Step Sister Corruption Part 254 – Day 131 Derail (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


We walked into the main house as Summer pretty much hid behind me trying to cover her face away from my dad’s smile when he saw her.

Yep Summer has officially embarrassed herself in front of my dad to where I need to make sure there wasn’t any rope randomly laying around so Summer doesn’t try to hang herself when dad now smiles at her.

I wrapped my arm around Summer making her stand next to me as I dropped a literal bag of presents I had hiding in my closet while Kel had her own bag of presents and Summer….well Summer carried her presents in her hands like a commoner.

Not saying that she didn’t plan on a bag for presents but it was clear she only bought presents for *us* and not the family.

Normally I would have brought all the presents over and had them under the tree but a few years back Samantha and Jasmine decided to open their presents causing a new tradition to put the presents to be put under the tree at the last moment.

I would have brought my presents over last night but I decided against it and instead banged both Summer and Kel until the stroke of midnight.

So we walked in with enough presents I might as well should have walked in with a big ass red bag for all the goodies we had.

I set my bag down and looked at mom who was in her customary Mrs Claus outfit while dad sat in just red pajama bottoms and the girl’s….well they were bouncing looking at the presents as they decided which gift they were going to open first.

I looked at mom and dad as I sat down pulling Summer into my lap as I spoke, “Let’s get our gift on.”

Kel moved off to a different chair setting down her gift bag.

Samantha and Jasmine got excited upon hearing the magic words…. they get to open their gifts.

Right when Jasmine reached in to go after her desired gift dad spoke, “Uh uh Jasmine you know the rules.”

Jasmine looked at her dad for a moment before nodding and reaching under the tree and looked at the gifts. The first one she grabbed she walked over to Kel and set it in her lap with a smile, “This gift is for you sis.”

Kel smiled.

Samantha reached in and did the same walking over to dad and handing him a gift.

Then Jasmine reached in and set it in front Samantha.

Samantha grabbed one for mom.

Then they grabbed one for me.

And finally Jasmine reached for her desired gift.

With our gift in front of us we all smiled at one another.

The kids immediately tore into their gifts while I reached into my bag and handed Summer her gift from me.

Summer smiled widely as she held her gift and like the girls tore into her gift nearly squealing at her new phone immediately hugging me and kissing me, “Thank you I love it!!!!”

My dad spoke, “More than your other gift?”

Mom looked at dad confused as Summer turned beat red. Mom spoke, “They already opened gifts?”

I looked at mom, “Sort of a gag gift really.”

Dad just smiled not saying anything as he held up his gift which was a tie as he mocked Summer, “What do you know Summer we both got something we can wrap around our necks.”

Summer didn’t say anything but remained beat red.

I *tried* to hide my laughter.

I whispered towards Summer, “Relax if he’s giving you shit means he approves of you.”

Summer whispered back, “God I want to die!”

I looked at my dad who was still smiling at Summer holding up his tie and spoke, “Now all you need dad is another so mom can make good use of the pair.”

Dad laughed at me and now it was mom who was looking at us as it dawned on her what we were talking about as she simply smiled giving Summer a knowing look which only made Summer redder. And the entire time Kel was sitting giggling.

Samantha spoke, “What are they talking about mom?”

Mom quickly cooed at Samantha, “Just your brother and dad being silly.”

Mom looked at me, “Behave.”

She looked at dad, “Quit.”

Both of us looked at each other and smiled.

I looked down at my gift and opened it, with some help from Summer, to uncover a new controller.

Fuck yes!

Finally some gaming equipment. I turned it over to look at the specs finding it was the Elite series from GameCore with interchangeable buttons and joysticks depending on the console.

I looked around the room to see each person opened their gifts. The girl’s got a new toy. Mom got a new hand bag, more than likely from dad. Kel got a new set of workout pants. Dad had the tie. I had the controller. And Summer had her new phone.

The girl’s did their rounds handing out gift’s.

And we started again.

I handed Summer the rest of her gifts and she was ecstatic getting a smart watch and headset. If she wasn’t sitting in my lap I’m pretty sure she would have tackled my ass to show her ‘*appreciation*’. Instead she simply ground herself into my groin while kissing me saying ‘*Thank you *’ over and over.

Kel enjoyed her makeup bag and music box I got her.

Dad seemed to like the new all in one remote that I got him.

Mom didn’t seem too enthused by the electronics I got her but she seemed happy I got her a gift certificate from the spa she frequents.

And my little sister’s seemed happy with the plethora of toys I got them.

As for me, while I appreciate the clothes I was more happy with the controller as I can hook it up to my computer or any of my consoles with one simple change out of the buttons. Really cuts down my controller’s in my room so instead of having five different controller’s I now had one to rule them all.

That was probably my most expensive gift as I knew it costed $399.

I mean yes I could have bought it myself but Summer asked what I wanted a month ago and this was the one item I really couldn’t talk myself into getting.

What??? I’m cheap… least when it comes to myself that is.

As for Summer, Kel, the rents and the chitlings I spent easily close to $5k.

Granted I got a lot of it on sale or waited for deals…. Except Summer that is. She was more last minute than anything else.

With the gifts pretty much unwrapped, the younglings immediately excused themselves so they can play with their new toys. Dad pretty much ran off to program his new remote.

And mom talked us into helping her getting the food out and ready for lunner.

My mom casually spoke, “So what gifts did you all exchange before you came over here?”

I looked at Summer who quickly blushed not saying a thing but not Kel who quickly gushed, “We’re going on a trip!!!”

My mom smiled looking genuinely happy at the news, “That’s good. When?”

Kel smiled, “Day after New Years.”

Mom stopped for a moment at the timing but recovered, “That’s soon.”

Kel nodded as Summer finally recovered and was speaking, “Yeah well we wanted to go earlier but due to timing and school this was the only time we could get in and be back in time for school.”

Mom nodded, “Makes sense. So will you miss anything if you guys go?”

I shrugged, “I don’t think so. *I’ve* already registered for classes for next semester,” I looked at the girl’s, “I don’t know about them?”

Summer nodded, “Yeah I already registered.”

Kel hissed, “Shit I knew I was forgetting something.”

I looked at her, “Well get on it before you forget again.”

Summer smiled, “You can register using the app on your phone Kelly.”

Kel blinked and immediately pulled out her phone and started up the schools app to register for classes.

I smiled at Summer who simply shrugged as we both knew our intent with our shared look. If Kel didn’t have us around the girl would probably forget to tie her own shoelaces……ok before I fucked her stupid.

Still it made me smile.

My mom continued, “Ok so you leave the day after New Years. When will you be back?”

Summer looked at her, “I think the day before school starts.”

My mom looked from Summer to me and I quickly pointed at my two perpetrators, “Don’t look at me ask them. I’m just going for the ride.”

My mom looked at me perplexed and squinted at Summer, “You think?”

Summer nodded, “Yes we should be flying back in the afternoon.”

My mom ticked her tongue, “Uh huh. And where is this *trip* at?”

Summer spoke, “Florida.”

My mom looked at her dead panned, “Meaning you’ll be flying?”

Summer nodded.

My mom ticked her tongue again, “You do realize that due to the weather more than likely you probably won’t be flying. Right?”

Summer blinked before staring at my mother.

When she spoke those words I instantly knew she was speaking the truth.


My mom continued, “If I were you Summer I’d make arrangements just in case unless you want to cancel your trip that is.”

*Double Fuck!*

Summer and Kel looked at each other like they hadn’t considered that Mother Nature would work against them in *their* planning.

It was true that flying in our location due to snow and everything this time of year was plain crazy.

And they wanted to fly in that shit.

Yeah we were dumb.

What did you expect? A bunch of teenagers thinking everything would go smooth.

Yeah right!

As I thought about *our* conundrum I suddenly realized I had better chances of getting struck by lightning if I had a metal rod shoved up my ass than the weather being in our favor and not fucking snowing.

Hell I had better odds at a craps table than I did at having the weather work in *my* favor much less the girl’s in their shortsightedness……if I gambled that is.

Well you get the picture.

All I know is if my luck stayed the same….which if I’m right about whichever deity has a hard on for fucking with my life, whoever they were, this shortsighted curve ball was right up their alley.

One thing was for certain and that is Summer and Kel’s ideal FreeUse vacation that they had planned was pretty much derailed before it could even get started.

