[M]y late bestfriend wrote my sexual bucket list and I finished it [MF] (PART 3 The Musical)

Welcome back and thanks again for following along! I promise this one gets straight into the good stuff. Previous parts linked at the bottom

So I had just been ridden by a real flesh and blood sex magician, but didn’t finish. Kaley, who had shown me a side of her I never could have imagined, and may as well have had me on a leash at this point. She literally did as she had her hand down my pants while I drove us home.

Not once during the ride home did she remove her hand from my throbbing cock. She rolled it around in her fingers, rubbing her thumb around the tip in slow circles.

“Ya know, I never got to thank you for taking taking Sara to the hospital” said at a stoplight.

I was concentrating hard trying not to make eye contact with the driver to my left, and also on the velvety fingers exploring the inside of my pants.

“Oooooh, so that’s what this is about?”

“Naaah, I’ve wanted to ever since Erica sent us a picture of your dick.”

There was a name I wasn’t ready to hear. Erica was the first girl they had ever worked their magic on for me. We’d hooked up a couple times, and she turned out to be a little clingy and possessive for my taste, but she loooooved butt stuff so It was hard to resist when she came knocking.

The fact that she’d sent a picture of my dick was of little surprise as she was obsessed with it. I felt a little betrayed she hadn’t asked but honestly it kinda turned me on to think there was a group of girls gawking at a picture of me.

“Was it everything you hoped for?” I know, I know… I’m a fucking cornball.

“Mmmm, it’s alright” she clenched her hand a couple times, expression never changing.

Ouch. I mean, I’d dabbled with being degraded before but I got the sense from that one sentence alone she was truly cold as ice. Id come to know her as nothing else but for some reason her comment kind of stung my pride. It only made me harder honestly.

Her hand finally released its grasp as we bounced up my drive way. As soon as I parked she was making a bee line for the back door. I grabbed my phone off the floorboard and followed her into the house.

I walked in the door to the sight of her dress laying in a pile with her purse on the kitchen floor, a marble statue standing in the door of my freezer.

“Can you grab me a bowl?”

My tongue was covered in peanut butter. “Mhm” I muttered fumbling with the kitchen cabinets while Aphrodite herself was standing and waiting on me.

My internal monolog was going a million miles a minute.

“What the fuck am I getting myself into? Why is all of this happening now? I thought I was like a brother! Sara is gonna kill me if she finds out…”

Thoughts of last night crept in. I could still hear the sounds and feel Sara’s hot breath and spit in my lap.

“GURRRK, GURRRK, GURRRK, GWAHHH” echoed in my brain..

“You coming up or what?” Kaley snapped, holding a bowl of ice cubes on my stairs.

My feet shuffled to life on their own, following her up to my room.

“Can you put something on?” She gestured towards my stereo. I had a surround sound system in my bedroom with the subwoofer under the bed. It made for some A1 ambiance during times like this, and me being an audiophile of sorts it was my favorite part of my room. I plugged my phone in and threw on a playlist I had saved just for times like this.

It started with this [song](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=gGyPwkfmk4g&feature=share). It’s about a 15 minuet long prog-metal piece that’s beautifully composed. I’m a sucker for a good soundtrack and loved doing the deed to this song. It builds and falls, changes tempo and mood. It’s just got alot going for it. We’d both listened to it before and had a mutual like for the band so I know she knew the song well.

“Alright, take your clothes off for me and lay down on your back”

“Yes ma’am” My adrenaline was pumping so hard I had a dull roar in my ears pounding along to the guitar and drums.

I laid there on my back staring at the scene in front of me, buzzing to the bass underneath the bed. She’d perched herself up on her perky tits laying face down between my legs, body sprawled out like a piece of art on my sheets

Kaley had my cock propped up with the tips of her fingers near the base. She started nuzzling and kissing it gently to the mood of the music while her feet idly drew circles behind her.

“Mmmmm, I hope you’re ready for this” I couldn’t tell if she was talking to me or my dick at this point. The music started to change again.

Starting at the base she ran her long tongue up and down in slow sensual movements to the speedn of the music, sometimes lingering on the tip and popping it in and out of her cheek before continuing on with her gentle carressing. Each pass made my feet clench and more than a few times my legs started to shake.

“You’re fun” she said letting out a sinister giggle after one such spasm.

“I told you, you’re a literal fucking demon, what are you doing to me?”

She reached over my leg to the bowl of ice cubes I’d forgotten about and popped one in her mouth. She rolled it around for a second before returning to her tongue bath. The feeling of her cold mouth and the vibrations of the music gave me goosebumps instantly.

She kept giggling at my reactions but the combination of the enviroment and the things she was doing to me were other worldly

I’d been around the block before, but never had someone pay attention to me in such a careful, methodical manner. Never mind the fact that she seemed to have the timing of the song down to a T as her performance was perfectly in sync with it.

After the first ice cube was gone she popped another one in, got it wet, then pinned it between her lips and the back of my shaft.

The combination of her soft warm lips, the cold slippery cube, and the grammy nominated choreography was sending me into orbit.

At right about the 9min 30sec minute mark of the song it changes to a steady driving beat. She took me in her mouth with the cube and steadily bobbed her head along to the tempo.

Before long my body was screaming for release. I could feel the orgasm begin to build momentum, her pace staying in perfect time. She seemed lost in her task. Her eyes closed working me up and down.

“Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum Kaley.”

Her bright green eyes popped open. They reminded me of Emmanuelle Seigner’s character in “The Ninth Gate” just then. The image still haunts me

“Ffffuck” I felt the swell of my load start to travel.

“Mhm, Mhm, Mhm” she moaned, still keeping time with me in her mouth. By the 11 minute mark I was racked with uncontrollable spasms. Pulse after pulse, spasm after spasm as she sung her siren song to my body.

I’d never cum like this in my life, and I’d had sex on ecstasy before. Something about the whole experience made me believe in black magic, and that Kaley was definitely a practioner.

I was out of breath, shaking with a thin layer of sweat I hadn’t noticed until then, I laid there limp for a second processing what had just happened as the song continued on.

“Mmmm, did that felt good J?” She crooned.

I was lost for words. I leaned forward to kiss her, tasting a hint of myself on her tongue.

“I think you broke me. Where the fuck did that come from?”

“Was it everything you hoped for?” She said, mockingly imitating my voice.

I had a good heavy laugh as I pulled her up to revel in my new-found religion. I still can’t listen to that song without getting a chub.

Alright Sam, you’ve got to be involved in this. There’s no way she isn’t sent by the gods or somewhere in the great beyond with skills like that.

We laid there in our birthday suits cuddling and listening to music for awhile, I was absolutely spent. Her long legs draped across me with her head on my shoulder, fingers running circle of contentment on my chest. Our breathing synced up as the excitement faded.

Guilt was coming and going as we rested and I sat with my thoughts. I laid there thinking about the consequences of the past 24 hours and how I could have just ruined two awesome friendships all in one fell swoop. Why did I always let my dick do the thinking? How was I going to play it cool around both of them now? Were they in on it together or was this just some terrible and awesome stroke of luck? Should I go buy a lottery ticket? DID SHE FUCKING PRACTICE THAT SHIT?!?!

After a couple songs played I turned the TV on to a random cartoon as we sprawled out over each other. Not much time had passed when her hands started to wonder again. The anxiety faded and my cock twitched back to life. I knew what to do.

We fucked several times that night, taking short breaks to rehydrate, smoke, and catch our breath.

Then rest of the night was hazy with brief moments of clarity. Mostly because I’d cracked a bottle of whiskey open during the first round and we spent the night going round after round passing the bottle back and forth as we indulged in our bodies.

I do remember distinctly during one break we had stepped out on the porch to cool off and take a toke. She was fondling my package till I was hard again then sat herself on top, drawing long slow circles on my lap as I ran my fingers up and down her spine under the borrowed t-shirt she had on while we passed a joint back and forth watching the traffic go by.

She was insatiable, which caught me off gaurd because before that day I’d never expected this side of her.

As I’ve said before she was the queen of stoic, emotion or excitement were rarely seen from her. The most I’d usually gotten to see was a lazy smile or an annoyed eye roll. Where did this sudden flood of seduction and aggresion come from? As the night went on she only got louder and more expressive.

“Fuck me J, give me that good dick. yea. Ooo I need it so fucking bad. Yes, yes, YES, RIGHT THERE!”

Just when I thought she’d had enough, she would start playfully caressing me again. I don’t know how I kept getting hard at that point, she must have been some sort of snake charmer because might dick rose up when ever she called for it.

Eventually we collapsed in the bed sometime after midnight, still tangled up in eachother panting and sweaty. I kicked the window open to feel the breeze and turned the music back on before returning to Kaley’s warm embrace. Her exhausted coo’s of satisfaction lulling me to sleep.

I woke up with a jump because the music had changed to a loud heavy breakdown dont remember putting on that playlist.

Wiping the sleep from my eyes I took stock of my surroundings. Still naked I noticed my bed was empty and the T-shirt Kaley borrowed was folded neatly on the end of my bed.

“What the fuck happened last night?” I though out loud to myself.

I crawled out of my sheets to nurse my Sunday morning hang over with some coffee and check my phone.

“Thanks ;), don’t tell Sara”

I sat staring at the text smiling while I waited for the coffee to brew. Atleast I knew I wasn’t dreaming.

I hopped on my motorcycle a little while later and rode out to the spot where Sam had his accident. I used to go there often to talk to him and grieve. But today I was going to tell him all about the scandalous situation I’d gotten myself into, just like old times.

“Dude Sam, you’ll never believe what’s happening down here man.”
I sat for a couple hours just smoking cigarettes and talking to the trees. Enjoying the nice weather and smells of nature.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/uniuqm/my_late_bestfriend_wrote_my_sexual_bucket_list


  1. Also just realized this kinda maybe falls in line with the contest of the month, but I didn’t want to post a multipart story into the contest. Anyone know if that’s allowed? If so should I change the flair?

  2. Mate, fantastically written, just like the two parts before this. Keen to read the rest.

    Off topic, but condolences for the loss of Sam. Clear to the reader how much that bloke meant to you.

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