The Neighborhood: Part 20 [MF][FF][Exh][Voy][Mdom][MC][SciFi]

**The Neighborhood: Part 20 [MF][FF][Exh][Voy][Mdom][MC][SciFi]**

A brief recap: Colin Turner was a middling sad-sack with a failing marriage, who stumbled into a dream job based on some research he wrote years ago. He took a job with Fenris, a company with its own little enclave in Wolfsburg, CA, and its own peculiar work ethics. Fortunately, he had the sly and sexy Janelle, his hiring advisor, to act as his guide as he acclimated. He moved into a large house in the neighborhood with his wife Alison, and becomes involved in a company project involving wristbands that can alter behavior, within limits, based on keywords or phrases. Over time, Colin learned to enjoy his newfound freedom, his expanding desires, and to leverage the behavioral technology he has near-unfettered access to, to live out his fantasies. His sister-in-law, Stella, recently moved in, and after a little lip service from Janelle, will work in his office. Colin and Alison had a wild night at a not-as-retired-as-thought executive’s country estate, but not before Colin learned his future with Fenris wasn’t as solid as he thought. After a visit from the company auditors to include a demo of the effects on Kristie, Colin finds himself with expanded accesses to the system. Janelle revealed she was behind the audit and its rewards, and let Colin try out his new accesses on her. Later, Mike, one of his software engineers, expresses his concerns things might be getting out of hand, but everyone continues their work. Alison had to fly back to her mother to help her move, leaving Colin to focus on his work…and Stella.


**Chapter 45: Things with Kristie Get Meshy**

The next day, after getting off in the shower for the first time in a while, Colin felt strangely energized to get to work. He jumped right into his new access, and was surprised to see that Mike had been hard at work in the interim, not quite pulling an all-nighter, but definitely busy according to the logs. Mike was streamlining a lot of the changes recently added to system, though it seemed like he was a week or so out from re-deployment.

Remembering their conversation, Colin looked up Mike’s wife and was surprised to see a petite and beautiful woman with Mediterranean complexion. While it may have been *their* burgeoning fetish, Chiara had definitely nailed the ‘hot’ portion of the ‘hot wife’, and that was just based on the fairly mundane and clinical photos in her file. She had full breasts with dark pink nipples with the standard nearly-full bush and waxed pussy courtesy of Wolfsburg’s premiere salon. According to what he could understand from her file, she was in communication with a handful of other couples and a few men independently. Colin had no idea if Mike was aware of all of this, but he could now understand why Mike was a little concerned in the change in behavior. Chiara was getting off at least two to three times a day, double that on the weekends. Still, based on the triggers Mike had set up, Chiara was barely anywhere near what Colin had been doing to the women in his own life. He had a suspicion this was simply who Mike’s wife was all along.

That made him think of Janelle, and as a test, he looked her up again; he didn’t dig too deep, but simply knowing he *could* was enough for the moment, though seeing her naked got him a little hard. Instead, he shifted his attention back to Kristie. Unlike with Stella, he didn’t want to bounce her into the deep end of suggestibility. If anything, Stella was close to being a failure since she had been able to put two and two together about what he was doing with her. As a result, he had to increase the strength of the commands he used with her, and she seemed close to losing control of her passions every time he toyed with her. He liked the idea of seducing the Stella he knew, not the woman who got wet every time she saw a cock, or, at least *his* cock. It took a way a bit of the challenge.

Thinking on it, he realized slow and steady effort had kept Kristie from being openly aware of his gentle manipulation, and her arousal was more natural because of it. Colin thought that might be something Mike would be able to work with regarding Chiara, though he was hoping his team might be able to figure out a way to reset someone’s responses, or at least tone them down a bit.

With Kristie’s long-running and in-depth knowledge of the project, he had to approach her with a bit more subtlety, regardless. That didn’t mean he was going to be entirely hands-off, though, and he dug around in her, now, fully unencrypted portfolio, giving a short laugh when he saw what the system was recording. Kristie, almost every night at ten-thirty, masturbated. It was in plain letters on his screen, with details as to why the system’s determination was made—the movements of her body, the rise in heart rate and respiration, even the neurological measurements of her orgasm—and while he didn’t understand much of the other data, he was surprised at the overall depth.

He called her to his office, and she went through the usual nervous hemming and hawing, as if every time she showed up she was about to kicked off campus.

“*You should relax a little*.” As he said it, her shoulders slumped a bit, a pleasant expression passing her face. “You come in here all nervous, and yet, you’ve generally been an asset this whole time.

“I…really should, um, relax. I am doing well at this job, aren’t I?” Colin watched his screen update with information, that the low-threshold suggestions in combination with ramping tag influence was gradually, and apparently imperceptibly, improving her demeanor toward his suggestions, and at a much-accelerated rate.

“You’re doing fine. Progress is steady. With Stella on the team, the API is coming along, and Mike has really stepped up with the tagging elements. I have a sneaking suspicion we’ll be able to nudge people to be their best selves sooner rather than later. Speaking of which, did you take my advice from when you first came to talk to me?”

“Um, what was that, sir?”

“I told you, suggested, really, that you *give into your urges every once in a while*.” A little color came to her cheeks. He wasn’t dosing her with *significant* amounts of lust, desire, loyalty to him, but just a *hint* of everything he wanted from her. The conversation would be suggestive enough to fill in the gaps. “Are you dating anyone?”


“I’m not asking you out.” He laughed. “I’m asking about your social health. *Tell me the truth, Kristie*.” She blinked behind her glasses, but she’d be feeling the urge to speak freely.

“I, um…

“Not much for radical honesty, are you? I’ll take that as a ‘no’.” He said. “My wife wakes me up with handjob or a blowjob pretty much every morning. She usually wants me to fuck her before I go to work, usually right after I get out of the shower, which, honestly, isn’t that convenient, but I do like fucking my wife.” He smiled. “When I get to work, Natalie gives me handjob, and lately, sometimes a blowjob. I also jerk off at work at least once a day.”

“Sir, I’m not sure exactly what—.” She stammered, blushing.

“There’s another woman on campus,” he continued, “and we sometimes fool around on the bus ride home. Sometimes we fuck at her house. *Then*, I go home and usually have another round with my wife. She wears these tiny bikinis—usually less—all day, and I see her like that when I get home, and well, I’m hard as a rock. My *point*, Kristie,” he said, “is that sexual frustration is definitely *not* getting in the way of my work.” He said nothing as she mulled it over.

“And you’re saying it might be interfering with me—with my work?”

“I think I’m being pretty clear that you should *give into your urges every once in a while*.” She gave a tight gasp of pleasure. “At least strive to masturbate a bit more.”

“Sir, I mean, I’m not a robot, I do, um…I, you know…sometimes.” She trailed off.

“How often?” He asked.

“I…uh…once…once a night?”

“Are you sure?” He laughed. “That sounded like you were asking me.”

“No, I just…yes,” she sighed, “once a night…every night.” She added.

“Pretty much everyone has desires, Kristie. I mean, if you’re not actually seeing someone, a morning and evening session would be what I would recommend.” She blinked. “An orgasm can really ease the stress *before* coming to work, and then, of course, before bed. Do you just finger yourself, or do you have a vibrator—or a dildo, I guess, is the other option?” She blushed. Colin was enjoying the moment, knowing the competing thoughts in her head were pushing for the pleasure of honesty against her inherent shyness.

“I…I…um…I use my hand…my fingers…I don’t really have a…toy.” She didn’t even realize she was teasing a nipple. “I’ve never really…needed one? To get where I’m going, I mean.” He opened a desk drawer.

“Here, take this…” He handed her a hundred from his petty cash. “Buy yourself a toy,” he said, “and *relax a little*.” He said as the pleasure hit her. “I need you laser-focused for the days to come, okay?”

“Yes, sir, of course.” Kristie said.

“Nat, can you come in here?” His secretary entered promptly. “Excellent. Natalie, come stand next to Kristie, please.” She did as he asked. “Take off your clothes.” Natalie was at a stage where she didn’t hesitate, regardless of the situation. Some of this was the bracelet, and some, no doubt, was due to her better understanding what was expected of her. Kristie looked over at her nervously as Natalie started undressing. Kristie had undressed for him and two Auditors just a couple days before, but she was acting like that had never happened. He watched the feedback on his screen and saw the mesh network was engaging properly, so he decided to give it a further test. “You too, Kristie.” The parser interpreted the request based on his interaction with Natalie. In turn, it boosted the signal using effective feedback responses from *both* their profiles. Kristie’s eyes widened behind her glasses, but her fingers were already moving to her blouse buttons.

“I’m not sure what the point of this is, sir.” Kristie said. She removed her blouse, revealing a fairly plain tan bra. “I understand you wanted to discuss my work-life balance,” she let her skirt fall to the floor, “but you don’t need to try to embarrass me.” The panties were just as plain, but they matched. The girl liked to follow the rules.

“Are you embarrassed, Kristie?” He asked.

“I’m in my underwear, sir. I *know* you’ve seen me naked. I know I’ve seen your…um…penis, and I’ve even seen Natalie mostly naked, but I just question the point.”

“Look at Natalie, Kristie. Look at what she’s wearing.” She looked at his secretary. “Her lingerie is sexy but functional. Yours is just functional—solely meant to meet the dress code and nothing else. Nat is accentuating her assets.” While he was interested in the shift in computer readouts on his screen, he couldn’t resist approaching the women. “Natalie’s breasts look fantastic in that bra.” He caressed his secretary’s chest. “You’re hiding what little you have.” He slid a hand over one of Kristie’s breasts. She just watched him do it, though he felt her nipple get hard under his touch. “My point is, if it’s one thing I’ve learned in this job, it’s that you need to *feel* empowered to *be* empowered. I know that sounds like some talk show BS, but it’s true. Looking at the two of you, you could, weirdly, be twins. I mean, sure, you’re tall and Nat is short. Nat has big tits, and you barely have anything…but you’re both kind of mousy, you both have that ‘hide behind your glasses’ demeanor, careful voices, don’t stand up to bullies, and yet—right now, at least—Natalie has a much brighter future between the two of you. Do you know why that is, Kristie?”

“Because she…um…gives you hand jobs?” Kristie said with complete seriousness. Colin looked at her blankly for moment and then just started laughing. “What?” She frowned. “I don’t appreciate you laughing at me.”

“You really think I value her more because of what’s in her actual job description? Tell her, Natalie.” Natalie explained the tenets of being an executive assistant, including the requirement to provide—at least—manual stimulus on request.

“So, it’s not just a rumor?” Kristie asked.

“Every day at nine thirty, sharp.” He said. “Regardless, Natalie is in a better position than you, growth-wise, because she is making efforts to take charge of things, to take on more responsibility. More importantly, I don’t have to *tell* her to do that. Take off your bra and panties.” Natalie undressed quickly. Kristie glanced in her direction, and though unsure if the request was meant for her, her hands were already moving of their own accord. He eyed the women and he realized this was actually the first time he’d seen his secretary completely naked. Natalie had a narrow landing strip of dark blonde hair just above her otherwise bare pussy. To her credit, she didn’t seem embarrassed at all, while Kristie was lightly blushing.

“Sir, I really don’t see what—.”

“Kiss her.” He said. The command was open, but, as if to prove his point, Natalie took the initiative. He could tell the wristbands were working, because Kristie leaned into it—even ignoring that she had to bend down to kiss the shorter woman.

“You’re just doing this for your amusement.” Kristie said, stepping back from Natalie.

“I’m entertained, that’s for sure.” Colin said. “That doesn’t change the fact that you need to step up your game.” He pulled out his wallet and removed five hundred, setting it on his desk. “When we’re done here, you’ll take that and buy yourself some flattering underwear. Remember, though, the *other* hundred is for a vibrator. That said, what you wore here today is forfeit. It’s mine.”

“What?” Kristie stammered.

“You’ll show up to my office every day at nine twenty-five and show me what you’re wearing. If it fails to arouse me, you will take over Natalie’s duties at nine thirty.” Her eyes got wide.

“How can I know…what…what you like? This is crazy!”

“I’m a regular guy, for the most part, so it shouldn’t be too hard to pick something out. *You should relax a little*.” He commanded, and she sighed a little. “I have no doubt a part of you thinks this is a good idea. You want to improve your standing on the team. You want to succeed at this job. Take some initiative. I won’t penalize you if you don’t. The work you’re doing is still exemplary, it’s just not *promotion* worthy. There’s nothing wrong with staying in the same job—just being a lab assistant—if that’s what all you want out of life. The pay and benefits are still well ahead of other companies.”

“I do want to succeed.” She said quietly. “It…is a good idea.”

“Sir, would like me to take care of that?” Natalie asked, moving forward and unzipping his pants. “Two naked women is…distracting, I imagine.” She added. He caressed her pussy, and she leaned a little into his touch. A lot of firsts today. This was new behavior, and definitely something he liked. The mesh network seemed to be reinforcing her desire for loyalty and duty.

“No.” Kristie said. “I made him hard, right? I will…um…*help*, I guess?” Natalie continued to undo his pants, and she pulled them down along with his underwear. His erection sprung free, and Natalie looked to Kristie as she stepped off to the side.

“This really wasn’t what I was asking from you.” Colin said. He certainly wasn’t going to stop her, but her really was just testing the range of her suggestibility.

“I’m okay with this, really.” Kristie said, though it sounded like she was trying to convince herself. Colin took the opportunity to squeeze his secretary’s full ass and enjoy her breasts, her nipples responsive under his touch, though she was no doubt getting a lot of positive feedback from the updated software. “Initiative.” Kristie whispered under her breath. She got on her knees and, before Colin could respond, slid her lips onto his cock. She wasn’t particularly expert at it, but she was a good height and able to get a better head-bobbing action going than his shorter secretary, who could barely manage him on her knees unless he was also sitting down.

Colin was enjoying the turn of events. Kristie seemed nearly normal in her response. For all he knew, she may have been thinking about doing something like this for a while and the bracelet had simply sped things along. She was inexperienced enough to possibly think men only wanted her for her body. To be fair, Colin wasn’t complaining about the blowjob, and he knew they were both well-aware of the unequal power dynamic, but if she had said no, he would have let it go. She was a true asset to the program, and that was worth far more than some casual sex.

He almost laughed, realizing how he was trying to rationalize his behavior while getting his rocks off. He was further enjoying the added benefit of being able to play with Natalie’s body. He started teasing her pussy and found her wet and ready. By grasping her ass with one hand, he was able to tease her clit with the other. She was making small guttural sounds, and getting increasingly wet as he worked. He started coming, and Kristie was surprised, some of it spilling out of her mouth, but she took the rest without stopping. She looked up at him, come still on her chin, simply waiting for the next command. And he already had one in mind.

“Now, finish Natalie.” He said, and pulled his hand free from his secretary’s pussy. Kristie had to hunch a bit, but she moved in on Natalie’s slick pussy without a word. Natalie simply said ‘Oh’ in her high nasal voice as the other woman’s tongue started doing the work. He was fairly certain Natalie hadn’t expected anything out of the encounter, but he was going to make sure she came. Colin stepped—waddled, really—behind his secretary and pressed his half-hard cock against the cleft of her ass. He started teasing her breasts from behind, occasionally sliding a hand down the flat of her belly to top of her landing strip. As he and Kristie worked together to bring Natalie to climax, Colin felt giddy with how quickly, how easily this evolved. A week or so ago, this would have taken days of careful planning and wording. The mesh network was surprisingly effective. People fed off of each other’s responses, and individual commands were taken and interpreted as if they were some sort of scifi mind trick.

Natalie started tensing. He could feel her pelvis rocking against him due to Kristie’s efforts. A moment later, she let out series of rising ‘ahs’, and Colin, to his shock, felt himself getting hard again. He knew he probably wouldn’t be able to sustain it…but was it a residual effect from their shared mesh? He gently released Natalie’s breasts and backed off. Kristie was panting a little, her face shiny from two people’s fluids. She sat back on her bare ass, not even shy that her long, stocking-clad legs were spread wide. The extent of her bush, with just a bit of pink hidden away, reminded him of Stella. He’d never seen his sister in law completely naked, but Alison had said Stella was nearly natural. He took a breath. The desire to fuck her—Stella or Kristie—was powerful. He felt himself getting harder.

“One of you…bend over.” He said. They both started to comply, and Colin felt a wave of pleasure flow through him. It had to be the mesh network. It felt like he’d taken a pill given how hard he was.

“No,” Natalie said, stopping the lab assistant from doing anything further, “this is in my actual job description.” Natalie braced herself against the arm of his couch, presenting her full ass and glistening pussy to him. With the barest of effort—she was so wet—he pushed inside her, his head and cock throbbing in time as he fucked her, pleasure welling inside him. He clutched her hips and pumped away, and then saw Kristie start to touch herself, gently at first, but then using three fingers and alternating by working her clit.

Colin’s eyes widened. As the only one completely aware of what was happening behind the scenes on the network, he realized he was aware of each of the women reaching climax, a sort building sexual tension. The three of them were feeding each other’s pleasure, and within a minute, Kristie and Natalie started to come, Natalie panting and Kristie making soft moans. Colin quickly pulled free as he spurted all over Natalie’s ass and lower back, his orgasm stronger than anything he’d felt in a while. The three of them just breathed for a few beats before Colin finally spoke.

“Both of you, go get dressed in Nat’s office, and Kristie, don’t forget your money. Thank you for your time.” They complied as if it had been a simple meeting, as if they weren’t both naked and rumpled from sex, and left him alone in his office in less than a minute. His hardon was already fading, and he got dressed, threw Kristie’s boring bra and panties in the trash, and sat back down at his computer. He had some research to do in the software.


**Chapter 46: A Late-Night Chat**

It was Colin’s second full day without Alison at home, and he, at the very least, missed seeing her when he got done with work. Stella had been trying to keep her distance, joining him for meals, but basically hiding away in her room to watch TV or read. Dinner that night was delivery from the Thai place in town, and Stella joined him for the last twenty minutes, just having come home from work. She started later than him, so, of course, left a lot later, too. Then again, she basically had to keep real office hours, while Colin wandered from meeting to meeting, interspersed with the occasional orgasm. He cleaned up the table while Stella continued to pick at some noodles, still in her work clothes.

“I was thinking of going for a swim after dinner.” He said.

“It’s your house.” She shrugged, slurping a noodle.

“Honestly, Stella.” He sighed. “That was me being friendly, inviting you join me.” He really hadn’t been looking to push her, but now he was a little annoyed. “*You should loosen up.*” She sighed but looked up at him. “Don’t you want to get out of those work clothes? You can put on that blue bathing suit and just relax.”

“You’ll wear a bathing suit, too?” She asked. It was almost funny. Due to her conditioning, there was no problem in her mind in wearing the barely-there bikini, but she also seemed to feel it was important for Colin to wear his trunks.

“It’s not really my thing.” He said. “But don’t mind me. When you’re done eating, just go upstairs and change. I’m going up right now.” She nodded, her mood both relaxed and agreeable. Colin left her to finish eating and thought about what he might like to accomplish with Stella. He was constantly surprised by how prickly she was, even under the effects of the network, but he supposed that only demonstrated that it truly *wasn’t* mind control. No one really *controlled* Stella. He laughed at the thought. Colin quickly got naked and started for the stairs when his phone started making noise. He grabbed it from the nightstand and saw it was an incoming video call from Alison.

“Colin. Good.” She said a she popped up on the screen. “I wasn’t sure I’d catch you before dinner.”

“I ordered Thai delivery, so we ate early-ish.” He said.

“So um, is it one of *those* kinds of video chats? It’s early for you to be not wearing a shirt.” Alison said. Colin saw she was sitting on the guest bed in her mom’s house. Alison was in pajamas, something he hadn’t seen her wearing in a while.

“I was just changing to go out to the pool.” He lowered the camera.

“Colin…” She giggled. “If *I* hadn’t called you, I’d swear you planned this. You know, Stella is still living there, right?” She smirked

“It wasn’t something I was really concerned about.”

“Uh huh. Though, she *has* seen a lot of you lately.”

“A lot of *both* of us.” He said, and she laughed, thinking back to Stella walking in on them fucking.

“I mean, you told me to be nice, but I hadn’t realized that meant I couldn’t enjoy my own pool or hot tub.” He grinned, and looked up from his phone and saw Stella, now standing in the doorway. She was wearing her tiny blue bikini, and even in the half-light of his bedroom, it was semi-sheer. Stella was doing her best not to stare, though she failed as his cock started to swell. He muted the video. “*Be more open*, Stella, but be quiet.” Her eyes widened at the command, but she nodded, waiting for him to command her again. “Bad connection, I think.” He said, unmuting the laptop.

“Well, I *am* almost three thousand miles away—it’s already ten at night here.”

“Thus the pajamas?” He asked. She nodded. He could see her nipples were hard under the thin fabric. He reached down and grabbed himself, his erection pressing against his stomach.

“What are you doing?” She smiled.

“You could probably guess.” He lowered the camera, giving his wife a brief view of his hardon. Stella was laser-focused on him, which only made him harder.

“Honestly, Colin,” Alison laughed, “I thought you were going swimming.”

“I *will*, but do you want me waving this thing around in your sister’s face?” He started gently stroking himself, giving his wife another quick look before moving back to his face. “*Why don’t you take off those clothes?*” She shivered for a second, but glanced around.

“Colin, I can’t do this at my mom’s house—as fun as it sounds.” She added. Colin was making himself increasingly aroused, but the limited reaction of his wife to one of the trigger commands was nearly as interesting. He knew she was off Fenris’s network, but she still seemed to react. It had been almost three days at that point. “Just a quick flash, okay?” She raised her pajama tops, showing off her breasts. She was very aroused, if nothing else. He could tell by the tightness of her nipples—it was *never* cold in her mom’s house. “Damn it, I’m getting my pajama shorts wet…” She bit her lip.

“So?” He said. “Like I said, *take off those clothes*.” She visibly shivered, but didn’t move to comply.

“I was just checking in, Colin,” she said, laughing him off, “but I can see you have things well in, um, *hand*…I’ll just go so you can…” She made a jerk gesture. “Finish.”

“Just a little more? Something to help me out? It would take you two seconds to get naked.” He grinned. “You don’t want me chasing skirts while you’re gone.”

“I’ve been *with* you when you’re chasing skirts, remember? I’m not too worried, but hey, if the urge is that great, go for it. I think most of the couples we’ve been with prefer *both* of us to be there—or *me*, at least.” She laughed.

“That’s fine…I do have the younger version of you within easy reach here, after all.” He leered, but Alison laughed.

“No offense, Colin, but if you really want to fuck my sister, more power to you. She is a handful as it is *without* sex mixed in. That assumes she doesn’t take one look at the cock of yours, all ready and rearing to go, and run straight out of the house. But hey, fuck her, it’ll hopefully loosen her up. If it’s one girl who could use some extra orgasms in her life, it’s probably Stella.”

“Careful what you wish for.” Colin said, glancing up at Stella.

“Careful what *you* wish for. All she’s going to do is remind you of me, of how you’re almost ten years older than she is. Stella’s younger, her body a little tighter here or there, but I can still make you come like you did when we were first dating, right?” He nodded. “So, sure, live your little fantasy, fuck her, hell, have her keep the bed warm—you big man, you,” she laughed again, “assuming she doesn’t turn you down.” Which is what Alison was heavily implying she would. “But, you got hard for me, remember?” He nodded again. “And you’re stroking yourself to *me* right now, right?”

“Yes.” And he was.

“So, you might want to remember that, too. Goodnight, Colin.” She said, flashing her tits quickly once more. “And good luck with fucking Stella.” She laughed, ‘fucking Stella’ having more than one meaning to Alison, and hung up. He set the phone down and looked up at Stella.

“I can’t believe she said that.” Stella said.

“What, that you’re a handful?” He asked, getting off the bed, his hardon bobbing in front of him. “That you could use a good fucking?” His erection was pointing right at her.

“That she didn’t care…” She frowned. “If…if you had sex with me.”

“Well, I think Alison just wasn’t aware of your fascination with my cock.”

“I’m not…” But she was staring right at it as he approached.

“*You get aroused when you see me naked.*” He slipped a hand between her legs. The mesh-like fabric left little to the imagination, and lower, the wetness waited. She gave a small gasp, but he withdrew his hand. “Take off your top.” He said. “It’s not as if I can’t see your nipples in that thing.” He traced one of them, a tiny little bump compared to his wife.

“You,” she whispered, “you told me to wear this.”

“We’re not *in* the pool, are we?” She bit her lip, but untied her bikini and let it fall to the floor. Colin took in the curves of Stella’s small breasts, inches away for once, and he teased at her with his hands. She moaned a little, and he moved his hands up to her shoulders, prompting her to get on her knees. Stella didn’t hesitate, and he laughed a moment as she kissed his penis, gently, tentatively, like the first time they’d acted this out. She traced his balls, running her fingers up the length of his cock. “Well?”

“A-aren’t you going to fuck me…like Alison said you could?” She seemed to be looking for an excuse for Colin to take her. She wanted to give in, but also wanted to be absolved for it, not responsible for her own desires.

“I’d still like to go for swim. Not with *this* happening, though.” He pushed forward a bit so the tip of him was near her lips. “I’d like to know if you know what you’re doing before we do *anything* else.”

“I *do*,” she said before taking him in her mouth. Her head bobbed for a few moments before she eased off. “I’ve given a blow job before, Colin…you don’t have to test me…and, I’m really wet…you could…I mean…if you wanted to…it would be *easy* for you to—.”

“Are you asking me to have sex with you, Stella?” She blinked for a moment at the question. “All you have to do is ask me.” He said. “Just ask.” Part of her mind was saying this was her sister’s husband, but she was also really horny, so wet, and that erection was *right* there…literally in her grasp. All she had to do was ask…not even *ask*, just say *yes*. Still, she wasn’t going to ask him…*beg* him…a strong part of her mind held to that, but a blow job? It was only polite to help him out. He wanted to go swimming. He couldn’t do that with an erection, right? She started sucking him off again, trying her best to make him enjoy it, want it, and he seemed to. That was really making her aroused. She nearly felt like she was about to come, even as he started spurting into her mouth. She took it, swallowed as she let out a low moan and almost growl. She kept going until he started to soften, rocking back on her heels. “That…” he sighed, “was a pretty decent blow job.” She smiled up at him. “Not *great*,” her smile diminished, “but you’ll get some more practice. Stand up.” She did. “*Just go without a bathing suit*.” She shivered, but reached to the side of her bottoms and slid them down, letting them fall to her ankles.

“Colin, I—ahh!” She gasped as he stroked between her legs, his hand getting slick from her wetness. It felt so fucking good.

“Wow.” Colin said, taking a step back. “Alison said you had a full bush, but, wow, I don’t see how that stayed hidden in that bikini.

“I *do* shave my bikini line!” Stella protested.

“I don’t *mind*, Stella. Women are allowed to be who they want to be.” He ran a hand over her bush, feeling the soft curls that trailed down her labia. “You and Kristie are nearly the same.”

“I saw that when you made us all get naked.” Stella whispered, breathing heavily as Colin continued to touch her. “I’d say it was a programmer thing, but…ah!” He slipped two fingers inside her. She was hot to the touch, and her inner thighs were slick with arousal. “But a lot of them were waxed or had landing strips and stuff…and…mmhh…oh, god, I’m overthinking this, aren’t I? It’s just…mmhh…” He started teasing her again, tracing her labia, finding the space between, the tips of his fingers sliding inside her, finally tracing up to her clitoris.

“Is that okay?” He asked.

“Yes…” She hissed.

“And you want to keep me happy, keep a smile on my face, share my bed?” She was nodding, saying ‘yes’ over and over, though there was more than one reason. “*You should be more open.*”

“Oh, fuck, oh, god, yes…”

“I think it’s best if you take off your work clothes immediately after you get home, get comfortable, *loosen up*.” She shivered, her thighs nearly locking on his fingers. “Wearing too many clothes at home will make you feel uncomfortable, right?”

“It will…it does…yes…just keep…keep…” She let out a series of yelps, her knees nearly buckling, trembling, as she started to come. She felt herself squirting a bit even as Colin continued to gently work her. He stepped back and she wobbled before her took her by the shoulders, embracing her. To Stella, it felt…amazing…though she was conscious of her bare breasts pressed against his chest, his semi-hard cock pressed into her belly, still wet from her own mouth. “Oh, fuck…that was…that was fantastic.” She pulled back slightly. “Why? Why was it so…good?” She asked.

“Because you wanted it.” He said. “Because you’ve been denying yourself. I told you to *be more free.*” Her breath caught. “Aren’t you enjoying it?” She nodded. “Alison—even me—we’ve learned to embrace living in Wolfsburg. Yes, it’s weird at points, things aren’t always *normal*, right…but there’s lots to enjoy, especially when you give in to it.”

“That…makes sense…I…” Whatever effect had been lingering with her, seemed to fade. Her eyes seemed gather a new focus. “I should put on my bathing suit, right?”

“I’m not going to tell you what to do, Stella.” He said, nearly laughing at the absurdity as he caressed her breast. “Wear what makes you feel comfortable. You don’t mind what I wear—or don’t wear—do you?”

“I mean…I guess not. I did just…you know…blow you…it’s not as if, well,” he could see her mind trying to work through the problem, the memory of how she had been moments ago and how—for lack of better term—*normal* she felt in the present. She was rationalizing how quickly and simply *different* her life was becoming. “It’s not as if there’s anything wrong with being naked. It’s more comfortable.”

“True.” He smiled. Colin walked out of the room, going down to the pool house to grab a towel before getting in and swimming couple laps. A couple of minutes later, Stella appeared at the sliding door from the house wearing just her bikini bottoms and holding two beers. She looked a little shy and unsure, but stepped outside and took a deep breath.

“Is this okay?” She asked. “I just wasn’t sure if I was ready to just…you know, bare it all out here.” Given the fact that the material was semi-sheer and loose enough that a little of her bush was peeking out of the top, she didn’t have far to go, but Colin nodded.

“I never mind a topless girl with beers.” Colin said, laughing.

“One of these beers is for me.” Stella said, walking down the stairs into the pool, her being topless no longer an issue in her mind.

They relaxed in the pool for another hour, and he sent Stella for beers two more times. From there, it was just took a little convincing for her to leave the bikini bottoms hanging to dry in the pool house as he led them—naked—to the master bedroom. He showered with her, making her come twice with just his hands and a few well-timed commands. It was barely nine at night, but she happily climbed into bed with Colin, not once concerning herself with pajamas, or the fact the she was sharing his bed.

The funny thing was, though she was happy—enthusiastic, even—to give him a good night hand job, she rolled right over afterwards and fell asleep.


**End Part 20**
