The lunch we had in Spain days earlier ended in a blur. We didn’t acknowledge the events at the table directly, but overall, our group felt undeniably closer. Small hints here and there were dropped, and the actions of both Shan and Lucy were noticeably looser. I caught a glimpse of Shan flashing a tit in Mark’s direction on several occasions, and Lucy was making considerably riskier choices with her own flashing.

During a moment where only Mark and I were together, part of me wanted to ask him if he was comfortable with this. He was the newest addition to our group after all and the first of Shan’s boyfriends Lucy and I really liked. I decided it would be best to acknowledge it and make sure he’s ok, but before I could do so, with a laugh, he said,

“Kinda sucks, we don’t have anything to flash that anyone wants to actually see.”

On a trip where I was constantly not believing my eyes, I could now not believe my ears.

I looked at him, smiled, and we both burst into laughter.

“These girls are gonna be the death of us bro.” I said as I lightly punched his arm.

After another long day, we were back at the hotel bar in our French hotel. Our conversation was normal at first, but immediately turned on its belly when Shan asked,

“So what are like, your guys’ biggest kinks?”

Now unlike the many things I had seen and heard that shocked me on this trip, this did not. Shan, Lucy, and I have had conversations of this nature before. Shan knew the answer to this question because all of us had shared this level of personal information with each other during wine nights back in the city where we lived. During those times, our answers were always things like, choking, roleplay, and other such acts, but in no way was the conversation sexually charged. This time was different.

Lucy with barely a moment’s hesitation said, “Exhibitionism.”

Shan smiled, “Exhibitionism for me too.”

Mark realized they were looking at him and he said “Uh Exhibitionism.”

“Do you mean voyeurism?” I said.

“What’s the difference?” He replied.

“I think voyeurism is watching, but exhibitionism is doing, but both take place in public I guess?”

“Oh, um, I guess both of those then.” He landed on.

“And what about you Paul? Are you into the watching, or the doing?” Shan continued.

“It has to be one of those then?” I said, feeling out the situation.

“Well when we all go upstairs, are you gonna watch Lucy, or do her?”

Shan quirked her head to the side while she twirled the ends of her hair. Lucy looked at me intently with the corner of her lip between her teeth. Mark adjusted his pants, but failed at hiding the bulge from his cock. I no longer had any such reservations.

“I guess you will have to just wait and see.”

After that, the tension was undeniable. There was no hiding from what was happening here.

Lucy said something as we all tried our best to finish our drinks as quickly as possible.

“You know, I have bee thinking of starting an onlyfans.” I was shocked.

“Funny you should mention that, I was thinking the same thing.” Shan said.

Lucy and Shan giggled. Mark and I both knew they weren’t serious, but we didn’t care to stop the fantasy.

“It seems like fun” Lucy continued, “but it’s going to be so hard to get good angles of my perky little tits all on my own.”

Hearing Lucy say the line from our own roleplay had a single bead of sweat dripping down my neck. My cock was as hard as could be. This was definitely something I wanted to do, but I wanted to make sure everyone was comfortable as well. Unfortunately having a discussion about consent right now felt horribly off beat. Thankfully, Lucy followed up her last statement with a brilliant,

“Maybe one of you boys could help me take some pictures? Who do you all think should do it?”

“You know, Mark is an excellent photographer, and I know Paul has taken some great pictures as well. If it is ok with you boys, maybe Mark could help Lucy tonight, and Paul, you could help me?”

Mark looked at me and I at him.

“I am ok with that if you are Paul?”

“I am also definitely ok with that.” I added.

“And remember boys, good photographers do not touch.” Lucy added, finalizing the terms of the agreement in an impressively sexy way.

“Well I think it would be ok if they touched, I don’t know, themselves maybe?” Shan added.

“Of course! How else would we know if our onlyfans will be successful?” Lucy concluded.

With that said, it was a mad dash upstairs. The French hotel we were staying in was beautiful and offered incredible views of Paris. The elevator ride was long, but in no way dull. Both girls were continuing the charade among the gorgeous vista through the windowed lift car. They remarked on what outfits they would use to sell more subscriptions and even went as far as to suggest cumming for the camera. Both girls playfully suggested that they swap photographers at the end of night to fuck, of course landing us back with our original partners for any actual intercourse.

When we reached our adjoining rooms, the question on everyone’s mind was how exactly this would go down. Without much thought, Shan grabbed my arm and pulled me into her room. I looked at Lucy who just winked at me and said “Have fun!” before pulling Mark into our room.

“Can I be honest with you for a second Paul?” Shan said as the quiet of her room crept up on us in an unfamiliar situation.

“Of course Shan, I know this is crazy but you’re still one of my best friends, I wouldn’t want you to feel..”

“No, no, none of that.” She said as she opened up a drawer. “Lucy has told me more than I think you know, and well, I’m really excited to see your cock.”

With that she pulled out a skimpy piece of red lingerie.

She stared me in the eyes, and for the first time, I was seeing Shan as a purely sexual being. She pulled her hair up and turned around.

“Would you help me with this zipper?”

“We aren’t really supposed to touch, but I suppose this is an acceptable exception.” I said.

“I wont tell if you don’t.”

I pulled the zipper down to the small of her back. Shan had an incredible body of her own, but was more, top heavy, than Lucy. The dress fell to the floor as Shan stepped backwards out of it and towards me. She was just barely an inch from me wearing nothing but a lacy black thong, matching bra, and striking stilettos.

Without turning around she asked, “Have you ever masturbated to the idea of fucking me?”

“What?” I said.

“I mean, Lucy is hot, she’s my best friend, and I find it hard to believe that Mark hasn’t masturbated to the idea of fucking her, or at least having a threesome. So what about you?”

“I mean, I, well..”

She cut me off.

“I have. Part of me wishes I could just stand here, facing the window, and see only your reflection as you bend me over and fuck me hard. That’s what Ill think about when Mark is fucking me later tonight.”


“Yes what?”

“Yes I have masturbated to the idea of fucking you, you’re gorgeous and we’ve been friends for almost a decade.”

Shan turned around. Her tits really were spectacular.

“Let me see it then.” she said.

“You first.”

“On three?”


“One.” she counted.

“Two.” I replied as she reached behind her back and I at my zipper.

In one motion her bra, and my pants fell to the ground.

“Three.” She said, her perfect tits completely on display for me.

“It’s a damn shame.” She added. “That no touching rule is really not my favorite right now.”

The tip of my cock was twitching barely a centimeter from her waist. Without thinking I held my hand up to her mouth. She knew what to do and generously spit into my hand.

“Let’s get started not touching then shall we?”

I took my hand, slippery with Shan’s saliva, and started to rub my cock in front of her. On cue I got a text from Lucy.

[ $19.99 for the whole set. My best friend’s boyfriend caught me fucking myself and is now blackmailing me! ]

A picture of Lucy feigning shock and anger while barely covering her exposed chest came in. Lucy and Mark had a lot in common just like Shan and I. They were beginning to form their own friendship over the past two years based mainly on puns and pranks, but this was sure to accelerate the process.

[ If I don’t let him cum on me he’s going to show the whole school! Reply Yes or No to buy this set. ]

The next picture showed Lucy with her pink dildo pressed against her pussy. Mark’s cock was clearly in the shot as well with his hand placed around its base. I turned the phone towards Shan.

“Fuck that’s really fucking hot, fuck me.” Shan exclaimed.

“No touching Shan.” I teased.

“Buy the set idiot.”

In my phone, Apple must have noticed the price and suggested I send Lucy 19.99 with Apple pay. Thinking this might be a fun way to continue I sent it.

“Damn that’s such a good scenario, we gotta think of one.” Shan said.

Without realizing it, both of us were standing inches apart masturbating at the sight of the other and the text on my phone.

“How about you’re my boss and you want me to cum for you or im fired?”

“Good enough, but start with a video. Ugh fuck.” Shan moaned loudly as she continued to play with her clit through her lace panties.

I pointed the phone at her and hit record. Shan giggled a bit as it started but did her best to continue acting.

“You’re such a naughty boy Paul, coming in here on our big uh business trip and seeing me like this. Now you’re gonna cum right here on my big tits or you’re fired!” As she finished talking, she took her fingers out of her panties and stuck them in her mouth to clean them off.

I quickly typed up a fake onlyfans post and sent it to Lucy and Mark. Almost immediately I received the $20.01 I requested to continue.

“Oh I almost forgot.” Shan said as she picked up the red negligee that had fallen beside her.

“Can you help me into this Paul?”

“Do you really need my help?” I said, keeping up the additional layer of charade.

“Let’s say, yes. I do.”

She held her arms up above her head and I stepped towards her. I pinched the sides of her black panties making sure to not touch any skin and break the group’s rule. I knelt down in front of her and pulled her thong down to her ankles. He wet pussy was directly in front of my face and I could smell a sweetness coming off of it.

“No touching!” She teased.

I lingered for a second, knowing full well she could feel my breath in between her legs. She handed me the red outfit and I motioned for her to step into it. I slowly pulled it up over her body, realizing as it rose, that it was missing fabric in all the right places. I made sure to meticulously pass my breath over the most sensitive parts of her body as I rose to meet her stare.

“Damn.” I said.

“Damn yourself.” she replied.

Shan and I continued to touch ourselves, taking pics for the other two, and sending onlyfans posts to them. Lucy and Mark did the same. From her pictures I could tell Lucy was really into this.

At one point we got our first video from the other pair. Lucy was pumping her dildo in and out of herself while Mark stroked himself over her.

In between moans Lucy said “I cant believe you’re blackmailing me! You’re so disgusting! I hate watching you stroke that big fat cock to me, I hope you don’t explode all over my face and mouth.”

The texts were a nice way of agreeing to take things to the next step and see where the others were at as they all ended with a cash request to continue, and without fail, we kept sending the money back and forth.

Shan took the phone out of my hands and dropped down to her knees. She took a picture with my cock right next to her face and typed,

[ My naughty naughty employee has a surprisingly nice dick! I hope my boyfriend at home doesn’t mind if I suck on it. $0.69 for this set ]

The money had been going back and forth consistently, and without really thinking about what she was doing, Shan sent the message and then immediately swallowed the entire length of my cock. I was truly in disbelief, seeing someone I had come to know as one of the closest friends I’ve ever had, on the floor with her fingers deep inside her pussy, gagging on my dick.

For a moment I felt pure horror. I was not a cheater, and this felt like breaking the rules. No money had been sent back in response yet, but Shan continued to bob her head along the length of my cock. I knew in my heart that I needed to stop her, but part of me was hoping, no praying, for approval to come back through my phone.

And then finally, my phone buzzed. Shan ripped it from my hands and continued to suck.

“Shan, ugh fuckkkk, we should really check…”

Shan moved closer to me and placed my cock in between her tits and started to pump them up and down.

“Fine, fine you’re right.” She said, but continued to grind her tits on me.

As I watched my wet cock disappear into Shan’s welcoming chest christened with perfectly pointed nipples, I opened up Lucy’s text. I saw all of Mark now, laying down on his back. His cock was hard and he was clearly nervous, but also visibly excited. He was a fan of the gym like Lucy was and for a moment, I found myself thinking he looked hot.

“I cant believe it but now he is going to make me do something even worse! I only agreed to let him jack off on me, but now my best friend’s DISGUSTING boyfriend wants me to suck his big cock while I sit on his face!”

A text followed the video.

[ This set is freeeeee, because as soon as I hit send, I am going to 69 Mark until we cum in each others mouths. I am going to record every second of it. You two better do the same. ]

I showed the phone to Shan. We both stopped moving. Shan stood up and stared at me directly in the eyes. Her mouth was slightly agape, still wet from sucking my cock out of bounds.

I set the phone up and hit record. Shan pushed me down on the bed and mounted my face. Her wet pussy was dripping with anticipation and her sweet smell was nothing but intoxicating. Before I could catch my breath I felt her deepthroat my cock again as one of her hands gently massaged my balls. Taking this as my cue, I began to eat Shan’s pussy like it was my last meal. Her juices were covering my face and her legs twitched with each long stroke of my tongue.

I switched between using a hard pursed tongue on her clit and then making it soft and wide to lick her entire pussy. I shoved my tongue inside her and did my best to feel around and taste her insides. As I continued to give Shan my best moves, she did the same on her end. Neither of us noticed the adjoining door open when Lucy and Mark walked in.

“Oh good you’re not done!” I heard Lucy say.

Somehow, now that they were in the room, the entire act felt like we were getting caught robbing a bank. Shan froze, my cock still in her mouth.

“Don’t worry! We aren’t done either, Mark and I just decided to come finish next to you both.”

With that, Mark laid down next to me and I saw the familiar sight of Lucy’s pussy drop down square on his face.

“Wait!” I heard Shan say. “Rotate so that I can watch Mark lick your pussy, I want to make sure he’s doing a good job.”

It was just us now. No more charades, no more games or roleplay. We were just four friends, sucking each other off in Europe.

Lucy got back into position and lowered herself close to me.

“Hey cutie.” I heard her say “Fancy running into you here.” as she slapped Shan’s ass firmly and pushed her best friend back down onto my face.

The smell, the sounds, the sights, it was all intoxicating. The energy of the room was raw and as if a director gave us a signal, we started to pop off like fireworks.

I first heard Lucy make a small noise, surprised, but excited. She began to quickly stroke Mark’s cock with the tip still in her mouth. He then filled the love of my life’s throat with his cum. Then I felt Shan’s legs tense up and her pussy begin to quiver. Lucy started to moan in a way that told me exactly what was coming. I felt inclined to warn Mark that she was a squirter, but he was about to find out first hand. Shan was louder than Lucy, and her moans and cries of pleasure filled the room and were a nice contrast to Lucy’s generally silent orgasms. The two girls came simultaneously which I realized when I heard Mark gasp from Lucy’s flowing juices as Shan squeezed the fingers I had deep inside her tighter than a vice grip.

“Ughhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuuuck!!!!! Im fucking cummming Paul!!!” Shan screamed, placing my rock hard dick against the side of her shaking face, doing her best to continue stroking.

“Im so sorrrrrrryyyy Mark! Fuuuuck, I should have warned youuuu!” Lucy apologized as she continued to drench Mark in her fluids.

“Lucy, that was so fucking hot.” I heard Mark say.

The three other members of the group, all having now finished, left me in a precarious situation where I wasn’t sure if they wanted to continue. Before I had time to marinate the thought, I felt both Lucy and Shan’s hands gripping my cock.

“We didn’t forget about you, Mr. winner of longest time to cum.” Shan joked.

I felt Lucy and Shan take turns sucking my cock. They bobbed their heads up and down, making sure to have a hand on my cock if their mouth wasn’t full. I instinctively reached my arms out to my sides to grasp the bed sheet. My left hand grabbed a full handful of comforter, but my right hand landed directly on Mark’s penis. Whether I did this consciously or not, I will never know, nor care to ponder. Neither of us recoiled in the way we would have expected. Maybe it was the carnal nature of the entire night, maybe it was just human instinct, but I began to curiously stroke Mark’s cock as the girls continued to suck mine.

“Ok, that is the hottest fucking thing I’ve seen all night.” Shan stated, now realizing what was happening.

“Babe, shut up, just, just, keep being a dirty fucking slut and suck him off.” Mark said, his dick now getting hard again in my hand.

“Mmmm we are such dirty fucking sluts Shan. Your boyfriend came down my fucking throat and I want to watch mine cum down yours.” Lucy said while Shan continued to slobber up and down my shaft.

My mind was completely blank. I felt nothing except for raw lust. We were a single mass of bodies, at this point, and no concepts of straight, gay, bi, meant anything to us at this moment. There were just four human beings here and all we knew was that this was fucking hot.

Mark had his fingers buried deep in Lucy as I felt my climax begin to build.

“Guys, I think.. Im…”

Shan pushed Lucy off of my cock and started stroking me fast and hard with her head bobbing up and down. She clearly wanted to be the one to finish me tonight. She was fucking her own throat with the length of my dick as I came harder than I ever had. Shan swallowed almost every drop.

Shan then leaned over to Lucy and gave her a big wet kiss.

“Come on Lu Lu, taste Paul’s cum with me.”

The two bombshells groped each other while swapping my cum back in forth between their mouths. As the two continued to play I realized I was stroking Mark as if his cock was my own, no more hesitation in my movements. Shan was still straddling me knowing full well that my twitching dick was mere atoms from the tightness of her sweet pussy.

With one long, deliberate motion, Shan rubbed the entire length of my shaft against her still sopping wet genitals. She grasped my cock in a free hand and placed the tip at the entrance. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to happen next. I felt the walls of Shan’s lowering pussy start to tighten around the head of my penis. I felt Mark’s cock noticeably throb at the suggestion of what I might do to Shan. I then felt one of Lucy’s hands grab my dick while the other joined me on Mark’s. Lucy began to pump my cock, the tip oh which was inside her best friend, while interlocking her fingers with mine around the slippery shaft of that same best friend’s boyfriend.

“Just the tip today kids.” Lucy said as she continued to pump.

“Aww mom!” Shan teased.

Part of me was relieved. The other part, which Lucy had her hand wrapped around, wanted to fuck Shan senseless.

Lucy repositioned herself so that she could bend down to lick Shan’s clit without taking her hands of either cock. She ate her friend out with the knowledge every girl has, but the hesitation of never having done it before. Never in my life would I have imagined such a sight being reality, let alone that I would be stroking another man’s dick while seeing it.

“Mmmmm maybe Lu Lu will let me slide all the way down next time.” She said. “But thank you for getting him ready for me.” Motioning to her boyfriend’s throbbing cock that I was still unconsciously stroking with Lucy.

Shan straddled Mark with the scent of my semen still on her breath and gave him a deep kiss. She took his cock in her hand and dropped herself down his shaft until he was as deep in her as could be.

“Oooh Mark you’re so fucking hard, we might have to add cuckold to your list of kinks.” Shan said as she dangled her big tits in Mark’s dumbfounded face. “You dirty boy, you wanted to watch Paul fuck me didn’t you?”

“I, I think I did.” Mark said hesitantly.

Lucy looked at me with fire in her eyes and didn’t give my cock a chance to so much as slightly soften before it was inside her.

The four of us, once again a writhing mass of bodies, fucked our loved ones in a beautiful French hotel as if our lives were not going to continue in the morning. No thoughts or doubts were interrupting what could only be described as pure heat between a group of friends turned lovers.

Lucy bounced up and down on my cock. The sight of the two girls was a pure haze of sweat, cum, and more sweat.

As the fucking continued, the sounds of the girl’s moans filled the room. They felt each other up, and in between positions, I felt Mark give my own cock a few strokes too. When the time came to finish, the two girls got on their knees and fingered each other deeply, making out all the while. Mark and I began to jerk off over them, tempted at the sight of our two beautiful girlfriends covered in our combined ejaculate.

Mark and I didn’t say a single word, but both reached over to the other, jerking the other off to the sight of our girls doing the same. In a final crescendo, Mark and I shot ropes of sperm onto the two ladies who stuck their tongues out to receive it. They then collapsed into a mess of our cum and Lucy’s juices.

Time stood still as we tried desperately to collectively catch our breath. I walked over to the phone on the bureau and said, “Subscribe for more!” before flipping off the recording.

As I turned around, the last thing I remember seeing in that mass of bodies, was all three of my friends covered in cum, smiling and laughing.



We spent the rest of the night talking and laughing. Lucy had the idea to make a sheet fort out of our bed’s covers that the two of us could sleep in while Mark and Shan took the bed.

“Mom, can I go to my friend’s house for a sleepover?” Shan joked as we built our fort.

“Of course honey, but if you’re going to fuck him, please wear protection!”

“I’m on the pill mom! God!”

“Fine, then only let him cum inside if you let me taste you afterwards.”

Slightly breaking character Shan asked, “Is that a promise?”

We all laughed, nervously awaiting Lucy’s answer, but aware of the looming conversation we all definitely needed to have.

“We will discuss it in the morning young lady, but for now…” Lucy jumped in the air and did a 180, before landing bent over, her hands smacking her own ass comedically.

The next morning came, and discuss it we did. We sat at breakfast, making sure to be open about everything that happened. Shan reminded us that mine and Lucy’s phones had all the recordings from the previous night, which was hardly fair. We air dropped all the various pictures and videos to them to which Shan replied by sharing her bathroom nudes from Spain.

“Those were for you two anyway.” Shan said with a wink.

Since returning to the states the four of us haven’t fooled around in the same capacity, slightly sobered by home soil under our feet, but will occasionally send a fake onlyfans post with a pic or video as part of our individual foreplay.

We have discussed whether we want to take it any further or leave the night as a fun memory from Europe, and the group has not decided what it’s comfortable with yet.

Nevertheless, we have our first wine night with them coming up next weekend, and regardless of what happens, I feel happy, closer to Lucy, and closer with my friends. With good communication and the right intentions, sex between anyone can be a truly enjoyable experience.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/upexzl/group_vacation_swap_with_my_girlfriend_our_best


  1. This is a wonderful story personally i hope for a part two. But your relationship to eacg other matters the most.

  2. Best story I have ever read in this group! Amazing please keep it going!

  3. TS;R2x [Too Short; Read Twice) :)

    But seriously, best story posted here in a very long time!

  4. Wow loved this story! Reminds me of mine and my husband’s first swap, it was also with good friends and a highlight for sure. Us wives are BFFs and we did our first full swap with them as well on my last birthday. It’s nice being with someone you know isn’t trying to ruin your relationship, just wants to have fun and will still be your friend afterwards. Cuckholding is definitely one of my husband’s kinks….but boy he loves to join the fun as well, as he should😈😈😈

  5. I don’t smoke, but I needed a cigarette after that one. Nicely done.

  6. I don’t read many stories on here but this is amazing! Really enjoyed it. Great writing and a super hot experience.

  7. I have been reading stories from this subreddit for a couple months now. You, sir, received my first comment. Which might not mean much to you, but it is extremely high praise. Such a good story, and well typed out. Thank you for sharing.

  8. I don’t get what happened with the phones in the restaurant but great story

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