(MM) Respect Me Pt 1 ( Incest )

” Damien! ” I hate that name.

I got it legally changed years ago. Everyone else respects that but not him. Certainly not the  Incredible Batman . Incredible my ass a hebephrenic ephebophilic sex demon by day; a stalking lunatic in tights by night. Few know him like I do, I wish I wasn’t one of that few.

“Damien” He’s heavy sigh quickens my heartbeat as he bounds up the narrowed oak stairs. Many tricks I have used in the past few years have kept him well within arms length. His tenacity and brutish sexual appetite has just recently finally driven Timmy from the coop. Dick and Jason have been long gone after he torn a gapping hole in them during Christmas three years back.

I manage to escape by my teeth most nights, despite how rarely I dwell here. On that night in particular he threw a raging tantrum after I hadn’t drank from a specific cup. I found it strange how persist he had been. Going as far as baking cookies, which I didn’t even know he knew how to do.

He kept making conversation with me in the kitchen for hours after every other sentence he kept glancing down at my drink. It was difficult not to eat the cookies they were pecan my favorite. Silent fury makes unpleasant things a whole lot more bearable.

After the first hour he was getting agitated, after the second hour he was pissed. There wasn’t going to be a third. Thank God for that, he was two more,  I’m not hungry . From prying it down my throat. I knew he’d be out patrolling for what ever silly little games he set up for politics sooner than later. So I just kept the topic on him until he left.

This wasn’t the first time, he’s tried something like this and that night was enough. I stayed away for a few weeks, the months and it was almost two years. I didn’t plan on coming back under any circumstances. He sent a few messengers to talk some sense into me after the first week. Then he started stalking me, too the point were I had to be inside before noon each day. Finally he threatened to file missing persons.

After I still resisted he agreed to joint therapy sessions twice per week. We reached several more agreements thanks to our counselor. I moved back in part-time a month ago granted as long as he abides by our agreements.

A knock on the door nearly rips away my bladder but I manage. My heart is pounding, furiously I think I may be on the verge of having a heart attack. He knows I’m here. How could he not have known, he boarded up my windows put a bar on the outside for extra measure. Changed the lock on my door to an heavy padlock that seals tight once the door is closed. He claimed it was for security.

Because this is his house legally he can do this, and not be seen a suspicious. I’m far too large to squeeze through the vent. I could break through it but, he’ll only become more aggressive.

He has me and he knows it.

The only options I have left is to hide in my shower and hope he doesn’t look for the obvious. He removed the bathroom lock years ago. I won’t have enough time to get a prayer in or I can solve this head on like our therapist suggested.
The pad keys beep in succession and the door popped open like a ice box.

He’s blue eyes hovered over each corner, he knew better than to expect me to just roll over and take it. He had a small brown leather pouch tied to his thick red silk robe. There’s no doubt in my mind there’s nothing good for me in there.

I held my breath and tightened the grip I had on my bat. It was autographed, by Mike Trout both baseball and bat. Dick had given them to me the year that he had left. He was the only one who remembered my birthday that is until I hit 16 then Bruce suddenly wanted to be more involved. I had known about his little problem for years before I left my moms, it still never quite became so real until the first time he lunged at me.

I was in the kitchen waiting for Alfred to return with the groceries. Bruce was supposed to be patrolling with Timmy, he had been acting more concerned about my day to day than usual. He was hovering longer after short conversation. He was popping in my room after my regular times after the gym. He was trying to get me into swimming at the academy.

Prior to a year ago on my 18 birthday, I hardly affiliated myself with him. If I didn’t live in this mansion you’d think we weren’t associated at all. Yet, that night he stood at the end of the counter just as tall and brutishly as he is now. His eyes locked on mine, glimmering with something I had never seen him possess before. He was hungry, naively I thought we were in the kitchen after all why wouldn’t he be hungry. I mean Why else would anyone be in a kitchen so late in the evening?

He wasn’t fully dressed but, he hardly wore clothes if any regularly. It wasn’t out of the ordinary when he stood there in his matching red briefs. What was out of the ordinary is the way he sauntered side to side seductively as he made is way across the kitchen. My stomach dove for the gutter as I watched the space between us close. My sandwich bread stuck to my palms, I pressed my body against the fridge. His pupils focused like lasers, his smile gleamed off the digital stove counter. I could know longer ignore the curdled feeling in my chest, I was in danger.

” Look at you Damien, such a messy boy. ” He reached out and swiped away some ranch from the corner of my mouth as he stepped past me. Tension released my shoulders as he began to take some tea out of the corner cabinet right next to the fridge. I felt ridiculously foolish, Bruce had never been that way with me before. Although there had been rumors as to why I was created. He had never played into that role before. Frankly he hadn’t played much of any role.

I rolled my shoulders abit in attempt to calm my nerves. Bruce hummed a little under his breath. I reached on top of the fridge to get some new slices of bread for my sandwich. I sit the new slices on the counter next to Bruce’s cup, the tea was still brewing. Still my gut churned just like it is now. Something still felt off. Although Bruce leaned back against the stove handle humming softly as he waited for the tea kettle. He still felt…off.

I didn’t know quite how to pin it. He was making me uneasy somehow. I thought better of getting a drink to go with my sandwich and just thought it was best to get the hell out of there. I picked up my sandwich the bologna covered ranch sticking half off the side, and moved to leave. I felt Bruces eyes follow my steps. I got to the middle of the kitchen a little past the the island but not yet to the door. I turned back to him and asked if he had anything he wanted to say. He shook his head.

His humming ceased, his eyes still gleamed. The hunger did not leave them yet he did not reach for any food. Uneasy I began to move backwards. With each step I took, he thrust forward. Again I asked him if he had anything to say. Again he shook his head. This time a small smirk appeared. He had done this before. It’s no secret I’m about the same age as when he first became involved with the others.

The back of my ankle hit the door my slippers slid a little off my left foot. I wobbled on my right slightly off the balance. In a instant he lunged forward, I jumped to my left like a startled deer, and sprinted. I was much faster than he was he was only human after all. I ran so hard and for so long my lungs burned. I haven’t been this rattled before I forgotten entirely that I could take flight. Shit I even dropped my sandwich. I didn’t stop until I got to Kal. With Alfred out of town he was my only other option.

That night I escaped by hairs. Tonight I can only pray for such a miracle with both of them occupied. This is exactly what he’s been planning for a whole year, watching, waiting for. He’s large torso obscured the little view between the crack of the door. I sucked in my gut as he pushed the door open fully and stalked in. If he looked in the bathroom first I could make a run for it.

He ran his fingers on top of the lumps of my pillows tucked strategically underneath my blankets. Sucked in a hasty breath, his robe fell to the floor. He was stark naked. He’s skin gleamed in the dimly lit hue of the desk lamp. Its like he poured an entire bottle of lube on himself.

My feet began to itch, suddenly he ripped the blanket off the bed. I have two solid inches on his 6 ‘ 2’ frame. Yet, he seemed larger than everything in this tiny room. He chuckled to himself, not in a ha ha sorta way, it was off. He began to hum to himself the same soft upbeat tune he had in the kitchen a while back.

He swayed back in forth one side to another like a slow dance as he surveys the room. Sweat pours down my back. I don’t know how much longer I can hold this pose. Why is he taking so long to go to the bathroom? The room is so small it would be immediately obvious if a another person occupied it. I’m much more muscler than he is, faster, precise, and better in combat. He is only human after all.

Ordinary I’d smack a humans soul from there body like a roach. But, I sworn to Alfred, and my mother I wouldn’t. Kal has this ridiculous idea that you shouldn’t harm your parents no matter what they do. Plus it really isn’t all his fault. It’s hard to keep that in mind when he does things like this I’ve never been a runner. I don’t believe in it. I don’t personally have a problem with getting rid of the issue permanently. Infact it would save a nice lump sum in therapy.

I will definitely be making a case about this very moment in our next session. That stupid humming tune is permanently lodged in my mind. My knees are beginning to shake I’m starting to think he knows I’m back here he’s just drawing it out. Why else hasn’t he checked in the damn bathroom?!

He’s just been sauntering around, not even paying attention to the bathroom door. He stopped humming and ran his fingers along the length of the bed. He patted the mattress, spun 180 and swayed his hips in a rhythmic motion. He gave his manhood a good tug took a long stride forward. He stopped in front of the door way ran the tip of his fingers down the heavy wooden door. He’s directly in front of me.

If I push up against the door I’ll crush him with my weight. If I let him find me Kals gonna crush my balls. If I change shape he’ll still know it’s me. I’ve seen him fuck ghoulish looking creatures, over the years. Once he gets like this…

He shoved his entire hand in his mouth down to the wrist, I nearly gagged. With his free hand he gripped the door knob, and swung the door shut with a force. Here we are face to face, his cloudy blue eyes dead locked on mine. He didn’t waste a moment, he ripped the front of my pants off through the zipper. He gripped my balls through my briefs.

My hips bucked forward in automatic reflux. He threw his arm around my neck and pressed his oily body against mine. He buried his nose into my collarbone and rubbed his slick hand up and down my shaft. I sucked in a breath, frozen.

“Damien I waited for this for sooo long. You don’t understand how hard this has been for me.” His tongue went to work on my neck. His gruff voice fanned my nape. All I can think of is Kal.

“I know you’ll be 20 next week and that was the deal. But I was hoping you would…” I blinked and he was on his knees. My cock was fully exposed in his hand. My head looks like it spouted a leak, you’d think the fact that I haven’t thrown him off my brain spouted one too.

He’s tongue flicked and teased my tip. I know I should do something I can scarcely remember what. My legs twitch as he catches my taint between his teeth and gives it a painfully daunting tug.

He dodged my hand as I reached out to shove his head away. He thrust his entire head down on my cock and groaned like a bitch in heat. I don’t remember when I let go of the bat nor when I took a fist full of his hair but that’s where my hand was when I opened my eyes.

His eyes are dark with mudd. His face was without a drop of my pre-seed, no surprise his tight hot throat feels like it wouldn’t be. His white soft cheekbones and dark hair slick with sweat made it feel all to familiar. His thick torso fed so nicely into his curvaceous ass.

I snatched his head back, kicked the remaining shreds of my pants and briefs away from my ankles. Threw him on the bed, the springs creaked as he bounced back up against the force. His eyes wide as I caught him by the juggler and slammed him down.

Throbbing on the edge I shoved my tongue down his throat, grasping his member in my hand and gave it a tight squeeze. He squealed in my mouth. I pulled back towering over his writhing glistening body.

He is beautiful.

Not as beautiful as my Kal El. I shouldn’t have done this. I shouldn’t have allowed this. Now that it’s happened he will be punished for this just, not tonight.

“You’ve had your fun, got a taste. We have a deal you will respect it or I’ll give you exactly what you need. ” I emptied my load in his chest. His brows furrowed in confusion, his eyes wide only half murky now.

I blow through the wall before I did something that really would’ve gotten me killed. I didn’t know exactly where I was going but, I knew I’d better get my story straight. Just in case I ran into someone exposed like this.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ukrl5x/mm_respect_me_pt_1_incest