Apartment 303 – Chapter 17: It Can Wait [MF]

*Author’s Note: Another weekend, another round of erotic experiences. What will the next week bring? Visit* r/KellyBoomErotica *for previous chapters and other smut. We’re nearing the end, or should I say climax. So enjoy and DMmeYOURpussies and your DM me your climaxes!*

**- Chapter 17: It Can Wait -**

*How did this happen again?* For the third Sunday night in a row I lay in bed pondering how I’d fooled around with all three of my roommates. *I’m in some weird game that repeats every week.* I wasn’t spiraling like I had the night before – *Maybe cumming four times in two days with four different women shut off my brain’s panic button?* – but I was very perplexed. Spending the day with Charlie only amplified my confusion.

After Charlie’s stunt in the shop we returned to normal like I hadn’t just cum on her face in front of a stranger. We weren’t awkward in the slightest though. We hung out, listened to records, and chatted about which band we wanted to see in concert. We shared a love of live music and agreed to go together to see the *Battles* concert in December. The hours slid by, only a few more customers came into the shop. After Charlie locked up we strolled through the University District, stopping for some dumplings along our way home. We talked about our childhoods, where we grew up, and about our families. She was from the Midwest, but our childhoods were similar. We both came from small towns where everyone knows everyone, and your friends are your friends because they’re the only people your age, not because of shared interests. That’s why we both escaped into books. Charlie’s writing was incredible, so I wasn’t surprised when she told me she’d earned a full academic scholarship. Leaving her family was tough, but following her passion to be an author was a dream come true. We didn’t get home until after dark. Charlie thanked me for a lovely day, kissed me on the cheek, and excused herself to jump in the shower.

I was too spent to rack my brain for a solution to my roommate situation and too tired to read, so I opened my laptop and turned on Netflix. Like some cruel joke the universe was playing on me, two movie titles were right there at the top of the webpage; *Friends With Benefits* and *No Strings Attached*. I hadn’t seen either, but I figured I knew how they both ended – the beautiful people on the poster end up in love. *Where’s the movie with four beautiful people on the cover?* As usual, I turned on an episode of *The Office* and was happily swept up in another of Michael Scott’s misadventures.

The beginning of the week progressed much the same as the previous week. Classes were engaging, more homework due by the end of the week, and brief encounters with my roommates. Charlie and Jamie were pleasant, friendly, and acted like any normal roommate. Tracy, however, was tense and awkward when we chatted before leaving the apartment on Tuesday morning. So, I woke up early Wednesday morning and was ready to go in my gym clothes when Tracy came out of her room for her morning run.

She was slightly startled at first sight, but smiled and asked, “You joining me today?”

“If you don’t mind,” I replied with a smile.

“Of course not. Glad to have a buddy today.”

We made our way to street level before I asked, “You hear about the internship yet?”

Tracy jumped, threw her fist into the air, and yelled “I got it!”

“Really! Congrats Tracy!”

“The confirmation email was in my inbox this morning.” She leaped again, this time doing a 360, “Yeeeeee!”

As we jogged along Tracy excitedly detailed the information provided in the email, including bios of the other interns. Before long I was breathing hard and told Tracy to run ahead. She agreed as long as we met up at the top of the mosaic stairs. I reluctantly agreed even though I wanted to turn back home before those fucking stairs.

Tracy was stretching when I finally climbed the final step. I could barely breathe but managed to return her highfive. I went to sit down on the ground, but Tracy demanded, “Stand up. Hands on hips. Open up those lungs.” I scowled at her but did as ordered. “So, I think we should have a party to celebrate me,” she said with a self satisfying grin. I nodded my agreement through ragged breaths. “Saturday night. That cool with you?”

Ten to fifteen seconds later I finally answered verbally, “Saturday’s good. I’ll invite my buddy Antonio.”

Tracy frowned, “Well, I was thinking it’d just be us roomies.”

*Shit, that’ll be awkward*. “Four people is hardly a party.”

She rolled her eyes, “Ok, a roommate pregame party then. We can go out dancing after, but I want to celebrate with only you and the ladies first.”

I began to panic at the idea of drinking and dancing with all three roommates in one place. *Now’s the time, just confess everything*. I knew with absolute certainty that one way or another everyone would learn the truth on Saturday if I didn’t confess beforehand. Doing it one-on-one would be better than everything exploding all at once. I took a deep breath, locked eyes with Tracy, and began, “Tracy, I have to tell you something.”

Tracy’s expression shifted to one of concerned understanding and she spoke before I could continue, “About last weekend.” I opened my mouth to say that wasn’t it but she continued, “We were caught up in the moment. I like you Kelly and I’ve enjoyed our times together. *Really* enjoyed them.” I tried to intercede again, but again Tracy continued, “But let’s not make a big deal about it and just agree to be friends.”

I wasn’t sure if she was breaking up with me or what, but I still wanted to tell her. “I’ve enjoyed it too, but it’s not about last weekend… Well, not exactly.” I shuffled my feet, getting up the courage to confess, but Tracy cut me off again.

“Listen, Kelly… I’m on top of the world today. Please don’t bring me down.” I was slightly shocked at her selfishness. “I don’t care if you met someone, want to end it with me, or whatever. But whatever it is, it can wait until Sunday. Right?” she prodded.

Dejected, I stepped back and begrudgingly agreed, “Fine Tracy. It can wait.”

She gazed at me sympathetically, which only added to my vitriol, and said, “Thanks Kelly. I just want to finish this week on cloud nine before life gets complicated again.” I forced myself to nod in understanding. “I’m going to run more. See you back at the house,” she stated, not asked.

By the time I got back to the apartment my anger had receded. I recognized where Tracy was coming from. She had just received life changing news and wanted to bask in it. It wasn’t like we were a couple, but I knew she intuited that I was going to end things. I also recognized that I was being pretty selfish. *Let her enjoy these next few days*.

Throughout the rest of the day I questioned whether or not to confess to Jamie, or Charlie, or both before Saturday. I resigned to keep my secrets until Sunday, if everything wasn’t revealed Saturday night in a drunken clusterfuck. I assumed one of the ladies wouldn’t try anything sexual while the others were around. Although, I had my doubts about Charlie.

Thankfully, I had plenty of assignments to complete by Friday to keep me distracted. Charlie, Jamie and I had a quick breakfast together Thursday morning. Everything was normal, no flirting from either of them, or myself. We chatted about schoolwork – everyone had assignments due Friday – and how we were looking forward to letting loose on Saturday. Antonio and I had a group presentation, so we worked late into the evening on Thursday. I went to the gym early on Friday, and avoided seeing any of the ladies before I left.

To my delight no one was home Friday evening. Antonio and I had gone out for a beer to celebrate our successful presentation, but we were both wiped out and parted ways around six. Being home alone meant I didn’t have to question my own decision to keep quiet until Sunday, I could eat my burrito in peace while watching *The Office*, and – as weird as it sounds – didn’t have to suck or be sucked, or rub or be rubbed, or cum on or get cummed on. My sexual adventures over the past month were unquestionably fantastic. Mind blowing. Life changing. But I was tired… Tired of secrets. Tired of pondering what was right and what was wrong. I had no idea what my life would look like come Monday, but I was ready to move past whatever the last month was.

Belly full of burrito, body washed from the day, clean linens on the bed, I gladly slipped between my sheets around nine. *Bed by 9pm on a Friday… Party animal*, I jokingly chided myself. Just when I’d opened my book my phone buzzed. Picking it up and seeing the WhatsApp icon sparked a combination of annoyance and arousal. My evening had been pleasantly devoid of roommates, but maybe Jamie sent me a picture of her delicious pussy. The message however wasn’t from the *For Daddy* chat thread, but from a new thread titled, *Apartment 303*.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/uld519/apartment_303_chapter_17_it_can_wait_mf