She [F] gave me a peek, I [M] gave her more

Driving to see a customer today, I passed through a small town where long ago I met a woman, Kris, for a first meeting that turned out way different than either of us expected. Oh, the memories!

We met a a small lunch place in the outskirts of of a one-horse town, truly, there wasn’t even a stop light on the highway. We lived over an hour apart, this small town was the only convenient place anywhere in between, 20 minutes for her, 45 for me.

She was a big city girl who had grown tired of the fast paced Madison Avenue, party-all-night lifestyle, and having socked away a sizable nest egg, had bought a farm and taken a job as an administrative assistant in the local high school to keep her busy as she came up to speed on her new property.

It turned out her past life was harder to shuck than she realized, after a few months, she was going stir crazy, and agreed to meet up with me for a sandwich just to get out of her self-imposed solitude.

We got along nicely, I could tell she had lived a faster paced life than I had, but at the same time, was a little weary, and was enjoying her relaxed lifestyle. Still, she was a little flirty at the table, touching my hand a couple of times, and rubbed my leg with her foot under the table once as well.

After we were done, it was clear we wanted to spend a bit more time together, but it was a little awkward at the pub, so I suggested we cross the highway, I had noticed a bird sanctuary wetlands across the street we could explore.

This was a late fall weekend, but unseasonably warm, she was wearing jeans and a simple t-shirt, I was wearing the same.

She had a nice slender figure, small bust, long legs, my height, dark red hair to her shoulders. She looked great, a model for Eddie Bauer or Patagonia, had it been cold enough to need warmer gear.

Turns out the sanctuary had a boardwalk with wooden railings that wound through the 10 acres or so, with cutouts every few hundred yards, with a pair of benches and a set of descriptive placards identifying what wildlife might be found.

We wandered along the boardwalk for a while, taking this path, then that one. At some point we started holding hands, a little later at a turn we mutually bumped into each other and kissed, then kissed again, a little harder.

At that point the chemistry was clear, and we stopped several times to make out for 30 seconds or a minute.

The conversation became a little sexy, together with a little grab-ass, but we were still out in public, the wetlands didn’t have any tree growth to speak of, just marsh as far as you could see. Despite being the weekend, there wasn’t another soul visible anywhere on the boardwalk, the lateness of the season had probably precluded your typical birdwatcher from venturing out.

We stopped at another cutout, pretty much in the center of the marsh, and began making out again, this time more intense, grabbing ass and pressing against each other. The talk became a little more intimate as well, at one point I asked if she was ‘one of those girls’ who had to match her tops and bottoms.

“You mean my bra and panties? Ummm, usually, I guess, not always.”

Then her wild side emerged, “You want to know if I match today? I don’t really remember.”

She pushed me away a bit, and said, “Let’s see,” and pulled the shoulder of her t-shirt down to reveal her bra strap, a burnt orange color, very much in the mode of the fall.

“I don’t remember what panties I put on,” and with that she looked down, lifted her t-shirt to reveal the waist of her jeans. Unbuttoning the waist button, she then unzipped partway, enough to reveal the hint of the waistband of her panties. Neither of us could see yet, so she unzipped further, nearly all the way down, and pulled the sides apart, revealing silky burnt orange bikinis, with a barely discernable pattern of horizontal stripes the slightly different shades. “I guess I DO match!” she looked up at me and giggled, in a very adult way.

“Answer your question?”

“Yes it does, your matching set looks very nice.” I tried not to stare, while still wanting to see more. “Looks very kissable, in fact.”

That surprised her for a moment. “You want to kiss my panties?” Before I had a chance to answer, she added, “Right here?”

Vaguely aware that we were both in public but still quite alone, I took a chance. “If you were interested, I wouldn’t say no to the opportunity!”

She looked around, I followed her glancing around in unison. “There isn’t anyone in sight, and if I knelt down, nobody could see.”

“But…” she pretended to protest.

“If anyone did start to approach, you’d see them a mile away. Unless there’s such a thing as midget birdwatchers.” She laughed at the unexpectedly non-sequitur.


I took that as a “I think I’m interested” and knelt down in front of her. She looked around hurriedly, just to make sure, then leaned against the railing.

I lifted her t-shirt, and kissed her stomach. Letting her shirt fall on the top of my head, I grabbed both hips, and pulled her to me a bit. “Oh my god!” she whispered, “I didn’t think you were serious!”

But she didn’t resist.

I started kissing down to the waistband of her panties, then back and forth along the hem, making longer and longer passes back and forth, until I reached one hip, then back to the other. I had to gut her jeans down a bit to get to the skin at her hips, revealing that these were skimpier than expected, tiny string bikinis.

And so silky, I could feel the softness with my chin as I kissed her warm belly.

At one hip, I tugged her jeans down just a bit further, so that I could get to the crease between her stomach and her upper thigh. Running my tongue down the hem of her panties that fit into the crease, she started to purr, and then pretended to protest. “I thought you wanted to kiss my panties, not me!”

“I’ll get there,” I murmured, running my nose across the burnt orange triangle now exposed between her bare upper thighs. I heard her gasp unexpectedly. Then my tongue traced back up the other crease, to her other hip.

I sat back for a moment, looking up at her, then down at the silky orange in front of me, then back up at her. “So far, I was right. Very kissable.”

“Well don’t stop!” she commanded, looking around pretending to be casual, for fear that someone had crept up on us unbeknownst.

I started kissing the edge of her waistband, then back down above her thigh, down to the apex of the triangle that disappeared between her legs. Nibbling at the hem, I continued to kiss the edges, making my way closer and closer to the bottom of the triangle, and then back to her hip again, one side, then the other.

Then I began criss crossing, trading my lips, then my tongue, across one stripe, then the next stripe, and again, until I made it all the way down. I could detect her scent, and I started kissing harder, wanting to taste.

With that, she wiggled a bit, spreading her legs apart, within the confines of her jeans, now down at her upper thighs, completely exposing the orange triangle.

I could see the slight bulge of her lips at the very bottom of the triangle, and made sure to stay away from that area, letting her get more and more worked up. She was getting impatient, each time I came near, she thrust her hips toward me, hoping to get me to make contact, but I held her hips firm.

Then I went back to the hem that ran along the crease above her thigh, and worked my tongue underneath just a little bit, and ran it down toward the center. “Oh Christ!” she moaned.

I did the same on the other side, then back again, each time working my tongue closer and closer to her outer lips, underneath the soft material.

Harder, faster I moved my tongue, and she began to thrust against me in unison.

Then I stopped for a second, before she could react, planted my tongue flat against the wet spot that had formed under her mound, her lips very visible and distinct. I pushed hard, as if to try to penetrate her with my tongue through her panties. I could tell her head was bobbing back on her shoulders.

Then I backed away again. Looking up at her, I said, “Yup, I was right, very very kissable,” as if I was finished. She looked at me with dreamy eyes, still not quite conscious of what all had just transpired, and I asked, “Would you like me to kiss more?”

She didn’t even bother to answer, she grabbed my head with her hands and pulled me back to her.

I started running my tongue up and down the crease again, but firmly pushing her panties aside, exposing more and more, until I was lick her outer lips. “Oh my fucking god, don’t stop!” she moaned again.

Using one hand, I pinched the sides of her panties together with my thumb and forefinger, revealing her swollen outer lips. I tugged the material in between them, so that they caught on her clit, and started tugging as I licked up one outer fold, then down the other.

It didn’t take long for her to start trembling, so I started licking up and down both sides at the same time, using the flat of my tongue, tugging against her clit at the same time.

She moved in sync with me, moaning harder and harder, occasionally growling “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!” and then began shaking uncontrollably. I kept up my rhythm, then slowed down to draw out her orgasm.

As she began to come down from the thrill, I leaned back and gave my jaw a rest for a second, looking up at her and smiling. Her dreamy smile met me in return.

“Anyone around?” She looked panicked for a second, did a 360 with her head, and sighed in relief. “Nobody.”

“Are you sure?” I asked again, because I had a plan. “No, nobody. Wait, there might be somebody at the entrance, I can’t tell, it’s really far away.”

“OK, good.” I leaned forward, pulled her panties aside, and slowly ran my tongue up between her folds, to reach her clit. I flicked a few times, barely perceptible, but enough to start her engine again.

“What the fuck?” she asked. I ran my tongue up and down a couple more times, by now it was evident that we weren’t done. “How much time do you think it’ll take for them to get near?”

“You can’t do that again, they’ll see us!”

“Wanna bet?”

With that, I suddenly buried my tongue in her pussy, deep, as far as I could, so that the bridge of my nose butted up against her clit. “Oh my fucking god what are you doing???” But she immediately gave up protesting as I drove into her again and again, grinding against her clit while tongue fucking her. She pushed against me, her hands around my head, while nervously watching the people across the marsh get closer and closer.

“Oh Fuck! Oh Fuck! Fuck me! Fuck me!” she stage whispered to me, and started shaking again. This time she came harder and faster, I worried for a second that she was going to scream loud enough to make the group take notice of us.

I kept grinding into her for a few more seconds, until she was done jerking, and started to come down again.

I gave her a few long, slow licks from the bottom of her hole all the way to her clit, not flicking her clit but just pressing my tongue against it firmly, helping her enjoy the back end of her orgasm.

Once her breathing had settled down a bit, I rearranged her panties to cover her again, and then, while still kneeling, helped her up with her jeans.

“Safe for me to stand up?” I asked? “Yeah, stand up right next to me, they will think we’ve been hugging the whole time.”

I stood up and, before she had a chance to zip up, gave her a tight hug. Then I stepped away, next to her, as the group came close enough to estimate ages and genders. With my hidden hand, I ran my fingers across her thighs, and up over her open zipper, helping pull it up as she did the button at her waist.

“Very kissible!” I whispered in her ear.



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