[Part 2] In a Flash (female pov, nc, MMF, imprisonment, bondage, creampie)

[Part 1]([https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/udkgev/in_a_flash_female_pov_nc_age_difference/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/udkgev/in_a_flash_female_pov_nc_age_difference/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf))

Trigger Warning!

While still being fantasy my NC stories often contain non-consensual scenes that can feel raw, or have realistic elements to them. I don’t want to upset anyone, or make them feel uncomfortable, so please use your discretion when choosing whether or not to read. 

Thanks and enjoy! 😊


Another hour passed, at least, and I was still chained to the bed. There had been some muffled noise coming from upstairs for a bit now, but nothing came near my room, at least not that I had noticed. So I was surprised when the door opened suddenly.

In stepped a shorter woman, she was dressed only in a red sheer silk robe which left nothing but perhaps some small details to the imagination. A tall man in khaki shorts and a plain t-shirt. He stood by the entrance as the woman approached me.

“Hi, just here to get you ready,” she told me in a comforting voice. “Let me get you untied and we’ll let you use the restroom. They haven’t given you a chance to go yet huh?”

I shook my head.

The woman undid my bindings one by one and helped me remove my gag. “Thank you!” I blurted out in relief as I sat up. My jaw was aching from having the gag in so long.“Oh, of course. How are you feeling?” She asked.

“I feel horrible,” I admitted sheepishly, “where am I?”

“In the master’s house,” she said in a cryptic manner, then changed the subject quickly. “Come on, there’s a washroom this way.” She led me out of the room under the supervision of the tall man. We went down the hallway outside the door and took a right. The tall man waited outside the room as we entered. It was a small but nice restroom with a shower, closet, and toilet. The woman pointed me towards the toilet as she started up the shower.

With the water running the woman came back towards me and kneeled down next to me. She motioned for me to lean in closer, which I did.“Hey, speak quietly or he’ll hear us ok?” She said just above a whisper.

I nodded and said “ok.”

“We have to watch what we say when they can hear us, so be careful. I’m Ellie, and I’m guessing you aren’t here willingly?”

“I’m Samantha,” Then I shook my head from side to side, “No, I was grabbed by these guys in a white van!”

“Shhh!” Ellie reminded me, “I’m so sorry, I figured that might be the case, we all have stories like that here.”

“There’s others?” I asked, keeping my voice low.“

“There’s about a dozen of us here, most like you, not here willingly. I’ll introduce you to the others when I can.” She promised. “But first things first, there’s a black sheer robe like mine in the closet there. Get cleaned up and put it on. Just leave your other clothes on the floor. I have to go wait outside now. They’ll get suspicious if I’m in here too long.”

“Okay,” I nodded, then asked  “What’s going to happen next?” 

“I don’t know,” Ellie sighed, “Master has this thing with submission though, until he has ‘broken’ you it’s going to be rough. If you can, just play along. It’ll make things easier. I understand if you don’t want to though. I didn’t at first either.”

With that she gave me a quick hug and headed out the door. I finished up on the toilet and washed out my nether regions quickly in the shower before opening the closet. After leafing through various revealing and embarrassing garments I eventually found that black sheer robe Ellie had mentioned and slipped it on.

It was see-through enough to make me feel exposed and uncomfortable wearing it, but honestly it’s not like anything else in there was any better. After a deep breath to gather my wits I headed out the restroom doorway, where Ellie and the tall man were standing quietly waiting for me.

“This way,” Ellie motioned, and I began following her again.

We went back down the hallway and entered a windowless wooden stairwell. Three stories climbing up and I was feeling apprehensive. No doubt better than I would have been if Ellie hadn’t talked to me briefly, at least I knew someone’s name here, wherever ‘here’ was. Still, not knowing what fate awaited me filled me with dread. It felt like it could be anything, and I had every reason to assume the worst.

We came out the stairwell and into yet another hallway. This one was nicer. It was carpeted, well-lit and there were paintings on the walls. It was like I was in someone’s house now. We quickly passed through another door though into a large empty windowless room. There were bright fluorescent lights in the ceiling and a laminate floor. Other than a couple of locked wall cabinets near a larger door on the other end of the room there wasn’t much to see however. It was devoid of any furniture, just a simple blank slate.

“Wait here,” Ellie instructed me, then she and the tall man left and locked the door behind them.

So I was left alone again. Not sure what to do I walked along the walls. I tried to open the far door and cabinets, mostly out of boredom, but everything was shut tightly. I paced restlessly looking at the walls and floor wondering what was happening, and what was going to happen. After a time I heard a clicking sound from one of the walls. I turned to look, and there was what looked like a small camera? It was way up one of the walls, behind a panel that had opened perhaps? I didn’t remember seeing it before. Being nude other than this silly sheer robe, but curious nonetheless, I covered myself and went to get a closer look. It was a camera, like a big security camera you’d see at a gas station or something.

“Hello there!” I heard a voice say as I got close to it.

“H… Hello?” I replied.

“Wonderful, she can hear us!” The voice seemed to be announcing. “Don’t worry, we can hear and see you too.” 

I wrapped my arms more tightly across my chest, not being dressed in a way I really wanted others to see. “Who are you?”

“You don’t recognize my voice? We met earlier…” 

“You’re the old man who raped me!” I gasped.

“Well now, that’s a horrible accusation.” The voice replied to faint laughter in the background, “mostly correct, sure, but I will take exception to being called old!”

“What do you want from me?” I shouted at the camera.

“I want you to take off your robe.” The voice replied.

“No,” I told the camera firmly. “You need to let me go! You can’t just kidnap and rape people!”

“Oh the accusations,” the voice bemoaned, “I have to say you’re really being quite unfair to me.”

“Unfair to you!?” I screamed back, my voice mixing fear and anger into quite the fiery cocktail.

“Indeed,” the voice replied, “I intend to give you a better life and this is how you treat me?”

“How is this better?” I screamed again.

“Well, okay, that is an excellent point.” The voice admitted with a chuckle, “However I can only make your life better if you listen to me and trust me completely. Otherwise this won’t work. Now can I count on you to do that?”

I just seethed at the camera, staring angrily into it. “Fuck no! Now let me go you asshole!” I yelled, a bit surprised by my own bravery. “Why would I ever trust you?”

“Oh my, such spirit!” The voice replied, mocking me. “Very well then, we’ll have it your way, since you are so insistent.”

There was a brief pause. “If you won’t help me, I can’t help you I’m afraid.” The voice warned me “Until you’re ready to trust me fully I’ll have to find other duties for you. So I’ll need you to entertain some of my guests for the evening, okay?”

“Fuck you!” I shouted.

“Well someone will certainly, but not you, at least not tonight.” came the response. “There are others you can fuck though. Please feel free to do all the fucking you like! We’ll just watch from here.”

“What?!” I replied in a worried shock, “what do you mean by that?”

There was only silence. “Hello?” I asked again. “Are you still there?”

Just more unnerving silence. My earlier flash of bravery was being replaced by fear and self-doubt, as I remembered what Ellie had told me about playing along with his games. There was a click from the door at the far end and two men stepped through.

Two large men. 

I recognized one immediately from the van, it was the large white man. The other was nearly as tall, but fatter and had darker skin. They had nothing but what looked like Speedos on. Their skin and hair was wet, and it looked like they came fresh from a pool.

“Hey girly, remember me?” The white man asked, then he turned to his companion. “See I told you she was a little hottie!”

“Damn, you were right Erik.” The other man said, his eyes firmly on my chest as he advanced towards me. “Can’t believe our luck.”

“Wait!” I called out nervously as I began to back away from him. “Wait! Stay away!”

“Hey Kyle careful, she’s pretty weak, but still quite a fighter.” Erik called out as he closed the door behind him. “She gave me a good bruise earlier!” He jogged a couple of steps and caught up with Kyle. The two of them kept advancing toward me as I backed myself into the far wall. My heart was pounding in my chest, what was I going to do?!

They didn’t give me a chance to think. Kyle reached out quickly and grabbed me by the hair, and gave it a twist.

“Ahh!” I gasped and I reached up to pull his arm away. He held tightly though a twisted more when I resisted.

“Hold her good,” Erik said as he grabbed my arms. I strained against him, resisting with all my strength as he pulled my hands down. That accomplished he quickly unwrapped and pulled that black robe right off me. I was naked again now.

“Over by the camera so everyone can watch,” Erik pointed as he began to pull me across the room by the arm. Kyle pulled my head that direction by my hair, and wincing in pain I followed quickly after. As we got close to the other side Kyle yanked my hair down hard. I half-fell to my knees in response then he dragged me forward on all fours. 

Erik laughed, “hold her a second, I got an idea.” He hurried over to one of the cabinets on the wall. I heard him fumbling a bit.

“Let me go!” I called out to Kyle, but he said nothing to me, just held tightly to my hair. I couldn’t really move or see what was happening. I could only hear movement and rustling behind me. Then I felt something wrap my neck. I gasped and shrieked a little as something was clipped into place.

Kyle laughed and let go of my hair. As soon as he did though I was yanked backward by my neck. Whatever was around my neck felt tight, and poked me uncomfortably. I turned to look at Erik who was grinning widely at me, “You’re such a cute bitch on a leash. You know that!?”

My mouth fell open but I didn’t make a sound, and my face turned a bright shade of red as the two men mocked me. Erik grinned and laughed as he began to pull me around the room. Without a second to stand up I gasped again and stumbled after him quickly on my hands and knees. Any slight hesitation yielded a sharp poking pain in my neck from the collar, that I tried my best to avoid. I eventually fell though, collapsing to the floor with a crash.

“Aww little bitch can’t be tired already,” Erik taunted and gave a quick tug on the leash. While I cried out briefly in pain.

“Man go easy on her,” Kyle broke in, getting Erik to stop, “she won’t be any fun if she blacks out.”With that Kyle grabbed me around my waist and lifted me back onto my hand and knees. I just kneeled there panting for breath as he shuffled around behind me.

Then I heard a shuffling of clothing. A brief glance behind me revealed that he’d pulled down his speedo, exposing an already firming dick.

“Please don’t!” I begged him. 

I turned to push him away but there was a sharp pain in my neck as Erik gave the leash a tug, “don’t make me hurt you!” He warned ominously.

I just stared up at Erik with a mix of frustration and disbelief. He stared back with a devilish grin, “Don’t look away or I’ll tug it again.” He added, “I want you looking right into my eyes.”

I did just that, staring back at him in disgust as he smiled down at me. I could feel Kyle fumbling around with my hips. He pried my folds open with his fingers and began poking with his dick. Pressing it against all manner of places.

I must have made an uncomfortable face because Erik giggled at me, “You’re not enjoying this?”

I objected quickly, “Shut up, y….. ahhhh!”

I winced as Kyle found his mark, and gasped through a rush of sensations as he plunged himself inside me. By the time I could open my eyes and look at Erik he was bawling with laughter.

“God I love seeing a bitches face when she gets filled, best sight ever!” He remarked to Kyle.

“Well let me know what face she’s making as I lay the hammer down!” Kyle hooted as he hooked his hands around my hip bones and jammed himself roughly inside!

“Ahhnnnn!” I gasped.

“Hmmm, she seems uncomfortable.” Erik remarked while studying my face, “I don’t think she enjoyed that.”

“Well good thing this isn’t about her pleasure then huh?” Kyle quipped in response. With that he thrusted again and again. He quickly found his rhythm.

“God…  damn… ahhh!” I gasped with each thrust, as Kyle worked himself deeper inside me.

“Hah, don’t worry she still hates you!” Erik joked again as he kept reading my obvious facial expressions. I tried to keep looking up at him but it was harder now as I was being jerked about with every one of Kyle’s thrusts. They were hard and uncomfortable, almost never feeling the same twice as it felt like he changed tempo and angle constantly pulling my hips around awkwardly and jamming roughly as he went.

“Just wait until I pound her even harder!” Kyle joked as he gripped my hips tighter and picked up his pace. He slammed into me again and again as I flopped like a ragdoll on the end of his rigid staff.

“You’re terrible at keeping eye contact, did you know that?” Erik teased me. Fearing he’d yank the leash again I tried to look up at him, but found it near impossible to see anything more than glimpses between my flying strands of hair as this disorientating assault continued.

Then a yank came on the leash, not painful, but slower and more firm. Erik sat down in front of me and pulled the leash tight towards him. He was smiling at me again, I wanted to say something back, but the constant jackhammering from behind left me wincing in discomfort and short of breath.

“Your cheeks are beautiful when they’re so red,” Erik said, “I’d imagine everyone watching you on that camera would say the same thing.”

I just glared at him, my body way too busy absorbing blow after agonizing blow to my crotch to formulate a response.

Erik glanced up at Kyle then back down at me, “Keep eye contact now, he’s getting close.” He warned me, “I want to see your face when he finishes.”

“Fuck… you!” I managed to blurt about between gasps through my clenched teeth. Erik just smiled softly back and pulled the leash tighter. It poked at my skin again, and as he was doing that I felt Kyle’s cock begin to stiffen.

“He’s close isn’t he?” Erik asked, “I know you can feel it. I see it in your face.”Kyle shifted his hand, tightening his grasp on my hips. I became suddenly fearful and extremely self conscious of my expressions.

“Hmm not yet,” Erik observed, “but almost…”

Kyle’s thrusting became more frantic.

“Almost…” Erik observed again, looking me straight in the eyes.

Kyle pressed his hips against me and held them there.

“Uh oh…” Erik observed in amusement.

Kyle let out a soft groan, and I felt his dick jump slightly inside me.

“Oh, was that it?” Erik asked, studying my reaction. He was looking over my face like an art student studying a painting.

I could feel Kyle dick jumping slightly inside of me now. He gave it a couple of small thrusts for good measure, as I kneeled there beneath him, catching it all as it flowed into me. 

“It was, wasn’t it?” Erik laughed. “Well how does it feel?” 

I just glared back at him, but my face must have betrayed me. While I was trying to project a strong appearance, my fear and anxiety were overwhelming.

“That’s what I like to see,” Erik mocked, “that look of loss and hopelessness. It’s intoxicating” Then he looked up at Kyle. “Dude you finish yet? I’m rock hard over here!”

“Man, hang on!” Kyle panted. “It’s still dripping out!”

“Good, hurry up and let me have a turn then!” Erik replied.

Kyle pulled out suddenly, and a cold emptiness rushed inside l to replace him.“Man you never let me linger,” Kyle complained.

“Yeah well, you got to go first!” Erik countered. “That more than makes up for it!”

I had my face on the floor, I felt enraged, embarrassed and afraid. My insides were aching from the rough pounding I’d endured, while I laid there catching my breath. I hadn’t even noticed Erik had moved behind me until I felt a hand on my hip. Then pressure on my folds.

My hard exterior persona cracked, “Please, not again!” I begged, my vulnerability showing through.

Erik just slid inside though, quickly taking Kyle’s place.“Don’t worry beautiful, I’m not like Mr. Jackhammer over there.” Erik teased Kyle.

“Yeah, well at least I’m not afraid to dominate.” Kyle joked back from somewhere across the room.

“Naw, you just don’t know how to please a girl!” Erik shot back. I felt him reach under my body. His fingers probed around a bit, through my outer folds, along my labia, until he found my clit.

Then he started rubbing it, back and forth, moving in a small circle.

It was… arousing.

“Don’t… please stop!” I asked.

“Oh I don’t think so little bitch,” Erik replied, “you’re going to enjoy this whether you want to or not!” With that he gave a slight tug on the leash, seemingly just to remind me he still was in control.

His fingers worked and worked. He rubbed gently, caressing my clit with one hand while he kept the other tight on the leash. He began to rock his hips inside me as well. He adjusted his angle, bit by bit, seemingly just trying to find the right angle to…“Ohhhh!” I gasped, in spite of myself.

“There we go, that’s the noise I was waiting for.” Erik called out with pride. “Let’s keep this going.”

Erik was relentless in his own way. While Kyle was rough and powerful, Erik’s touch was caressing, stimulating, arousing, my body responded in all the ways I wished it wouldn’t. “You like this don’t you?” Erik asked.

“No, please stop.” I replied in a cracked voice.

“You say that, but what does your body say?” Erik teased, “You feel good, don’t you?”

“Shut up!” I gasped back breathlessly in frustration. “Shut up!”

“That wasn’t a no!” Erik laughed, moving his dick with more vigor now, but keeping his pace on my clit the same.

My body felt warm, aroused, and then little by little I felt something welling in me. To my horror an orgasm was building.

“Erik please! Please don’t!” I begged again.

He laughed and kept his rhythm, “Sorry no can do, just try to cum hard. Let it shake your slutty little body. Shake you to your core!”

My small rise of passion was building into a tidal wave. It inched ever closer as I fought against it, I fought myself, but I couldn’t stop it. I was close!

“Cum for me little slut!” Erik whispered, as I felt his dick begin to harden.

“God no!” I begged.

It was too late, my passion grew to a peak, my body shook from pleasure, my pussy pinched down hard on Erik’s cock. Pleasure radiated through my body, as I fully succumbed to Erik’s attempts at pleasuring me.

Then my head was pushed roughly to the ground. Erik growled a deep guttural groan and jammed his hips forward. As I came down slowly from my wave I felt him releasing inside me.

When he was done he simply pulled himself out and reached forward and uncliped the collar on my neck. I groaned and rolled over on my back. The two men were both looking down at me smiling again.

“Yeah, I think she’ll fit in well here.” Erik told Kyle. “Lots of fire, but she purrs like a kitten when you pet her.”

The two men shared a laugh and made their way to the door, not saying another word to me. For my part I was beyond exhausted. My day had started as a simple trip to the market, and now was ending with me lying naked on a hard floor, who knows where, with semen dripping from my battered vagina.

I must have fallen asleep like that because next thing I knew Ellie was helping me up and dragging my aching body back to bed. I was led to the bathroom and then back to the bedroom when I had been chained before, then was left alone. Ellie said little, but gave me a comforting hug as she left.

The room looked more dressed up now. The mattress had sheets and a blanket, and there was a nightstand and dresser. Older, but still tasteful. It looked a bit more inviting now. There was a plate of food by the bedside, which honestly looked delicious, and that wasn’t just my starving body being desperate for food either. There was fish and rice, some vegetables I didn’t recognize. It looked like it had been prepared by a chef with the way it was laid out. It tasted as good as it looked, and I devoured it quickly, along with a bottle of water and a ‘Plan B’ pill Ellie had handed me.

When I finished eating, I laid down on the bed and turned off my light. My frantic mind managed to keep me awake for a while pondering my fate, pondering who else had been watching me on the camera.

Still eventually, inevitably, I drifted away to sleep.


Hi again everyone! 😊

Well part 2 as requested, I hope everyone enjoyed it. As always feel free to share any thoughts you might have. Let me know below if you’d like me to continue writing another chapter for her, or switch to a different story as well!

I hope you all have a safe and sexy day! 😉

Story A: Part 2 of [The Odd One Out!]([https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tsrj8j/the_odd_one_out_mmmf_nc_humiliation_oral/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tsrj8j/the_odd_one_out_mmmf_nc_humiliation_oral/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)). (nc, virginity loss, light BDSM themes)

Story B: Part 2 of [The Beast Within]([https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/u6tsjm/the_beast_within_female_pov_fantasy_nc_werewolf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/u6tsjm/the_beast_within_female_pov_fantasy_nc_werewolf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)). (nc, impregnation, fantasy, werewolf)

Story C: A succubus with a strong sense of morality turns the tables on a serial rapist. (nc, fantasy, f:rape, m:rape)

Story D: Part 3 to this story! (master/slave themes, training, exhibition, public nudity)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ukuf8d/part_2_in_a_flash_female_pov_nc_mmf_imprisonment


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