A mother in-law’s unexpected journey Part ten [M4F] the bbq

The anticipation of Sunday had been building all week with Bernie. She couldn’t wait to get dressed up and have a nice relaxing evening and a few drinks at the bbq. She knew a few old neighbours were going to be there. She hadn’t seen Breda McGowan in nearly six months. A lot had happened since then she’d thought. She’d had another birthday, had started to go walking in the evening again, Cahir was edging closer to ill health, so bad that he wouldn’t be getting better, quite the contrary, she knew in all honesty Cahir was never going to get better and of course she was having a raging affair with her son in law. He was riding her and when he wasn’t, she was sucking him off and wearing sexy underwear. So yeah, a lot had happened. She’d had really sexy taboo thoughts running through her head, outdoor risky sex, not that it was going to happen though, fantasies were exactly that, fantasies. Best left to the imagination. So she’d thought that maybe Breda wasn’t having such an eventful time as herself but that’s life. So roll on Sunday till she felt Padraig’s cock, or tasted it, depending on what he wanted, she didn’t mind, she was here to serve him. It was her duty afterall.
Padraig’s phone buzzed on Friday night. Niamh grabbed it and shouted he’d had a message. He rushed in but she’d already opened it, who’s Terry? He snatched the phone fearing Terry had messaged something incriminating, Niamh was taken a back, Jesus Padraig relax,I was only asking, thankfully nothing was wrong with the text. It read can come on Sunday but can’t stop, have to be back in Dublin for nine. Niamh then asked why the panic, you’d nearly think you had something to hide she said. I’m sorry, just struggling with work and everything else that’s going on at the minute. She nodded but had a look of suspicion on her face. She knew her husband and something was up. She’d have to keep an eye. The bbq might help him relax, catch up with some old friends.
Sunday arrived and they all got dressed up and headed for the bbq. They picked Bernie up and when she came out of the house, she wasn’t lying about the outfit. Niamh remarked mammys looking well isn’t she, Padraig of course played it down. She was now wearing a navy cardigan with a white top with red and blue stripes, and yes you guessed it, a pair of trousers, but not any kind, a white pair, smooth polyester, so flimsy, and Jesus was he seeing right, it looked like her underwear was red, holy fuck, what the fuck? Terry sees her he’ll want to jockey her tonight he thought and Bernie had no idea about him yet. In she got and herself and Niamh started to chat and he drove away with a semi hard in his trousers.
When they arrived it had already started. They mingled, had a few drinks and eventually ate. Bernie muttered under her breath she’d have a hot dog and was hoping for more than one sausage tonight. Padraig wanted her and now. Then he just spotted Terry over at the fence, he was scanning the scene, when Padraig waved a hand and headed over to chat. Glad you made it Terry, I can’t stop Padraig. It’s a family thing. The ex isn’t playing ball. Padraig didn’t ask. Well were is this good looking widow sir? He pointed at Bernie who was talking to Mary Carr, Jesus not bad Padraig. Pity I’ve to go back soon. Padraig explained that Bernie didn’t know a thing. He just wanted Terry to see what he thought. Maybe go over and introduce himself. Let on he doesn’t know me. Just invited through work or something. So off he set.
Bernie turned to the man who said hello to her. Hello she replied. Terry struck up conversation as Padraig looked on from a distance. At one stage she looked about to see if she could see Padraig but couldn’t. She started to laugh during the conversation, and in a strange way, a slight jealous feeling came over him. When she dressed like this, it was for him. If Terry liked it, she’d probably do it for him. Now he felt like he’d made a mistake, something he was going to regret.
Terry headed for the car park and Padraig followed. Well what do you think? I’d fucking hump her tonight only I’m going home. You could spit through them trousers Padraig there that light, and I swear she’s wearing red panties, I’d fucking jockey that all night. To an inch of her life. She’d be raw for a week he joked. I got to go. Text me when your ready. I’ll make some excuse for that, and Padraig can you ask her to dress up for the threesome like tonight, insist on it. Tell her she won’t forget it. Tell her I’ll even wear them panties if she wanted him to he joked Padraig laughed, agreed and said he’d text when he got things in place. He went back to the bbq and played the devoted husband the rest of the night. When he bumped into Bernie, she for some reason blushed . This had backfired on him. He didn’t want to share her, but things were moving along and now he’d have to convince Bernie of the benefits and assure her of discretion. The night ended and they headed for home.
His horn now wasn’t as hard. The thought of watching her suck Terry’s cock wasn’t all bad, he just wanted her to himself all of a sudden. Too late, and he’d have to slip it into the conversation tonight, best while he’s bulling her on all fours. So as per usual Niamh headed for the bed and Bernie followed. He’d wait his chance..
Bernie sensed something was wrong, call it a woman’s tuition, but something wasn’t right. The time passed and she could here the down stairs lights go off. After popping his head in to check on Niamh, Padraig headed into Bernie, into jockey the fuck out of her. He’d loved to hammer the arse of her,but knew she didn’t like it,besides he had to get her on side. I’m still dressed, I know how much you like to feel me before we go at it she remarked. She then said are you going to ride me,or do you want me to lie down on my back and you can put it into my mouth, a blowjob Padraig said, his mouth watering, she said yes if that’s what you want to call it, but to me your more riding my mouth she said, all I do is put my mouth around you and you slide it in and out. Padraig said he’d rather fuck her to start and maybe finish off in her mouth, she nodded and then smiled. After some heavy foreplay, which included him inserting two fingers inside her and her breathing heavy, begging him to stick his throbbing cock inside her they went at it, doggy style. He had a wank in the shower before he left for the bbq so he’d last longer, and longer he did. He didn’t feel anything at the minute but was really enjoying her, enjoying feeling her wet plump fleshy insides, fuck it was good. She was groaning and gasping, she felt like she could feel the very veins in that weapon he was carrying. His bulbous end hitting of her spot. Then he thought it was now and never, he decided to talk.
What did you think of the man you were talking to tonight at the bbq? He asked, she just said ok why? I asked him down, down to talk Bernie. He likes you, she groaned and said it didn’t matter who liked her, she was his. Padraig liked this but carried on, he put his two hands on her hips and pushed hard, she moaned oh Jesus Padraig, that’s good, keep it going, he then asked her, Bernie what would you say to him joining us for a one off? And with that question, before she could answer he moved his hands to her shoulders and plunged, plunged deeper than he ever did, she let out a loud groan, ssshh he whispered, she then replied if you fuck me like that and his friend was watching from the corner, in all the pleasurable excitement then she’d think about it, she then said to him go harder Padraig, harder and faster, fill me with your cum, with this he felt the tingling, imagine outside Padraig, me and you and people watching, Padraig was starting to wane now, he knew he’d cum, and cum hard, do you want to finish in my mouth Bernie said, he didn’t have to be asked twice, he stopped and flung her around onto her back, and with that entered her mouth. There he showed no mercy, pressing as hard as he could, three strokes and he released everything he had, his orgasm was as intense as ever. A thrill like no other, better than the previous if that was at all possible, as he ejaculated his batch into her soft wet mouth he could hear her swallow everything he had, she loved it, she was cum hungry and he loved it. He then pulled it out and watched her lick his bell end clean and then giving it a kiss. Jesus he didn’t want to share this, it was way too good. They lay for a moment before he got cleaned up, before he left he turned and said would she think about it, she said yes and gave him a mischievous grin. He smiled and left.
Bernie lay there. She lay there thinking about what he asked. Jesus could you imagine she thought, Padraig railing her and your man in the corner stroking his cock urging the two of them on. It was a nice thought. What would happen if the situation changed and your man with the horn on him wanted a go, Jesus it’s risky. Risky but here fanny went from tingling to throbbing. A need to cum came over her. She started to finger herself and flick her clit. She was getting off on two men thing, she’d often fancied it, never another woman, it was always two men she liked and with that she finger fucked herself into a frenzy, grinding on her hand. Three fingers, four fingers, Jesus she’d probably get her whole hand up there, eventually with the picture in her head of getting spit roasted by Padraig and his friend she let loose, it was like a river. Wave after wave of pure ecstasy washed over her, from her toes to her thighs, rising up into her body and arms, and after a few minutes the feeling ebbed away. The sheets were absolutely drenched in her juice. She’d have to change it in the morning and hope the mattress was ok, she dried off with some toilet roll,put a towel over the wet patch and tried to get some sleep. At least they’d get a lie in with it being a bank holiday, she then flicked the lamp off, rolled over and went to sleep..

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/umrd5c/a_mother_inlaws_unexpected_journey_part_ten_m4f