[MF] Actual work conversation

M= me D= work colleague

D: Do you mind if I join you I got to get these out before the end of the day?

M: Of course not, it is nice to see you. I have not seen you in awhile.

[We are in the work copy room. I am putting together some packets I need and she has what looks like twenty envelopes she is stuffing and eventually mailing. She is my work crush. About 20 years older, Black, a fitness instructor on the side, dresses well, incredible ass, and a fun personality. She also has dreads, which I find sexy.]

D: I know. I’ve been working at home. To be honest, I prefer it.

M: I agree. The office is usually empty.

D: What have you been up to?

M: Work is picking up and I am planning two trips this summer.

D: That sounds fun. I wish I could go on a trip, but my daughter is looking at colleges this summer, so I am stuck doing that.

M: That could still be fun.

D: She is the last one. It will be fun to have the house empty.

[The copy room has an island, like you see in a kitchen but bigger, she is across from me. I am eye fucking the hell out of her because she is so hot but also because she has on this white blouse, revealing surprisingly full tits, and jeans, which I never seen her wear before, that highlight her amazing, no overstating, amazing ass.]

M: Are you going out for lunch today?

D: No. I am going to skip lunch and try to head out early. You?

M: There is a new Thai restaurant that I have tried the last two Fridays. I love it. I am going to try that again today.

D: I love Thai. We should get a gang together and head over some Friday.
M: Sure.

D: I need to use that machine. Do you mind if I join you on your side?

M: Do you need me to move?

D: Stay exactly where you are. I have what I need.

M: I heard the office might be moving is that true?

D: Lease is up in a year. With half the office working from home, we are looking to downsize and maybe upgrade some amenities. What is your preference?

M: I prefer to stay in this location, but maybe a newer building. Some buildings have fitness centers and roof decks. I think our office should have showers in case people want to bike to work.

D: I am serving on the committee looking at new offices, others have said similar things, so i’ll keep it mind.

[When she switched sides of the island to use the machine that stamped her envelopes, I was sitting on a stool, below the height of island, which means that she could not see that my dick was hard as a rock, bulging through my slacks. She moved quickly, she never wastes motion, and I did not recognize the machine that she needed was a foot away from me. Once I realized it, she was right next to me, so I subtly grabbed my dick and slid it under my belt. Relieved to save the embarrassment of my uncontrollable dick, I was shocked, when in between stuffing her envelopes, she slid her hand under my belt and started massaging my dick]

M: Are there any open places on that committee?

D: Not now, but sometimes things open up. Do you currently serve on any other committees?

M: Technology and one the strategic plans missions, but that is not fully formed yet.

D: I have some thoughts technology. Do you mind if I send you an email?

[She has now released my dick, but has moved directly in front of me and is stuffing her envelopes. My hands are squeezing her waist and rhythmically guiding her ass back onto my dick, pressing up against her jeans, briefly I let go of her waist to squeeze her breasts. There is no lock on the door and even though the office is at half capacity someone could walk in at any moment, might even be likely.]

M: Sure. Email is easiest.

D: Okay. I will do that. I will be in and out of the office all summer. If I don’t see you have fun on your trips this summer.

M: Thank you. Good luck on your daughter’s college search.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/un8aa3/mf_actual_work_conversation


  1. Sounds so hot. Have you mentioned it since or has anything else transpired?

  2. I hope that’s not my wife your talking about :)– Please do update us

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