Propagation [M/F/M]

I am Queen Traxa, sixth queen of the Swarm. As the queen of the X’Ymthrxa, it is my duty to prolong the propagation of my species.

We travelled for eons, in deep cryochambers to prevent aging, searching for more life in our vast universe. My species are all females, warrior females, and we need male sperm to generate more. The females can take sperm – any sperm – and the resulting offspring will always be a X’Ymtraxa.

We X’Ymthraxaians are proud. We try not to destroy other species, we need them for their genetic materials after all, but more often than not a war will break. While we would gladly wage war, prolonged war is a detriment to my species.

We had a planet. A beautiful planet. How we propagated was by interstellar travels to other worlds in search of males, and when we do find them, we would capture as much as we can and send them back to our world. But all of them would dry up. They could only generate a limited amount of sperm.

Eventually the worlds in our corner of the galaxies are spent. We used up all of their men, killed their species, and so we began to travel to other galaxies in search of more. Sadly, we couldn’t find any intelligent life soon and more and more of my people died to old age. We had to go on a deep, cold sleep to save what’s left.


“My queen! Our scouts found a world with viable subjects!”

Trighrtra bowed before me. For a X’Ymtraxa, she is fair and beautiful. All of my subjects are. But none could compare to me.

“Show me,” I said while my voice echoed in the chamber.

A silver screen came up from the floor and a hovering projector came. From it, I saw the many people of this world. Fair skin, dark skin, brown skin, hmmm a great variety of males! All virile, all delicious and ripe for the plucking. But I need to know exactly how they can breed. I need to know exactly how they can inseminate their females.

“I need more information.” I demanded, “send the —“

“No need, my Queen. They seem to have an information matrix that we can intercept and it is ripe with their ways of procreating.”

Oh. I was… I wanted to display my authority a little bit more. “I see. Give the spy network my regard. They are instrumental in the success of our species. They will be the first to be bred.”

Trighrata bowed again. “They will be overjoyed by this bountiful blessing you have given them.”

The drone hovered in place while it showed me how they mates. Like all male of a species, they have a protrusion that they use to inject their sperm in a female. However, the female takes it into their body and they derive some sort of pleasure from it. Interesting. My species does not get any sort of pleasure from mating. We see it as a need, never a want.

I do not wish war.

“Trighrata, call for the council.”

“At once, my queen” she bowed again as she retreats from my chamber.


I feel the need to explain the physiology of my species. We are bipedal, with antennae on our forehead that can sense the chemical change in the air. Our eyes are evolved to detect a wide array of colors, can see infrared and in the dark.

Like the people I watched we have a similar buildup on the genetic level. Carbon based life forms, and my machines have deemed their oxygen adequate for my species as well.

We have four arms, tall and lean. Our mammary glands sits on our chest like the females of their species. What we don’t have, however, are the correct receptacle for their protrusion. However, it can be remedied with a simple genetic engineering and body modification: we can give ourselves the same thing their women have.


The council arrived, the head of the security department, the war master, our head genetic scientist, and the head of our spy masters.

Trighrata is the head of security. Yngryerta is the head of the war master, Asdrta is the head of the scientist and Qwezxa spies from the shadow and my most trusted friend.

“We found some males,” I declared to them and Yngryerta wronged her hands hungrily. “But make no mistake, we will try NOT to decimate them like we did the rest!”

“And what if it comes to that? What if they bear their weapons against us?” Yngryerta asked. I shook my head to let my braided hair fly.

“I said we will *try* not to. If it comes to that, then you know what my answer is,” I corrected and the war master crossed her arm, satisfied. “As I said, we need the sperm of their men.”

“Then why call a council for, my queen? What purpose is this meeting for?”

“I will go down — by myself — and gather needed information.”

This caused the room to erupt. “My queen, let me do it, please!” Qwezxa, my dearest friend, begged.

“Enough! As the queen, I have a responsibility to our people! I will not sacrifice a soul for this! This is my decision and my decision is final! We do need information, however. Qwezxa, I will ask if you can retrieve a female from their planet. A DEAD female, I am sure they have places they keep their dead. You are the best at espionage and stealth.”

Qwezxa bowed her head to me and disappeared into the shadows

“Asdrata, I trust you will give me what I need in order to better accommodate their males. Make ready and wait for Qwezxa.”

She, too, bowed her head and went off back to her lab.

“Yngreyerta, make ready for war if it comes to it.”

The war master cracked her knuckles and stomped off toward the war room.

Trighrata could only stand next to me. “My queen. I am sure there are other ways.”

“My friend. I need to prove myself to our people, that I am the daughter of my mother,” I explained to her, “I will do this. I need to do this.”


In truth, I am bored and I need some adventure. Centuries locked up in this flying citadel has made me yearn for our home planet.

I want to see this world with my own eyes and experience something else.

I watched the media that the monitor bits have procured, studied the ways they mate and the rituals. I must say it’s quite profound, and having studied the appropriate female body types, I gave my findings to Asdrata.”

Qwezxa soon came back with a deceased female. Her cloaking and refraction of light can make her nearly invisible. I asked her what she thought of their world and she said that it was very beautiful… but some parts are dangerous and bizarre. She watched as men kill others overt petty things, and expressed the need for someone else to go instead of me. I am firm in what I want to do.

There is absolute trust to the queen, me, so I need to find out the truth for me and disperse that information to the people.

Asdrata dissected the female corpse and studied their body in painful details. This, in turn, gave her the information she needs to modify my body to better complement the males of their world. Then, I will need to get impregnated and bring a child before allowing more of my people to be bred.

“My Queen. Your body will be modified as close to that as theirs. You might experience strange, new experiences because we’ll rework the nerve endings and other things, especially to your brain.”

“I don’t care, do it,” I told her, “but make sure I can defend myself if I need to.”

“As you wish.”

When Asdrata finished with modifying my body, I made sure to look my new body over. She managed to make my body close enough to their female’s specification, but of course it’s not 100%. I’m not much taller than the males in the information I’ve gathered, and my body specifications mirrors that of the females in those information media. I still have four arm, one slightly affixed over the other, and my antenna’s are still present. We cannot remove those on the genetic level. My breast have been made to what the male’s may perceive as attractive, and my body had been modified towards that goal too. I should have no trouble finding a mate soon.


Their world is… green. Or at least the part I am in is green. Being transported down in the guise of a natural phenomenon, a lightning strike, has made it easier to infiltrate their world. I landed amongst the vegetation and fluids all over my feet. I was thinking their defense regarding an otherworldly infiltration would be much more…. Adequate.

The thought of letting Yngreyerta letting loose and simply conquering them and enslaving their entire race has taken seed in my mind. How can such an intelligent species be so careless!?

I spy a small shelter off to the distance amongst, what looks like, rows of plants. A farm perhaps? I made my way to it to find some sort of vehicle. With many instruments affixed to it. Strange. A bit off to the side is another, larger shelter and a portal covered by something. Perhaps a door if some kind? The media I’ve consumed have the people strike it softly and it would open.

Well, I did and it did not open. I strike it again and it did not open. Frustrated, I strike it, louder this time, only to be met with an angry male.

But seeing me, being different and similar at the same time, made his optical orbs widen with surprise and fear. He pointed an instrument at me, a primitive projectile weapon but I know it is still dangerous, and I could only defend myself. I spewed a cloud of green smoke at him that knocked him unconscious, and his body fell to the floor and I carried and dragged him inside.

I place my transponder helmet upon him to decode their message, then I transferred that up into my ship and that knowledge is, therefore, linked into every member of my kingdom.

“Hrrnnggg.” I hear this particular make come back into consciousness. He opened his eyes to me curiously studying him. “What the fuck!!?”

“Do not be afraid,” I felt my mind translate my language into his. Sure, there are words in my language that his language does not have a word for, but that’s neither here nor there. “I am Queen Traxa of the X’Ymtraxa.”

“What the fuck do you want with me!?” He asked and shouted at the same time, “and why are you naked!?”

“Indeed I am. Sadly, there are no female garments waiting for me here,” I laughed to myself, “but I implore you to not be afraid.”

“Afraid!? Of course I’m afraid, a fucking alien is here in my bedroom!!”

“A bedroom? Ah, the mating chamber,” I said in awe as I look around. “It is… different.”

“What the fuck do you want!?”

“Simple. I need to extract your genetic materials in order to breed more of my kind.”

He look dumbfounded. “My what?” He said.

“Your… hmm… do you know of anyone who is more… intelligent?”

He scratched his head a bit. “I… I might. You look friendly enough. I’ll take you to my friend, but you need to be dressed there missy.”


He covered my body in some garment. It belonged to his mother, he said. According to him, his race is called “Human” and that this is the first time an alien has visited the planet. I asked why he’s not afraid, he said that he is but he’s more excited than anything. There may be a monetary gain for him being the first human male to come into contact with my kind.

“You have four hands? That’s pretty cool,” he said, “we only have two.”

“My society has needs for four hand,” I answered, “I find it strange that yours do not.”

“Well, we make do with only two.”

He’s piloting a terrestrial vehicle that is in dire need of repairs. It’s a bumpy ride, and I find myself feeling the need to expel my stomach content.

“Is this what you all look like? Your people, I mean,” he inquired.

“No. In order to appear like this, we procured a human corpse. Then, we studied the corpse and modified our body to look as close to yours as possible.”

“Yeah, it almost look like a girls body. Except the arms, the big antenna and your eyes.”

“Yes. Your world is quite colorful.”

“Is it? Maybe to your eyes.”

He slowed down near a rather large building. We egressed from his vehicle and he went up to the door and knocked on it several times.

“Doc! Open up! Doc!”

“What!? What the hell!?”

A slightly smaller male opened the door and looked up. “Frank!? The hell do you want!?”

“Oh boy, are you gonna shit yourself! An alien. I got me an alien!”

The smaller male narrowed his eyes, then produced a pair of spectacles from that hung from pocket and placed them over his eyes. “Frank, an alien? Don’t pull my chain, man, c’mon!”

“It’s true! Look!”

Frank, I guess is his name, pointed right at me. The smaller male looked at me and then sighed. “That looks like a regular girl!”

“Um… Queen Traxa? Can you wave to him?“

Wave? I tilted myself in confusion. “Like this!” He then brought his hand up and motioned it side to side. “With the third hand please!”

So I did, and the smaller male gasped in shock. He ran up to me, inspecting me. “Holy shit. Holy shit, four fucking arms? Antennas!?”

“Greetings. I am Queen Traxa,” I introduced.

“Um, I’m Dan. It’s a pleasure, Queen Traxa. Tell me, to what do I owe this visit?”

“Oh, my visit is of the greatest importance. I need to extract your genetic materials.”

“My DNA you mean?” I nodded, “by that you mean….?”

“Your sperm.”

“Oh!” He blushed for a bit. Frank ran up to us.

“So, what now buddy?”

“Frank, she wants our sperm! Our cum!”

“That’s it?” He said.

“That’s it, Frank,” I answered. “I do need some more information regarding your species, though.”

Dan hurriedly bid us inside his shelter and Frank and I followed.


“What do you need to know?”

“Well, for instance: how much sperm can your species expel before expiring?”

Dan and Frank looked at one another. “Bro, you take this. I am not smart enough.”

Dan coughed a bit. “As far as I know, we can produce sperm as long as we are alive. However, it is exhaustion that can kill us. If you’re asking what I think you’re asking, then that is your answer.”

“Your species does not have a finite amount of sperm!?”

“We do not.”

“Interesting…. Perfect! Then I will need to do some experimentation as soon as possible!”

Dan and Frank looked at one another. “Um, by experimentation do you mean…?”

“Yes, Frank. I will need to immediately procure some from you and Dan if possible.”

Dan stammered. “Um… sex? With an alien!? Holy shit. Holy shit. I… can we even!?”

Frank looked at him, “apparently they gave themselves pussies, bro.”

“If by pussy you mean a female genitalia, then yes I have modified my body to do so. Observe.”

I lift up the dress that Frank gave me to show them my genitals. Modeled it to the perfection that is the female’s in those media.

“Holy… oh my god, it looks like a girl’s pussy,” Frank laughed a bit, “can I put a finger in?”

“If you wish.” I sat myself on a wide chair and spread my legs for him.

Frank started to rub the outside and then he took his thumb and separated the lips. He spat in his hand, rubbed it all over his digits, and slowly inserted it into my vagina.

“Oh. Oh my. The modifications were… oh my.”

I’ve never felt something like this before. The body modifications must have added new nerve endings inside that part that connects to the pleasure center of my brain. Sensitive to stimulations.

“I’m finger fucking an alien!” Frank howled delightfully. “How’s it feel!?”

“Amazing! More, do more!”

“Bitch’s pussy is so tight, I can only put a finger in! Feels like virgin pussy.”

Frank wriggled his finger inside and pressed up. I admire this male and his willingness, and fearlessness, in trying something sexual with us.

“I’m gonna see what an alien’s pussy taste like,” I hear him say.

“You shouldn’t! We have no idea if we can catch a disease from them!” Dan shouted.

“Dude, how often do you get a chance like this!? Come on, man, don’t you wanna fuck an alien!?”

I couldn’t really comprehend what they’re talking about. My brain is flooded with new sensations that I’ve never felt before. New, breath taking sensations that I find most enjoyable.

Frank bent down low and placed his mouth right at my southern orifice. I’m confused. This is really new. He then started sucking on this weird, pink, growth right at the apex of my vaginal lips. It has a little hood on it.

As soon as his lips went around it and he gently sucked on it, my mind went into overdrive. I couldn’t handle the intense pleasure I was getting! I grit my teeth, trying not to moan out, but a little eked out. He then started dragging his finger on and out from my vagina, rubbing intensely against the roof.

“Dude, look how much she’s enjoying it! I tell you this, I’m gonna fuck this pussy first! She even got a dump truck of an ass on her, whoever modified her really went all out!”

“Breed me! Breed me, do it!” I bellowed as I grab my head, trying to regain my sense of pride and royalty. I’m starting to go crazy from this, and the initial plan is all but gone! My primal need to be inseminated is taking over, and my body is craving for it.

Frank dropped his pants and produced about a fairly lengthy and girth of, what I’m guessing is, their tool for mating. He licked his lips as he looked down on me.

Then, I see the drone buzz in. “My Queen! Please, do not continue! We still need to —“

“I don’t care! I will find out for myself!”

“But —“

“But nothing! Keep watch of the surrounding, make sure nothing disturbs us! Also, modify the other’s body to my specification when I return!”

“… at once, my Queen.”

I looked at Frank, then to Dan. “You will teach me your species’ way of mating.”


“I know you said to fuck you, but there is a lead up to that,” Frank said, “we gotta get worked up first, you know.”

“Interesting. Show me,” I told him. “I’ve seen the… film? But I require more information.”

Frank first put his hand on me and then tried to force me down to my knees. “You would have royalty kneel to you!? I would rather die!”

“I… look, it’s part of the process, alright? Your head has to be level with my waist. Um, you can just sit on the couch if you don’t want to kneel.”

I would have killed this man for what he tried to do to me, but I’m letting it go. I sat on the chair and he stood next to me with his crotch and that long, thick protrusion right there. Dan, finally working out the awkwardness, did the same. His tool isn’t as big or as wide as Franks, but it’s adequate enough.

“Okay, now you take my dick into your mouth.”

“What does this achieve, exactly,” I demanded.

“It’s just part of the process, my Queen. That’s how we humans mate,” Dan explained.

I looked at them both and decided to follow their rules. “Good girl,” Frank said with impudence in his voice.

“Don’t. You. Dare,” I growled at him. “I can easily tear this off you. I can easily disembowel your and eat your innards! I can easily GET your sperm in the most gruesome way. You are overstepping what little authority you have and I will NOT HAVE impudence directed at me. Am I clear!?”

He nodded quickly and sharply with fear in his eyes, and I could see and feel his tool shrink a bit. Curious. I looked at Dan, who cowers as well. “Why does it shrink? Tell me!”

“My-My queen, it’s because fear is… well, it negates our want for sex,” Dan explained, “humans are cowardly, and the need for self preservation far outweighs the desire for sex.”

I took a deep breath. “I apologize for my tone, but you must understand. I am royalty and I will not be disrespected. Frank, I apologize for my tone.”

“I… I’m sorry, too, your honor. It’s just, well, I’ve always been the dominant one before.”

Well, that’s about to change. “Tell me what needs to be done so we can move onto the breeding part of this ritual.”

“Um… well, first you would need to… suck our dicks.”

“Suck your dicks? Explain.”

He looked relieved when I didn’t explode in anger. “Well, your highness, you put a dick into your mouth and gently suck it. This is part of the experience and quite pleasurable to the male.” Dan explained.

“I do not care for the pleasures of men! I only need to extract your semen!” I corrected him.

“Well, your highness, this is part of the ritual. Mutual pleasures is deeply a part of our culture, and if only one party is benefiting from the experience, then it would lead to resentment and then fights.”

“I see. I understand, then. I will try it, but do not try anything untoward a royalty unless I allow it.”

First, I took Franks into my mouth. I gently sucked it, which isn’t really anything. “Um, your highness, try taking his penis all the way into your mouth and then out. Use your mouth to stroke his dick.”

I looked at Dan and nodded slightly. I did as he said, gently sucking on Franks engorged penis and then drawing him in and then pulling my head back. I hear Frank start to moan slightly. Dan bent down next to me, “if you would allow me, it is customary for a male to also fondle a female during intercourse.”

I took Franks dick out, “I’ll allow it,” I told him and Dan bowed his head slightly. He started to grab and squeeze at my breast, rubbing and pinching the nipples, softly rubbing them together within his fingers. I started to feel hot. I started to feel… alive. Is this what it means to be aroused? The need to experience more in life. “Do more,” I demanded and I felt his hand go down to my vagina as he started to rub the little hooded perturbance and It felt wonderful. It felt good! I understand more, now! Dan started to kiss my breast, too, and suck on my nipples gently. He started biting it being a little more aggressive towards me and I allowed it.

“M-My queen!” Frank moaned.

Frank grabbed the back of my head and pressed himself firmly against me. Then, I felt his penis expand slightly and then released his precious sperm right inside my mouth! Such a waste! But he didn’t stop. He kept giving me more and more. I could taste it, delicious and warm and gooey, a little slimy to be honest.

I released him with his sperm right inside of my mouth, filled until my cheeks puffed. Of course, it’s useless now, and I looked at him. I could do nothing else but consume it, such a waste.

“I should rip your spine right out from your back!” I threatened, “I told you I needed your sperm, and you dare waste it!?”

“I-I’m sorry, your highness! It’s been a while for me and I got too fired up.”

“Now what. You’re obviously out of commission. I should really kill you!”

Dan held onto my hand, “my queen, how familiar are you to mating?”

“My species is all female. Other life forms that we have mated with have a finite times they can mate, and they can only mate once every few years depending on the species. Frank, I am deeply disappointed in you.”

Dan held up a hand. “My queen, if it would please you, the human race can mate for as long as he wants.”

“What? Explain! I demand an explanation!”

“What I mean is that we can have intercourse more than once a day, as long as we rest and recharge and consume nutrients. Often times a male is ready soon after ejaculation.”

“I’m actually ready to go again,” Frank chuckled lightly.

This is new, and highly beneficial to my species. If a human male can reproduce as much as he can, with rest and nutrients being the only thing required, then my species is saved!

“Is the requirements done? Are we able to mate now?” I asked.

“Well, my friend here didn’t get his dock wet yet, but we can start,” Frank replied. He sat down and then patted his thighs, “get on, your highness.”

Perturbed, I approached him but I didn’t know what to do. So, he took my hand. This man is incorrigible, it seems, and set in his ways. I constantly try to remind myself not to rip his skull out for anything I deem inappropriate to me. He grabbed my posterior, which he called an ass, pulled me towards him until I’m sitting right before his penis.

“Ok, now lift your hip up slightly,” he said and I did as intruders. He grabbed his tool and pointed it up, “now, go down and put this dick into that tight, little fuck hole.”

Such insolence.

He looked up at me, watching me, while I slide down his inseminating tool. Almighty creator, what is this feeling! This feeling of being filled up by an organism, it’s giving me a feeling of pure pleasure!

We X’Ymthrxaians only feel pleasure in one way and that is through killing. Watching life escape your victim’s eyes felt exhilarating. But we’ve abandoned our warlike nature because, well, we do not really have the means to produce more soldiers if we’re killing the males. So for many centuries, we didn’t experience pleasure.

“How’s it feel?” He asks.

My antennas twitched and curled. I didn’t feel right. I didn’t feel like myself. I felt, well, different.

“Shoooo goooddd,” crawled the disgusting tone from my mouth. So unbecoming of a Queen!

“Yeah? Alright, now we’re cooking with oil! Queen, you should also suck my friends dick alright?”


I look to my left to find Dan and grabbed at him with my two left arm. I softly grabbed his cock, stroking it while sucking on the head of his penis. He moaned softly, shuddering and shaking.

“I-Oh my… I’ve never… oh my!”

Within a minute he released his delicious sperm in my mouth. I would have been mad, again, had I not learned of their species’ virility. His penis stayed hard and I continued to suck on it while keeping the taste of his spent semen in my mouth.

“You said you modified your body to closely fit ours, correct?” Frank asked.

“I… It is… why?”

“Oh, nothing.”

Feeling Dan approach for behind activated my instincts as I reached for him with my arms, but Frank held me down by my waist and then quickly pressed his dick inside of me, which made my mind melt. His thick penis is pressing on some nerve endings inside my vagina, causing my brain to produce serotonin and dopamine. Damn you, Asdrata! You modified this body too well!

“Relax, Queen. It’s okay, alright.”

His words soothe me, this human male. He rubbed my back as I settled down and he kept pumping his hips up onto mine, making his penis’ head grind against these spots where the nerve endings are closely clustered together and closer to the surface. Each time he does he would send shockwaves of pure pleasure coursing through my body.

I started to moan. I started to cry out. I hadn’t made these unbecoming noises ever since I emerged from my mother’s womb!

Then, he lead my head down to his until our lips touched one another. Slowly, he stuck a tongue into my mouth and both of our fleshy tendrils played with one another. Intimate, it felt, then our lips would come together and make small sucking noises.

I felt his hands spread my ass apart, then Dan pressed down against the other opening behind. A second later he is pushing his dick in there, a hole not fit for breeding but one for waste disposal.

“No! Not there!” I said, but as he buried himself deep I felt another wave of pleasure. This body, Asdrata really made it so close to a human’s!

I could feel them both grinding in me. Making sweet noises as each penis enter and exit my holes in unison. More and more whimpers and moans escaped my mouth as I tried to contain them. I could easily tear them apart. Rend then asunder. However, my arms didn’t feel like they have any strength in them.

“You like being kissed?” Dan asked.

“Wh-What is that?” I asked.

“You and Frank did it a minute ago. Oh your asshole is really tight, and it feels so good in there.”

“Brother, her pussy is fucking grade-a twat! She’s been orgasming non stop!”

“Is-is that what you humans call this? Orgasm? I feel like my mind is jumbled up.”

“Does it feel good?” Frank asked.

“It feels wonderful. I’m afraid I’m going to be addicted to sex. Sex is the word, right.”

“Sex. Fucking. Doing the dirty,” Frank went on.

I turned my face to Dan and he kissed me. It definitely adds to this sex,and it’s making me more aroused than before.

“Damn, bro she’s… holy shit her pussy is just squirming like mad! I don’t think I’m going to…!”

“Her asshole is something else too!”

“Breed me! I want it, I want your sperm! Give it to me, your Queen demands it!!!”

Frank held me down as he loudly groaned and filled up my vaginal cavity with his sperm. Dan slammed his hips against mind and shot his own deep inside my anal cavity. Feeling their warm, genetic material caused my brain to produce more and more serotonin and dopamine as the nerve clusters that lined my anus and vagina was greatly stimulated.

I felt a coursing electrical current running mad through my body. I felt my toes curl, and so did my antennas. It felt like a warm liquid washed over me, and I relished the feeling.

“Oh my! Oh creator! What is… what is this feeling of elation!? More! I desire more!”

I felt my body shake. My arms folded closer to my body.

I slumped down against Frank, taking in more oxygen. Dan retrieved himself and laid down next to Frank, breathing hard himself.

“How-How was that?” Dan asked.

“I… I have decided not to decimate your species,” I said.

“Oh, thanks,” Frank laughed.

“Your species can expel semen multiple times, correct?” I clarified.

“Orgasms? Yes. Girls can orgasm too,” Dan explained.

“I need more. Make me orgasm some more.”


Dan laid me against Frank, on my back, who slowly inserted his penis into my anus. The penetration and the feeling of my flesh stretching to accommodate him felt painful at first, but it gradually turned into pleasure. Dan shoved his dick into my mouth at first, then into my pussy.

“That’s it. Give it to me. I want it! Give me some more! I want another orgasm!”

“Jeez, bro, she’s turned into a proper slut!” Frank exclaimed. If Yngryerta was here, she would have twisted his skull off and fashioned it into a mug. I’ve seen her do it.

Dan kept on pumping his hips against mine while Frank did the same with my ass. Soon, they each emptied themselves into me and I’m met again with a mind numbing exhilarating rush.

They then made me get on my hand and knees. Frank went behind me and stuck his penis back inside of me while Dan did the same with my mouth. Frank held onto my second set or arm, holding it back while he thrust wildly into me.

“Damn, I wonder how her alien pussy really feels like,” Frank said. I took Dan out from my mouth, stroking him.

“My real orifice for insemination? We fashion our body to accept whatever species we are currently going after for sperm. We X’Ymthrxaians do not really have a “pussy”.

“Oh, that’s a shame,” I hear Dan say. I’ve had several “pussies” and birthed many offspring. However, a human’s vagina has, by far, felt the most enjoyable!

The worst one is the Tringreveltirs. When they reach the height of, I guess, their sexual arousal they go into a bloodlust frenzy and usually kill their partner. Just one of my kind decimated their entire race, and we had to end her own life because she would have wiped ours too.

We went for several rounds. Several successful sperm injected directly into my womb. I could already feel life starting to take hold inside of me.

They’re tired. Physically spent. I would love to have sex again, more and more, but we cannot go back to our old ways of using up and destroying a species for the propagation of ours. We must show restraint, for once.

But, at the same time, I can’t simply let these two off.

Standing over then, with semen leaking from my spent pussy, I held them against me with my four arms. “I am taking you two with me,” I said.

“What? But!”

“No! You will belong to me, and only me! Trighrtha, send for me!”

The droid bots that’s been securing the perimeter came to me, scanning Frank and Dan. “At once, my Queen. Humans, you will be transported. You will feel…. Uneasy.”

With a crack of lightning, we’re gone.


With the help of Dan we were able to successfully plan a way to gather more males and not let it affect the human species. He explained that there are several males that go unloved by their female counterpart, and that these are the males that we should take. So, with the help of Qwezxa we were able to locate and extract these males who are more than happy to join us. I’m quite surprised that many are willing to impregnate aliens. Physical attraction isn’t a factor for us, for we do not really see them as attractive in the physical sense: All we want is sex and to be bred.

I mean, we do other things beside that. But for the most part, sex is on our mind. We didn’t reach interstellar travel, cryogenic sleep, and advanced weaponry with only sex in our mind.

My people, after being modified to be able to procreate with human males, have found new joys in the pleasures they derive from having sex. It’s a wonder how simply reworking the brain synapses and relocating nerves can do wonders.

Frank, who is a man of agriculture, urged us to make sure that the humans are being fed well. We managed to secure plants and animals for us to clone and regrow so we’re able to have an ample supply of food for the humans. We X’Ymthraxaians don’t really need sustenance other than male sperms.

Us X’Ymthrxaians are usually proud and powerful! But when we’re having sex we find it more pleasurable to sexually submit to the humans. These unwanted men, as Dan calls them, are a beast in bed and are fierce when mating.

But, let it be known that we can rip their spinal cord out from their body. We can always just retrieve their scrotum, and the means for generating sperm, out from their body. We just find sex more fun!


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