Sarah, continued. Chapter 3


The sun peeking underneath my blinds was what woke me up, before my alarm, of course. “Sometimes I really do hate the sun” I thought to myself stretching and rolling myself from my nice warm king size canopy bed and planted my feet flat upon the floor. Now, my feet touched the ground just as my mouth withdrew a yawn, and I verbally scolded the sun with a “damn, couldn’t give me just a bit longer”? The wood floors were chilly, but nothing compared to when my feet hit the bathroom tile, I quickly stepped onto the mat and twisted the shower knob to hot. I sat down and relieved my bladder while the shower began to warm itself and as the steam started to trickle out of the top of my shower curtain I finished and pulled the curtain back to let myself join the water. Feeling the warm water trace all over every inch of my body I took a deep breath and enjoyed the steam engulfing me.

I was in the shower and had washed my face, then brushed my teeth and was now scrubbing any dirt that may be found on my body. The lathered sponge scrubbing my arms and neck, down my chest and across my stomach and on to my vagina and legs and finished with whatever pieces needed. I rinsed and sat under the beating showerhead for a few more minutes before pulling myself from its wonders and wrapping myself in a beach towel. I preferred the large beach towel to lounge in after a shower, making my coffee and taking entirely too long to find myself an outfit for the day. I would twist my hair into a cotton towel and rest it up top my head, before heading out the door and finding my way to the kitchen to make that coffee.

I opened my phone while I stood by the sink awaiting the brewing coffee, desperately, and I noticed that Jeremiah had texted me and I quickly opened it. The message read “Hey, movie night?!” and without even thinking twice I typed “Yes, please!!” and suddenly my face was smiling, and I was anxious for the day to speed through to the evening, to Jer. The coffee pot was finishing brewing making those distinctive gasps letting me know it was through its cycle and the sweet caramelly aroma was filling the kitchen with its yummy scent. I took in some deep breaths as I filled my largest cup, adding in some caramel syrup and powdered white chocolate for some sweetness and a big splash of heavy cream topped with a kiss of whipped cream. With that first sip I welcomed that moment of complete relaxation before the day was put into second gear.

I stood by the counter for some moments; coffee gripped tight in my left hand and my phone in my right. I was scrolling google news, catching up on a lot of noise I didn’t actually care about, but felt I still needed to know for some reason. Sipping my coffee still as my phone vibrated and lite up with a notification of a new message from Jeremiah. He gave my chest a warm feeling and he wasn’t even sharing a room with me. I was falling for Jer, hopelessly, but I couldn’t build up the confidence to tell him; especially as attractive as he was, so tall, muscular and well-groomed. He had a smile gifted from God with an adorable dimple on his right cheek. I remember the first time he took my breath away, way back in the days of puberty and awkward growing pains. He has held my eyes for as long as I can remember and yet I will never even dream of telling him.

Jeremiah was and had been my best friend since we both attended grade school. I would fall in love with both the affections he would, at times, spoil me with as much as I would just staring into his eyes. To this day I could not tell you exactly how he took his hold on me, but I was always hopeless in love with Jeremiah Lewis Levell. Even through my marriage and divorce with someone else, that man somehow consistently went through my mind. After high school Jeremiah would wave me goodbye as the last familiar face I would see in my rearview leaving town for college, and he was there for any goodbye after.

Jeremiah and I kept contact for a while and anytime times seemed to be a bit too tough we would be the first to phone one another. I remember there being a point I thought he was considering dating me, even through the distance I would have said “yes”, to my broken heart he was not talking about me. As he formed his outside relationship, I found myself trying to stay busy and little did we both know our relationship would all but cease to exist. Through my marriage and subsequent acquisition of our beautiful children, that would for at least sometime keep me feeling like I owed them a married patronage, fully unaware how happy we would become detaching from such tensions and lack of affections. The day I signed my divorce papers I called Jeremiah and just like every moment I had heard his voice before he sounded like home… home sweet home.

As I walked out of the courthouse I unlocked my phone and scrolled to me #3 favourite in my contacts and pressed send. Just as I came upon my vehicle, I heard that deep, sultry voice pick up the phone and greet me, flipping my stomach into bunches of immediate jumbles of knots. “Hello?” Jeremiah questioned, although seeming like his attention might be off somewhere else. I was so taken aback by the memories his voice had allowed to swarm into my mind and although I was absolutely smiling, I had not yet provoked my throat to make any sort of sounds. After a couple seconds of the silence Jeremiah gifted a bit more attention with the question in his voice.


Realizing my awkwardness suddenly I loudly exclaimed, “Jer! Jeremiah Lewis, as I live and breathe?!” calming myself halfway through half yelling in his ear.

“Sarah?!” He exclaimed returning a yell into my eardrums and continuing in almost disbelief. “As you live and breath? I have to phone your mom some Sundays or be able to attend the random Sunday lunches she demands just to know you still do live and breathe…” the ending of his sentence gaining an air of assertion.

And without much thought I spent, what I at least assumed, was the next ten minutes spiling my most vaguely intimate happenings of the last couple of decades. As I trailed off at the end of my explanation-apology and without continued thought I ended with “but O swear, your almost all I have thought about since I left that sleepy old town Jeremiah. Man did I…” my last words almost a whisper to myself, but not quite quiet enough. As I was realizing the totality of the things, I had just admitted to Jer began with one of his signature, light-hearted response.

“Ah, Sarah… Tough go kid. I’m just glad you finally came to your senses and picked up the phone. Did you lose my number, cause your mom had it…” he paused with a snicker. “So, how do I talk you inti coming home?” as he posed his question, I felt a warmth rise to my chest and spread out throughout my appendages. With the warmth stretching through my body, I couldn’t help but smile while I responded as coyly as I could saying, “Whatever would a nice fella like you want with a girl like me coming to wake that sleepy town back up?”

At that he let out one of his sexy boisterous laughs, which I fully let myself indulge in all his joy and laughter. He responded in true fashion, and it felt like the old days again. We ended up talking for over an hour that night, and my cheeks would hurt until I fell asleep that night. I remember that before I hung up, he made sure he got in one last thing. He took a deep breath and said, “Hey Sarah!? Just one thing, I have never stopped thinking of you either. I miss you Sarbear. Get some sleep kid.” and then we both hung up our extensions.

He had this way of keeping me guessing and those words would not be any different. It sounded reminiscent of love, but then, right there, plain as day he called me “kid” like a kid sister. No wonder I was always confused as a teenager, were we only ever just friends? Ha! What was I even worrying about? We didn’t even know one another anymore and I was lucky enough to be getting my best friend back. Now here we are, he was the first face I saw when the kids and I arrived back in this comatose, little town. He was holding the keys to a house I fell in love with as a kid but never thought I would own, especially at the steal I had purchased it for. Jeremiah was the one receiving headaches from my wild aspirations that we would, together, tediously turn into my beautiful reality.

All of our meetings and occurrences would seem friendly, of course, but there would be times where our arms brushed one another, or I would swear I caught him staring at me. Little did Jeremiah know sometimes, well maybe often times, I caught my own self staring or more so daydreaming. As the days went on, I would more and more often find myself off in a daydreamt fantasy of Jeremiah being much, much more than just my best friend. I would float off into a dreamland watching him hammer nails while we decorate my round room. We decided this would be the perfect room to dawn shiplap, especially with the intent for wood book shelving, but in my true fashion I insisted we would rainbow stain these marvelous wood planks. Jeremiah would put up every single board by hand, at that moment I sat at my already setup desktop and began preparing some food. I was bringing together some goodies from a charcuterie board that offered everything from grains and proteins to fruits and cheeses. I had gathered a variety of pieces for him to pick at to which he thanked me for and went right to picking at and hammering. I watched him, seeing the stretch of his strong muscular bicep as he extended it to hit a nail into a board and my brain drifted us off to a different time, in a world of fairytales.

In my mind we drifted aways…

As Jeremiah worked tediously, I silently took my clothes off in the corner behind my desk. I stepped out in the middle of the room dawning a plate and my birthday suit, to Jeremiah’s surprise. He turned after noticing my movement in his peripherals and looked up with a smile that immediately turned to a jaw-drop upon notice of my outfit.

“Is all this for me?” he questioned, stepping right into my orbit and taking the plate I held out in front of me. As quick as he had gained access to the plate he would set it to the side on a shelf and locked eyes with mine. His eyes were a piercing sea blue-green and the shined like the moon through the night. He would not lose my attention as his hand found its way to my neck to brush my hair back and lightly trace along my collarbone. My body quivered under the soft temptations of his hands, doing their very best to wrap me around those strong, soft fingertips and they would refuse to quit. From my collarbone he traced back up to my jawline and swept him thumb across my bottom lip, as if to ensure his dreams had not deceived him in how soft they would be, but then he resumed his curiosities. There was a firmer pressure as he glided back down passed my collar to the middle of my breastbone, making certain to only touch what could correspond skeletally. Even with my erect nipples practically dancing from shivers, in his face, he made sure he traced atop the mounds that formed my breasts, while keeping his hand sure and steady along its path. Just as I thought I might be recovering from my shivers; I felt the firm pinch of his free hand grasping my nipple between his fingertips with a slight tug; and my lungs let out an unexpected sigh of pleasure and need for rapture.

I took a deep breath in as his fingertips released my nipple and my eyes opened finding his looking deeply into mine, full of lust and hunger. He traced his fingertips around my areolas and then gathered my breasts into his hands, bringing his mouth to now gather and suckle my nipple as I indulged in his warmth. My chest was beginning to heave, and I was taken afloat into whatever space he was planning to bring me. As my body quivered in his hands, he brought his mouth to mine and passionately kissed his lips to mine, he tasted sweet with his soft, full lips. Now his hands had ahold of my face, and he was slowly moving my body backwards toward the wall and as I allowed him to manipulate me, my hands began to explore his body.

His skin was so warm and firm with his muscles seemingly bulging out of his t-shirt to grab my attention and fill my grasp. I was tracing my fingers around his shoulder blades as I pressed back against him, he knelt slightly and grasped my ass firmly in his hands and lifted my body up as I wrapped him in my legs. Having us pinned to the wall was allowing us to freely ravage one another, our hands seeming to constantly roam about. Our tongues twisted and entangled together, his hands again gripped my ass and he pulled us from the wall turning around to set me upon the desk. My hands held his face as we continued to kiss each other pausing momentarily to remove his t-shirt and then we seemed to cling right back together like two magnets meeting through space.

Out in the atmosphere, I suddenly paused and pulled myself apart from him and adored him with only my eyes, to which he gave me a cheeky smile and asked if I liked what I was looking at, to which I responded with gently sinking my teeth into his collarbone and then lightly kissing up his jawline and over to intertwine my lips into his. We kissed a moment longer until I noticed his hands were otherwise occupied, trying to remove himself from the rest of the clothing keeping our two bodies just out of complete reach of one another. My eyes examined him again and tried my hardest to commit as much to memory as I could, his tall, muscular figure filled my views and erupted my hormones into rounds of fireworks. Then Jeremiah would stand me on my feet and turn my body around while simultaneously bending me over the desk and using his forcible, solid hand to smack my bottom.

The slap made a forceful sound against my plump ass cheek, making me let out a soft moan of enjoyment. His hand and warmth lingered on my ass and remained until he laid another in the same place. I could feel the imprint of his hand even as he paused a moment before letting a barrage of smacks land and fill my ass cheeks with that joyous warmth. I took a deep breath and noticed my cheeks were just as warm from smiling as the others were from his marvelous spankings. As my lungs were filled, Jeremiah again pulled his arm back and laid his stern hand upon my ass to a 5 count and at 4 I noticed that I had been leaking from my core with complete disregard for the thick mahogany desktop.

It was as if our brains were connected when I noticed his hand feeling at my moistness, I couldn’t help but throw my head back in ecstasy as he plunged his fingers to my depths. Our bodies hugged together as he swam through me and my chest heaved into his lips that then suckled at my neck sweetly; completely wrapping me up into a dream with him. My body was releasing to his grips and filling his palm with the honey that was dripping from my silky, gushy center. I held him as close as my quivering hands would allow, and he would lower his ear to my mouth to feel my breathy moans that would bring unsuspecting goosebumps across his neck and down his sturdy arms. My mouth sucked in his earlobe and gave a nibble which allowed for his first audible expression of enjoyment, a light moan into my cheek, kissing it with gratefulness. The pressing of his thumb into my clit with the changing pressures of his long fingers gliding in and out of me was bringing me to climax a lot faster than I had been prepared. Jeremiah caught on just as quick and pulled his hand from my depths. He took my chin in one hand and with the other, out of my line of sight, he took his cock. When our lips met, he pushed his strong, girthy manhood into my opening causing me to moan into his mouth as my eyes flew open catching his subtle grin.

He seemed to make us float as he filled my swollen core with his robust manhood. As I leaked my sticky honey around him, we both almost seemed to fall into a cadence of moans; our hands and mouths still swirling about whatever parts we could appreciate of each other. My chest felt as it might rise through the air and take me into flight with as fierce as it labored to gain oxygen. He was becoming more and more audible, and I happily indulged in any and every sound he would make, feeling like his pleasures were strengthening every reaction he would provoke. His tenacity plunged through me with thicker and thicker intent and as I surged around him ready to reach my peaks, I felt him expand even beyond the bulkiest I had felt him yet. Our moans seemed to sync, and I knew we were going to come together at an apex of splendor. His hands created the impression of his fingertips in my thighs as he pressed them firmly, pulling me even closer into him. My eyes began filling as his pressure intensified higher and our mouths joined again as we both breathed loud, orgasmic moans in a climax together. I felt his thick load filling any available space in my depths as my own juices caused us to ooze out of me and emit the most fantastic noises I had ever heard. The gushings of our goodness on top the desktop and splashing about ourselves, made the orgasm seem even more amazing. As he fully released, I felt his body all but collapse into mine and I caress his hair in my hand. Just as Jeremiah took my face again and began to speak, only getting the words “I love…” out before I was snapped back to reality with fully clothed unsuspecting Jeremiah questioning if I was alright.

“Uh…” I stammered and as if he had a small glimpse into my mind he jokingly poked at the question.

“Are you over there daydreaming about me or something? Looks like you’re sweating Sar.” ending with a coy laugh.

Gaining my barring, I finally found my voice but squeaked slightly as I began saying “Of all the folks in this world I could be daydreaming about, and I chose you?” also ending in a friendly laugh.

However, without missing a beat Jeremiah strode in, chest out and exclaimed, “You can deny it all you want, everyone knows you love me.”

Luckily, before it got awkward with my lack of response my old pup must have sensed my stress levels and entered the room to change subjects. Figuero, my faithful St. Bernard, would pass away a few weeks after that night and as if he knew, he came to soak up all the freely given love available. Figuero hopped on the loveseat and motioned for Jeremiah to resume his affections; They would both calmly settle into the loveseat that night and fall asleep together. Thought before that Jeremiah and I ran off into conversation for about thirty minutes as I watched him pet Figuero asleep before following behind shortly after. I grabbed a throw quilt I had crocheted and happened to be my favourite being perfectly weighted, and I tucked Jeremiah and Figuero in. Lastly, I softly slid Jeremiah’s feet from his boot and placed them to the side of the loveseat. I smiled and snickered lightly at myself, acknowledging that he was the only person I allowed to wear shoes in my house. I think I would be quite alright if tonight were reminiscent of that one, I thought gulping the last bit of my coffee and pulled my hair out of the towel. I made my way up the stairs still floating, now to find an outfit and figure out how to stop thinking about him all day.

Chapters 1 & 2:
