[MF] I had sex with my first love for the first time while we were both married

In my first year of uni I met a guy. We hanged out a lot and I genuinely fell in love with him. I did think I was part of a love triangle as he used to hang out with another girl too.

One day he asked me if I liked anyone, I said yes and to tease him, I implied it was someone else. Honestly, it was a stupid game and I got a stupid price. He asked the other girl out the next day and she said yes. I was heartbroken, but thought that maybe I misread the messages

Soon after another guy asked me out. He was madly in love with me. I didn’t really love him. I don’t think I would ever have said yes except I felt so sad and lonely. Honestly he was way below my league and I don’t think I ever loved him as much as I did the first guy.

A year later just before they moved away, we had a coffee. He said he asked me if I liked anyone because he wanted to asked me out. Apparently when I said yes to my current husband a couple of months later, he thought that I never liked him and he misread the signal.

We lost touch and ended up marrying our partners. Years later ran into each other at a week long conference. We were going out for dinner every day, flirting and effectively dating. A few people thought we were a couple. We ended up sleeping together for the first time. I don’t know if it was the emotions, but I actually cried. We tried to not meet each other for the next 4 days, but ended up having sex every night.

We are back from the conference and I’m questioning my entire life. I don’t think he would ever leave his wife. But I now all I want is to get fucked by him.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ukv9z5/mf_i_had_sex_with_my_first_love_for_the_first


  1. Great story Claire…heartbreaking. Imma go fap to the hot sex every night part tho

  2. I never understood how ppl have sex with other while they are married. Like do they not feel the guilt

  3. The reason you aren’t together now is the same reason you have no real future with him. Yes, fool around all you want. You might have an affair for months. But he’s not a long term guy for you.

  4. >Soon after another guy asked me out. He was madly in love with me. I didn’t really love him. I don’t think I would ever have said yes except I felt so sad and lonely. Honestly he was way below my league and I don’t think I ever loved him as much as I did the first guy.


  5. If you are ready to leave your husband, ask him if he would leave his wife. It is not too late to be together.

  6. On the chance that this is actually true, you need to divorce immediately. Your husband deserves so much better than to be married to a woman who never loved him, cheats on him, and still thinks he’s beneath her.

  7. Touching.
    I have a similar story. Childhood sweetheart and I got together after both our marriages had ended, and had sex for the first time. We had to break it off for sad reasons I shall not go into.
    My penneth echos PollinatorBee: if you’re both serious leave your spouses and be happy together. Otherwise keep away from each other.

  8. First off… It’s a hot story.
    I was hoping the end would be “it was a hot way to get clarity that we did like each other and closure by getting it out of our systems” but it’s hot regardless.

    So second… I hope by “wanting to fuck him” that it is shallow and physical. Appreciate it. Have closure… So you can go home and appreciate that also.

  9. I guess the love you had for your husband just wasn’t to keep you loyal or you never did. I feel bad for both your spouses. The fact you want him to leave his wife shows where your moral compass is. Get counseling and attempt to save your marriage of get a divorce. Try not to hurt them any more.

  10. You are a pos
    You played games and friend zoned the first guy then you cheated on your husband
    Whore of Babylon

  11. Your’s is a bit sad, kind of touching story, told simply. Assuming it’s true – good luck figuring things out!

    On the other subject, I don’t get it. There seem to be people that come to read stories just to give their moral dump on the writer. If you know from the title it’s infidelity, then don’t read it, just go away!

    And, if there’s more … !updateme

  12. You really fucked up there. Sorry to hear about the mistakes you have made.

  13. Neither of you misread signals when you were in college… the thing is that he tried to approach it and you gave him wrong information.
    But now you can’t base everything on the sex. Also people can be great for a short time or period before showing themselves.
    Look at it this way, you could’ve gotten married to him and be the one he’s been cheating on. Lol
    Curious to know how many years had passed since you all were in college?

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