[FF] My gf liked to dominate me while I dressed up in a shirt, suit, and tie for her

I’ve always been a bit shy and embarrassed about this and how it came about.

My (ex) gf and I were best friends since like 3rd grade. She always liked girls but I always liked boys. When we finished high school, we got a place together as roommates. She got serious with her gf and, long story short, when they broke up, she took it very hard. I was single, working at a fancy restaurant as a waitress. I had just recently started the job. My roommate told me she really liked my uniform, I had to wear a white collared shirt and a black necktie with dress pants and dorky dress shoes. She used to always fix up my tie and everything before I went to work but I never really thought anything of it.

One night when I came home from work she was in a fit of rage about something, I can’t even remember what it started over. She had been very angry since her breakup but I hadn’t ever seen her like this. She was yelling and screaming at me about everything when I walked in, and, I don’t remember what I said, but it apparently wasn’t the right thing. All I remember is she grabbed me by my tie and dragged me across the apartment and threw me down on the floor, got on top of me, sitting on my chest and inches away from my face, she yelled at me. It was the first time she had ever gotten “physical” with me at all. After she got up off of me and stormed into her room, I laid there for a moment, trying to compose myself and figure out what just happened, and then I realized, I’m soaking wet. It was a massive turn on for me and it was completely unexpected.

The next day I went to work again, we didn’t talk or even see each other until after work, but all night and all day I couldn’t stop thinking about what she did. “What if she got more rough with me?” When I came home from work that night, I had no idea what to expect. I came in the front door and she was pretending to ignore me with a sour look on her face. I could tell she was angry about something. So I got a bit bold (which isn’t really my style usually) and said “what’s your problem now?” She spun around and we had some words here and there but I just wanted to see what she would do. So I pushed her a little. Not enough to hurt her or anything but to send a message. Instantly she grabbed my collar and tie and slammed me up against the wall and started calling me a b*tch and telling me that she would literally kill me. Instead of being alarmed, I was turned on. So I did what anyone would do…… I spit in her face. She slapped me across the face back and forth until my cheeks went hot and numb and then she threw me down on the ground and started kicking me in the stomach. She used her foot and pushed me over on my back and stepped right on my boobs and pulled my tie as hard as she could. She threatened my life a few more times, spat on my face and walked away. I literally had a full on orgasm during this, as twisted as it sounds. She left me laying on the floor, beat up, spit on my face, and a dirty shoe print on the chest of my white shirt. When I got up and went to my room to clean myself up and get ready for bed, I noticed the shoe print on my shirt and it was such a turn on.

The next day, I didn’t work and she told me how sorry she was for hurting me and she didn’t know why she had done it. I told her not to apologize and that I liked it, a lot, and was in love with her. I think it confused her more than anything because she had no idea it turned me on, then she told me it turned her on too to see me in my uniform everyday.

A couple of days later, nothing really happened between us sexually or catfight-wise, we just talked about things and if it would ruin our friendship to date and am I really bisexual because had never really been attracted to a girl before but, I knew I was. She was in her room on the phone with someone (I never knew who it was but I would bet my life it was her ex she’d just broken up with) and I could hear her yelling and getting angry. So I put on a white dress shirt and a pink tie and a little skirt suit and went into her room. I told her to take out all of her frustrations on me and don’t hold back. I had a safe word but I never used it. Her jaw hit the floor when she saw me in my suit. She had a real obsession with the shirt and tie look. She got up, came over to me, and immediately punched me in the stomach. I doubled over and she pushed me down on my knees and she shoved my face in her pussy saying “you want to be a lesbian so bad, then prove it, make me cum!” I started eating her out and every time I messed up or missed the right spot she would pull my head back and slap me. After a while she said “f*ck it, I will do it myself!” She dragged me by my hair, on my knees, put my back against the side of the bed and my head on top of the bed (with my face up). She spat on my face and used it to rub on her pussy while she moaned. She stepped back and gave me the craziest look, I had no idea what she was about to do. Then I realized how strong she really was for the first time. She grabbed my collar and pulled me up off the floor and threw me on the bed. It felt like she literally lifted me off the ground for a second (I’m not very big or heavy, but she’s pretty skinny too). She went to a nightstand beside her bed and opened a cabinet and all this BDSM stuff and toys came out. She started throwing chains and dildos and gags and you name it on the bed next to me.

The next thing I know, she rolls me over on my back and she ties my wrists together behind me. She grabbed me by my neck and dragged me off the bed and into the floor and stepped right on my chest with her full weight. She kept telling me “beg me to stop” but I couldn’t really breathe. Every time I opened my mouth to say “please” it felt like she was crushing all the air out of my lungs to squeak anything out. The fact that I wasn’t begging seemed to make her even more angry, and so she stepped on my throat and started slapping my face with her foot and kicking and stomping my face. When she finally got off of me, she pulled me up on my knees by my tie, and, with my tie in one hand, she started b*tch slapping me across my face with the other. Whenever I started to back up naturally from the pain or the slaps she would pull me back in place with my tie, and say things like “you’re not going anywhere.” She was making me kiss the back of her hand and then backhanding me with it. She said “beg me to stop slapping you and maybe I’ll let you kiss my feet.” It’s amazing how much you’ll beg for anything once you’re being beat up, even if you like it. So I begged her “please let me kiss your feet, please stop slapping my face. Please.” She let me kiss her feet and her whole body. She made me worship her. She kept making me say things like “I dressed up just for you. I wanted to look pretty so you could hurt me. I want to dress up and be your slave.”

She then put on a strap on and started making me suck on it and deep throat it. She pulled my tie and pushed the back of my head on it until I was gagging and wouldn’t let me stop. After a while of this, she put me back up on the bed and tied my hands and feet up to the bedframe. She slapped me around for a bit, sat on me and made me lick her feet, and then stuck a toy in my mouth while she rode my face. After all the slapping me around, I never used my “safe word,” which I think also made her more angry. She started trying to choke me with my tie and she said something like, “if you don’t need a safe word then I don’t need to hear you speak.” She turned around, put her ass in my mouth, pulled my tie to make sure my face was completely buried in it, and made me eat her until she came. From the way she was sitting and pulling me, I couldn’t really breathe. I ended up passing out, but it was the most erotic experience ever.

Seeing how much she enjoyed herself, seeing the way she looked at me in my suit and tie, feeling like I was so used… it was the greatest feeling in the world. She made me obsessed with dressing up and girls in suits and ties, she made me realize what a woman could make me feel like, she made me crave all of it. We broke up a few months ago and ever since I’ve been craving these experiences more. I hope you enjoyed hearing about it at least half as much as I enjoyed doing it! Thank you!!!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ums6a6/ff_my_gf_liked_to_dominate_me_while_i_dressed_up


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