Skirt Hiking (Lesbian Story)

I love hiking!! There is honestly nothing like the rewarding feeling you get from cresting the top of a long and difficult trek up some dusty mountain road. It makes you feel: exhausted, sweaty, totally winded, but that view of raw fucking nature gives you a sense you are taking part of something majestic.

I lied. I experienced one feeling that tops the simple pleasures of regular hiking and I’m going to share it with you.

It happened over the Mother’s Day Weekend. My mom was out of town so I had nothing seriously planned, I already called her to wish her a happy day like a good daughter should. I was going to just lounge around all Sunday without a care in the world, when my friend called me to see what I was up to. I say friend but what I truly mean is this absolute unit of a girl I have the biggest crush on. We met at a game night a few weeks back and haven’t been able to hang out together since then. She is almost six feet with curves and muscles for days. A bombshell and a beefcake all wrapped into one body. The best part is that she is a total nerd and apparently loves to hike. She called me up to see if I would like to go hiking with her. There was no way I would turn an offer like this down. She gives me 45min to get ready before coming by to pick me up. So, I had only so much time to figure out what to wear to impress her.

My first thought was to do some booty shorts and a sports bra. That didn’t quite feel right. Maybe go with a tight fitting pair of hiking pants and a sheer blouse. No, I didn’t feel like giving everyone on the hike a clear view of my nips. Then inspiration struck. It was a windy day and I had just the outfit.

My crush/friend finally came by and I was waiting outside for her. I had my sun hat coyly held in front of me with my hiking shoes and a fairly modest tank top on. I look cute but not overdone. She commented on how nice my hair looks and I give just the slightest blush. The ride to the trail was fun. We get to talking about the various interests we share and I even got to sing to some of the music on her playlist. We finally arrived and that’s when she noticed my secret weapon. I had my cute little sports skirt on. The whole ride I was hiding behind my sunhat so she didn’t get a chance to notice my full outfit. My skirt blew just a bit in the wind and my crush/friend teased that my outfit choices may not be the best option for a breezy day. I faked looking innocent and softly whined about how I couldn’t go back now to change. She looked a bit upset, so I quickly told her it would be ok if she stays behind me. At first she was confused but I explained that she is tall enough to block anyone from seeing if my skirt gets blown upwards in the wind. She smiled and promised my butt was safe with her. We both laughed and began the assent.

I’m a rather fit person but this hike is almost straight up. It got me winded in the first couple of feet. The starting part is also mostly trees so my skirt was staying tightly glued to my rear. I’m kinda disappointed but forget that I have this habit of making soft moans as I exercise. My friend/crush makes a quick teasing comment about the noises I’m making. I blush and ignore her. She asks if I need a quick breather and I insist that I can make it to at least the first trail peak. It’s clear of trees and has a nice view to rest with. As we almost reach the top of the hill a big gust of wind hits, just my luck. My skirt goes flying and my crush/friend is literally staring right up into my cute little panties. I hear a gasp from her and a giggle as she realizes she’s supposed to keep me covered. She akwardly stumbles trying to raise her arms to protect me and falls face first into the dirt. I help her up and brush the dust off her. We both decided it was a good idea to stop and rest.

My crush/friend suggested we go off the path a bit to a spot that the wind is blocked by some rocks. It’s honestly the best place to sit. We chat for a bit, sitting across from each other occasionally admiring the view. I have my legs tucked close to my chest and was trying to give my crush/friend a look that shows I’m interested in her. I don’t remember how the topic changed but we end up talking about each other’s bodies. I let her know that she is totally hot, and how I admire her muscles. She mentioned how cute I am, and how she likes the little curls in my hair. My legs began rocking back and forth because I’m too happy to sit still. I completely forgot I was wearing a skirt. My crush/friend blushes and I notice her looking between my legs. I get hot all over realizing that I’m giving her a perfect view of my crotch, which is wet from thinking about how gorgeous she is. She blushes and apologized. My heart starts beating fast and in an act of brave stupidity I confess to having chosen the skirt for our hike so she could get a good look at me.

She gives me a sexy grin and teases me a bit. “I didn’t know you were such a dirty little girl”. I squeak at her comment and her eyes widen at my response. I become aware of my nipples pressing against the fabric of my top. I scoot closer to my crush/friend looking away, with my face completely flushed. She leans in and asks “may I?” Her hand was outstretched as if to pull me in for a kiss. I nod and look her in the eyes. They are glazed with a look of complete lust and desire I have never experienced. My crush/friend pulls me in. Her hands are soft but firm. Her lips start to brush against my neck before wandering to the edge of my mouth. My heart feels like it’s about to explode. I feel her other hand grasp the small of my back and I lean into her body. The next few moments are a blur of emotion and sensations. I vaguely remember our lips meeting with a hot wetness and force. My arms are wrapping around her neck and head. Our bodies begin to gyrate in steady motion with one another. Her breathy vocalizations like soft growls. My tender moans slipping out between kisses. It was honestly an amazing feeling.

At some point her hand is running up my leg and I notice I’m groping her ass. I regain a sense of focus. I whisper in my crushes ear “It’s ok, I want it.” She gives me a questioning look to make sure I’m talking about what she is thinking, as she shifts her hand onto my panties. I bite my lip and nod. I can’t help but gasp as she starts to grind her hand against me and rubs my clit through the fabric of my panties. She stares directly into my eyes and I have to close them from the intensity of it all. Her face is burning inside my mind. I cannot get that dumb grin and laser focus eyes out of my head. I picture her face as she begins to squeeze my lower lips together with her hand. She drags a finger across my gash with a caring passion. It’s forceful but with a tender slowness. Her breath tickles my neck just before she begins kissing me. Her lips drift just below my collar bone. I’m moaning and pushing up against her hands. My fingers are pulling her towards me. I’m grasping her ass like my life depends on it. She begins to lower herself, kissing passionately down my chest. I feel my top being lifted and her breath warms my nipples. She takes me into her mouth and I feel her tongue swirling. My moans grow deeper and my hand drops down to her wrist. I lift her palm up and guide her. My crush understands and with a soft “ok” she begins to peal my panties away. I open my eyes to see her gazing down at my exposed vagina. Creamy grool coats the stubble of my pussy. I blush and cover my face as she licks her lips.

My body is hot and I can just barely breathe, as my crush begins to absolutely destroy what composure I have left. My legs seem to clench with every lick. My head feels numb and fuzzy. Her fingers slide inside of me as she begins to suck my clit. I’m gasping and pulling her face deep into my body. I’m afraid her nose will break from how violently I’m thrusting into her. My moans echo back to me from some distant cliff face. I can hardly think, as she keeps relentlessly gobbling me up. My body begins to tremble. I let out a long “ohhhhh fuuckkkk”. My crush grunts and I feel her pace quicken. The intensity is too much. My eyes open briefly and I catch a view of the picturesque scene in front of me. My legs are wrapped around the head of a completely gorgeous woman. I’m pantie-less, with my tank top half off. My body is covered in sweet and flushed red from arousal. An endless expanse of nature stares directly into my soul as I begin to cum. My body spasms and my orgasmic cry ripples through the mountain side. I feel like I’m on top of the world and only getting higher.

It takes me a moment to settle down. My crush is resting her face on my thigh and is almost more exhausted than me. We both smile at each other and whisper sweet nothing for awhile. Neither of us were in any condition to finish the hike that day, but I did get the workout of my life. So, it wasn’t a total waste.



  1. This was amazing, you’re a great writer. Keep up the good work.

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