Scenes From a Great Pretender: Chapter Three [Mind Control/Tentacles/Mind Break)

Chapter Three: In My Defence

[Warning: Contains scenes of Mind Break/Non-con/mindcontrol]

Eliza started the day by bringing her bodyguards together a couple dozen yards away from the camp. “We’ll keep the formation” she told them, stretching away the stiffness that sleeping on the ground brought. “Stick with your assigned bodyguard. Talk with them, befriend them if you can.”

Syllia wrinkled her nose at that. It was understandable. She had drawn the short straw with the dwarf, who did not seem the most befriendable sort. Syllia didn’t protest however.

Eliza continued “Well be going into unknown territory today. Tonight I expect a full report on anything you gather.”

The four saluted her, right armed raised at a right angle in a fist to the side of their heads. Eliza mirrored the motion. As they made their was back to camp, Eliza turned to Tisha. Something was bothering Eliza. “Tisha? You seem…well rested”

The bags that had seemed permanent were missing from under Tishas eyes. Tisha blinked in surprise. “I…yes. Something about being out in the wild made it hard to train,  so I actually went to bed”

Eliza nodded, even though the excuse seemed strange. Where the “pheromones” already affecting her? Making her feel unmotivated? If Tishas obsession with swordplay could be dulled, what hope could they have? Eliza pushed those fears aside. There was nothing to be done. Eliza smiled at Tisha “Its good to rest, just don’t let you swordplay get rusty.” Tisha gave a half smile in return.

Eliza heard Syllia yelling, and sped up to a jog. “-Feathersong would never just “run off” dwarf! Our horses are bread for their intelligence and loyalty!”

Retayn snorted. “Im sure you’re aware then *elf*, that with intelligence comes independence. When a horse of that breed wants to go, it will”

Eliza put a hand on Syllia’s shoulder “What happened”

Syllia took a breath “This dwa- Retayn claims that my horse wandered off in the night. Feathersong, or any of our mounts for that matter, would never so such a thing.”

Eliza thought for a moment, and pulled Syllia aside. “What would they have to gain from chasing Feathersong off?” She said quietly

Syllia shook her head “Im sorry your grace. My anger got the best of me. That contemptible Dwarf said I should have tied her down better.”

Eliza nodded “I know, the dwarf acts like he has thorns in his boots, but we need to keep ourselves in oune” Syllia nodded back curtly, and Eliza turned back to Retayn. Thankfully, Gerard also appeared to be whispering to the dwarf. At the very least, Eliza and Gerard were on the same page.

Retayn returned with an emotionless face. “Im sorry for my insults. As an apology, I offer you a ride on our carriage Syllia.”

Syllia stiffened, and Eliza empathized with her. The last thing Syllia wanted was to spend the day with Retayn, but she couldn’t reject his apology. Syllia gave an empty smile “Thank you, and I am sorry for my anger. I overreacted due to my frustration, and I would be happy to ride with you.”

Crisis averted, they packed up camp and continued on their journey.

—-(section breaks wouldn’t show up damn it)—

Syllia sat in silence alongside Retayn. She had already shamed herself with her outburst, and this was her punishment. She cursed her acute senses. The dwarf smelled of sweat and smoke. His breathing was deep and even, like he was about to fall asleep at any moment.

Was he just as humiliated as her by the mornings events? The idea that he was smirking in victory under that beard was almost too much to bear. Syllia gritted her teeth. Why did she even care? Was her pride so brittle that it would force her to sit and think about the dwarf all day?

Retayn spoke, surprising her. “I feel I should explain why I dispise your people”

Syllia gawked but regained composure quickly. “I had the feeling your were unhappy with us, but had no idea you hated our race” What was his goal? This had to be in direct conflict with his lord’s goals of cooperation.

Retayn chuckled. “You mountain elves, so secluded you’ve forgotten your own history. Those special ores of yours were once the pride of my forebears. Your ancestors chased us out, and robbed my people of our riches”

Syllia didn’t know how to respond. She had known the history, but she couldn’t have imagined that some still living would hold a grudge from thousands of years ago. “Ancient history shouldn’t affect the relationships between nations now”

Retayn was silent for a moment. “Maybe maybe” he finally said “or you elves are too quick to forget when you already have all you want”

Syllia wasn’t sure why, but she felt he had a point. Still, she couldn’t let this dwarf have the satisfaction. “History is a series of give and take between cultures. Ask the elves who currently live under the Cathrain Empire how they feel about their lack of autonomy” she cursed herself as soon as she said it. It was much too confrontational.

Surprisingly, Retayn continued to smile. “I think you’ll find their lack of autonomy is quite voluntary once we arrive in the valley.”

Syllia decided to let the conversation die there. For some reason even the gods couldn’t explain, she didn’t mind the way he smelled anymore. The smoke and sweat smell had depth to it, like it held the results of years of work and dedication. Syllia shook her head. In the span of a few minutes she had gone from disgust to grudging respect. Maybe even attraction.

The thought horrified her, but undeniably, there was a thrill underneath the horror.

——–We call this a slow burn———

Keya rode alongside Sunny. Sunny was a strange girl, creature, thing. But she was adorable. Sunny had an excitement for life that Keya had never seen, and it was infectious.

“This ‘snow’ you had was like the ice cream, but everywhere” Sunny spoke, notably holding back the length of her “e”s.

Keya shifted in her saddle. Something about her trousers had been off all morning. No matter which was she sat, something rubbed against her loins with every trot of the horse. She nodded along with Sunny’s comparison. “I had some from a trade caravan a while back. It’s very sweet”

“Yes yes yes” Sunny nodded excitedly “This snow is not sweet, just cold”

Keya cleared her throat. Blast it all, her loins were beginning to pulse with heat. It was almost…pleasurable. “You…you tried it?

“Once, it made my tongue go no feeling” Sunny smiled. “You look uncomfortable”

Keya shook her head “Dont worry about me, just slept in a wrong position last night” Hopefully she would buy it

Sunny’s eyes lit up “I have the perfect way to help, when we stop for the sleep I’ll help your muscles, im an excellent doctor”

Was it coincidence that the pulsing heat intensified when Sunny said that? Keya had no way of knowing. All she could do was speal through gritted teeth “That would be wonderful, thank you”

———how are you guys doing today?——

“What are your goals” Gerard asked while staring at the sky.

“Goals?” Eliza raised an eyebrow

“By coming out here, into the valley. Let’s be honest, even with your bodyguards it’s fairly dangerous” Gerard smiled that goddamn smile. The confidence and his blunt nature were exhausting.

“Would you be as willing to work with us if we didn’t trust you enough to send an important figure to your capital?” Eliza replied. It was an easy argument, but Gerard seemed unconvinced

“Maybe, but I’m sure sending a high level diplomat or a noble would be enough. The daughter of the high elf though, the future of your people? Something more has to be going on. And don’t you dare try to use marriage prospects as an excuse”

Eliza felt dizzy for a moment “Im the only one my father could trust this job to”

Gerard raised an eyebrow “What job?”

Eliza felt like she was watching herself speak “We’ve lost…several agents that we sent out to the Cathrain valley. Part of my job is to find them, or what happened” she snapped back to herself and covered her shock under a fake cough. Why had she given that away? She cursed herself again and again, screaming at her carelessness.

Gerard nodded. “That is worrying. The road from here to Cathrain is dangerous, there are plenty of ways they could have been lost. I promise that if the empire was involved, im not aware of it”

Eliza calmed herself. If Gerard knew now, then it was her job to use him as a tool to find the lost spies. “How dangerous? Bandits?”

Gerard shook his head “if only those were it. Roaming bands of minotaurs, Orc tribes, and even backs of werewolves. We’ve attempted to be diplomatic…but our reach is only so far”

Eliza stayed silent, contemplating. Was the valley so dangerous that over two dozen spies would fall victim? It was hard to believe, but the idea made her thankful Gerard was there to guide them.

——-Don’t worry sex is coming soon——–

They made camp for the first night in the valley. Keya was sweaty and pulsing with need. A full day of riding, constant rubbing against her crotch, it left her feeling exhausted yet jittery at the same time.

“Are you alright?”

Keya jumped and turned to see Sunny’s swing face. Keya found herself admiring the strange girls features. Sparkling eyes, pink luscious lips, and a curved body that…

Sunny was pulling her aside. Keya was unsure what was happening until they entered the Cathrains storage tent. Except, it wasn’t a storage tent. It had a gigantic bed that looked softer then a cloud. Sunny pushed her down onto it.

“What…what is this?” Keya asked, trying to come out of her daze.

Sunny whispered while sliding onto top of her. “Our prince has a certain affinity for soft beds” Keya looked up at her, somewhere in the back of her mind wondering where the broken English went. This thought disappeared as Sunny continued. “Onto your stomach sweety, I want to help you”

Keya complied. Of course, Sunny just wanted to follow through with the massage she had offered. Keya felt one hand on each shoulder, slowly squeezing the muscles there. Then two more hands, sliding down her back muscles. Then another pair of hands massaging just above her buttocks. Wait, now massaging her buttocks. The other hands were under her clothes, brushing her skin and leave tingling skin everywhere they went.

Keya knew she’d been caught in some sort of trap. But for the moment, she wasn’t able to care. Sunny whispered to her as her hands explored more of Keya’s body. “I was supposed to savor you…but watching you squirm as I teased you all day was too much…I need you”

Keya found her self nodding along, her mouth open in a soft moan as each of her breasts were massaged by two hands. A hand brushed against her pussy, and she shivered as a shock of pleasure rocked her hips.

“Mmm such a nice supple body. You dark elves were always my favorite…”

Keya had a moment of clarity. She was being used as a toy. If she didn’t move now who knew what this creature would do to her. Keya began to move

And suddenly the hands turned wet. Warm. Oily. They slipped across and coated her skin with every movement. Keya tensed as every inch of her skin exploded in sensitivity. She turned her head back, and Sunny’s cute face remained. Sunny smiled at her, down at Keya like she was a pet or some sort of prey.

The slimy hands groped her buttocks, and Keya almost squealed as her ass and pussy were penetrated at the same time. Her tongue hung out, and her mind was empty. Her mind returned for a moment, but then Sunny thrusted in again and her mind was blank once more. Every time Sunny pulled away Keya’s mind returned, just for it to be wiped away by the thrusting of pure euphoria into her holes.

A hand grabbed Keya’s dreadlocks, pulling against them and yanking Keya’s head back. Sunny pulled against them with every thrust into Keya, grunting and moaning just as loudly as her new elvish toy.

Keya tried her best to think, to fight the pleasure. But every time her mind went blank, the pleasure grew stronger. Sunny sped up, and something popped inside Keya. She began to giggle through the moans. Keya smiled and wrapped her legs around Sunny’s waist, pulling her closer. She needed this. Needed to be filled. Oh god this was what she had wanted all day.

Keya felt a hot liquid explode inside of her, and every cell in her body vibrated with pleasure. Keya’s mouth froze in an o as she shook in orgasm, cumming for what felt like an eternity of bliss.

Eventually Keya flopped onto the bed, panting and drooling into the sheets. Sunny wrapped herself around her, whispering “Dont worry, well keep this our little secret. Now let’s see how your mouth feels…”

*End of Chapter Three*
