Step Sister Corruption Part 255 – Day 131 Free Use Pt 1 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


Well that was fun.

We had just got home after I pretty much stuffed myself on prime rib and all the goodies that mom had laid out.

All while Summer went from Happy go lucky to a complete nervous wreck as she tried to salvage her and Kel’s plans for a FreeUse week on a cruise ship before it had even started.

And she wasn’t the only one who was freaking out…..Kel was right there with her of their combined *freak out* as they both realized my mom’s premonition might come to pass.

I mean my mom wasn’t entirely wrong in her statement.

Just look outside as we pretty much had our own winter wonderland with at least a foot and a half of snow on the ground and it hasn’t stopped snowing.

Our only saving grace was that it wasn’t exactly heavy snow falling to where we’d be snowed in.

Nor did we have a blizzard warning.

But the week was still young.

Though I’m pretty sure if we didn’t have cars constantly moving and compacting the snow we’d probably be snowed in. And you know if my girl’s didn’t keep the house at a balmy 80 degrees then the house would be covered in snow.

Not that I’m complaining about the heat in the house as it allows my girl’s to pretty much walk around nude at all times. The only room that is cold is my room.

As I’m pretty sure most guys would not complain about my situation my only bitch is I sweat easily so doing any activity especially sex leaves me completely drenched in sweat. Though on the other side sleeping in my cold freezing room does make the girl’s cuddle into me more.

Though it does tend to make the girl’s *try* to steal the covers from one another as they each try to burrito themselves in the blankets which we did solve that problem long ago as each girl had their own fleece blanket under my blanket so they can burrito themselves in their own individual blanket…..after fun time that is.

Which comes with it’s own problem as coaxing them out of their blanket for sex in the morning, especially Kel, first thing in the morning is damn near impossible. Though lately with the girl’s change and their new *craving* I find myself not really trying to coax them out of their slumber for sex but them coaxing **me** out of *my* slumber for sex.

All I’m saying is with the current weather it was very likely our flight **might** be canceled due to weather.

That didn’t stop Summer from checking our airport to see how many flights had been canceled or delayed due to weather every five minutes.

I watched her growing concern as she kept checking not only current flights but our planned flight to see if it’ll be canceled or delayed. Each time she checked it seemed like she kept getting the same answer…..still going.

With Summer checking the airport as she was glued to her phone, Kel was right there with her checking the forecasted weather report especially that day.

It made me chuckle as for once I wasn’t the one freaking out…..well aside from their sudden upping the game and introducing collars into the mix and wanting to be considered ‘*FreeUse*’.

Though I thought I had *freeuse* of them, I guess the term was more fluid as it pertained to more openness out in public than it was behind closed doors.


I didn’t know!

So I had my girl’s freaking out over presumably nothing as I’m sure the airport would work diligently to make sure flights come in even in shitty weather like ours.

Though I also knew there was a cut off where they deem the weather conditions too hazardous. What that determination was I didn’t know.

I lightly wondered how long it’ll be before Summer and Kel say fuck the plane we’ll drive all the way down to Florida which I think, without charging time, was roughly 30-ish hours….I think.

Now that I *knew* my girl’s were preoccupied with *making sure their trip happens* I had two options on my hand.

One, I could leave them to their devices until they go equally more insane than they already were while I played with my new controller.

Don’t judge me on this option as it seemed like less of a fucking headache at the moment.

And it has been a while since I really sat down and really enjoyed myself to play a video game without doing commentary for my feed or anything like that.

And god knows I had a shit ton of games I *let* be put on the back burner while my dick was constantly drenched in pussy juice.

I wouldn’t be surprised if my dick didn’t taste like Summer or Kel for how much my dick had been pickled in their juices…..that’s if they didn’t constantly wash off my dick with their mouths….or I didn’t shower.

Still not complaining for how much I’ve been swimming in girls most intimate areas.

Or two, I can help distract both girl’s and deep dick them enough to where they forgot about their *plans*.

Trust me…. It was a **hard** *decision*.

But essentially the decision became easy when I saw the nervous look on Summer’s face with her outright fear.

I walked into Kel’s room easily finding both girl’s new collars. I held the collars thinking I need some type of leash for this little taboo that both girls handed to me to essentially control them.

But I rifled through Kel’s plethora of gear lightly thinking when Summer originally showed me Kel’s hidden stash of gear that it was massive but now I clearly could find things she was missing from her collection. Yet I found what I was looking for…. Her leather cuffs. Though I had to really search as finding her collection of gear was a complete jumbled mess.

I sighed at Kel’s disarray and made a mental note to have her rearrange her gear so it’s not a literal rats nest.

With the items in hand, and refraining from sitting down to arrange *her* shit, I walked out of Kel’s room.

The girls had obviously ignored my short disappearance as they were completely glued to their phones as I heard them speak.

Summer, ‘*Anything yet?*’

Kel sighed, ‘*No the weather station is still saying that we’re in for a storm but they can’t confirm if it’ll be light like it is now or heavy.*’

Summer hissed, ‘*Dammit!*’

I didn’t wait for their conversation to conclude as I grabbed my first victim which turned out to be Kel.

I reached in front of her grabbing her wrist and pulling back as Kel protested, “*HEY!!!*”

She, of course, didn’t fight me as she felt me latch the leather cuff around her wrist and a portion of her forearm and pulling on the string to seal the leather. As it dawned as to what was happening she simply cooed, “*Ooohh.*”

I reached forward to grab her other wrist and she helped me by already moving her free arm back so I didn’t have to move much and put her hand and forearm into the cuff and tugging on the string sealing her arm in the cuff completing the circuit as her hands were now tied behind her back.

I opened her violet collar and wrapped it around her neck and moved her hair before sealing the collar snug around her neck.

I turned Kel around to find that she had a mischievous smile on her face.

I smiled back and reached behind her head and glided my fingers across the back of her head letting her hair flow through my finger’s before closing my grip and lightly tugging back causing her to look up at making her moan lightly at the sensation.

I bent down and kissed her on the lips letting our tongues intertwine for a few moments before breaking the kiss, “Let’s put your new gift to use shall we?”

Kel smiled and tried to nod but my grip of her hair kept the movement minimal.

We both smiled at one another before I moved off towards my next victim…..Summer.

Summer had already prepared herself by removing her top and had her hands behind her back waiting for her to get the same treatment as she had watched me tie Kel up simply smiling at me.

I walked up to her and slipped her hands into the leather cuffs and tied the string sealing Summer’s hands and forearms in the leather apparatus before I opened the collar and slipped it around her neck and moving her hair out of the way before closing it snug around her neck.

And I did the same process of running my hand through Summer’s back of her head as her hair ran through my finger’s and simply closing my fist and lightly tugging causing Summer to lightly groan as she looked up at me with a smile before we kissed deeply.

Our kiss lasted moments before I broke it.

I grabbed the metal loop in the front and tugged them up forcing both girl’s to stand up from their sitting positions. I turned them to where they went from facing the living room to the kitchen as I sat against the table with my own smile.

I spoke at my new *FreeUse* sluts, “You know I do like the collars.”

Kel smiled, “You do?”

I nodded, “Yeah though I’ll admit it took me a minute to get used to it.”

Kel smiled while Summer smiled even brighter as there was an actual sparkle in her eyes.

I spoke, “But you do realize that there will be rules with,” I pointed at their necks, “how we handle those.”

Summer groaned, “Well be careful Gabe.”

Kel spoke, “Yeah I’ll talk to mom about keeping me and you up to date on dad’s whereabouts at all times.”

Summer grumbled, “Still can’t believe I forgot I was wearing it in front of your dad.”

I chuckled, “Yeah next time fire back with a smart ass comment.”

Kel looked at Summer, “It’s the quickest way to shut him up.”

Summer nodded, “I’ll remember that for next time. For now I’ll remain embarrassed.”

I smiled, “Though at the moment there’s something missing.”

Both girl’s each spoke in unison, “Oh?”

I smiled as I walked up to Kel. I reached up to her shirt right where her cleavage was and simply pulled apart ripping the shirt completely open.

Kel immediately protested, “*Hey!*”

I repeated the process though Kel tried turning to stop what was happening but she was too slow as I ripped open her bra releasing her breasts to the world.

Once again Kel protested, “Hey!!!”

I stepped back now that both girl’s breasts were free to the world as I smiled, “There now you are both properly dressed.”

Kel spoke, “Your getting me a new bra!”

I waved at her, “Yeah Yeah.”

I walked into the kitchen area and reached into the container where all the cooking utensils set sat as I grabbed the scissors.

I walked back to the table letting the girls see the scissors in my hand as they visibly gulped.

I sat down on the table and point the scissors at them as I spoke, “Let’s talk about your clothing attire for this *trip* shall we.”



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